视频-Experience II • A Part of the Perfect
📺视频-Experience II • A Part of the Perfect




  • 🌌 自我发现:理解你是谁,超越自我和误解。
  • 💫 精神层面:克里希纳意识揭示存在的更深层次。
  • 🌊 反思:我们的物质欲望扭曲了我们的精神本质。
  • 🔄 不完美:物质世界是完美的一部分,看似不完美。
  • 🌞 连接:个体灵魂如同阳光的光线,连接于太阳(上帝)。
  • 🌈 信仰:真正的理解来自于对启示真理的信仰。
  • 🌟 动态存在:精神本质不是静态的,而是不断扩展的幸福。


  • 🧘‍♂️ 自我与真实自我:旅程的开始在于认识到,自我驱动的欲望常常误导我们,远离真实的精神身份。承认这一点可以引领真正的自我发现。
  • 💖 精神潜力:克里希纳意识鼓励剥去已获得的偏见,揭示我们固有的精神潜力和生活目的。
  • 🌊 扭曲的现实:我们的物质经历可以扭曲对现实的理解;然而,它们反映了我们精神强度和爱的潜力。
  • 📈 走向完美:虽然物质世界看似不完美,但它只是完美整体的一部分,引导我们朝向更高的存在理解。
  • 🔗 与神的统一:就像阳光的光线无法与太阳分离一样,个体灵魂与上帝本质上是紧密相连的,强调我们与神的联系。
  • 🙏 信仰的作用:拥抱对克里希纳意识的信仰,开启超越智力理解的理解路径,揭示更深层的真理。
  • 🌌 动态的精神性:精神存在的本质是动态的和狂喜的,反映了神圣的爱的本性和我们在其永恒活动中的角色。

🤗 视频

动态的guru maharaj总是强调这一点,有时候我们听到“像是一片狂喜的海洋”这样的说法,你可能会觉得这就够了,但奶奶会说,这并不是一个静止的海洋,别这么想。因此,谈论这些事情有点困难,但如果我们能抓住其要点,从一个角度来看,我们似乎看到某人在朝着某个特定的方向发展,但从另一个角度来看,这不就是他们一直以来的立场吗?
i want to know what i should be doing or who am i or what is my purpose that's all very good but what is it going to be based upon acquired prejudice of a misconceived self the ego intelligence mind and senses are a shadow self of the original self and so people of that ilk think you know they're all about self expression and i've just got to be me sure you should be you but find out who you are first so krishna consciousness is a spiritual project that allows you to uncover discover those layers and uh have a glimpse of oneselfand of our reality potential we have a part to play as a person and the spiritual reality a businessman sees everything in terms of a business opportunity a lusty person is constantly seeking [Music] opportunities for that sort of engagement and it says anna devotee of the lord they see everything as a opportunity for krishna culture when we think of india one of the most stereotypical images of india is the moon shining on a pool of water in front of the taj mahal if you look at the moon that's reflectedon the water you can take a stick move the water as the water moves with waves you see the moon become distorted along with the the movement of the waves but that's just the reflection the actual moon is unaffected by what's happening to the reflection the way we look at present is the perverted reflection of our spiritual features if we see how intense the lust for matter can be then it's a reflection of the potential of spiritual intensity for dedication devotion love and affection guru maharaj pointsthat out so to error is human to error is inevitable for all being not perfect still there's an element within us that seeks perfection so he's giving you a rational step-by-step uh taking in a direction of a particular conception or necessity he said and if you could bestow it upon yourself we would have done that by now so srila guru maharaj tells us it is only a a part of the perfect appears to be imperfect that's the material world in a nutshell and a material existence in a nutshell just a part ofthe perfect floating like an iceberg in an ocean of consciousness a part of the perfect appears to be imperfect from relative viewpoint so we have unique spiritual forms and features called swaroop but the swaroop at present is covered by layers of ego and guru maharaj's word acquired prejudice acquired tendencies it's being pervertedly expressed into this plane our loving propensity towards krishna is being expressed as an exploiting tendency toward matter and the mundane and we've taken on these varieties of formsthat are all unique but they're perverted reflections of the original that's root covered by layers of ego acquired prejudice acquired tendency mind mental body or intellectual body mental body physical body but still it's different unique but it's not the pure expression when we're enriched with dedicating tendency when we withdraw from the the plane of exploitation and are reconfigured as dedicating units servitors then gradually the this body which is constructed upon exploiting tendenciesstarts to dissolve and the swaroop which is the spiritual form expression of dedicating tendency starts to manifest blake says if the doors of perception are cleansed then we will see everything as it is infinite and people go wow heavy and leave it at that but i would like to bow to him and take a little further and say wait what did he mean by the doors of perception uh the sen says so saying well the senses are seeing hearing tasting touching smelling right and the mind considered sixth sense so then taking at face value what hesays and and accepting it is valid then he's saying then you'll see everything as is infinite then that would mean that you could see there should be a seeing version of infinite a hearing version of infinite a tasting version of infinite and for each one of these senses there should be a corresponding infinite we're thinking there's the infinite krsna possesses personality personal traits characteristics qualities of an infinite magnitude and then there are individual souls who possess the same things in finitemagnitude what's the example that's given in the vedic literature sun and the sun rays right so when we think of a sun ray we we can't we can't isolate it from its connection with the sun guru maharaj sun rays are touching the earth but where is its home its home is in the sun so if we try to isolate it or divorce the sun ray from its connection with the sun really that's not possible an isolated way of viewing it that's not realistic that perfection that we seek that we cannot bestow it upon ourselvesleads us to conclude it comes from beyond ourselves in fact it is a function of the perfect perfection reveals itself to the imperfect krishna says the living beings there are infinitesimal parts of me he's the infinite we're the infinitesimal complementary aspects that means to a degree there's some qualitative oneness but the magnitude one is infinite the other is infinitesimal that's a big difference attack shri krishna no it's beyond scholarship the grasp of the senses mind intelligence you mean faithrevealed truth yes the infinite making itself known to the finite we accept that prospect shraddha that's faith what is minimally you hear about krishna consciousness and think it's possible i can't understand everything they're saying but there's something there that sounds possible the revealed truth gives us infinite perspective sometimes srila guru maharaj will say that or remind us in considering evolution that what we're observing as evolving really it already has a particular positionlike the sun the sun has a particular position but from a certain viewpoint or perspective it's seen to be you know twilight just before sunrise and then we see it gradually appearing and then it so it appears it's achieving a particular position that's from a relative perspective actually it has that position but both things are there so mahaprabhu he says that they're eternally krsnadas and everything that goes with being krsnadas or you know krsnadas radhadasi so a frompoint of view or analysis we can see some gradually evolve towards it appears they're gradually evolving towards their eternal position but from another point of view that is their substantial position but it does not deny the apparent progress towards that the prophet says in the light of the bhagavat when you look at the sky and there's a clouded portion of the sky and an unclouded portion of the sky you can distinguish oh there's the clouded suction the unclouded suction so but when the clouds areremoved from the sky you cannot distinguish between that part of the sky which was once clouded and the part of the sky which was never clouded this is an example he's giving with regard to siddha when someone is nitya buddha clouded by illusion you can understand here's a nithya siddha nitya but here's the condition solar is an unconditioned soul but when the clouds of illusion are removed then you can no longer distinguish in that way and factor in that that substantial position is not something that's staticbut ecstatic dynamic guru maharaj always made that point sometimes even and like we hear the expression like an ocean of ecstasy and you think well that's enough but grandma would say and not a static ocean like don't don't think of it in that way so it's somewhat difficult to speak about these things but if we can catch the gist of what is there so from one point of view we see someone apparently evolving towards a particular position but then from another point of view to say wasn't that always their positionand so then we have to introduce the concept of lila and that is very good news for us that the original cause of everything is ecstasy personified is loving and affectionate and full of ecstatic happiness ever expanding ever increasing happiness so spiritual culture is about recalibrating your position on the basis of your reality potential as a soul in self-expression a dedicating unit a unit that's capable of dedicating every atom of its existence to something higher who am i jeeves krishna you're the eternalservant of the all-loving all-beautiful all-ecstatic personality of godhead jiva has a part to play in the eternal pastimes of the lord you

🔗 引用

视频-Experience I • Who Am I?视频-Experience III • Sadhu-sanga • Spiritual Education