视频-"Why Am I Suffering?"
📺视频-"Why Am I Suffering?"




  • 🧠 自我理解: 适当的自我评估来源于心理观察。
  • 🏥 精神病院比喻: 迷失的身份展示了在真正自我觉察中的挣扎。
  • 🎭 身份的面具: 社会标签创造了遮蔽我们真实自我的层次。
  • 📉 弗洛伊德的观点: 精神分析旨在将神经症痛苦转变为普通痛苦。
  • 🌌 永恒身份: 真实的自我是神圣爱的永恒仆人,不受暂时环境的定义。
  • 💔 与克里希纳的分离: 痛苦的根源在于忘记和与神圣的分离。
  • 🕊️ 记忆作为解决方案: 缓解痛苦的关键在于记住我们真实的本质和与克里希纳的连接。


  • 🧠 身份的本质: 身份常常被社会标签和个人迷思所蒙蔽。理解我们真正的自我对克服痛苦至关重要。
  • 🏥 心理学观察: 来自心理学的洞察,如弗洛伊德的理论,揭示了我们痛苦的许多部分是自我施加的,强调了自我觉察的必要性。
  • 🎭 我们戴的面具: 我们常常将真实的自我隐藏在各种身份和偏见背后,就像演员在舞台上戴着面具,遮蔽了我们的真实本质。
  • 🌌 永恒的仆役: 认识到我们作为神圣仆人的永恒本质,可以提供对我们目的的深刻理解,并减轻痛苦的感觉。
  • 💔 痛苦的根源: 根本问题在于我们与神圣爱的分离,这可能导致空虚感。
  • 🕊️ 记忆作为补救: 培养对我们真实身份和与神圣连接的有意识记忆对在痛苦中找到平静和喜悦至关重要。

🤗 视频

政策在谈到地震、海啸、飓风、龙卷风时,英文里称之为“天灾”,就是写着“天灾不在保障范围内”,也就是说如果是上帝在做的事情,我们就不赔偿。有人想得还真不错。所以人们常常会问,"我是谁?我为什么要遭受这些?" 如果我不知道这些,那我就会被打得太惨,那我怎么知道什么对我好,什么对我不好?我的标准是什么?我的参考点在哪里?
to have a proper estimation of the self where is that going to come from the observations of you know psychologists yeah and the temporary reality sometimes really girl Mars gives the example of the insane asylum crazy house so the people in there they're under so many assumed identities and maybe the doctors are even talking to them in terms of those identities Napoleon meet Lenin right no no Polian and Lenin are having a conversation all right one man thinks he's Napoleon another round thinks he'sLenin they're conscious they're conscious beings conscious of themselves and this is they've concluded this is their identity and we'll say from our position or from the so called same position oh they're deluded they're under some grand illusion thinking they're these historical personalities they have where does the other expect you know God illusions of grandeur mania they're suffering from mania they're thinking that there's someone there not that's clear from athird-party observation that's relatively based on sanity so the patient the doctors try and deal with them in such a way is to gradually bring them out of this sort of illusion toward their actual identity some brahmanda Brahmi taken about yuan ji guru Krishna Prasad a paya bhakti-lata-bija so authorized agents of the absolute are moving in the world of illusion and the plane of exploitation but not as deluded exploiting agents but as agents of divine revelation saint-gervais is 4pi Christianity das we're and Sanatan Goswami personifyingthe condition the the mentality of what might be expressed by a conditioned soul he says the Mohave kme kenny are my jaw rita petroi hija nahi Johnny come on a hit ahoy Who am I and why am i suffering top tapa Troy the threefold miseries of material existence adi Dave Akari boudic idiotic on top Troy meets three different types groups of suffering you know divisions aadhyatma car self induced suffering freud you know the so-called father of psychoanalysis he said what is the purpose of psychoanalysis to convert neuroticsuffering into ordinary suffering he didn't say to be happy he didn't say enjoyment no he didn't say that he said the purpose is to convert neurotic suffering obsessive compulsive neurotic suffering to convert that into normal suffering like everybody else that's his optimistic scenario I doubt Mika self-induced suffering Adi Devika over adi boutique are suffering from other living entities mosquitoes this not the other thing could be other people mosquito like people Adi Devi car the gods or an insurancepolicies when they talk about earthquake tsunami hurricane tornado they're called acts of God in English that's what they write acts of God like saying we don't cover acts of God if God's doing it you know we don't cover that someone was pretty smart about that so sin often goes sign say says Who am I and why am i suffering from these things and if I don't know this then come on I get hit too high then how can I know what's good for me and what's not good for me what would bemy criterion what's the reference point so I've got to establish this first Who am I and why am i suffering like this and mahaprabhu's answer it sounds simple but it's profound G vase for oh boy you're real Swarup not your temporary identity and karmic circumstance not the identity of acquired prejudice not your your latest evolved life form right not your latest incarnation your your temporary identity and the temporary world not that your Swarup who you really are underneath all the layers ofacquired prejudice and false ego and karmic dress your actual identity with all the masks are removed I can Greek Theater you know they're what they call persona and they have you put on a mask happy mask sad mask so they show those masse sometimes it's representations of theatrical performance I think so what is my identity underneath the mask the karmically acquired masks of acquired prejudice and expressed in the karmic dress of my present life form body Who am I by Krishna and knitted us you're theeternal servant of the all loving all beautiful all ecstatic personality of Godhead I'd satchitananda vigraha like Krishna then why am i suffering like this if my position is then the perp not in the temporary world and the permanent world as an eternal ecstatic servitor that the life of love with Krishna and his entourage what am I doing here Vinod Bali Hai hi hari das re nahi by expressed by box of you know even the nose hi hi oh what is the horrible situation I'm n I'm Hari das on the eternal servant of Hari Krishna andKrishna's nowhere to be found [Music] party nahi pi I'm not getting any Krishna here who is Krishna ecstasy personified Beauty personified love personified affection person I'm not getting that I'm searching for that I want that I'm not getting it and the devotee who realised that the root cause of all my suffering is separation from Krishna forgetfulness of Krishna and separation from Krishna the solution is remembrance

🔗 引用

视频-Nothing Extra | Inner Culture视频-Mysterious Indicator of Krishna Conception