📺视频-Karma | Motive of Movement
- 🌟 忠实的指导:遵循伟人(mahājana)的建议对精神进步至关重要。
- 💫 两种运动:外在行为可以基于意图而分为神圣(akarmic)或有害(vikarma)。
- 🧠 业力源于心灵:业力的真正来源在于心灵,而不仅仅是行为。
- ⚖️ 意图的重要性:法律原则强调意图在确定罪与无罪中的重要性。
- 🔍 动机分析:理解行动背后的动机对于辨别其业力影响至关重要。
- 🌱 赋予生命的行动:受信仰和智慧引导的行动能带来永恒的滋养与成长。
- 🚫 破坏性选择:没有适当意图的行为可能导致堕落和痛苦。
- 🌈 信仰的环境:在善人(Sādhu)、经典(Śāstra)、导师(Guru)和信仰者(Vaiṣṇava)的指导下运作,创造了一个保护性、滋养性的环境,有助于精神成长。这突显了社区和指导在个人精神旅程中的重要性。
- 🌀 行动的双重性质:相同的行动可以导致截然不同的结果——一类行动可以提升灵魂,而另一类则可能导致毁灭。这强调了行动与意图之间复杂的联系。
- 🎯 心灵是业力的根源:将心灵视为业力活动的根源,邀请更深入的反思和对我们思想与意图的意识,强调在精神实践中对心智的纪律要求。
- 🕵️♂️ 意图与正义:正如法律系统需要理解意图来确定罪责,精神进步也要求对个人动机进行彻底的审视,以确保与神圣原则的一致性。
- 🌿 永恒的滋养:从忠实动机出发的行为能丰富灵魂并维持精神生活,强化了业力作为赋予生命力量的理念。
- ⚠️ 误导动机的后果:出于自私或有害意图(vikarma)所做的行为必然会导致负面后果,提醒我们警惕草率的决策。
- 🔄 业力循环:理解运动与动机之间的关系有助于打破负面业力的循环,促进对日常行动和选择的更有意识的态度。
🤗 视频
我们得听从大德者的建议。[业 | 行动的动机]……因为在外在的动作上,这两者是一样的,但一个是在信仰的层面上移动,听从师父和信士的指导。圣人、经典、师父和信士,你是在信仰的层面上行动。所以,你是受到庇护的。你所做的事情是无业的,是神圣的,它会滋养你,促进你的成长;它是一切。这是赋予生命的——永恒地赋予生命。完全相同的动作出于另一个原因就是有业的。
We have to follow the advice of the mahājana. [Karma | Motive of Movement] … because both are the same in terms of external movement, but one is moving under the faithful plane, under the advice of Guru and Vaiṣṇava. Sādhu, Śāstra, Guru, and Vaiṣṇava, you’re moving in the faithful plane. So, you’re sheltered. What you’re doing is akarmic, it’s divine, it will be nourishing, progressive; it’s everything. It’s life giving— eternally life giving. The same exact movements for another reason are vikarma; it will take you down, will ruin you. The same exact movements. So, where’s karma located? Guru Mahārāj would say, “In the mind.” That’s the seat of karmic activity. It’s not the action so much.That’s why in law when they have a … especially in the case of murder, they will talk about intent. So, they have to establish criminal intent, that there’s no doubt that someone was murdered; they were killed. But they say that to determine guilt and subsequent punishment, we need to interrogate the person, find out what were they thinking, why did this happen, what’s the cause behind it all.And when that’s determined, motive, intent, then you can establish innocence or guilt. So, karma is actually like that. It’s not as much the movement, but the motive for the movement.
🔗 引用
Karma | Man is an Architect of His Own Fortune
Kṛṣṇa并不是……所有的波浪都是从无限的中心而来的,有利于我们。即使在看似残酷的时刻,Kṛṣṇa从未试图让我们感到沮丧或伤害我们。[业力 | 人是自己命运的建筑师]因此,古鲁玛哈拉杰说:“拥有这种正确心态的奉献者……就像一个对母亲防备的孩子说,‘我没有做错什么,为什么要惩罚我?’——这个孩子是需要惩罚的;而那个说,‘妈妈,我错了,我做错了事情,我准备接受惩罚。’”他还说:“那个孩子不需要任何惩罚。”因为他们承认了自己的不当行为。但那个人处于否认中……正如古鲁玛哈拉杰所说,“如果我们在责怪别人:其他人、环境、境况……我们可以为目前的状况找出许多借口。他说:“那么,如果这是你的方法,你将会在这个世界待很长时间。但一旦你承认,‘我自己就是罪魁祸首。人是自己命运的建筑师——我创造了我的业力环境,我对我所面临的困难和痛苦负责,’”他说:“那么你在物质世界的日子就屈指可数了。它们会很少。”
Kṛṣṇa is not … All waves are favorable coming from the center of the Infinite. Kṛṣṇa’s never trying to push me down, harm me, even when He’s being apparently cruel. [Karma | Man is an Architect of His Own Fortune] So Guru Mahārāj said, “The devotee, who has this proper mentality … The child, who is defensive with the mother and says, ‘I didn’t do anything wrong, why are you punishing me?’— that’s the child who needs to be punished; whereas the child who says, ‘Mother, I was wrong, I did this wrong thing, and I am ready for my punishment.’”He said, “That child doesn’t need any punishment.” Because they’re acknowledging their misbehaviour. But the one who is in denial … Like Guru Mahārāj says, “So, if we are blaming others: other people, the environment, circumstances … ” There are so many excuses we can make for our present condition. He said, “Then, if that is your method, you are going to be in this world a long time.But as soon as you acknowledge, ‘I alone am the culprit. Man is an architect of his own fortune— I’ve created my karmic circumstances, I am responsible for whatever difficulties that I’m in, and whatever suffering,’” he said, “Then your days in the material world are numbered. They’ll be few.”