📺视频-SuperConductor of Spirit • Guru is the Current of Devotion • Life-giving Nectar
- 🌍 虔诚信徒稀少,但纯粹奉献的世界确实存在。
- 🌱 奉献是一个在神圣影响下的概念种子。
- ✨ 真实的视角来自于通过导师的视角看待事物。
- 🔌 谦卑使精神导电性更强。
- 💖 奉献将风险转化为精神上的收获。
- 🎶 克里希纳被真诚的自我奉献所吸引。
- 📜 伟大信徒的教义指导我们的精神旅程。
- 🌟 信徒的稀有性:真正的信徒不多,这强调了导师引导的重要性,以便进入更高层次的奉献领域。
- 🌿 概念性的奉献:奉献不仅仅是行为,它始于神圣影响下的概念种子,并在这种影响下成长,塑造我们的认知。
- 🔭 导师的视角:通过导师的视角理解克里希纳揭示了更深层次的精神真理,并促进了奉献的增长。
- ⚡ 谦卑的超导性:真正的谦卑使精神流动无阻,使信徒能够成为神圣能量的导体。
- 🎁 奉献的变革:奉献的无私性质转变了我们对风险和回报的理解,使我们与神圣的目的相一致。
- 💞 克里希纳的吸引:克里希纳被那些无条件奉献自己心灵的人所吸引,这突显了无私爱的力量。
- 📚 伟大灵魂的指导:杰出信徒的教义提供了洞察和方向,丰富了我们的精神道路,加深了我们的理解。
🤗 视频
在内在意识的最深处,我们处于一种虔诚的状态,表达着我们的信仰。这种信仰的表现形式显现在我们身上,真是难以想象的幸运,能够与这个境界有一点点联系。但在我们Guru Vargas的恩典下,有时会让我们想起bhaktivinoda的那些话,他说那是什么样的光辉,那一瞬间的闪现,就像闪电般的耀眼,仿佛在那一刹那我们看到了更高现实的那一层面。
在梵文中,“drishy drishtva”意思是观察、看。他说他们是现实的观察者,像是恐惧。在这个意义上,“darshan”意味着看,也和哲学、观点、视角是同义的。梵文中“创造”的词是“sashti”或“srishti”。他们并没有被告知自己在创造什么,实际上,所有的作家在不同程度上都受到其他作家的影响,没有人真的写出什么“原创”的东西。
这就是SRI Krishna的卡尔希尼奉献的强大之处,在奉献面前,至高无上的力量变得无能为力,甚至成了信徒的玩物。所以,布林达班的女士们可以说:“哥帕尔,跳舞吧,来吧,跳舞!”然后克里希纳就开始为她们的娱乐而跳舞。古鲁马哈拉吉把这些伟大的信徒比作不同的镜头,通过镜头可以看到肉眼看不见的东西。
望远镜曾经遥远而模糊的事物,现在变得更加清晰和近了。因此,修道者们谈论的是一种透镜系统,Govinda就像掌中明珠,随着他们转动手中的明珠,闪烁的光辉和不同的视角、领悟和理解也逐渐显现出来。Rupa Goswami以一种方式展示,而Goswami则用另一种非常优美的方式表达,Baladev在其中也有很好的阐释。通过聆听这些不同的虔诚表达。
普遍的应用,所以不会产生区分你的心灵和其他人的心灵的观念。他说只有一个Guru,然后是什么呢?他以无数的形式出现来指导你、我和其他所有人。在Sarasota,兄弟们和女伴们在寻找Krishna,他们看到的一切都可能是他们寻找的东西,能帮助他们与Krishna建立联系。Sarasota说,无论在哪里看到Sri Guru的莲花足印,都反映出这一点。
这段话的意思是:会有个美好的结局,他说会很好。他提到“Gopi Bhajan”,意思是哥哥们的行事方式都是冒险而没有回报。他说你看,我们认为这个世界是实在的,而对灵性却信心不足。我们觉得克里希纳意识所提出的前景都是冒险而没有收益,或者说这个世界的精神是由灵性丰富的意识构成的。
挤出点东西来可以,但她说不管你有什么理由,你都没有向我展示真实的自己,你并没有真正出现在我面前。对此我很满意,我是无条件的,我对你的忠诚、奉献和投入并不依赖于你以某种特定的方式回应。这就是无条件的意思。还有,gurumar提到了montavendra Puri,他的那句诗我忘了具体怎么说,但最后一句提到的Govinda,他列出了所有反对他的人。
经过这么长时间和投入的精力,我却没有什么成果,对于不同的信徒和修行者来说,这种感觉各有不同。我没什么可以炫耀的,没达成什么目标,但我也没有其他的避风港,我不想追求其他的事情,我依然决心朝这个方向前进。[音乐] 然后种植者说,你可能只是一个信徒,甚至他不会说你是神圣的,他说你可能只是一个信徒,因为这就是信徒的心态,即使会经历什么。
超级主观领域,Guru Mars 里的“超级主观领域”指的是克里希纳的阿帕奇丽拉。那些与此有深厚联系的人,比如优先的 acharja,正在说我崇拜那高于一切的亲密计划,我专注于眼前的服务,心情愉快。这些话出自 Das Goswami,他是优先的 acharja,在那个境界中有他的秘密身份,他在表达这样的感受,所以这不是简单的事情。
the actual substantial devotees of the lord they're very rare to be found in this world but Guru Mars reminds us there's another world where everyone is of that quality and there's gradation still but everyone is of that quality right but in this world okay conception is the substantial thing the objective world is the least aspect it is conception where substance is to be found this is the world the objective world world of misconception but there was another world uh based on pure conception so bhaktiluck to me means a conceptual seed so under the end the dust of the lotus feet and one place as you know dually it means under the influence of that Divine substance which is personified in a particular devotional personality coming under their influence beginning to see things the way they see things through that through the devotional eye primary doesn't say that the premik bhaktas are saying the paramatma in their heart right Sundar Krishna is Manifest in their hearts the Deep Hearts core means they're they'redeepest plane of internal Consciousness we're in the swarup form the devotional form expression the form expression of their devotion is manifest we're all inconceivably fortunate to have even a remote connection with this plan but by the grace of our Guru Vargas sometimes in the words of bhaktivino tank where he said what is that illumination that momentary Glimpse like coruscating flashes of lightning Brilliance where for a moments we may have a glimpse of that plane of that higher reality of the Soul's potential and identity inthat domain but it's all a gift on the wealth of srila bhaktivinod thakur so that's gurum where's the point can the incident make itself known to the finite then how does he do that revealed truth it won't be acquired truth based upon uh uh or purosha individual experience collective experience all right it will be revealed truth he'll make himself known how who saru shastra Guru vaisnava agents as Governor says the Rishi is interesting that that word is used the Sanskrit it means like drishydrishtva to see observe he said they're observers of reality like fears in that sense darshan means to see it also means it's synonymous with philosophy and Viewpoint perspective the Sanskrit word for to create is sashti or srishti right they're not told they're not creating anything the Reese's there and even just as a side point great literary analyst will actually point out all writers in varying degrees are under the influence of other writers no one's writing anything quote unquote originalso someone even wrote a book called the anatomy of influence however you can find someone is influenced by another thinker another thinker another thing it's like a guru parampara right you can make an original expression but to say that you're uh just totally creating something without any influence running is a dishonest position so the rishis darshina what they've observed what's been revealed to them they're expressing they're giving vent to that they achieve a state of what's calledsuperconductivity and while it's all getting into the science of this which I couldn't if I wanted to the ideas we know like wires connect you know like a copper wire or you know a current passes through it but they get hot because some resistance to the current translates into heat but here we're told if these Ceramics are reduced to absolute zero they achieve a state of superconductivity there's zero resistance to current and so they become superconductors that this is how to understand the depth ofnegativity and humility that is expressed by the vaishnavas because on the one there there's no greater depth of humility being spread expressed and at the same time the the output of current cannot be equaled or surpassed so how is that possible it's the highest level current that's passing through them and being expressed and they're saying I'm so low so Fallen they become superconductors so if we understand what Growers is saying is humility there's no assertion there's no aggressiveness in humility rather it'sthe opposite of that it's non-assertion to the point of offering oneself as an instrument and the greater the depth of humility it means they're approaching in this sense absolute zero in terms of humility Krishna Consciousness is measured in an inverse to the degree that one is non-assertive non-aggressive and conceives of themself in a low position we can understand that is the outcome of being in touch with deep higher magnitude of spiritual substance so kaviraj gosami what he expresses in his humility is painful to hear but ifwe measure it in the inverse we can understand his approach the absolute zero right where there's zero resistance to current arjune has zero resistance to current srila prabhupada Swami IRAs had zero resistance to current the order of the guru there's a current Guru sometimes they call it radharani's suggestion the suggestion comes for Seva and then ego creates resistance and is thrown off in a type of heat dissipation whereas when there's zero resistance to that as prabhupada said reading the second chapter of thebhagavad-gita where viswanath's glosses this as the Resolute determination to offer oneself fully to the order of Guru that's what prabhupada did that's what kaviraj goswami does it's what Arjun does once in this regard Prophet said Arjun he he chanced the Supreme Mantra I think Oh you mean the Hari Krishna Mantra not in this context he said the Supreme Mantra karise I'm prepared to act according to your instructions Guru Marsh the gurudev will you act are you prepared to act according to my instructions or followyour mind it's bhagavad-gita it's personified these are not trivial dialogue or conversation it's very critical and important there's a reason everything's connected they're not just random uh uh uh things being appreciated they're all connected so zero resistance to that current offering oneself as an instrument an agent Mr government says when you give the class you're you we offer the flower Garland to the book and then offer ourselves as agent for divine revelation the book is posing as in a passiveposition as a book digital media or any other way but actually it's spiritually conscious substance and a passive representation so the devotees For Whom the spiritually conscious substance is the living Dynamic ex and accessible palpable uh thing they're offering themselves in service this is the natural outcome of one's really has some appreciation just to talk so much about Krishna this that or the other thing unless one offers oneself and serve us and not only directly but Gopi bar tour Dasa and growing where it spells it out quiteclearly not only slave but slave of the slave of the slave not even directly the slave we know in in recording and like you know midi the musical instrument digital interface so you have what do you call the master unit and the other units called a Slave the slave does whatever you do on the master unit the slave unit does it's something like that Master Slave relationship but we're very afraid to hear these terms because of uh secular humanism so we we get nervous and start to sweat when we hear about slavery and MasterSlave relationship right but what we ignore is when Krishna says if you become my slave then I become your slave the infinite comes under the control of the finite that we failed to factor Krishna is addicted to the love and affection in the hearts of his devotees ninth Kanto amberish first Kanto he said swarat he's independent we were saying oh that means there's nothing you can do but here he's saying in the presence of devotion it's as if I lose my Independence that's how powerful SRI Krishna karshinedevotionals that Krishna becomes in this sense powerless in the presence of devotion the Supreme powerful becomes powerless or becomes the plaything of the devotee so the ladies of vrindavan can say gopal Dance come on Dance and krsna starts dancing for their amusement Guru Maharaj Compares all these great devotees to different lenses through the lens you can see what is otherwise invisible so what was not visible or what was invisible to the naked eye through the medium of the telescope what was remote and far became nearerand clearer to us so groomers talks of the telescopic system a series of lenses that Govinda is like a jewel in the palm of group in sanatana and as they rotate the jewel in their Palm corruscating flashes of Brilliance perspective realization understanding are being revealed Rupa goswami is showing one way so nothing goswami showing in another way very beautifully expressed there by baladev so by hearing the devotional expressions of different devotees different paths are open to us different uh aspects of what they say resonates inour hearts and gives us some encouragement to go forward when we speak of sadhus we mean those who represent these things we want the association of those who you know krishna-loving people the superior devotees as this conception is coming from caitanya chart from our Guru Varga we consider the real sound was like gurudev Guru Maharaj swaminar is probably these are the three sados that predominantly were focused on and to the degree that their teachings are reflected and different servators we acknowledge thatand we seek out that sort of Association we say oh what they've given is being expressed here to not recognize that would be uh detrimental right it's not uh sometimes people think um it is um what is it being unchaste no we are chased to the Lotus feet of Sri Guru and uh as prabhupada wrote in his um yes Puja offering the Sarasota said the result when we speak of the fundamental principle of gurudeva we speak of something that is of universal application thus there does not arise any conception of distinguishing mind from yours or anyoneelse he said there was one Guru and then what who appears in an Infinity of forms to instruct you and me and all others and Sarasota and the brother gopis searching for Krishna everything they see as a possible they're looking for um what do you say as a that could possibly help them bring them in connection with Krishna and their Sarasota says wherever we see the Lotus feet of Sri Guru reflected we acknowledge that and accept that that is not being unchaste to our Guru right just as in the case of srila GuruMaharaj sometimes people thought that of us but we thought this is what what uh what we've heard from srila prabhupada is pure devotion is a pure representation of Krishna Consciousness I find the current hearer he's saying this current uh is our it is life-giving nectar and where that dependent upon it sometimes he said like the current of a river sometimes it's very narrow sometimes it's very wide but it's that current that we uh seek and he gave another example he said uh when they they talk about the there aresome places where the ganga enters the jamuna and or the Saraswati different so they say which is it and he said the saying is it's the current so when the water enters the current of the ganga it's ganga when it enters the current of Saraswati it's Saraswati so we are our serving life's necessity is to be in touch with that current where that current is flowing and so that's on the sadhu side saru Sangha satovere so those in the same line but who are superior who are acknowledged as SuperiorI remember this is like in Los Angeles in 1981 I'm reading bhagavad-gita I'm reading this book of mahatmaan partha David prakritium I believe that but suddenly I'm reading this and I'm thinking of all the things I've heard from Guru Maharaja mahad Manas to Mom partner mahatma's well who if you trace the Muhammad thread great Souls who were the greatest Souls they're the brother gopis radharani and brother gopis who are dating prakriting Hospital gopis they're totally under the shelter of theDevi prakriti and what do they do so 24 hours engagement is only possible in Madura rasa to ananya if to the extreme must mean Madura rasa uh Gopi Bhajan so anyway I found these sort of Concepts streaming out of the sloka and I'm thinking where did this come from and then I realized oh because I'm hearing from srila sriramars all these other Concepts when I go to look at these things new things are streaming out new possibilities of interpretation when we say acquire the proper angle of vision what is that Gopi Bob the angularvision of radharani and brother gopis how they see things how they see Krishna what is their method president how they're offering themselves to Krishna completely without expectation of any sort of remuneration but groomers refers to as compounded interests like someone invests some money then the interest comes says what does the real capitalist do takes the interest and increases the capital now it it draws more remuneration take that interest expand the capital and the interest will keep expanding and the capital will keepexpanding so government said that's the nature of devote pure devotees that say Das Corey beiton means salary does Corey beiton Mori dejo primadonna let I just want to be your servitor with praying as my salary and what is praying increased serving capacity so when the interest comes which we would take it to be enjoyment ecstasy or whatever everybody's taking that and increasing their serving capacity so everything should be like that then that means sincerity can be increased as the as groomers will say according to the innerawakenment of a devotee is how they view Guru how they view Krishna radharani the brother Gopi the whole thing and how we view uh what what is the meaning of being sincere how we view offering ourselves foreign we're told really what is diksha we want to take it in a higher more connotative uh uh View and say if we read it's when op money vedanum is achieved right when one totally offers oneself just as the brajagopia says inverted braja saranam what do they do they're pulling babies off their breaststhey're letting things burn in the oven they're throwing their husbands out of the way and running to Krishna that's what they do and they're the leaders of anyone who's a seriously aspiring in the Krishna Consciousness movement just to know that these things are there or should give us some encouragement to be attentive to our presence that and that's what Growers it's just hearing the we can't we're not qualified to discuss them other than in summary form not to go into detail same but justknowing that should give us enough encouragement inspiration in our present position to dedicate and rededicate ourselves no one was ever a loser for surrendering themselves ever hey we're sitting here trying to calculate about it that's a losing proposition the calculus position but no one was ever a loser for just utterly totally surrendering themselves and being becoming uh utterly and totally dependent upon Krishna but we're our faith this week but groomer says as you go east automatically you're withdrawing fromWest but as you start embracing Krishna conception taking shelter pursuing the path of a surrendered Souls actually this will give you everything sometimes Guru he like to tap right you know suppose it when he's like very happy about something like tapping on it and I sat at his Lotus feet and he said um he said well actually said many things tapping on that chair one was I say reality must be dancing what do you say but that's the subject for another time but this time he said you're familiar with the expression norisk no gain and I thought yes and I was saying that's what I've done look I'm a good boy you know I risked everything and then I got your holy Lotus feet and now I gotta so I couldn't be happier yes I understand that principle and I I didn't actually say all these things I'm just filling you in on the mood so but Guru was here as gurudev said he's expert at setting traps that's how we would defeat his opponents and debate and he would count if he starts counting like this that's like one fault two he's making alist of all the things wrong and he's got them there and then he goes through them again and then he sets and then you fall in these traps and you're finished but you're you're happy to be trapped in the Trap so he said he was ah no you're familiar with this person no risk no game like yeah he said and I'm saying it like because that's it that's where you risk and you get that's the mood Prabhu you know and he said you know but there's a higher stage all right like oh reallyhe said yeah it's called all risk and no gain and healing yeah could you just run that by me again did you say all risk and no gain and then Guru was as I've fallen in the Trap and he's like yeah yeah and I'm saying I need to read the fine print on this contract all risk and no gain yes now he is really smart like he knows I'm totally bewildered because I can't understand how this is going to have a happy ending that this is going to turn out well so he said yes uh he said that is Gopi Bhajanthat is the uh it says the the modus operandi of the brother gopes all risk and no gain really and he said you see because we think this world is the substantial thing and we have very little faith in the spiritual all right we think that the prospects being put forward by Krishna consciousness is all risk and no gain value or the spirit of the world made out of chenmue spiritually enriched Consciousness and enriched with what the the ultimate expression of dedicated dedicating tendency who's in so because they think thisworld is substantial I'm risking everything and that the Krishna conception or God or what is an abstract thing you can't really get your hands around arms around although in Krishna conception you can that should be like noted um I think I'm risking everything and gaining nothing all right you think but the brother gopes their mood is you know all risk no they're willing to risk everything to gain nothing means they're it's for the satisfaction of Krishna whatever pleases him the last verse of thisI have no other Lord than you and that means no other interest also not just like Lord as some kind of a word this is a saint you're you are who is important to me how important that if what makes you happy makes me sad I'm okay with that uh and then that we think like gosh that you're trying you know to convince me that I said my my target should be making someone else happy even if it makes me totally miserable right put that on the website so he's saying when it appears to be all risk and no gain because like Dolly saidwhen they said Dali Salvador Dali do you believe in God he said yes but I have no faith an honest answer so he's saying because we have no faith we think it's all I'm risking everything and what am I gaining but as when the association of devotees and genuine vaishnavas as your faith starts to grow then the whole that this world the Stranglehold it has on the heart and starts to let be loosened vegetarian they are grunty chidiantes so he said then you start to realize as the shift takes place and you realize what'shere all of this will vanish it's only even you know this is talking about quarks and this like it's not even really here in another sense and it's just it will all certainly it's vanish but we can live in the plan of our faith so what appeared to be all risk and no gain converts into all gain and no risk you didn't risk anything it was only this deluded egoistic imposition upon persons places things of this world that we thought we owned or meant something to us so what we're trying to sell people onis the idea that you'll sacrifice yourself be a member of The Suicide Squad and everything's for Krishna and if we're crushed by you know what he does it's all good we're no we we have to be honest we don't feel like that but the highest devotees feel like that and really truly and that comes from no less than srimati radharani and new AIDS thought which is primarily under the influence of humanistic thinking they're always putting emphasis on being positive you should be positive think positivetalk uh create a visualization Etc and then you'll get a positive outcome it all sounds uh good but there's something uh lacking there as well because they fail to understand the value of negativity negativity is good in this context we have another context we're saying no there's the negative and the world of exploitation and the neutral position world of renunciation and the positive world of service that's not how we're targeting we're in another context now we're talking about current herenegativity in my talk right now means humility so the depth of negativity means the depth of humility what what is the outcome it attracts the positive Krishna right radarani is the predominated moiety the Supreme negative krsna is the predominated moiety the Supreme positive I remember when as a child being given a magnet and two magnets and knowing when you would put the positive positive you can't put them they repel each other but when you take positive and negative they go you can't keep them apart that's what it's meant the Supremenegative srimati radharani by her humility herself giving herself offering her means her way of serving is to offer herself not to give other things we think oh I'll give something that's another type of service what is wanted here is self-offering that is what makes her who she is total self Oblivion and self-offering to Krishna without self-extinction that is irresistible to Krishna he's drawn like a magnet krsna himself coming as a devotee to shows us and not just to show it but um out of intense you know desire eagernesshas been awakened in him it's the same it must be true in the original not that his position would be any different you could make the same case that this curiosity was awakened in him how uh What uh the outcome of what association with srimati radharani the Supreme devotee awakened the Curiosity within him to experience her position Guru Rupa harim gauram the guru Rupa of Krishna meaning the one who's going to bring us in connection with Krishnaand true devotion the guru group of Krishna is goranga gauranga mahaprabhu they'd say oh he's come in the mood of a devotee which devotee which mood of which devotee Radha Baba Duty enveloped in the heart and Halo of radharani that's who gauranga mahaprabhu is and he is teaching what is he the the sort of exclusive devotion that she alone were told possessed right but her kind of unconditional um dedication to Krishna right in the last sloka of the six songs to come and say asleep it's so beautiful remember and this isthe end of Sri caitanya tamritam foreign and what is he saying there adarshana mama if it's pleasing to you not to or for whatever reason not to reveal your darshanam not to show yourself to me not to reveal yourself to me that's my happiness I think who can say that and really mean it but is there some um mysterious message there even for the beginners the lower section for us that because we're always you know pressing the holy name or the book to give us something we're trying to squeeze something out of it okaybut she's saying if first whatever your reasons are you're not revealing yourself to me you're not present before I'm I'm happy with that I'm unconditioned it's my allegiance to you my dedication to you my devotion to you is not dependent upon you responding in a particular way that's what unconditional means and and gurumar is uh alluding to montavendra Puri and his verse I forget exactly how it goes but it ends on this line uh Govinda where he's saying he has a list of everyone who's againstthe pursuit of Krishna consciousness you know whether it's family friends Society the social structure whatever it is you know anything and you can say I've joined the cult I've lost my mind uh I'm misguided I'm uh ignorant you know I'm not aware of the latest scientific uh you know discoveries or AI whatever it is but and beautifully he says add one other thing to it because you can have this list of all the reasons why I should be discounted or be just dismissed as being foolish he's saying that I gave up everythingfor this Pursuit pursuing Krishna conception he said add to it I don't have it it'd be one thing I gave up everything and I got it he said no add this to it I gave up all of you and all of your considerations and your world and everything that goes with it for the the very thing that I have yet to achieve he said but I'm not going to budge an inch from my aspiration to serve to achieve the holy Lotus feet of Govinda Govinda pados priham it's very beautiful social groomers will say if as an aspiring servator you can sayafter all this time all this energy invested and it's varying degrees for various devotees practitioners that I have nothing to show I've achieved nothing okay but I have no other shelter I'm not interested in pursuing anything else I'm still determined to go in this direction [Music] and then grower says then you might be a devotee even then he wouldn't say like then you're a Divine he said then you might just be a devotee because that's the the mood of the devotee even with how will uh Fair throughnon-achievement it's easy if you think you're accumulating something all right also what is the parallel and um oh mother Puri Aid in the diode what without what will I do now in your absence so it's thematically consistent and you see a connection that devotion proper uh I'm going to say stands in the absence of connection in the absence of the connection of Krishna and the absence of the connection of Guru as Guru says in Sri Guru and his grace this will be the true test of whether you're a disciple or notand the uh after disappearance of Guru or in the absence of Guru how you're able to stand right so that person who has this sort of Singularity singular purpose right cannot be deviated from that even back to the like sotrium brahministam you know they're they're just laser focused on this one thing not their achievement right but their attempt to serve however remotely Govinda Potter to serve the Lotus faith of the Lord and through the agency of his devotees right and it is this loliumhunger hankering they have that right we're in a disease condition right only by serving them through service the sort of appreciation and hunger and hankering that they possess is transferred to the heart of the aspiring servitor there's no other way only by serving such devotees does this plane open up to us it's not John mccoty secretary it's not you not only saying is there nothing you can do on your own to get it it says 10 million births John mccoty secretari 10 million bursts of accumulation of sukriti willnot give it to you I think well that's discouraging but I think but come in connection with the service of the lotus feet of someone who has it and it can be awakened in you by Dent of that service crossed over groomer said even the uh generally we think of a sequence you know then the appreciation for the devotee and then shastric depth and understanding being able to defeat uh misconception that which is opposed to Krishna conception the madhya marikari and then the Utama Maha bhagavata said a third class canister adikari canbypass second class stage by service to a mahabhagavata that's how valuable that is can by Dent of that service connection bypass foreign [Music] it's similar yeah and they're saying here Sakaya means intimacy Dasha rasa so dasco Swami the prayogen it's also from bilapia he's saying and the way Mars would paraphrase this and say if there is no Superior servitor present why would I enter that plane it's one of the deficiencies of mirabai who does not recognize Superior servitor that's always Meera and Krishna no Radhano Lalita no Rupa no reti so that's goswami is saying if there's no Superior what would I be doing there my focus is on the least Seva like lalit that's the line of lalitasaki Radha mukunda parisam the greatest magnitude of intensity for the least aspect of Seva that's the lion the rupanuga line that's srimati radharani is why then but in answering the call of service then other things are possible it's all that's why it's also Puja raghapat gaurav abanga the higher more intimatethat's above we're concentrating here and what's before us when and what's appropriate and accessible to us if the call for Seva takes us into that higher plane momentarily we're prepared to answer that but only out of genuine service necessity not out of curiosity and gurum are saying passport is insufficient to enter that plane you need a visa passport is a general thing Visa specific you're granted the Visa when the Visa granting officer on behalf of that country determines that it's in theinterest of that country to give you admittance not that it's in your interest that's already a given it's understood but when it's determined it's in the interest of that country to give you admission you're allowed and that's the way it is when it's determined then it will be in the interest of the upper world to call you there to give you admission there then you'll enter not because you're curious or you think it's interesting or any such thing or you have some intensehunger and greed uh lolium is a double-edged sword it's told to be a disqualification and a qualification when there's the greatest magnitude of ignorance for Seva that's a good thing but just the greatest magnitude of eagerness of her curiosity tourism spiritual tourism thinking that world is pleasing to your eyes mind and senses as an object you're taking yourself to be a subject and thinking the name of Krishna the form of Krishna the qualities of Krishna the pastimes of krsna the Abode of Krishna taking themto be objects of enjoyment that disqualifies one we have to understand we are an object that is the super the the subject the super subjective realm and in Guru Mars the word the super super subjective realm means the Apache Leela of Krishna so those who are substantially in connection with that like the the priority acharja is saying I worship the the intimate plan that remains above is worshipable and I'm focused on the service that is before me happily and this is from Das goswami who's the prior charjaand has his secret identity in that plane and he is expressing that sort of thing so it's not something that's just targeting beginners like they will be told to move along these lines but no it's always and forever and epitomized and srimati radharani herself who is promoting others in the service of Krishna I've mentioned that within days of joining Krishna Consciousness movement uh they're trying to encourage the new devotees and there are so many prabhupada says and we're told that Prophet said whenum and I might have heard this when uh someone new comes that radharani goes to Krishna and says appeals on the behalf Krishna you must accept them they're better than me which is impossible and inconceivable but that is her heartfelt expression and hinted at toward the end of Sri caitanya chart and the antilia where and Sheila Growers interpreting saying that she wants to promote others and that in itself is a very beautiful thing she wants to promote others uh for you can say direct service to Krishna she's trying to arrange thathey and the way Guru was portrays us is that she's saying but in some instances there is no one who can do the desired service except herself right very like uh filled with a type of sweet humility but she wants to promote others but her mood being reflected in the hearts of her serviters they not only want to promote others but really they want to promote her because they're saying this will be beneficial for everyone no one can exact extract more uh superior quality and quantity of Krishna than her so by analysis we can say oh theseserviters of her they're so uh tactful and they've create and strategic in their Target their goal but out of gratitude srimati radharani is sharing mahabhav with them which is beyond the Constitutional capacity of ajiva to taste or experience if my direct connection with Krishna by a diva Soul directly interacting with Krishna they cannot taste what they can experience in radhadashian Krishna Consciousness is mysterious and works in the inverse and actually we see in time because of mahaprabhu and the goswami Radha Rani isteaching everyone what is Krishna consciousness anything no there's great sages and one guy had a big long beard and you know and he said it does and a giant Tulsi beads and another thing no radharani is revealing Krishna her and her group all the great devotees there are her group right the six shots to come comes from her all of these things do and ultimately the real uh heart what did that sign say information with heart yes yeah information with heart not just information but information with hearts you know uh Heart to Heart transactionno one how in other words no one has more heart than her we're not interested in knowledge or information but information with heart and that comes from her she's the greatest lover of Krishna that can mean different things one of the things it means is no one has more love for Krishna than her so that means no one can impart more love of Krishna than her the Supreme served and the Supreme servators predominating moiety half and krsna's better half the predominated radharani shrub Shakti zlatani Shaktiand those fortunate jivas they under the shelter of the Australia vigraha SRI Guru and his grace they get the opportunity to render Divine loving service under her guidance and by and her serving groups narupanuga line foreign so he's saying Vilas means play and divine pay velocity bhakti siddhantavani May the Divine words and the Cureton and the preaching of bhakti siddhanta Saraswati takor May that play in our hearts eternally that's a devotee that's a pure devotee the master's voice is playing in yourheart that's what's happening to all of us every day of Our Lives the master's voice is playing in our hearts and that's why we have some conflict because we can hear the Master's Voice playing in the heart and then realize I need to improve but the real devotees are saying oh I don't want to hear that voice I want to do wrong I can't I don't want to hear that voice I want to do something wrong no real device saying no may I be so for blessed fortunate that I may hear my master's voice in my hearteternally and High Fidelity try and be faithful to what is heard that's what it is only a devotee can do that prabhupada had an epiphany reading chakravarti takura's explanation [Music] where it says in the realization and this is probably such perfect disciple I have no other reason to exist and to fulfill the order of my Guru he could say that and he personified that right he said I don't exist for any other purpose than to fulfill the uh or offer myself in service to the order of Sarasotato give the wealth of bhaktivinod thakur to the world the service of the Holy Lotus feet of srimati radharani otherwise known as Krishna consciousness movement when the sonori Abram and the mahaprabhu are seen each other they're thinking anyone who has this type of behavior quality characteristic must have some connection with madhavendra Puri that's how we understand things in spiritual circles is by Dent of spiritual connections and qualities characteristics Behavior that's how we can detect really substantially who iswho what is what and who's connected to whom foreign [Music] the Supreme mantram and two the Gayatri and Krishna Mantra is mantram foreign they'll say there's not godsright they're aspiring they don't say they have their aspiring serviters but gurudev said interestingly here in the last line because he's praising his Guru Varga natasco's Swami says me by the grace of Sri Guru oh I have got all these things the holy name of Krishna the mantram the Abode of Matra giri Raj govardhan the aspirations all of these things this is what we get by the grace of Sri Guru it cannot be denied so as Fallen as we are we cannot deny the substance of the grace of Sri Guru guranga RadhaGovinda so we know this line that follows this field of book to be notes line they are exclusive aspiring Servants of srimati radharani