📺视频-60s, 70s, 80s | Diminishing Expectations
自我反思, 理想主义, 物质主义, 谦逊, 自我评估
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已经找到敌人了,那就是我们自己 六零七零八零|渐逝的期待 傲慢 不知谦卑 不愿承认自己的局限性 缺点以及资质欠缺 Dainya, ātma-nivedana, goptṛtve varaṇa Bhaktivinod首先就列出"dainya(谦卑)" 你必须诚实地承认自己无助无望 这就是你目前的状况 人类生命的状况 你不仅无法帮助别人,甚至不能帮助自己 如同Johnny Mitchell曾回忆60年代 她说,“到了六十年代末 我们意识到我们无法拯救世界。” 她说的是理想主义者 “到了70年代末,我们意识到甚至不能拯救自己"到了80年代",她揶揄玩笑地说 "我们决定还是就赚钱吧。" 奥斯卡·王尔德说 “年轻的时候我以为钱就是一切 现在老了才知道,确实如此” 这种是愤世嫉俗 对物质主义健康的质疑 与完全愤世嫉俗之间有清晰的界限 "dainya(谦卑)",Bhaktivinod告诫我们不要愤世嫉俗 别太刻薄惹人厌 老是处处找茬 他不赞成这些性格 他说要自我分析 就像Gurudev说的 "我的宗教是自我检讨" 检视自己,而非逃避自我 或者变成个心理邪恶的人 而是诚实地评估自己并承认,"确实,一定程度上讲我无助又无望" 人道主义想激发竞争性的武断小我 把自己当成绝对中心 并不断扩展自己侵略的领地 就像奥斯曼狄斯或者钢铁侠 自私自利—你并不欠任何人任何事 你是第一名,你是个爷们,你是一切 为什么?因为我值得 所有这些都是人道主义的口号 而Guru Maharaj会说 “没有古茹的仁慈,我们就是无生命的粘土” (梵语) jogyata—资格 jogyata-vichare—如果去分析查看我的资质kichu nahi pai—我一无所是 而一些人会鼓动你说 “别太自责,你要相信自己 自爱是最伟大的爱” 可怜的惠特妮·休斯顿这样唱到 又一个愚蠢空虚的人道主义口号 不是...要诚实地评估自己 就像运动员得清楚自己弱点在哪 哪里需要改进,这样才能进步 他们要是想进步该怎么做呢? 与比他们优秀的人比试 不是跟手下败将一起训练 他们想跟尚未击败的人一起 那会让你跃上一层楼 Ajita,指无法战胜的不可击败的 一个人如能真实评估自己就像一块铁,它可能对炼金石感兴趣 这块魔法石,cintamani, sparsamani 能将铁变成金子 而银子可能觉得没这么大必要变成金子 “我是银子,我挺好,快快乐乐地当个银子” 那些更清晰地看到自己,而不是不现实地 他们自尊心很低,自责不已 这不是我们赞同的 要真实地评估自己
We have met the enemy and the enemy is us: [60s, 70s, 80s | Diminishing Expectations] arrogance, lack of humility, unwillingness to recognize your limitations, shortcomings, lack of qualification. Dainya, ātma-nivedana, goptṛtve varaṇa. So sometimes Bhakti Vinod lists first dainya. That you have to honestly admit the hopelessness and helplessness of your situation of life, of human life.Not only can you not help others, you cannot help yourself. As Joni Mitchell once said on the 60s retrospective, she said, “By the end of the 60s we realised we couldn’t save the world.” She is talking about idealists. She said, “By the end of the 70s we realised we couldn’t save ourselves. So in the 80s”, she said sarcastically, facetiously, “we just decided to make money.” Oscar Wilde said, “When I was younger, I used to think money was everything. Now that I am older, I know it’s everything.” So, this type of cynicism. There is a fine line between a healthy scepticism about materialism and just being out and out cynical. Dainya … Bhakti Vinod is telling not becoming cynical, mean, nasty … always finding fault with everyone and everything.That’s not what he is talking about. He is talking about self-analysis. As Gurudev said, “My religion is finding fault with myself”, looking in yourself, and it’s not a cop-out or the … a sign of a weak mind, a weak-willed individual. To do an honest assessment of yourself and say, “Yes, I am, in a sense, hopeless, helpless.” Humanism tries to awaken a competitive ego assertion, where you can envision yourself as an absolute center and try to extend the circumference or the range of your exploitative capacity like Ozymandias or Iron Man. Selfishness—you don’t owe anything anyone, you know, you’re number one, you’re the man, the whole thing … And why? Because I am worth it … That, all of that— humanistic sloganeering.Whereas Guru Mahārāj would say, “Without the grace of Śrī Guru we are lifeless clay.” jogyatā-vichāre, kichu nāhi pāi Jogyatā means ‘qualification’. Jogyatā-vichāre—if you consider, if you analyse, what are my qualifications kichu nāhi pāi— nothing, not even a little bit. See? That person would say, “Oh, don’t beat yourself up … You’ve got to believe in you, learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all ...” Poor Whitney.Another humanistic empty, vapid humanistic slogan. No … The person who realizes their … does an honest assessment. Just like an athlete would of where your weak points are, where you need improvement, they get better. What does the athlete, who wants to improve, do? Play with people who are better than them.Not with whom they can defeat, they want to play with someone they can’t defeat. That makes you better. Ajita means ‘undefeatable’, ‘unconquerable’. So the person who makes a realistic assessment of themselves, say, like iron, they can be interested in the philosopher’s stone, the cintamani, the sparsamani that converts iron into gold.Silver may not feel the necessity for gold so much. —“I’m silver, I’m ok, happy being silver.” But who has a more real … not an unrealistic, they have low self‒esteem, they are just beating themselves up, that is not what we are talking about. A realistic assessment.