视频-Experience I • Who Am I?
📺视频-Experience I • Who Am I?




  • 🌱 转变:要提升自我,必须进行转变。
  • 💖 “给予心灵,接受心灵”:这句话捕捉了克里希纳意识的本质。
  • 💻 解读的重要性:强调解读者的重要性,而不仅仅是数据。
  • 🔍 自我理解:理解自我是自我实现和解放的关键。
  • 🧘‍♂️ 超越表面标签:真实的身份超越肤浅的标签和社会构造。
  • 💭 解放:解放不在于纵欲,而在于自我发现。
  • 🌌 灵魂的光辉:灵魂的光辉被身份和自我的层次遮蔽。


  • 🌿 转变是必要的:要在精神上成长,必须放弃当前的自我。这一过程可能会很痛苦,但会导致更高的存在状态。
  • ❤️ 人际关系的互惠: “给予心灵,接受心灵” 强调了精神实践中关系的互惠性质,促进了更深的联系。
  • 🖥️ 信息的解读:人类经验的价值在于感情的传达,而不仅仅是数据本身。机器缺乏真正的理解。
  • 🧠 超越标签的身份:许多人根据社会角色或欲望误解自己的身份,忽视了自我的深层本质。
  • 🌊 自我的流动性:像水一样,真实的身份是动态的,不能被暂时的状态或经历所限制。
  • 🔓 真实的解放:自由不仅仅是纵欲;而是朝向理解自我和目的的旅程。
  • 🌒 灵魂的内在光辉:灵魂的本质常被自我和身份的层次遮蔽,精神实践有助于揭示这种真实的光辉。

🤗 视频

虽然这句话有点偏,但对发给我的那个人来说是有意义的,他们充满了情感,而这些其实是次要的,真正重要的是他们的感受。可能还有拼写错误或者其他问题,但即使这样,我也能理解他们的感受。我们知道在梵语中,"atma" 这个词可以和灵魂或自我同义,而我们被告知自我有很多不同的概念,比如身体的自我和心理的自我。
[音乐] 这真的是一种解放的状态,舌头想要去享受这个,所以我让舌头带着我走向那个方向,这就是自由,我在表达我自己。巴克提维诺达·塔库尔在斋浦尔的教义中说,当水在冰冻状态下时,你可以识别出很多特征和属性,但那并不是它的正常状态,它的正常状态是液态的水。所以如果我们分析自我,任何自我在冰冻状态下的情况,就在这个暂时的现实中。
他补充了一些我们可能觉得超出我们经验的东西,他说在临死的时候你会经历另一个转变,这将取决于“yum yum”。有趣的是,他用“bav”这个词。你可以说是意识,但更确切地说是你的心,正如诗人所说的那样,是内心深处的核心。我们说的意识就是内心深处的核心,因为我们并不是在谈论身体的心脏,这决定了所生成的身体。
意识主体无法直接体验平凡的事物,那么它该怎么做呢?必须要有一个灵魂或意识自我的影像,而这个影像可以在阴影世界中运作。否则,意识就无法与无意识的领域进行交流。因此,古鲁马哈拉吉提出了“影子自我”(chayabas chitibas)的概念,包括影子自我、影子自我意识、影子智慧、影子思维、影子身体和影子感官。这是一个在阴影世界中运作的影子自我。
关于影像般存在的观察有很多,但如果我们想深入核心问题,真正触及内心深处,就得解开所有来自偏见的层层包裹,才能窥见真实的自我。因此,我们试图受到揭示真理的影响。我们说,在《博伽梵歌》中,克里希纳说,物体之上是感官,而感官之上是更高层次的,它们更精 refined、更优越。但在感官之上的是心智,心智高于感官。
you can't remain in the neutral position that's the principle die to live if you want to go to a higher position you'll have to die as you are at present then that painful condition will finish you'll find yourself in another plane but guru maharaj continues to say and the more you die the more you live german says give heart and receive heart that's the most wonderful thing about krishna consciousness not anticipating something else give heart receive heart go deeper go deeper how does guru maharaj render go deeperdive deep into reality theodore rozak he wrote a book called the cult of information and one example he gave there he said and he's someone using a computer when he's mentioned like i have a file cabinet next to my desk and in that file cabinet there's so much information or data so does that mean that it's superior to me all right i've got this box here with you know or here's here and the old the phone book it i don't know all the names in the phone book so um [Music] what is in important isthe interpreter the feeler right one machine could convey to another machine as they do an email you know that someone just passed away right and blazing you know from and it just happened to me recently they send a message from somewhere saying some person passed away and the machines are capable of uh even suggest you know beloved condolences i you know they can suggest all of these things but they're originally suggestions from human beings who had feelings so those computers they have no feeling about what wasthis message that was sent on either side but it was meaningful to the person who sent it to me they were full of feelings and this actually was secondary to what their feelings were right and there can even be typos or misprints or so many other things that but and and even factoring that in i can i can understand what their feelings are we know from the sanskrit terminology when they use the word atma atma can be synonymous with soul or self and then we're told but there are many different concepts of selfa bodily conception of self a mental conception of self and intellectual conception of self in the bhagavad gita in the the early part in the second chapter krishna speaking on the knowledge of the soul the subject of soul and he's giving various examples that are within our experience and it's equated to identity but we know you can have you can misconceive your identity or you can properly conceive i say self-actualization self-realization is about properly conceiving your identity and subsequent self-determinationbut i find it interesting that you could give some very complicated uh arguments or descriptions one could and certainly krishna could right he's the omniscient omnipotent personality of godhead he could give the most sophisticated complex argument for the existence of the soul beyond our imagination so we come back to this infinite perspective and finite perspective it is in the interest of the finite to adopt infinite perspective we can't imagine how that will enhance our position we'll think well i want to know what ishould be doing or who am i or what is my purpose that's all very good but what is it going to be based upon acquired prejudice of a a misconceived self people thinking the most important thing of their uh aspect of their lives is their sexuality that's who they are and they need to express their sexuality and then they'll be free they'll be liberated they'll live a life of freedom and happiness by identifying with a particular aspect of sexuality i mean i'm not making this up so they think that's freedom freedom toexpress yourself that i i profess this type of sexual preference now i'm a liberated soul and i want to be viewed exclusively in terms of my sexuality so then we have to consider what is freedom what is liberation freedom for the senses or freedom from the sun says most people will think no it means freedom for the senses to do what you want right so should we say that someone who's under the influence and the language of the scripture you know vaccio vega the belly tongue and genitals they're engaged in self-expression[Music] that's a liberated position really that the tongue wants to eat this so i allow the tongue to drag me in a direction that's freedom i'm i'm expressing who i am bhaktivinoda thakura in jaipur dharma says when water is frozen in its frozen stage as ice you can identify so many trades qualities characteristics but that's not its normal position its normal position is liquidity right as water but so if we're analyzing the self uh our self any self in the frozen stage right in the temporary realitynot the permanent reality but the temporary reality then we can make so many observations are we the clothes that we wear is that what defines us our dress well i mean it does to a certain degree right what you wear defines you so you can say yes dress defines but is shall that be the exclusive marker for defining an individual is how they dress no that would be absurd to suggest that so if we look b that's literally closed then we're told thomas the body is karmic dress shall that be the means to define an individualwell no it should be we can't deny someone's a human being someone's a dog someone is a tree right so and we're responsible for the karmic dress we're situated and at present but if we limit defining ourselves to that that would be as if to limit defining ourselves to the clothes that we're wearing why should we do that all these things taken into consider when krishna gives an example i believe it's a very good one you could give so many examples but just think about it if he gives a particular examplehe must have some concept of it landing right or being received and we see that although he's omniscient and so many dense almost impenetrable philosophical works are written about krsna even the most remote aspect of krishna that when he himself gives an example it's very simple that anyone could understand practically a child could understand so when he says day he you're saying as the soul that means the conscious cell is in an embryonic body and then in the body of a baby a toddler a child a teenagera young adult an adult then middle age old age there is this one constant identity that is enabled that doubter or believer the believer of doubter is able to sustain all these different bodily changes and retain a particular identity that's the point he's making it doesn't dismiss the possibility or growth or development but the core identity remains the same from the embryonic position and to the top of baby toddler child teenager adult and and into old age this is something that is within your experiencethe so-called change of bodies if you didn't tell it in this way it would be something beyond your experience but this is something that we're experiencing if we did a time lapse of ourselves you know and sometimes they do this but or people they take a picture every year on the same day there are many things like this on the internet and then you see the person sort of grow and develop but it's the same person their same core identity is there so that's the example he gives and then he adds somethingthat we may feel is beyond our experience he says so in a similar way you'll have another transition at the time of death right and that'll be based upon yum yum whatever your uses the word bav interestingly you can say consciousness but above more to the point means your heart which in the words of the poet is the deep heart's core right that's the consciousness deep heart's core because we're not talking about the physical heart what that is will determine the body that is generated right the body being the biologicalexpression of the soul's delusion who you really are underneath all the layers of acquired prejudice and false ego and karmic dress your actual identity with all the masks are removed like in greek uh [Music] theater you know what they call persona they have you'd put on a mask happy mask sad mask so they show those masks sometimes as representations of theatrical performance they're saying so what is my identity underneath the mask the karmically acquired mask of acquired prejudice expressed in the karmic dress of mypresent life form body so if you're viewing the self from the outside in and seeing yourself in terms of gender nationality age all of these things you're not having a proper glimpse of yourself and who you are and what is your potential how can you proceed the sanskrit word sangskar one meaning is impressions so jaladan of alakkan is tower luck of injury evolving transmigrating through millions and millions of life forms so many impressions are coming mental impressions are being gathered acquired and prejudicing the soul in itsuh interpretation of self what am i who am i what is my purpose and so people of that ilk think you know they're all about self-expression and i've just got to be me you know sure you should be you but find out who you are first the ego intelligence mind and senses are a shadow self of the original self just like we see in this world too you can see the shadow of something is based upon the the real thing right so it's the he's saying for the conscious subject to experience the mundane it can't do itdirectly so what does it have to do you have to have a shadow representation of the soul or the conscious self and that shadow can operate in the shadowy world otherwise conscious cannot consciousness cannot negotiate the unconscious plane so guru maharaj introduced the conception of chayabas chitibas a shadow covering himself shadow ego shadow intellect shadow mind shadow body shadow senses it's a shadow self operating in the shadow world and we're making so many observations about shadow like existence but if we want toget to the heart of the matter you know go into the deep into the deep hearts core then we'll have to undo unravel all the layering of acquired prejudice to have a glimpse of our actual self so we try to come under the influence of the revealed truth we say oh in bhagavad-gita krishna says above the objects or the sense of the senses are the senses they're higher refined they're superior but above the senses is the mind okay the mind is higher than the sun says and it's the seat of sense experiencethen he says finer than the mind is intelligence when you say okay now i understand intelligence discriminating factor because the mind has no discriminating ability so we're told you need to infuse the intelligence with dharma booty back to sadhu shastra guru vaishnav finer than intelligence he's saying what that's the beginning of the atma plane so that's where the self is located the cloud is covering the moon but the moon is illuminating the cloud so all you see is the cloud but without theillumination of the moon you'd see nothing so don't think the cloud the illumined cloud is the real thing it's the moon that's covered by the cloud so what it means to say is the soul is covered by the body mind senses ego and is illuminating them so what we see the radiance of a person the look in their eyes the signals signs that tell us of a of a presence of a person really the souls in the background and that's our interest we're going to say consciousness is the symptom of the soul's presencethat the soul is what's driving all of this the soul is driving objective evolution that srila guru maharaj says subjective evolution parallels objective evolution so we can say in the subjective evolution of consciousness that the soul is evolving from lower species from aquatics to plants to insects birds beasts at last to the human species now that you've achieved human life now that you can understand what i'm saying now that you can hear what i'm trying to convey to you now that you can conceive such thingsproperly now that you're a conscious being who's not only aware of your existence but of a particular inner necessity you have so once a friend of mine said because srila sridhar marriage has this extraordinary ability to um explain things he said would you ask him to give this basic knowledge of the soul and that would be great then we can publish that and convince so many people and when i presented this idea to srila guru maharaj he said it is a question of faith he said um if someone has no face you could present a mountain of evidenceand they won't accept it it won't touch them it won't reach them and he said whereas if someone has some basic faith then given a simple explanation i'll get it and then i thought oh like krishna does in the second chapter of the bhagavad-gita gives a series of very uh relatable examples that are within everyone's experience another one you know bassam si jianani itavihaya when you you have a garment or a code a dress a shirt whatever it might be and it becomes old and worn out you toss it and get a new onevery simple and like grommet said if there's some faith then there'll be acceptance and if not it doesn't matter how you explain it what sort of type of explanation you give what sort of evidence it won't be accepted so we're seeing through these eyes hearing tasting touching smelling feeling this is indicative of the soul's innate position the soul can hear stay smell feel etc this is the good news so krishna consciousness is a spiritual project that allows you to uncover discover those layers andhave a glimpse of oneself and of our reality potential we have a part to play as a person and the spiritual reality you

🔗 引用

视频-Introduction • Reality the Beautiful •视频-Experience II • A Part of the Perfect