📺视频-Beauty Will Save the World
- 🎨 艺术的价值: 索尔仁尼琴强调艺术的重要性超越了单纯的娱乐。
- 📚 哲学与技术的争论: 关于哲学在教育中实际价值的辩论。
- 🧭 陀思妥耶夫斯基的洞察: “美将拯救世界”这一神秘的短语引发深入思考。
- 🐍 美的运动: 美是复杂且非线性的,类似于蛇的曲折运动。
- ⚖️ 真理与正义: 这些概念更为线性,与美的不可预测性形成对比。
- 🌟 终极现实: 终极真理与美、魅力和甜美交织在一起。
- 💖 现实的美丽: 绝对真理本质上是美的,并服务于更高的目的。
- 🎭 艺术的深远影响: 艺术和文学在解决存在问题上占有重要地位,使人类体验超越单纯的功能性。
- ⚙️ 哲学的角色: 尽管常被视为不切实际,哲学在面对生命的终极问题(如死亡)时显得至关重要。
- 🤔 陀思妥耶夫斯基的遗产: 美具有转变和拯救人类的力量,鼓励人们更深刻地欣赏艺术表达。
- 🌈 美的复杂性: 美和谐多样元素,揭示出真正的美常常蕴含在意外之中,超越常规规范。
- 📈 概念的非线性: 与真理和正义的直截了当不同,美体现了复杂性,暗示着进步可能在意想不到的方式中发生。
- 🌌 吉祥与真理: 对真理的追求也必须涵盖美与善,表明真正的理解是整体性的。
- 🌺 美的绝对: 终极现实不仅是真实的,还散发出美,强化了存在的本质固有的魅力与甜美的观念。
🤗 视频
最终的呈现是美丽的。这意味着要调和不同或各种元素。想想看……但真理和正义的方式更线性。不过美是流动的,Rūpa Goswāmī说,像蛇的运动一样。蛇的运动总体上是向前的,但它们是蜿蜒曲折的。不过整体效果是向前的。克里希纳的 pastime 就是这样的。克里希纳的美也是这样的。
We find, when Gopa Kumar arrives in Goloka Vṛndāvan, his first day in the spiritual world, [Day One | Spiritual World] it’s pretty amazing. And he arrives there after going through all the fourteen varieties of planetary systems, all the Vaikuṇṭhalokas, through Ayodhyā … he’s been everywhere, and he is in that divine abode, and when he’s searching for Nanda Bhavan— the house of Nanda Mahārāj, and he meets some Vrijabāsīs, and they look so sad.He’s never seen anyone this sad and pathetic in his life … in his lives— he’s been everywhere! We have a stereotype that spiritual people should always be smiling. They always have a big smile on their face. Not so. He enters Vṛndāvan and he’s thinking, “I have never seen a more miserable group of people in my life … in my lives!” [Laughing] Imagine that—he’s reached the highest abode, and he’s never seen this type of misery upon someone, someone afflicted with this type of misery, and sadness, and anguish.So much so that when he will say: “Can you tell me where’s the house of Nanda Mahārāj?” “[Gasp!]”, like, “Woah!!” Or others, they look like paintings or statues. And he’s saying, “Give an indication, is it that way? Just … point, or something, please!” He can’t understand why they’re so miserable. Till they see a dust cloud off in the distance … It’s Kṛṣṇa, Balarām, the cowherd boys, and the calves.The dust from the calves’ hooves bringing this giant dust cloud—goraja. As Gurudev said in Govardhan, which is the place of aspiration of everyone in this line, and Raghunāth Dās Goswāmī, nija-nikaṭa-nivāsaṁ dehi govardhana tvam [Śrī Govardhana-vāsa-prārthanā-daśakam: 3] “Please, Govardhan, give me shelter nearby You.” When the devotees were there coughing on all the dust, Gurudev said, “But you all prayed for the dust”. [Laughing] And he said, “But you prayed to get that dust, and now it has come to you!” Then he understands, with the approaching dust cloud, that the reason everyone is so miserable: it’s just a typical day in Vṛndāvan, and Kṛṣṇa, Balarām, сowherd boys, cows— they’ve gone to the forest for the day.And the few hours, the hours they’re gone is an intolerable separation to the Vrijabāsīs. That’s why they’re so miserable— they’re feeling separation from Kṛṣṇa. So how will we understand what is spiritual? bāhye viṣa-jvālā haya, bhitare ānanda-maya, kṛṣṇa-premāra adbhuta carita [Cc: 2.2.50] Kṛṣṇadās Kavirāj Goswāmī, he’s saying that externally, it appears as though one has been poisoned, while internally they’re relishing some, in the words of Guru Mahārāj, “some peculiar strange nectarine juice.”