视频-Beyond Experience • New Perspective • The Ultimate Reality is Dancing
📺视频-Beyond Experience • New Perspective • The Ultimate Reality is Dancing




  • 🎨 艺术反映了主观的解释,塑造了我们对现实的理解。
  • 📖 “展示,而不是告诉”是一个重要的写作原则,可以吸引读者。
  • 👁️ 艺术技巧,如对角线构图(contrapposto),在视觉表现中转变了视角。
  • 🌌 精神旅程在于获得适当的视角。
  • 🌀 终极现实被描绘为动态和美丽的,邀请更深层次的探索。
  • ✍️ 对艺术和神性的真正欣赏需要一种基于信仰的方式。
  • 🕊️ 有限与无限的互动暗示了这两个领域之间的深刻联系。


  • 🎭 艺术的主观性:尼采主张事实仅仅是解释,这突显了个人视角在欣赏艺术和现实中的重要性。这一观点挑战了客观真理的观念,并邀请人们探索个人体验。
  • 🖋️ 意象的力量:“展示,而不是告诉”这一格言强调了写作中唤起语言的重要性,使读者能够可视化概念,而不仅仅是接受信息。这一技巧增强了情感参与和理解。
  • 🌅 艺术作为视角:像对角线构图这样的技巧不仅革命性地改变了艺术,还提供了新的视角,强调艺术作为视角转变工具的作用。它鼓励观众以不同的方式与世界互动。
  • 🔍 精神视角:精神旅程类似于艺术探索,寻求超越表面现象的更深层次真理。这种对理解的追求强调了艺术和精神性中视角的重要性。
  • 💃 动态现实:终极现实处于一种舞动状态的观点,暗示了对存在的不断演变的理解,充满了美感和参与感。这邀请我们将现实视为一种充满活力的表现,而非静态概念。
  • 🙏 信仰与艺术欣赏:对艺术和精神性的真正欣赏需要一种奉献和开放的态度。基于信仰的方法使个人能够与艺术表现和精神真理建立深层次的联系。
  • 🌌 领域的互联性:有限与无限之间的关系表明,尽管我们的理解可能有限,但仍有可能进行神圣的互动,从而丰富我们对现实和存在的感知。

🤗 视频

标准,所以《博伽梵经》一开始就说,是的,你知道,只有一件事可以被理解,但那一种物质可以从三个方面来看。首先是 Brahman,它有一个看似无个人的抽象面,包容一切;其次是 Paramatma,它有一种局部的、无处不在的特性,比一切都要小,但它的最终体现是 Bhagavan 的个性,不仅仅是男性个性,而是主导的男性特质,至高无上的男性特质。
对vaisnava的命令和追随,执行vaisnava的命令,服务于vaisnava的命令。如果是成年人,创造者有开始、有中间和结尾。如果真的是在以奉献的方式来做,那就是在奉献自己和服务。正如kaviraj gosami所说的,这不是我在写《caitanya tamrita》,而是一些神圣的力量降临,推动我的手,让我写出或表达这些东西。这是Madan mohan的工作,他就是这样说的。这不仅是为了写作,也是为了感知。
所以当我们在Guru和Vaishnava的恩典下,稍微接触到克里希纳意识时,我们觉得自己非常幸运,尽管我们很沮丧。我记得有一天下午去拜访英籍的Filigree Mars,他坐在椅子上,像往常一样,有时他很开心时会这样做,拍着腿。他说我把女儿嫁出去了,然后他说,我觉得终极现实一定在跳舞,你觉得呢?[笑] 终极现实一定在跳舞,我该怎么说呢。
我是不是应该说终极现实一定在舞动,你怎么看?当然这只是个反问。其实,关于这个,还是要提到《Prima dhamma Deva stotram》。它告诉我们几件事:第一,直到生命的最后一刻,Growers一直在产生新的克里希纳意识的内容。他并不是仅仅在重复1941年或1950年时的领悟,时间并不重要。他处在一个动态的过程中,内心对话不断地揭示新的东西。
这意味着你不了解克里希纳的统一场理论、戈蒂亚的达尔尚、马哈普拉布和古鲁马哈拉贾,这些都是相互关联的。所以当他说这些的时候,他可以考虑到“Om Purnam”之类的东西。有些人可能会说:“哦,那是《伊舍乌帕尼沙德》里的经文,说绝对是完美和完整的,对吧?”没错,古米特对此有很多解释,比如著名的零乘零等于零,零除以零等于零,零加零等于零,零减零等于零。
零等于零,一亿个零等于零,十个零也等于零。以这种方式理解绝对的东西,不过这只是个旁注。那这里的“purna purnum”是什么意思呢?完整有很多不同的含义,其中一个就是“满足”。他在说,这就是“groomers”的冥想,经过50、70、80、90年的修炼,不断产生甘露般的东西。所以“purnum”就是“满足”的意思。就像他说的,当一个人真的感到无比满足的时候,这里希腊语也给我们提供了帮助。
Nietzsche saying there are no facts they're just interpretations and that's what art is all about subjective interpretation expressed in the objective plane some people have made the case that everything is shifted toward visual media and this is the point I would like to make in a roundabout way is one of the famous axioms or maxims of writing is show don't tell the good writers they write things in such a way that you get the picture so to speak they don't tell you exactly what it is they show What It Is by you know to getheady and until T.S Eliot called the objective correlative which means whatever the author has in mind there's an objective correlative meaning words images Etc that if they're assembled in a proper way we'll convey that idea or concept to the person that's the idea in summary form but so what I'm going full circle to is those who fear that visual media will Eclipse literary and all other forms of media well the literary media to begin with was to give you an image a concept some Vision it's been said the artist projectand by that I just don't mean people who paint but art as a whole artists writers Etc it's been said to give people new eyes New Vision New Perspective a new ways of seeing new way of seeing that's why in art they study all the intricacies of that like contrapposto the first time somebody had somebody you know move their body a little we saw those old Greek uh Egyptian things and the Greek thing and then somebody actually had somebody like move a little contrapposto contraposition and and and other thingsso they made a big deal out of it in terms of it was artists giving people a new way of seeing things A New Perspective well interestingly to us that's really what the spiritual project is as groomer said what is your service to acquire the proper angle of vision right some band again Etc it's acquiring the proper angle of vision oh my God is acquiring the proper angle of vision so really the spiritual project is is similar but deeper dive deep into reality if we take it that art it is at its best is some sort of representationof Truth uh or reality then you know concede that and say yes then we should dive deep into that reality Beyond The Superficial aspects so back to deep reading that's why the writers of the novel they say well when I in the in the novel form you can totally immerse the reader and another world and their uh uh life and Circumstance will be uh how do you say put almost in a state of temporary suspended animation right where they'll be so absorbed in that so that means being able to appreciate art internally you have to achievecertain qualities and qualifications what would that be to uh to appreciate art to appreciate Divinity art well we can also say that our you know writers poets art lovers they don't have like even the great artists yeah it doesn't always mean that they're great they paint their great paintings some things uh just they have just external feeling internally again experience we'll have to understand something about the nature of reality is reality personal or impersonal or is it both will have to have you know understandthese things otherwise you have nothing to measure it against if you don't understand the nature of the absolute then the the idea that all things are relative there's no way of measuring what is superior inferior Progressive regressive so you you have to come to the point of uh becoming acquainted with the absolute that's why the bhagavatam begins with this concept saying yes there's only one thing there's actually only one thing just like Einstein thought he told his mistress said you ought to keep anotebook for all your different ideas and he said I don't need a notebook I only have one idea and I keep thinking about this one idea over and over he's looking for this one thing just like the upanishad say try to know that one thing upon knowing which everything is known right that's what he was trying to do and that's what men of his ilk are trying to do they're trying to know that one thing upon knowing which everything can be known so in that sense it's actually a theistic Pursuit by upanishadicstandards and so the bhagavatam Begins by saying yes uh you know again there's only one thing to be known but that one substance can be understood in three aspects Brahmin there it has a seemingly impersonal abstract side to it that's all accommodating and uh paramama it has a localized all-permeating aspect that's smaller than the smallest within everything but its ultimate expression is bhagavan personality and not just a male personality but male the predominating moiety the Supreme male predominated moiety theSupreme female and they have loving Exchange this is inconceivable by the most advanced um brands of our time at best they can conceive of God it's like well everything there is if if they're pushed they'll come up with something like that basically something that's abstract or tending towards impersonalism but the idea that God could be a person is beyond their mental intellectual capacity and that's dealt with in the same beginning of the srimad-bhagavatam the thing not only can are the finesthuman Minds unable to digest us the gods are bewildered that the Ultimate Reality is beautiful is reassuring encouraging uh exciting I can't think of the actual word that I'm looking for but because we are accustomed to hear of reality and the Ultimate Reality and things like that and uh uh the scientists have tried to make that their everyone else's dealing and interpretation they're dealing in hard facts about things and that the Ultimate Reality is beautiful they they could say yes in its expression or what we observe of itthere what do they call it the elegant Universe those kind of things but that's not good that's the least aspect of its beauty the that it can be beautiful the way a person can be beautiful that the brains cannot accommodate or digest the beauty of a look the beauty of emotional expression all right those things cannot be denied to the the simple things that we can do in this world to deny that the Supreme reality the Supreme absolute truth can uh uh Express such things as uh sad and pathetic so I when I was on my flight fromBeijing to New York and sitting next to me as a computer science does teaches you know post doctoral computer science to very Advanced people and I thought oh this is an opportunity to ask a series of questions but I only needed to ask one question which was and he agreed like yes you know ask me any question you like so I said as a hardcore computer scientist you know the way you've been trained and the way you teach said can you say with absolute certainty that the original source of all Aroma or fragrance has noolfactory capacity in other words cannot smell and he said as you have worded this no I cannot say that with absolute certainty I cannot deny that uh Prospect or possibility I said that's all I need to know because now you've opened the door for the possibility of theistic culture and the concept of the personality of godhead because we can make a similar case for each sense can you say with absolute certainty that the original source of all uh things to be seen has no seeing capacity seeing smelling hearing tasting touchEtc so uh I've mentioned before that Wittgenstein is arguably the greatest linguistic philosopher of the 20th century bastard disciple of Bert and Russell who drove Russell crazy because Russell could not defeat him but that Wittgenstein he lived above a petrol station in Vienna while he's writing his books and and every day the aroma of coffee comes wafting upstairs and he's like ah he's smelling that coffee thing maybe I'll go downstairs and have a cup and but then one day he had an epiphany and he thoughtwith all of my linguistic power and skill I cannot in words convey the aroma of coffee to another person I could write a book about it but you won't know what it smells like you won't get that experience so then people you could say then how dare we say anything about God yes that's true if it's your own speculative uh conjecture can God that who who may have olfactory capacity may have the ability to see here taste touch smell feel can he Express anything about himself or not that's Guru Omar's Point can theinfinite make himself known to the finite yeah we'll say We'll concede yes good point finite cannot know the infinite by finite means a talk Shri Krishna namadi navbhavior yes Rupa goswami agrees with you but that's not the end of the story can the infinite make itself known to the finite through infinite means even the most rational person has to admit that is possible that's why Christopher Hitchens the great atheist and writer his friend uh the name something Amos does Martin nameless yeah he as as much as Hitchens was an atheisthis friend who's almost as much as an atheist of him said to him Chris you've got to admit if from a purely rational point of view there's some possibility you can't you shouldn't eliminate that and he's like no I said there's nothing you know even his best friend said this I'll never agree with you on as much as I agree with you I have to say that in the infinite Reigns of infinite possibility it has to be there these descriptions are divinely descended from the upper world so we have to Revere not only theircontent but their structure many things and offer ourselves in service to them it's all about Service as groomers quotes Professor senyal revealing to him early on in the days of godi Ahmad if I go to read the bhagavatam under the guidance of Guru and vaisnav on their order it may be devotion he said if I go on my own it may be Karma it may be the karma same story same words everything's there one's a devotional act another one could be Karma or V Karma even detrimental what is activating the spiritual current isthe order of the vaisnava and pursuant pursuance of the order of the vaisnava pursuit of the order the serving the order of the vaisnava if adult creator beginning middle and end if really this is being done as an offering and one is offering oneself and service as kaviraj gosami saysami says it is not I whom writing caitanya tamrita but some Divine Powers descended and is moving my hand and making me right or Express these things it is Madan mohan's work he's speaking like that that's for writing but it's also for perceivingreceiving all of these things not that I will now employ the stanislavski method I'll get the book out I'll pretend I'll act in such a way as to um like virtual reality have an artificial simulated experience of higher reality that will be my play my Rupa goswami warns of two groups of people the sentimental by Nature who cry easily everyone knows somebody like that I mean we may be someone like that but just can just start crying over some very relatively non-emotional things or what what should not really evoke such anextent therefore there are words like maudland or syrupy I mean there are different ways to describe this so he says so that person who cries over kittens and puppies and and and and many other things they'll cry when they hear about Krishna too don't think that those tears are some sort of ecstatic emotion he's warning why is he warning if it's not an issue even in his own day when I remember we had heard so much from Prophet about sahajias you know and mayavari like we're in India like looking around like there's one overthere don't look you know but so we're traveling around preaching and we're at some lady's house and she's going to show us her deity and she's going I am very angry at gopal today today he is a being a very bad boy and he's not eating you know and I'm thinking is this real I mean I hope it's not real because if it is I offended someone but it just seemed like too much is it really like that um like the Russian ladies what do they when not it's okay now I'm not here to offend you know the babushkabrinda but what is that thing where they say like affectionate names for Krishna and Radha and you know he knows little sahitya but you know no but some of it's okay but you can go too far little sahajaism goes a long way [Laughter] so I've seen before deities and the Radha damadar Temple do all kinds of strings and then start talking to the deity arguing with you know Rupa goswami is warning about this kind of stuff those were sentimental by nature and the other group acting stanislavski method getting into character so don't mistakeit for something like that right we're going to read and pretend it's again it's although it appears to be it's not it's not a mental exercise it's not an intellectual exercise it has to be a faith-based transaction whether you're an intellectual or a simple-hearted person to be a faith-based transaction then something substantial can come to one not by force not by sentiment not by imitation but through service save on Muke hijavato shayam means here through service he may consent to reveal himself10 olympias wam he may decide he may not as I told before and what you exercise saying you're taking Christian name he's not revealing himself why he could but he knows you're capable of better so so it has to be real still Notch the praise the key at a certain point what do you call the Tipping point then right close to 100 percent Tipping Point reaches so much of a majority Tipping Point but that's up to Krishna so the Veda stuti chapter 87th chapter of the srimad 10th counto it's the longest chapter in the wholework called prayers of the personified Vedas and this question arises there that if we conceded that with mundane instruments you can only express what is mundane then how can you vibrate the Holy Name have a spiritual discussion Express anything accurately about the Supreme reality or read a spiritual book or any of these things right if you're limited by you're seeing hearing tasting touching smelling Feeling by mundane senses and the mind which is also mundane boom you're a poem mind is also mundane intelligence ismundane so how can you express the spiritual with the mundane actually this is one of the flaws of prakrita sahaji-ism that's what they're trying to do by reconditioning mind and intellect to express what is divine by simulating spiritual substance right uh simulating it's like neuro-linguistic programming I'll look at the picture of Krishna I'll incessantly hear the sound of the name of Krishna and then this way I'll recondition my mind my senses mind and intelligence to be saturated with KrishnaConsciousness Guru Marsh uses this slope from the bhagavad-gita to prove that that's a fallacy because he's saying boom you're a poem and booty are prakriti they're mundane elements and whose Diva operate a superior prakriti to that is Jiva Shakti so the long and short of it again I said it's the longest chapter in the 10th count and in the entire bhagavatam is that and perhaps viswanath and others will point out this is why you have senses is for Spiritual expression I've tried to connect this to theexpression of rukmini foreign foreign through hearing I could understand you're the most beautiful thing in the world now I understand that's why we have hearing is to do that it's not just one of the things you can do with hearing is hear about Krishna that's not the actual point that's what hearing is meant for seeing is meant to see the Divine form of Krishna so the reason you have senses even mundane senses is to allow for this possibility so it's true going from down to up you can't reconfigure matter to expressSpirit no amount of finite will it be equal to the infinite but the incident can make himself known to the finite he can he Spirit can manipulate matter so the heart under the end of the heart which means the Deep heart's core consciousness the our innermost Consciousness under the influence of Krishna conception can express itself outward through the mind and senses and the tongue can vibrate krishnam that's bhaktivinod Tak or sharanagati not that it's a common misconception amongst others I think they'll go likethey'll vibrate the sound listen to that sound it will purify their hearts what's wrong with this picture so you're gonna vibrate a sound that's gonna purify you there's some counseling there rather the heart under the influence of guru shastra guru vaishnav can express outwards the holy name or a spiritual concept or the infinite making itself known to the finite and that's the only way you can understand Krishna Consciousness is through surrender which means self-giving sacrificing your intellect your activityBody Mind words everything you got so that's the basis for a realistic position for devotee to progress in Krishna consciousness the right amount of self-deprecation and acquired appreciation gifted by the guru Varga for genuine spiritual substance that's a viable Progressive spiritual life and they can have some hope some Prospect when Guru says dive deep in the reality that it's possible it's not uh imploring us to do something that's not possible what are you saying but to do that you have to be seriousEtc Syria is determined faithful patient and as much as Krishna wants to reciprocate your heart's inner true Earnest hankering that'll be reciprocated and more grow and say whatever little faith we have cast it toward the infinite he said and then prepare yourself for what will come and return in response to that when mahaprabhu serves the prasadam his so generous he gives enough for four prepare for that he he only knows to reciprocate infinitely a drop of the infinite is infinite so when we have any by the grace of Guruand vaishnava sarushastra some touch with Krishna Consciousness we feel ourselves very fortunate as Fallen as we are I recall visit English filigree Mars in the afternoon one day and he is sitting in his chair like that as he would do sometimes he go like this when he's very happy tap is on the part and he said I gave my daughter and he said I say the Ultimate Reality must be dancing what do you say [Laughter] the Ultimate Reality must be dancing what do I say should I say the Ultimate Reality must be dancing what do you say foreignof course it was a rhetorical question didn't but uh and groomers explaining and it's actually on the basis of Prima dhamma Deva stotram but it shows us a few things that one is Growers till the end of his life was generating fresh krishna-conscious substance he wasn't merely repeating what he had realized in 1941.or 1950 the time is irrelevant he's in a dynamic process and an inner dialogue that was consistently constantly revealing new substance even interpreting his own compositions so when he said that the Ultimate Reality must be dancing he said on the basis of the Primadonna stotram Atma the fullest Express what's the symptom of fullest expression of happiness and he expressed it in this way and see again remember all these things are connected thematically we shouldn't think oh the upanishads they say onething and then there's puranas they say another and then there's another one that says this and there's another book that says that if you think like that it means you don't understand the unified field theory of Krishna conception and Gautier darshan and mahaprabhu and Guru Maharaja it's all connected right so when he's saying this he can factor in om purana poornam Udacity so where someone might say oh that's the sloka from the issue upanishad where it says the absolute is perfect andcomplete right right yes and Gourmet has many explanations of this the famous zero times zero equals zero zero divided by zero equals zero zero plus zero equals zero zero minus zero equals zero a billion zeros equals zero ten zeros equals zero understand the absolute in this way but that's a footnote sidebar but here poorna purnum there what are the different meanings of complete well one meaning is fulfilled so he's saying he that this is how groomers is meditation for 50 70 80 90 years keeps yielding nectarian substanceso now purnum means fulfilled well as he would Express when someone is really feeling satisfied or fulfilled to the nth degree here the Greek comes to our Aid extasis ecstasy means actually outside of yourself you're so happy you've become ecstatic you go you're outside of yourself and what gurus is saying here when you're satisfied to the nth degree and the joy cannot be contained within yourself it expresses itself outward as ecstatic dance friends so on the basis of this you think the Ultimate Reality must bedancing reality must be dancing but not in some uh um monotonal um scientific over there and all the atoms and part they're all it's like a Downs they're just talking about movement but now we're back to the original Point groomers will say movement enhanced with beauty is Downs just movement is not dance per se but when it's enhanced with beauty it's dance speech when the element of beauty is out of the speech it becomes sung so the better writers even the better prose writers people uh uh you know a literary critics andobservers they will say oh at this point in his writing it approaches poetry they mean it's it has the musical element to it it's it's even though it's prose it's so perfectly written it's now as if it's being sung what is the world in that perfect world where what they speak is like song that's what it means not that they just saying everything they say what is being said because it's saturated with reality the Beautiful it's sung and movement is dance why because they're under the influenceof the ultimate Beauty who's also dancing his ecstasy is not something that he strives to achieve like to move from the unhappy position to a happy position that's not Krishna his ecstasy personified he is already at maram so then the question comes up viswanath and others deal with it sin then why does he seem to enjoy his pastimes with the brajagopi's what is he approaching them for he's already ecstasy personified he's at maram various descriptions are given there like a child playing with Its Reflectionone point is told but also that his movement being ecstasy personified his movements are ecstatic he doesn't move to achieve ecstasy he's already in an ecstatic condition but he's extending or expanding that to others when groomers told about the Ultimate Reality must be dancing and I thought at the time a little while later thinking about it I heard that Nietzsche once said facetiously he said if I were to believe in God he would have to be a good dancer so I thought his grandma was giving so much socrityto Hegel I thought if nietzscha met Guru Maharaj groomers could give him a concept of God that he could believe in that's the Ultimate Reality must be a Dante ecstatic dance

🔗 引用

视频-Experience V • Conceptual Seed of Devotion • Not What You Know but Who You Know视频-Descending Experience • The Superior Art • Divine Imagination