📺视频-Steppenwolf | Animal; Royal Edition
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什么是真正的自由?什么是解放? 超越生存的基本需求之上的灵性问询又是什么? 这就是灵性文化的特点 荒原狼|尊贵版的动物 韦丹塔哲学里 athato—现在你已经获得了人类生命,去开始问询什么是梵 这是起点,就“现在” 一些评论家解释说,那意思是 “是,你现在获得了人类生命,理应恰当使用” 苏格拉底曾说到 “没有自省的人生是无意义的” 几千年前苏格拉底就发表了这个观点 “没有自省的人生是无意义的” 意思是“atma-samiksha”,自我分析试着去认识我是谁?我从哪里来?我的目的是什么? 当然也有人说,“有些人对这些都不感兴趣 不会问自己是谁,从哪来,目的是什么 就在意繁殖后代养家糊口” 嗯...好吧 跟动物一样? 他们不会也无法进行自我问询 只会繁殖养家 帕布帕德一次说起卡利年代的人类 “人类是尊贵版的动物。” 二十世纪还有位出名的艺术家 说不定你在网上看过他的画画里狗们在玩扑克 他们都是犬类,不过西装革履的在抽烟打牌 之前就有人有这样的观点 并不是一群激进分子的偏激看法 去读黑塞的小说《荒原狼》吧 荒原狼-哈勒尔去参加一个讲座 在场的听众们都赞不绝口 我不记得书里是否提及讲座的主题 主人公在记录荒原狼-哈勒尔 他说 讲座当时可能在谈论宇宙 无所谓主题是什么了 大概是十九世纪最新的理论 他说,“荒原狼望了我一眼回过头盯着我。” 他说,“在他的目光里" 我现在转述他的话,他说 "歼灭了所有的现代文明。” 在对我说, “看看我们怎样都变成了猴子” 这是100年前赫尔曼·黑塞写的小说 索尔仁尼琴的名言说, “自我克制,怡然自若” 他说,“你有自由” 当他到了美国后 受邀在哈佛大学演讲 学生们以为 "现在 亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴会讲述 美国是个多么精彩的国家。” 他说,“我绝不会推荐苏联的事迹 而你们在这里的所作所为 并没有维护到人类的尊严 他说,“你有权表达一切 但你却放弃了这个权利你的大脑和灵魂不是用来 塞满胡言乱语和八卦流言 世俗琐事及无用的信息 你已经弃权了灵魂的权利 还打着自由言论的旗号。” 之后,很多人发表评论 称他的演讲为《割裂的世界》 一篇严厉斥责西方文明的檄文 当时有人问甘地, “大师,你是怎么看待西方文明的?” 他说,“要是有文明就好了。” 陀思妥耶夫斯基在《地下室手记》 中开篇 “我是一个有病的人,我是一个满怀恶意的人, 我是一个丑陋的人。” 就是这种情况那他为何会被赞赏?因为他的诚实之言 他说了什么? "我很好奇为什么我前一秒可以举杯庆祝 为最高真理喝彩 为最高灵性致敬 而下一秒我却陷入最低级污秽的烂泥里” 他是诚实的人 直面现状,毫不遮掩 直言不讳 你会问,“那是什么意思?” 这是赤裸裸的真相,诚言相告 我们被教导不要去说苦口的箴言 我总是办不到 但有时他们说,“sadhu圣人能用犀利的刀锋之言一语中的” 医生切除癌症时用的是解剖刀 他很残酷吗? 还是说他是你真正的朋友? 他在移除癌 就是这样 如果有人能够春风化雨般地 以最少的疼痛进行 那更好
What is real freedom, what is liberation, what is that, the spiritual inquiry beyond the base necessities of existence? That’s actually the hallmark of spiritual culture. [Steppenwolf | Animal; Royal Edition] So Vedanta says, athāto brahma jijñāsā athāto—now that you’ve achieved human life, inquire about brāhmaṇ.That’s where it begins, that’s why it starts with word ‘now’. Some commentators explained, “It means, yes, now that you’ve achieved human life, this is what it’s meant for.” What did Socrates say, whom we mentioned earlier? “The unexamined life is not a life worth living.” That’s Socrates’s opinion, expressed so long ago, thousands years ago.“An unexamined life is not a life worth living.” Meaning ‘ātma-samīkṣa’, self-analysis— to try and understand who I am, where have I come from, what is my purpose. And they say, “Well, what if someone is not interested in who they are, where they’ve come from, what their purpose is, but they are just basically interested in reproduction and family maintenance?” Hm … Okay … [Laughing] You mean like an animal? Who doesn’t … who has no capacity for self-inquiry, can reproduce and maintain their family.So Prabhupād said in one place about human beings in kali-yuga, “Man is a royal edition of the animal.” And there is one famous artist in the 20th century, he used to … You’ve probably seen these pictures somewhere on the network, like dogs playing poker. They’re all dogs in suits, smoking cigars, playing cards.I am not the first person to make these observations. And it’s not just, “Oh, a bunch of fanatical people of this opinion.” Read “Steppenwolf” by Hermann Hesse. The Steppenwolf, Harry Haller, goes to attend a lecture and everyone is there, and they are very impressed with the man. I forget if he even mentions what the subject is.And the host, who is writing about the Steppenwolf, he says, the lecturer said, maybe he’s talking about the Universe, the stars … whatever it was, it doesn’t even matter. It was the 19th century … Whatever the latest theory was. And he said, “The Steppenwolf shot me a look, turned, looked at me.” And he said, “And in that look he”, I am paraphrasing now, “annihilated all of modern civilization.And it said to me, ‘Look at what monkeys we’ve become.’” Written by Hermann Hesse a 100 years ago. Solzhenitsyn, “Serene voluntary self-restraint.” He said, “You have the freedom …” When he came to America, and they invited him to give the Harvard address to the students, and they thought, “Oh, now Alexander, Sasha, will tell everyone how wonderful the United States is.” And he said, “Well, I could never recommend what’s going on in the Soviet Union, what you’ve got going on here is less than something for the dignity of man.” And he said, “You have the right to express anything and everything, but you’ve given up the right NOT to have your mind and soul stuffed with nonsense, with gossip, with mundane, useless trivia, and information.That you’ve given up in the name of freely expressing anything and everything.” So, many have made (what they called his address, “A world split apart”) a scathing indictment of Western civilization. What did Gandhi say, when they said, “Mahatmaji, what do you think about Western civilization?” He said, “I think it would be a good idea.” [Laughing] How does Dostoevsky begin “Notes From the Underground”? “I am an ugly man. I am an unhappy man. I am a sick man.” That’s the state of affairs. Why is he appreciated? For his honesty. What does he say? “I would wonder how it is— I could in one moment be raising a glass, a toast to the Truth, the highest, the best, the spiritual, and in the next moment capable of sinking into the lowest slime.” He’s an honest man. Telling the situation, not trying to hide it. You have to call a spade a spade. And I know, you’re going, “What does that mean?” [Laughing] Means being naked truth, be honest. We’re told, don’t speak a truth that’s unpalatable. I have a problem with that from time to time. But sometimes they say, “Sadhu means one, who cuts sharply with unpleasant language.” The doctor, who removes the cancer does it with a scalpel. Is he cruel? Or is he your real friend? He’s removing the cancer. And this is how you do it. If somebody can do it in a sweet way, with the least amount of pain— all the better.