📺视频-Love Is not a Thing of This World
- 🌌 真正的爱是克里希纳之爱:这种神圣的情感超越世俗概念。
- 🌪️ 欲望是自然爱的扭曲:导致物质欲望的产生。
- ☀️ 克里希纳之爱如纯净阳光:照亮真正爱的道路。
- 🌑 世俗之爱与神圣之爱似乎相似,但本质上不同。
- 🧭 自我中心的欲望(kām):专注于自我享乐,误导我们的爱。
- 🔄 将爱重定向至克里希纳:使其转化为真正的奉献(prem)。
- 🌈 真正的爱以服务克里希纳为定义:与我们最高的目标相一致。
- 💖 克里希纳之爱是至高无上的:这种神圣的爱是最纯净的情感,独立于任何世俗之爱,代表了我们对连接的终极追求。
- 🔍 误导的爱:当我们固有的爱意偏离时,表现为欲望,蒙蔽了我们对真正情感的认识。
- ☀️ 爱的明晰:克里希纳之爱如阳光般明亮,而欲望则是黑暗的无知,遮蔽了我们对真爱的视野。
- 🌌 相似性的幻觉:世俗之爱与神圣之爱的表面相似掩盖了它们之间巨大的差异,如北极与南极。
- 🎯 自我与奉献的对比:根植于自我的爱追求个人满足,而对克里希纳的爱是无私的,旨在服务于神圣。
- 🔄 变革性重定向:通过将注意力从自我中心的欲望转向奉献,我们将爱提升至其真正形式——克里希纳之爱。
- 🙏 以服务表达爱:真正的爱通过对克里希纳的服务体现,将我们的能量与神圣意志相契合,实现我们最高的目标。
🤗 视频
我们在寻找什么?每个人都在寻找什么?真正的爱,深厚的感情,当这个概念被提炼并纯粹表达出来时,就是“prem”或“克里希纳之爱”。这不是世俗的东西。[爱不是世俗的东西] 爱就是“prem”,就是“克里希纳之爱”,它们是同义的。在这里没有一种爱,克里希纳之爱就是另一种爱。爱就是克里希纳之爱。不要接受任何替代品。当施里拉·普拉布帕德在《博伽梵歌》的注释中这样说时,他提到:“当我们对爱的自然倾向,也就是这种克里希纳之爱……”
What we’re searching for? What everyone is searching for? Actual love, affection which, when that general concept is refined and expressed purely, it’s prem or Kṛṣṇa-prem. It’s not a thing of this world. [Love Is not a Thing of This World] Love means prem, means Kṛṣṇa-prem, they’re synonymous. There’s not one love here, and Kṛṣṇa-prem is another love.Love means Kṛṣṇa-prem. Accept no substitute. When Śrīla Prabhupād put it this way in one of his purports in Bhagavad-gītā, he said, “When our natural propensity for love, meaning this Kṛṣṇa-prem, when it’s perverted, it’s expressed as lust towards matter.” Which is similar to a statement in Caitanya-caritāmṛta
, as kāma andha-tamaḥ, prema nirmala bhāskara [Cc: 1.4.171] Kām, which is the word for ‘lust’. Andha-tamaḥ means ‘the dense dark ignorance’. Prem nirmala bhāskar— it’s like pure sunshine. Or Guru Mahārāj said once, “Dense light … dense darkness—dense light.” kāma andha-tamaḥ, prema nirmala bhāskara Guru Mahārāj compared to North Pole and South Pole, meaning—on a superficial glance, observation we notice that they look similar— North Pole, South Pole.Saying, but he’s invoking this (try to whisper) he’s invoking this metaphor to tell us: but they’re worlds apart like night and day— North Pole, South Pole. So, appear to be similar, but are worlds apart. So, the love, the so-called love of this world it appears to be similar to divine love, but they’re worlds apart.ātmendriya-prīti-vāñchā—tāre bali ‘kāma’ kṛṣṇendriya-prīti-icchā dhare ‘prema’ nāma [Cc: 1.4.165] Again, it’s mentioned in Caitanya-caritāmṛta
: ātmendriya—that trying to have everything egocentric, when our goal is the satisfaction of our own senses, seeing an egocentric world that everything is meant for our pleasure, satisfaction, that we’re taking ourselves to be the centre of all existence— that’s called kām.kṛṣṇendriya-prīti-icchā dhare ‘prema’ nāma [Cc: 1.4.165] But reconfiguring oneself, redirecting oneself towards the Absolute centre, hṛṣīkeṇa hṛṣīkeśa-sevanaṁ bhaktir ucyate [Nārada-pañcarātra] of dedicating ourselves and our acquired energy in the service the senses of Kṛṣṇa, saying, this caused by the name of prem.
🔗 引用
Lust vs. Love
🤗 视频
- 🧠 控制感官:自发的爱需要对感官的掌握。
- 📖 吠陀智慧:经文强调不受控制的感官的危险,导致心灵疾病。
- ⚖️ 萨拉斯瓦蒂·塔库尔的警示:没有控制,自发爱情的主张可能会误导。
- 🦅 世俗与神圣:不受控制的感官将神圣体验降格为“秃鹰的食物”。
- 💔 心灵疾病:不受控制的欲望会腐蚀爱的纯洁。
- 🚶♂️ 逐步控制:实现真正的自发之爱需要一条纪律的道路。
- ✨ 神圣的消遣:听闻神圣之爱可以在感官受控时唤醒真正的情感。
- 🧘 对欲望的掌控:掌握感官对体验真爱至关重要;没有它,爱将受到欲望的污染。
- 📜 对拉戈-巴克提的理解:拉戈-巴克提(自发之爱)无法在感官失控的环境中蓬勃发展,强调内心纪律的重要性。
- ❗ 误解风险:将世俗体验投射到神圣消遣上存在危险,这会削弱其神圣性和重要性。
- 💡 神圣与世俗:识别神圣之爱与世俗欲望之间的区别对于避免精神冒犯至关重要。
- 🏞️ 情感的觉醒:通过对神圣叙述的有纪律参与,唤醒真爱,强调精神实践中的上下文重要性。
- 🔄 维迪-玛尔格的路径:遵循结构化的方法(维迪-玛尔格)有助于逐步控制感官,为自发之爱铺平道路。
- 🎶 神圣叙述的角色:与神圣之爱的故事互动,在感官受控的情况下,能够促进精神觉醒。
没有控制的感官,就谈不上自发的爱。[欲望与爱] 如果一个人的感官……有一句诗说,"那些虔诚地听闻和歌颂维希努的村妇们,获得了至高的奉献,能很快治愈心病。" 所以,心病指的就是感官失控所表现出来的。因此,如果感官没有相对的控制,就不可能表达出“情感奉献”,也就是这里所说的“自发的爱”;“情感之路”。
Without controlled senses there’s no question of spontaneous love. [Lust vs. Love] If someone’s senses, dhīra … There’s a śloka that says, vikrīḍitaṁ vraja-vadhūbhir idaṁ ca viṣṇoḥ śraddhānvito ’nuśṛṇuyād atha varṇayed yaḥ bhaktiṁ parāṁ bhagavati pratilabhya kāmaṁ hṛd-rogam āśv apahinoty achireṇa dhīraḥ [SB: 10.33.39] So hṛd-rogam means ‘heart-disease’, expressed in uncontrolled senses. So, without the senses being relatively controlled that one is going to express rāga-bhakti, that means ‘spontaneous love’, here; ‘rāga-mārg’. Now we’re back to Saraswatī Ṭhākur’s cautions, saying, “If this is not there at the basis, then they may be telling that it’s spontaneous love, but it is mundane, because the senses are not controlled.” So they’re taking divine things and making them, in his words, ‘vulture food’, saying the senses are like vultures. So, if the senses are under the control of lust, then there’s no question of expressing spontaneous love, which means here ‘rāga-bhakti’, ‘rāga-mārg’. So, there’s viddhi-mārg; they have to gradually come under control.Then, from that position, dhīra; undisturbed, no sense disturbance, Then, when they hear the divine pastimes of Rādhārāṇī, Kṛṣṇa, and Vraja-gopīs, that will awaken spontaneous loving sentiments within them. Otherwise we’ll project that our experience of mundane love, we’ll project that as being … we’ll impose that idea on spontaneous love of rāga-bhaktas, and that’s an offense against divinity— to think these pastimes are mundane, like the mundane affairs between men and women.