视频-Advertising | Humanistic Slogans
📺视频-Advertising | Humanistic Slogans
视频|2024-9-9|Last edited: 2024-9-15
Highlights 广告常常通过陈词滥调来表达自我,但真正的艺术声音却被淹没。 许多艺术工作者意识到他们的表达实际上是对他人观点的重复。 剧作家阿瑟·米勒指出,现代人对现实的认知主要来源于广告。 广告中的人本主义理念将人置于中心,忽视了更高的存在。 这种人本主义被视为对启蒙思想的偏离,强调“没有神,你就是神”的观点。 Keywords

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什么是真的,什么是假的 什么又是自我表达 广告|人本主义的口号 就算世俗意义上 那些艺术家们,作家、音乐人、不同类型的艺术工作者 都主张在一层层的陈词滥调 和老套的艺术表达中 发出自己的声音 他们说,“尝试找出你的腔调。” 他们自己也明白,就像《影响的解剖》书里说的 你是如何被别人影响 被前人的思想观点影响 所以他们说,要找到你“真正的”艺术声音 那些你自己的表达 他们都承认 大部分人表达的 都只是拾人牙慧
有次Guru Maharaj说,关于Saraswati Thakur 他欣赏他的一点是 他并不是反刍别人的话 因为大部人真的只是重复他们听来的东西 从哪儿听来的? 著名剧作家阿瑟·米勒 那时候剧作家可是重要人物 1940年50年那会 尤其是美国人和欧洲人 都将剧本当成生活的解读 重大事情的解读 他们认为剧本里呈现出了重要的问题 那些关于生命和存在,以及该如何继续 因此,剧作家的地位就像"kavi" 梵文里的诗人,解读真理的人在他写的著名的《推销员之死》里 这出剧一直在上演,但他们几年前采访他 现在这种艺术形式基本消失了 所以他毋庸置疑地被推崇为20世纪最伟大的剧作家之一 他们问,“对这一切,您有什么评论吗?” 他很简单明白地回答 “现在,大多数人对现实本真的认识 对生命和存在的理解都是来自于广告。” 他说,“大家就是从那里获得的认知” 大家看了广告,什么样的广告? 基本上都是推崇人本主义 李维斯,“释放真我,势不可挡”,人本之诗耐克“放手去干!” ,欧莱雅“你值得拥有” 都是宣扬人本主义 这基本上将神的概念 神的事情推出画外 将人当成万物一切的中心 就像俄罗斯作家索尔仁尼琴指出“人,尽管缺陷重重 却将自己当成一切万物价值的衡量标准。” 这就是人本主义 他说这是“对启蒙的灾难性偏离” 对那些启蒙思想家们 很讽刺 这种深重的黑暗却被称为启蒙 “没有神,不需要神。你就是神”
What’s real and what’s not real about all these things and self-expression? [Advertising | Humanistic Slogans] Even in a secular sense, artists, writers, musicians, different types of artists, they talk about finding their own voice under the layers and layers of cliché, of clichéd artistic expression. They talk about “trying to find your own voice”.Even they know, they’ve written books: “The Anatomy of Influence”, how you’re under the influence of those, who thought and expressed ideas before you. So they’re talking about how to find your “true” artistic voice, you know, your self-expression. So even they recognise that; they know, for the most part, what people express is just their regurgitating what they’ve heard from others.As Guru Mahārāj once said, what he liked about Saraswati Ṭhākur, one of the things he liked about him, he was not vomiting what he heard from others. So, for the most part, people are just vomiting what they’ve heard. And where do they hear it? A famous playwright, Arthur Miller, when playwrights were important people— it was around the 1940s, 50’s, when Americans and Europeans, particularly, looked to playwrights as the interpreters of life, what’s important, and such things as that, and they would think that they present in their plays the big questions,the things we should understand about life and existence and how to proceed, so really they occupied the position of, like, the ‘kavi’, the poet in the Sanskrit sense, the interpreters of reality. But this man, he wrote his famous play, “Death of a Salesman”, and they keep running it, but they interviewed him a few years back because now this art form is virtually vanished.So they’re thinking he’s arguably one of the greatest playwrights of the 20th century, and “what do you have to say, sir, about it all?” And he said, quite simply and frankly, he said, “Today, most people get their concepts about reality, or life, or existence, from advertising.” He said, “That's where they get their ideas.” So we see, people see ads, and what are the ads? Basically, they’re humanistic sloganeering. Levi’s “Go forth!”, “You are you!”, “Go forth!”… Humanistic poetry. Nike’s “Just do it!”, L’Oreal’s “I’m worth it!” It’s all humanism; they’re humanistic slogans that basically have pushed the notion, the concept, the idea of God out of the picture and put man as the centre and measure of all things.As Solzhenitsyn pointed out, “Man, with all of his innumerable defects, he’ll be the measure of the value of all things.” That’s humanism in a nutshell. He calls it “the disastrous deviation of the Enlightenment”, of Enlightenment thinkers. So that’s the irony, that this sort of dense darkness is being called Enlightenment: “There is no God. There’s no need for God. You are God.”

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