📺视频-Total Sensual Experience • Absolute Enjoyment • Slaves of the Inconceivable Beauty
- 😊 享受:克里希纳将生活的终极目的表现为享受。
- 🌌 现实:我们的现实感知往往肤浅;深层的品质存在于表象之外。
- 💞 爱:个体灵魂(jiva)与克里希纳的联系以爱与情感为特征。
- 🍇 甜美:真正的幸福类似于爱的互动中的甜美,超越了物质的享受。
- 🔍 竞争叙事:不同的存在视角塑造了我们对幸福和目的的理解。
- 🌊 意识:与广阔的精神意识相比,物质世界只是沧海一粟。
- 🌟 终极现实:绝对的真正本质是爱、美丽和甜美,体现于克里希纳之中。
- 🌈 克里希纳作为享受:克里希纳的目的在于享受,强调了存在的终极目标是通过神圣的连接体验爱与幸福。
- 🔬 现实的深度:爱因斯坦关于现实的名言表明,真正的理解超越了表面现象,揭示了每次互动中的深层潜力。
- ❤️ 爱的本质:灵魂与克里希纳的关系根植于互惠的爱,强调了奉献的本质作为最高形式的享受。
- 🍯 体验的甜美:正如个体在生活中寻求甜美,通过奉献追求精神上的甜美会带来真正的幸福。
- 📖 吠陀视角:吠陀叙事与物质主义观点形成对比,将宇宙描绘为广阔无垠,同时强调内在精神满足的重要性。
- 🌊 意识的海洋:物质世界虽然广阔,却与意识的海洋相比显得微不足道,真正的精神体验存在于其中。
- 🕊️ 对爱的奉献:最高形式的奉献是自我奉献,这将带来深刻的精神体验,并实现我们作为克里希纳爱者的真实本性。
🤗 视频
因为他们否认了神的个性。如果神的个性重新被引入,那么可以引导他们最终朝这个方向去追寻这种满足感。我说得很有背景,所以就像你知道的,Quinta Narayan,这并不是完全不可思议的美好,毫无疑问,但也没有失去克里希纳的甜美。你知道,如果你不正确理解这个问题,比如说,鲁法会怎么想,为什么克里希纳会比你高出那么多呢?其实,他就是这么玩儿的。
真的,就像给你孩子起名叫哈姆内特一样(笑)。这就像是,上帝应该是无限美丽的存在,而不是一个躺在天花板上的老肥白 guy,留着长胡子,真是太可悲了。而米开朗基罗,他在很多方面都很伟大,我跟他根本没得比,我连画个圈都不会,顺便说一下,画圈很难,所以有些艺术家专门练习画圈,但就这些吧。
这个巨大的甜蜜被浓缩成了一个小小的东西。他举的例子是,把所有的Vaikuntha Dwar和那些奢华集中在一起,结果还不如一颗Chintamani宝石和Goloca。但这其实是重点,记得Mahaprabhu喜欢在闭门的情况下和Ramananda一起听Krishna Marathon。他说,那些Chintamani宝石的奢华,远远超过了所有Vaikuntha的财富。
你知道,可能有人会说那是他们的病,所以当我们谈到年轻的Sundaram Achintia Guna Swarup时,提到Krishna的Shamasunder形态,那是什么呢?这就是Achintia Gunas的特质,那种形态的品质是不可思议的。我的意思是,她美得让人难以想象,不仅仅是想想我们这里见过的最美的人,把那个乘以一百,一千,甚至都不算什么。就是说,你看Krishna再多也永远不会满足,这不可能,为什么呢?因为最终的结果是这样的。
更高的信徒们认为的那些情况,跟我们现在的状态相比,稍微好一点,其实这种想法是很冒犯的。他们谈论的那些,比如说“bhakti Rasam Rita Sindhu”和“甘露般的 rasa”,还有鲁帕·哥斯瓦米所说的,信徒们的状态,其实不只是像潜水员。我在夏威夷见过,他们有火山口可以游泳,有些人去浮潜,戴上面具,然后根据……
为了传播《巴哈伐特》,他就像我们所说的阿布拉莫瓦迪一样。他的地位很重要,因为他在社会中赢得了人们的尊重,而这在此时显得尤为关键。他所处的这个位置非常重要,因为像这样的人,鲁法说“婆罗门安达就会变成 Asia guni bhakti 的至高无上的体验”,这些婆罗门安达们所经历的,正是通过对梵的领悟而体验到的幸福。
如果这些事情很普通,他根本不会感兴趣,但他却对这些消遣完全痴迷,所以这就说明它们有不同的品质。这一点很重要。同时,我们也在提到,克里希纳的消遣超出了心智和 intellect 的理解,超越了感官所能感知的,比如视觉、听觉、味觉、触觉、嗅觉等等。它们是在思想中构想出来的,属于智力的范畴。那么,我们在做什么呢?克里希纳意识的项目到底是什么?我们刚才已经说过了整个讲座的内容。
但是那些鸟儿,意思是说Hunza,他说最终的结果是你变成了一个Parma Hangzha。我们被告知在那些看似平常的事情中,有什么特定的品质或者能力,他们可以从中提取精神的本质。这又回到了我们所处的情况,怎么去理解这个,他们如何能从任何看似因果的环境中提取出精神的本质呢?比如说,哦,克里希那的友好之手在背后,这很好,它正在摧毁我的雄心。
[笑] 不过那些资本家又会说,享受这个有什么用呢?他们把它称为复利,只有资本家才能理解。他们投资自己的资本,然后利息就来了。你会怎么处理这些利息?人们可能会说,去买点东西,花掉它。但真正的资本家可不是这样,真正的资本家是说,我的利息增加了,资本也增加了,现在资本更多了,利息也会更多。高端的说法就像那样,他们在服务,到了那个时候。
在保持自我身份的同时,这是一件美好的事情,这就是爱。其实每个人都在渴望这样的东西,但他们并不确定。他们并不是在寻找某个人来控制、获取或消费,以追求幸福、自我实现或满足,而是实际上,真心实意地,在我们内心深处,我们在寻找一个值得你去奉献自己的人。拉古帕提,谢谢。[音乐] 其他人则在寻找至高无上的真理和经典。
thankfully krishna's purpose is enjoyment [Laughter] like what everybody wants he's the personification of that but don't tell it I'm reminded of a time when some newspaper reporters they asked srila prabhupada on one of his tours of America what is the purpose of life and being trained by him and acquainted with his General preaching um Style we thought he'll say any one of a number of a few specificanswers like the purpose of life is to develop your love for God or the purpose of life is self-realization or the purpose of life is God realization uh but in this particular time when they said to promote what is the purpose of life promise that enjoyment and everybody all the devotees were a little surprised but all the reports they're just fine oh enjoy Swami sad the purpose of life is enjoyment most devotees were shocked but then there was a dramatic pause and probably said problem is at present we are notenjoying Gourmet said quoting Einstein reality is a thing plus something what its potential it's not just what it appears to be superficially it's in terms of its potential its prospect it's the prospect of its capacity or the capacity of its Prospect Jiva has this reality potential loving units reciprocating love and affection Krishna and Krishna as the ocean so the drop I grow more to say uh soham another Maya body expression he said that's okayhe said what is saw they go drop of the ocean and okay if the drop has certain qualities then shouldn't the ocean have those qualities also as a drop of that ocean we see you have so many qualities you can see hear taste touch smell and feel you can have loving interaction of the ocean of which you are drought has no such capacity impossible only greater magnitude infinitely loving Akila Rasam Rita murti is Krishna like bhakti Rasam Rita Sindhu mahaprabhu Italian Rupa goswami the length and breaths of this oceanisn't immeasurable I Can't Describe everything but I'll take a drop and explain that speaking of my childhood in southern Maryland so we go picking blackberries and the blackberry bushes are low and you have to like get on the ground and crawl and like live if you go inside you'll find the sweetest blackberries that was my experience and my friends and I remember crawling inside one time going for the real sweet ones you know and when I I come face to face with a turtle you know and this turtle's face iscovered with blackberry juice like it's all over them Eli and he's going like this looks at me like he's surprised I'm surprised we're looking at each other I realized we're both searching for the same thing he wants sweetness I want sweetness and we're we're we understand intuitively that sweetness will give us happiness that we both know get the sweetness you get the happiness and one of Philip Ross books uh his his character or the character there is having um almost like a psycho therapeuticsession with a friend and maybe a therapist but at one point he's reflecting on life and the love in his life the passion in his life the arrows and these different things and through the voice of that therap the person says but all all you get in life is a taste you never get a sustained uh of sustainable experience of these things all you ever get is a taste right and it's that and hopes of achieving that taste like dopamine you know chasing after this initial hit of uh uh mundane pleasure that keepspeople motivated to try and again and again try uh to achieve that we're always in search for in uh an infinitely uh rewarding pleasurable experience and what do we find in this world you know a drop a moment I which leaves us unsatisfied because we're hankering for this ever expanding incessantly tasteful experience right so I've mentioned that the like we're we're dealing with competing narratives all right that's what we deal with you're hearing from different sources they're competingnarratives about what is life what is existence what's your purpose what is your prospect what is your potential one narrative says that and and the objective world the universe let's say what is it uh approximately a trillion trillion Stars right so the objective world is virtually infinite unlimited a trillion trillion Stars it's beyond what we can imagine and in this objective world of a trillion trillion Stars there's one planet the Earth that has conscious beings right of which the human beings form the eliteso it means matter is more or less unlimited then Consciousness is a uh a rare substance right it's only found on one planet within the trillion trillion Stars there's Consciousness and then the elite conscious beings are human beings who are composed of arrows and dust and they're searching for pleasure and so and that pleasure which Consciousness and Consciousness enables you to feel pleasure right without Consciousness like anesthetic without Consciousness you don't feel pleasure or pain right so Consciousness enables us tofeel and we're hardwired to search for happiness so in that virtually Unlimited matter World objective world the one planet of the trillion trillion with the conscious Elite human beings if they get lucky on a good day what do they experience a drop of happiness that is a bleak scenario that's not enough to like really get you up in the morning and think today is going to be a lovely day [Laughter] a drop so in this scenario remember we're dealing with competing narratives so this is one narrative rightso the vast infant down to the conscious Elite to the drop of Happiness so happiness or anandam is in the drop position the molecular position Consciousness somewhat greater than that and the the dull inert unthinking unfeeling objective world is the the vast overwhelming substance that's one narrative The Vedic narrative is just the opposite of that fortunately and that's something for us to contemplate happily and and so gurumar says the whole objective world is like an iceberg floating in an ocean of Consciousness itis consciousness which is um and they say um sustaining the objective world the simple example like this table it's hard it's black it has weight height depths Etc all of those are Concepts black is a concept heart is a concept weight is a concept all these dimensions are Concepts a cluster of subject and concept means subjective a cluster of subjective Concepts is an object so the whole objective world is like an iceberg floating in an ocean of Consciousness so in this com pitting narrative the objective world is the drop is thesmall thing Consciousness is a vast substance but what's even greater than that anandam or happiness a they're saying the original source of everything including those flowers those sweet smelling flowers the original source of everything is what is its nature happiness personified ecstasy personified and like uh but um how in an impersonal way lacking form lacking person and they're saying no the central conception of the infinite this I suggest is an alternate unified field Theory Brahma Parma bhagawanthe all-accommodating Brahma all permeating paramatma those are the extremes of the infinite one greater than the greatest smaller than the smallest those are the extremes groomers what is the central conception of the infinite the golden mean of the infinite all attractive Brahman all accommodating paramatma all permeating then and then here's a major leap from Brahman the Parma to bhagavan what all attractive that means beautiful that means personal and say it's like The Theory of Everything Yes Men vegitethe upanishads say try to know the one thing upon knowing which everything is known try to acquire that one thing upon acquiring everything is got samadhi and bhagavad-gita means I think and when you've got that nothing I've got everything there's nothing more than this foreign says the same thing when you when I've got you I've got everything when I heard about you the impression I got the came to my heart you're the most beautiful thing in the worldbeyond the world but like Sundar srin Bethany and she said then I understood why there is hearing I'm no she's getting to the point really this is what it's meant for to hear about you and when through hearing the form the conception of the form of your beauty came to me then I understood why there's such a thing as sight or seeing I like to look at uh etymology of words and just definitions I remind everyone although I'm ostensibly a native English speaker I consult an English dictionary no lessthan 10 times a day looking at words that some I know generally what they mean I'm looking to see am I using them with accurately precisely you know Mark Twain of you know Huckleberry Finn Tom Sawyer fan said the difference between an acceptable word and the precise word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug so it's in our interest whatever our time to look at words and use them precisely so the when it comes to um Aesthetics right and the nearest Russian speaker a stead what is it aesthetico what is itthere you go very almost identical but what it says I mean we say oh that means the beauty or the study of beauty is a culture of beauty yes but the word saying its original meaning was what is perceived by the senses it's means sense perception actually so the case I'm making is that the ultimate goal or object of sense perception is the perception of reality the beautiful of the ultimate Beauty the Ultimate Sound the ultimate taste the old you know the most beautiful sound beautiful taste that's what what Aesthetics is thatculture and that's what she's saying so now I understand it's not just you know in our spare time we're looking for beautiful things right or we'd like to hear beautiful sounds or touch something that is beautiful and soft or taste something that is extraordinary but actually this is what's driving us it's what's driving our existence and Krishna is all of those things that means ocular Rasam Rita murti all of that rolled in the one who's the mo incomparably beautiful the sound of the name is uncomfortablybeautiful the sound of the flute the taste touch form the beauty of the form and then the movement of the form all of these things that's why we have senses of course there's an option you know rain in Hell or serve in heaven the old miltonian satanic option you know but she is saying very beautifully in her uh and this is the opposite of a ransom note normally when there's a kidnapping the kidnappers send a note to something we've got her send us money right now you know by the end of the dayhuh but and this is very beautiful because rukmini is writing the note to Krishna inviting him to kidnap her so she's saying I am inextricably surrounded by karmic circumstances but actually I'm not meant for karma I meant for you come and take what is yours namely me as the government said it's not to judgment everything's meant for Christian you know including us right so she's saying I'm surrounded by these karmic circumstances really I meant for you come and not Rescue Me kidnap me rightit's like being kidnapped by Krishna conception so uh she's saying this is what this is all for this is what aesthetic culture is he said because the Maya bodies deny the personality of godhead that God is a person said they're indirectly giving impetus to mundane eroticism where people are saying that's the only possible plan for expression because they deny the personality of godhead if the personality of God had is reintroduced then redirecting them to seek this type of fulfillment ultimatelyin that direction again I'm speaking highly contextually so even as you know by Quinta Narayan that's not the fully uh inconceivable beautiful no doubt but not the lacking the sweetness of Krishna right you know about like it would seem like if you don't read this properly even like rufa goes for anything like why is Krishna so vastly Superior to you know like well he plays the flute or it says in the book like he has sweet pastimes with his devotees that's not what it says it says he has Madura Russell pastimesI understand why it was like put as sweet but it's saying only the erotic principle only exists in full expression in Krishna Leela if you had to spell it out and Krishna not him by Clinton Orion there is no Eros and vaikunta a procreative but like mundane but not even the Gods are deceived by the human-like parameters of Krishna consumption suppressed Majesty and infinite aspect suppressed the human-like pastimes of KrishnaI'm human-like it it's not that man imagined God In His Image and likeness I wanted to be anthropomorphism but Krishna civilization is the template for human civilization like what does the Bible say made in the image and likeness of God right well not a thousand arms too right two eyes two arms human-like that is the Apache Leela the human-like pastimes of Krishna that the central conception of the infinite is the Supreme personality of godhead who can see hear taste touch smell feel who can look into everybody's eyessimultaneously till that Krishna Central conception of the infant she has ones all accommodating the other one all permeating what's the central one all attractive everyone's being drawn to the center like gravity but what is the gravity Beauty charm sweetness love and affection oh what we're hardwired to seek right search for Sri Krishna reality the Beautiful reality the loving reality the sweet reality the kind Krishna is anandam like sometimes we say Krishna Nanda personified that's who he is that's whathe is that's what he's all about is love affection ecstasy happiness and that's can accommodate everything so the whole objective world is you know the collective cluster of Concepts objectified floating in this ocean of consciousness so here reversal the real tiny thing is this the objective world with all so-called planets you know I mean wow it's so big but we hear it foreign [Music] [Laughter]universe is coming out of his pores hey like golden eggs and then they expand to a billion by a billion whatever metric you want to put in there they're big and before we get into a stereotype about what is large and small and those things because when you're dealing with the infinite prepare you it's not like you oh I get it you have to repeatedly reconceive foreign constantly consistently so we think so the whole objective Rule and then like coming out of the poorism and then very small but then what are wetold um foreign all these universes but in that world those innumerable vikunta planets if you combine the and and we're told you know as the land of icewarjah infinite unlimited opulence combine it all and it's one chintamani Jam Oka we're told and that that realm is like a particle of soil and go look over now but then must be very great what are we told it's 16 crochets that means like 50 kilo squarekilometers see at this point our minds should our brains should explode he said wait there's all these billions of you know trillion trillion stars and they fit inside the poem one Universe fits in the poor and then the whole vikunta fits into one gentam and that realm is 50 square kilometers yeah see it's contradicting I think we have to give up trying to measure with our uh mundane resource like our fi our mind and intellect we're going to measure the infinite so Blake has you risen your reason on you know he's witha compass underwater trying to you know looks like Michelangelo's one of his people you know God with a you know beard that's the sad thing as well really it's like naming your kid hamnet [Laughter] that's God like you can do all these beautiful that's supposed to be the infinitely inconceivably beautiful God is some old fat white guy on a ceiling with a long beard it's pathetic and he is you know Michelangelo you know who's so great in many different ways I mean there's no contest between us I can'teven draw you know a circle which by the way they say is very hard to do so some artists practice that drawing the circle not easy but enough said about that but that idea you see it shows the the who we're praising and there's another pre they're they're wonderful I I appreciate their art don't get me wrong but I'm saying who we praise is like people are just so genius beyond all of that and then they come up with something like that is the oldest person listen to the rest of the lionbut he's also eternally useful so again contradicts The Stereotype the oldest then he has the big long beer I mean really no no eternally useful so this contradiction so when uh it's actually mahaprabhu's example so you know it's good to send out the goswami when they're talking about the opulence sweetness compared to by Quantico he says like when you have a vat of sugar cane juice and then you start cooking it down you can turn it into molasses and you go further what would in India be Goreuh would be what would that be in the wet like like almost like a Taffy like substance gur starts getting more salt and you go further ultimately you achieve like rock candy A Little Rock of candy and then that in other words the idea this huge vat of sweetness has been condensed into this one small thing that's the example he gives to say you take all of vaikunta dwar and all that opulence and and you concentrate it and it becomes not as much as one chintamani gem and goloca but then this is the real point of theword this is remember mahaprabhu like to listen to Krishna Marathon behind closed doors with our ramananda and he said and those chintamani gems of which one possesses more opulence weakness than the combined by Quintas and by the world brother gopis they string them and they're wearing them as anklets on their holy Lotus feet so what is galoka what are the human-like pastimes of Krishna [Music] that's the one thing to understand it's not knowledge but happiness and that means heart love Oscar Wilde joked in one place aboutthe best forms of pleasure are those which do not satisfy because then there's more hankering so what do we find here in mundane pleasure the people become satisfied so to speak and then the reaction appears in the form of suffering whereas in the Spirit we can see in the parallel and the spiritual world is the devotees their eyes are sometimes compared to bees drinking the honey of the lotus face of the Lord and although they may do that incessantly they're not satisfied they have more hankering to see Krishnathey don't say like the Indian man said to me I told prabhupada when he asked about my Indian preaching and the Indian man said we'd come in and say oh I know what is Krishna you know and probably said that is their disease so when we talk about the you know young sundaram achintia Guna swarup so saying the shamasunder form of Krishna what is it an achintia gunas group The the qualities of that form are inconceivable I mean she's inconceivably beautiful not just think of the most beautiful person we've seen here and multiply that ahundred times a thousand times not even close is saying you can never be satisfied by any amount of seeing Krishna it's not possible why because the end result of that will be you just want more there's not anything like oh and that was a pretty good amount of Krishna I think I'm happy with that I'll be back next week well I think that's good for this lifetime and you know ah no she's saying you'll never be satisfied by seeing Krishna smelling Krishna all the different sensual activities that are possible you'llnever reach a satiation point you'll always be left in the position of hankering for more so we're told as Bill Mongol gives in his name how sweet sweet sweet is Krishna so Krishna looks very beautiful and sweet he's saying but when you look at him he looks so beautiful and see but if you look at his face somehow even more sweet same but if there's a smile on that face the smile is even sweeter than the sweetness of the face sweet sweet sweet but that Krishna so when the gopis see the sweet smile ofkrishna's face they who are inconceivably beautiful they become more beautiful Krishna seeing their increased Beauty his Beauty increases and this way there's a competition of beauty so it leaves the realm of what is conceivable by us and our present position James Joyce have this short story we call a portrait of an artist something like that and these two college students are discussing Aesthetics right I mean you know the culture of beauty and poetic Beauty and art liter and and one makes the casein saying because they're talking aboutarrows as well and he's saying if something is truly aesthetic Beauty there should be no mundane reaction remember purik admiraj is uh been cursed to die in seven days and he's fasting from liquids and solid food total fast but he is saying in this verse that he's not thirsty or hungry and he's saying in fact the only thing that uh the the he's lost his thirst for the mundane there's no mundane hunger there's no mundane thirst literally or metaphorically not thirsting for mundane substance ofany sort subtle or gross saying on account of what drinking the medicine for the suffering of material existence which is hearing about krsna's pastimes particularly as Palestines with srimati radharani and Raja gopis so he's saying I'm not thirsty I'm not in fact I feel like I'm just drinking nectar and gomar's explanation of them nutsell sloka mucha ramanticha since this discussion about Krishna how uh fulfilling is it to Shanti he says like eatingthe same way people feel relish and satisfaction in eating it's not just the metaphor here totally nourishing fulfilling as intense as the enjoyment of eating can be that's how intense their nourishing one another hearing and talking about Krishna that's tushanti but ramanti cha is a reference to erotic pleasure that the intensity of erotic pleasure they're having this experience by talking about Krishna so really the devotees are they're the pleasure seekers the thing no they're the people give upall the pleasures of the world and then must be a sad life no happiness there they've given up everything counting their beads not like that was jamuna charges said since I've been experiencing talking about Krishna he said if I recall as the mind is up to reflect on things and if I recall some past like sexual thing he said like it's distasteful to methat I once thought that was pleasure that's what he's saying we don't say that we're like that but the jamuna charges like that is enough to know to give us a hint that don't don't think all these stereotypes people have about people in spiritual life do not make the mistake of imposing them upon the higher devotees they're enjoying like anything they're relishing they're not uh it's not a life of privation they're just haven't had any enjoyment it's not like they're enjoying likeanything that beyond what we can properly conceived and those two things the type of enjoyment you get eating that type of relish and nourishment and fulfillment and ramante Krishna Consciousness is not about sensory deprivation right the monks and what do they call it cells right they call it a cell the room for the monks cell and then the gruel you know gruel means like the worst kind of imaginable food pushed under you know the little slot and the door and he's in there you know flagellant you know like you knowbecause I'm so sinful so in other words so that this type of austerity and the mode of ignorance or passion is going to elevate you to some higher position now the reason the great devotees like Das goswami and others have are taking so little of this world is because they're full on nectarine substance they're only taking enough to keep their body going so he's drinking the buttermilk right but they're feasting you know when it does that uh you know that uh the form of krishnaangout that'ssomething is a festival of um every every aspect of krsna's divine form is like a festival of Cupid so we can't think that whatever we have uh or we should avoid saying that that as far as we've conceived Krishna consciousness we're trying and we are trying to convince others uh to consider that you could say but we shouldn't deceive deceive ourselves in the thinking again that we've fully conceived Krishna or that the higher devotees what they conceive or perceive as marginally better thanwhere we are at present it's actually offensive to think like that it's when it's not hyperbole when they talk about you know the bhakti Rasam Rita Sindhu and ocean of nectarian rasa and what is Rupa goswami say and say what the devotees are like not just like Pearl divers I saw that in Hawaii and uh they have this volcanic craters you can swim in and some people they you know snorkeling you put on a mask with and then according to the uh capacity of the diver somebody can go down they you know and then they comeback up he doesn't say compare them to that he said they're like aquatic animals that can that live like in the bottom of the ocean that deep right and so if if the surface or you could say we weave uh uh maybe touch the surface if you want to be generous and that has astonished us then what to speak of those he said like they're diving deep into this ocean of bhakti rasa Rupa goswami gives this verse in the beginning of the bhakira samri to send you because he's trying to help us understand what is krishna-bhaktirasaand this if if we start connotating in a more refined way taking that dive deeper into reality uh directive then that spirit and and refining what is meant by unlimited spiritual pleasure goswami says here by quoting this verse brahmananda that's his advertisement in the beginning of the book they're saying if you have some idea of what mundane pleasure is and then above that this spiritual pleasure of the yogis the brahmanandis the spiritual adapting multiply that a trillion times it's not equal to an atomic fraction of thepleasure derived from krishna-bhakti rasa let's say that's the advertisement that should at least pick the imagination and say like is that true you know is there some way to have a GL I mean a glimpse of that it's possibility therefore the the culture of Faith under the influence of revealed truth the spiritual directives they're pointing go go in this direction himself giving himself and as an example so out of necessity for for broadcasting the bhagavatam he is in the position of what we would saylike abramovadi right his uh and that's necessary because they're holding the respect of people in society and it's going to be very critical at this point this is the position he occupies and it's very important because like uh that sort of person right rufa goes down he says brahmanando bavade Asia guni bhakti Paramount the brahmanandas they're experiencing this is just by um Brahman realization experiencing happiness that makes erotic pleasure uh uh appalling to them right so they're certified as having nomundane sexual interest that's why sukadev's the the loudspeaker for that and he's saying what by hearing I came to see by hearing I came to conceive properly and what is that uttama when I heard from my father Veda Vias these pastimes of Radha and Krishna and the brother gopis he's saying I didn't know this was a possibility previously right and uh the the reason he's he he's the man who can certify that the palestimes are not mundane because he's not only did he cross over that sort ofmundane interest he was never interested in it from birth inside the womb of his mother so that person how why is he so interested in this why did this capture him if it doesn't have a spiritual quality Guru must say they would say why is mahaprabhu who's an impeccable from an external point of view an impeccable sannyasi why is he so obsessed with the pastimes of radhan Krishna and the brother gopis unless they're not mundane if they were mundane he would have no interest in that yet he's utterlytotally obsessed with these pastimes so it implies that they're of a different quality this is important India at the same time we're saying the name form qualities pastimes of Krishna are beyond the grasp of the mind and intellect the senses beyond what can be seen heard Taste of touch smell Etc we're conceived of in the mind they're intellectually so then what are we doing what what is the Krishna conscious project we're always we just said the whole talk up to this point was about this possibility now we're saying it's notpossible with your senses your mind and your intellect well what's okay Dave said yeah Beyond this realm what I saw was not a mundane form a mundane person mundane relationship that's why every part of the bhagavatam is significant he was certified earlier remember his 16 year old boy naked wandering then he goes past a a Pond where women are bathing naked how would the average modern 16 year old boy respond to that let's not go there all right so okay Dave goes they saw nothing not even Trace elements of exploiting tendency inhis vision this is significant so he's already been certified he has no interest and mundane female form or mundane sexuality then what does he hear about the erotic pastimes of Krishna and the prajagopis and that captures him wholesale so then what does it tell us there's erotic potential in unalloid devotion Madan Mohan Freud Eros is driving the world the erotic principle is driving making the planet spin and Madan Cupid so someone again Madan Mohan who can we're all bewildered by Cupid Krishna is so beautiful Cupid becomesbewildered and also it means that the bewildering influence of Cupid can be uh broken by becoming redirected towards Madan Mohan Krishna Krishna with erotic potential that's what it means right so it's very visual Very sensual right the spiritual project but requires a deeper level of seeing acquiring the proper angle of vision so the complexity of the language of saraswatitakur is to um save us from imposing lower uh misconceivedpolluted concepts of Eros upon the Supreme entity and his loving Associates the which is the ultimate disaster calm lust is like dense Darkness and praying pure sunshine dense light North Pole South Pole remember I said they're very similar but North Pole South Pole Worlds Apart means self-satisfaction self-centeredness uh egocentricity trying to please the senses of Krishnaframe sorrow pancharatra put on what is pure devotion is what's pleasing the Krishna the heart through the medium of the body mind and telling is is expressing it's innate hankering for such things it points to the actual nature of the Soul as a seeing feeling tasting smelling Bean all right and all those things they're not just meant for temporal gratification but they're constants we're constantly seeking out sources ofsense experience it's natural but become artificial in that in one place probably describes it as our uh natural love of Krishna is perverted as a lust for matter you can get excited like people do when they say some movie star or famous person like they have an awards show and then they show then come some famous actor or lady and then the people watching or their their they get a thrill by seeing them and the person's interviewing or talking to them and and let's say it's live so it's it's a realthrill but it's unknown to that actor they know all right ostensibly millions of people are watching but just to make a point they're not reciprocating you know I mean I suppose you could try and make a case for that on some level but not not in a conscious way but Krishna as the absolute if by seeing and whatever the medium is the heart of some devotee becomes excited and by the I mean in a truly devotional sense then Krishna can reciprocate that more no less than srimatirata running herself this expressionand what is it telling us that who is capable of satisfying every atom of every limb of every aspect of our existence and reciprocating the hankering of every atom of every soul they're hankering for seeing tasting touching smelling feeling loving who can reciprocate that necessarily the absolute because we're thinking well I'll find one person is there one person in this world presently of 8 billion who can do that for me good luck with that program foreign as I mentioned you know all of the social mediawhat was the original intention and still the intention to bring people together right so that people and they think with all this data it should be easier than ever to find your soul mate just you know type it in check off a few boxes then the robots search all the data of all the people maybe I'm not revealing enough data I'll reveal more and more and more about myself people who like this person also like this person [Laughter] not available right now but people who really want to also like this person[Laughter] I think with all it should be easier than ever we have so much data on everybody so it should just you know soul mate press a button it should be that simple but yeah it is not that simple because we are answering ideal search criteria and ideal really is synonymous with the absolute only the absolute is capable of the type of hankering that we foreign but we as prabhupada would say we haven't been properly educated about the personality of godhead we're still saying God is something extra abstractremote not tangible not something you could like Wrap Your Arms Around right so there has to be a process by which one can gradually reconceive the absolute along personal lines that's the project of the Krishna Consciousness movement is to be bring people in connection establish a loving relationship with these Supreme personality of godhead otherwise known as Krishna really love means Krishna Prem and that's what the heart is capable of and that's why it will be disappointed with all other substitutesfor that inevitably invariably inevitably disappointed and it can only be released in this way and she herself is saying hearing about Krishna a drop of that substance is what will release this flood from the heart and that is the this world of duality and everything that goes with heat cold happiness distress Etc that'll all finish and she also sells in the end and what for some for all like Prophet said in his postcard to Growers you know I'm totally disgusted with human civilization the animals look more friendly to me andso achieving this position where your material life is ruined you see and then what happens they just wander about like the birds who you know they we say they come they take a little something and then they go they have no fixed residence but those birds that means hunza he's saying the end result is you become a Parma hangzha and what are we told is there specific quality or capability in the midst of what is apparently mundane they can extract spiritual substance from there and that's back to the situation thatwe're in how to read that how they can extract the spiritual substance from any apparently karmic circumstance say oh the friendly hand of Krishna is there in the background this is good it's destroying my ambition for the material world it's convincing me the what it probably say according to talk or it's not a place for gentlemen and so many other things that's what I mean you'll be ruined your your little fantasy about realizing your prospect in this world will be ruined and of course being in the neophyposition where this is like makes us nervous or a cause for alarm because our faith is not so developed but the higher devotees as we hear in country she's praying for that saying having um being affluent foreign when janma good births Iceberg opulence wealth shruta here means Highly Educated SRI uh well physical Beauty so these are impedimentsjust taking Shelter View because it makes us think we have some Prospect in this world whereas your so it's difficult for such people but Thomas but the attention those who have no material assets or have exhausted them proud said you are easily approached by the materially exhausted everyone sees so many things every day what do they remind you of right we all have our own experience we're seeing so many things in life every single day what do they remind you of that's what it's all about is everyoneseeing the same thing now it's all even because of the internet now everybody knows what everybody else knows there's nothing nobody knows that everyone else doesn't know nothing really or that you can't find and you know 0.000 seconds hi so it's just a question of how we shall interpret it shall we interpret it in terms of viewing measuring it against what the heart is seeking what the Mind seeks what the senses are seeking how what will be the criteria for measurements and establishing valueor worthlessness favorable unfavorable desirable undesirable how shall we see or interpret we say the ocean of material existence right right that means the ocean of Carnival um has becomes reduced to the water left in the imprint of the hoof of a calf so think about this how can what you see there's an ocean and now an ocean is reduced to a drop that means a change of perspective a new way of seeing so what was Oceanic and insurmountable is now become a drop now we're going in the other direction and but vishna chakraborty Tabor saidsomething very interesting says that um generally it's good for the devotees to have a healthy fear of material existence no one should think like they're safe no one should say I challenge Maya can see you know dot dot dot yes she can you know don't challenge Maya not a good uh strategy and sometimes gurudev even like placating ma Kali and you know like realizing you know this is her Zone her region stay on her good side you know but so in a healthy fear of the mundane that kind of keeps the devoteesum true and focused and uh sheltered he said but another I mean vishwanath is known for his interpretive abilities he's saying but this what another way of looking at this verse saying the ocean is reduced to the water in the hoof print of economy thing actually we worship the cows Govinda Krishna and and what does bathed them that Abhishek that he's saying actually these things can be seen as advantageous from the devotees and we're back to interpreting adversity as good for Spiritual culture it's forcing us totake a deeper shelter uh to dive deep into reality um as opposed to being outer directed we hear about The Vedic science of auspicious and inauspicious uh science like if you're going traveling if someone goes by carrying empty buckets inauspicious if those buckets are full of something auspicious but what's interesting Chaco bharti takor will say this science we can trace this science back to srimati radharani herself but she observes all these different signs as indicative of whether or not meeting is it's favorable to meet with Krishnathat's the value of these science in our position Direct contact with Krishna yields little substance in the case of actual exalted devotees the most indirect contact yields the highest substance so if srimati radharani sees a tree a Tamal tree maybe a very deep Krishna connection I mean the 10th chapter of the bhagavatam maybe the 90th chapter when it deals with a separation slokas of the mahishida and the queens of dwaraka which are astonishing the way they're there and their Madnessof Separation their talking to birds and inanimate things the what is this one bird curity they have a particular uh wailing call and they're the Queens who are Sleepless from separation prisoners say oh are you like us you know that's why you're up because you've been separated from your lord whatever they're feeling in their hearts is projected into that environment it's a reflection everything becomes a reflection of the heart this is a transcendental science how to interpret the world everything isa reflection of the inner quality of heart when one device went to the mod Nas groomers now that I'm here what should be my Seva my service and I said oh when you're visiting month you know you help out with the cleaning or the cooking or this and it's not they're going to say something like that and groomer said your service he said to acquire the proper angle of vision that's your service to acquire the proper angle of vision the proper way of seeing things it's not you're going to see twodifferent sets of things well internally that's another thing the higher devotees real-time live stream Lila but I mean in terms of how we view the world and transactions with the world will all be seen differently saying you need to acquire the proper angle of vision how to see everything and that will lead to the Awakening of of internal Through The Eyes of the scriptures on [Music] means seeing through hearing this will help one acquire the proper angle of vision Guru Maharaj will say when it comes to interpretation or howwe see anything it depends on where we take our stand so if we take a stand in the niraguna plane which is where sukadev begins from then we'll see things from a certain perspective and there's great Ace in and everywhere and everything so we go deep into the niraguna plane that means yeah the objective World subjective world super subjective world and these super super subjective World means go Loca the Opera tele of Krishna where everything is perfect and will be interpreted in terms of the absolutely a highest interest of theSupreme absolute this gormore said how to show Sue ball and and sriram ready to fulfill the inner desires of Krishna there's that plane then here in this world basically we're operating in terms of what the intermediate position distinguishing well this is good that's not good this is desirable that's undesirable some discrimination is being applied but from a higher perspective everything's moving perfectly according to the uh sweet will or the will of the sweet absolute we have to prepare to surrenderourselves to a Whimsical Lord in this world we don't want to be subject to someone's whims but when you're dealing with the absolute why the hesitation is the absolute ultimate and absolute good his whims are for the Eternal benefit of everyone and everything if you use Krishna conception for some other purpose then it's not Krishna proper it's in the name of Krishna and looking like Krishna but it's not krsna proper but when you come in connection with Krishna proper you won't try to use him for yourlower purpose you'll offer yourself to him for his higher purpose that's Krishna conception that's why there has to be the concept of the servitor and the servant and service otherwise oh I like Krishna I like God I like this I thought as long as he's fulfilling your lower purpose whereas we as I heard groomers say today we're meant to be exploited by him he's not afraid to use that language however Politically Incorrect it might sound we're trying to understand the substance of a thingto be exploited by the absolute good is a good thing autocrat he exists by himself and for himself to fulfill his own purpose we're afraid we're suspicious but what do you think the purpose of the absolute good is then we need to understand who is he what is he rasaraj hey his ecstasy personified what is that one today or beyond the light is the beautiful form of shama Sundar Krishna his ecstasy personified Beauty personified sweetness personified love and affection personified so when the people said oh God yourmother preaching slavery all this dasada son who does servant of the servant of the servant and humanism we say you're number one you're the man and the Maya Buddies say so hum that great ultimate I'm that don't you know who I am Gorman said ironically though they why do they respect the guru if you're that why so much respect for Guru they don't want to cross over that they don't want to disres you should be equal so if you're the ultimate thing then what is the guru higher or lower thannot but you know Gopi bar to come alive servant of the servant of the servant sometimes Guru must say you were the slave and not even directly the slave but slave of the slave he preferred the word slave it's like pushing the humanistic button in all of us and so they said go to your mother they're preaching slavery Sarasota said no Goliath stands for the Dignity of the human race to be the slave of Krishna the servant of Krishna that is not a low thing that's the ultimate achievement krsna tells Arjun and bhagavad-gitanimited you can be an instrument to my Divine will but there's being you know a happy instrument to Divine will or reluctant but we should resist the sort of thinking it's being imposed forced upon you because otherwise why are they having a discussion if Arjun doesn't have Choice what's why is there a bhagavad-gita why all the talk and all the different things discussed and considered if there's no choice involved so it comes to the question of free will this dichotomy the two choices I said there's competing narratives one isfreedom for the senses right that's so-called western civilization and remember what it when they asked Gandhi what do you think about Western Civilization he said I think it would be a good idea [Laughter] so freedom for the senses that's Western Civilization Eastern civilization freedom from the Census we are all slaves of our senses so this whole hoax about how free we are and we're more educated and free thinking than anyone before us you know what I'm saying yeah I'll get to you in a minutehold on yeah and we're just so free and you know okay and and have control of Our Own uh Minds right we're slaves already we were slaves before we're slaves still it's that's the position in the world to be a slave to the senses so to realize the Soul Plane and government when you're situated there then this loses its hold upon you and as we indicated earlier because Christian is called Rishi case and Govinda because then he was saying like oh so all this desire that we you know we'reit's like our we're hardwired then it just has to be stopped given up suppressed uh deprived starved you know and and then and you'll be free from that and I guess that's supposed to be a happy position to be on all right that's not krsna Consciousness I need to say we're the um for those who were not satisfied with the for the pittance of what's offered in terms of sense gratification we're uh interested in something more than that so it's not that we're sense deniers butwe're sense affirmative but saying not uh that as spiritual subjects we shouldn't be outer directed toward in that sequence objects of the senses senses mind Etc you see sense objects are in the lowest position so why should the chit subject how can it find happiness in the acquiring controlling and consumption of things that are lower than it so to reconfigure ourselves as dedicating units and then find that you can have the full spectral reins of sensual possibility and dedicating devoting yourself to that Which is higher thanyou that's the prospect foreign Divine will just say sweet pastimes of radhan Krishna and brother gopis that hearing about this from krsna loving qualified people will actually cure the heart of lust of the desire of the unfulfilled desires that we're we're trying to cleanse and the objective World Creed Rogan it's identified heart disease it's a heart-to-heart transaction but at present the heart is knotted it's uh lust desire has a Stranglehold on the heartso it's not truly expressing itself with the book called The Deep heart score is not being expressed so the bhagavatam says money hearing about Krishna the knots the Stranglehold the lust has an heart will be released then the real heart flow will come so he introduced the concept of self-disipation says when you take make Sandow with Pope you have a grinding stone a sound that would stick you pour rose water on the stone take the sound that would stick and start rubbing it into the stone and what happens is gradually the sandalwoodstick is dissipating right that position is finished but what's happening is this pulp this divinely fragrant substance is being generated as a consequence of the self-disipation that's what Krishna Consciousness is meant to be that we uh engage ourselves all of our energy and serving capacity right going against the current of exploitation and a dedicating current and the through self-disipation we're gradually converted into a Divine physician so the karmic generating form vanishes and the golden serving self begins to express andmanifest itself but we'll say when Amar okay then praying and what precedes that again means an Unknowing connection with the niraguna plane this goromar is told when a man is lying unconscious we see in the modern world the paramedics come and they inject him with something to bring him the Consciousness and they'll say can you hear me if you can hear me move your finger or move your arm give some indication you can hear me then when they do that then now they're Gata awakened they can begin to cooperate for theirown betterment got the sukriti leads to it then destroy what is minimally you hear about Krishna Consciousness and think it's possible I can understand everything they're saying but there's something there that sounds possible that affirmative affirmation just a positive heart expression toward what has been heard shradha and belief and more cultured way that if I just pursue this right yes et cetera inquire about that one thing knowing which everything is known try for that one thing having obtained everything is Godin the samadhi chapter in bhagavad-gita when you're what is it really when your connection with us see it's consistent to copyright explanation coming in connection with us you think you've got everything rukmini again in the bhagavatam rupam now I think I've got everything it's a consistent thread throughout that's faith believe yes I'll just give all give myself the Krishna he'll protect me maintain me have to have some belief and that possibility leads one to the association of devoteesproper and then the most Superior devotee to put ourselves under their guidance and adopt their practices then misconception is gradually being converted into proper conception an unwanted I say [Music] misbehaviors being converted into proper behavior then Ruchi some taste and Growers saying what what is it a taste for what in the beginning was being painfully executed means to voluntarily inconvenience yourself for the sake of spiritual realization but now some taste has come for thosevery things that someone was performing previously out of a sense of following the order of the guru or obligation spiritual obligations now they have a taste they like hearing about Krishna they like hearing about mahaprabhu Ruchi then ashakti how much do they like it you can't take it away from them now they're attached to it the way that someone becomes attached to anything they're attached now to this said then stop hearing the bhagavatam the person no I don't want to do that he said oh thenyou do have some appreciation a Shakti then Bob what does that mean here this Bob that the seed the bugs he let the bees sprouted it blossomed now it's produced a flower that flower has a fragrance it means the devotion of that particular servitor has a fragrance that Krishna finds as Charming as a sweet smelling flower he wants to inhale that more and more it's giving some joy to Krishna the sort of devotional sentiments that are manifesting in their hearts and when that intensifies then expresses as prayinguh anurag mahabhava but still this is so valuable and say well what if someone they only had a brush with this for a brief time still it's the best thing I remember one since Philo Providence Garden in Los Angeles he was giving the sequence and talking about that and telling each stage but when he got to Bob and then when he came to like praying he said then enjoyment [Music] [Laughter] but groomers again would say but what is that enjoyment done they call it compound interest only a capitalist can understand usthey create invest their Capital then the interest comes what do you do with the entrance people go well go buy something spend it not a real capitalist real capitalist no I got some interest increase the capital now the capital is greater more interest will come increase the capital Gourmet said the devotees they're like that they're serving then when that time comes increase the serving capital more interest increase the serving capital so real praying is real enjoyment is Seva Yes means he's owning the ultimate enjoyerof everything including ourselves not that you just give something I'll give a donation here's the flower that's good but what he wants you to self-offering to offer oneself and not to the point of self-annihilation here we should make a distinction between self-oblivion and self-annihilation because sometimes well aren't they the same though they're not the same self-annilishment extinguishing the self that's not what surrender is about all right self-oblivion means you're so lost inanother you've lost yourself in another but you've retained your identity just like in this world what is the kind of love romantic love that people are searching for they want to be totally lost and and lose themselves and another person well retaining their identity right that's what self-oblivion is to become so Holy One with another person one and will in spirit and hearts while retaining ones identity that's a beautiful thing that's love that's actually what everyone is hankering forand they're not certain they're not searching for someone to you know obtain control acquire control and consume to achieve happiness or self-fulfillment or satisfaction but really candidly truly in the core of our hearts we're searching for someone to who's worthy of offering yourself to raghupati thanks [Music] others are searching for the param Brahma and the shrutis and the Vedas bhutani Etc yes they want the param Brahma from whicheverything came by which it's maintained and to which it will ultimately enter same thing in the smriti and the Mahabharata everywhere even in Gita is saying but what I want to know Brahma what is do that like a play thing the Lord is a toddler is crawling in his Courtyard who can be trusted with that and pericardmars take a step saying nandakim akarode Brahman Shreya Eva mahodyon yes Courtyard but you showed us God Krishna on her lap and he's sucking her breast milk what did they do what it means what do they do theyrepresent raghavakti spontaneous love and affection from the heart that's not obstructed by anything nothing can extract obstruct that sort of love and devotion and do they annihilate their personalities no but they are experiencing a sweet type of Oblivion holy lost and love for Krishna Holy One and purpose only they can be trusted with to have the absolute the Ultimate Reality as a play thing those brother gopis and vrindavan when they tell like uh bring that to me then Krishna you know he's in town takesup brings it to them and they go dance go Paul dance down Christmas starts dancing then sometimes they bring that he's he can't lift it who is omnipotent he can't live something this is a sweet the play The Sweet absolute only those who are Holy One and purpose and hearts by that I mean hearts right not some abstract purpose think hearts love the purpose of love is in this sense Oneness there one yet retain their identity otherwise there's no possibility of loving exchange there has to be two chakraborty takor is saying the methodinvented by the bridge of gopis there's not no Superior way to Worship the Lord foreign [Music] and his land vrindavan what is it characterized Mercy over Justice heart over intellect where love an affection Reigns Supreme so he can only be captured by love and affection it's not impressed with any display of intellect mental prowess um Miracles yogic siddhis any such thing but heart the power of love and affectionsometimes Growers says the greatest thing ever invented aspired to what is admittedly driving everyone in this world searching for love sweetness affection it's the goal the target of everyone