视频-Hardwired to Love
📺视频-Hardwired to Love




  • 🌍 现代心理学更强调自我主张而非谦卑。
  • 💪 自我主张可能导致攻击性,与精神价值观相悖。
  • 🤔 自我阻碍我们承认需要帮助。
  • 📖 精神教义强调寻求指导的重要性。
  • 🌟 追求完美是人性中固有的特质。
  • ❤️ 真正的满足感在于寻求爱与美。
  • 🎨 克里希纳意识代表超越单纯宗教的更深层次现实。


  • 🌌 谦卑的误解:许多人将谦卑等同于低自尊,然而真正的谦卑承认我们的局限,同时追求成长。
  • ⚔️ 攻击性与精神价值:自我主张的推动可能导致一种达尔文主义思维,忽视了对精神发展至关重要的同情与谦卑等美德。
  • 🤝 自我的角色:我们的自我常常让我们对自身脆弱和寻求支持的需求视而不见,形成一种虚假的独立感。
  • 🌱 指导的重要性:承认我们的不完美促使我们向精神导师寻求智慧,从而引导个人成长。
  • 🔍 固有的完美追求:尽管我们有缺陷,但内心对美与爱的追求推动我们走向精神满足。
  • 💖 真实的探索:我们的旅程不仅仅是宗教信仰,而是发现一种超越文化界限的更深层次现实。
  • 🌈 克里希纳意识作为现实:接受克里希纳意识揭示了对存在的深刻理解,即追求终极美好现实。

🤗 视频

谦逊不等于自卑。[《天生爱》] 现代心理学源于人文主义,试图鼓励人们相信自己。以至于在现代社会,大家变得很激进,甚至超出了自信的范围。人们已经超越了顺从、谦逊、品德高尚等值得赞赏的品质,进入了达尔文主义的世界,只有强者才能生存。“适者生存。”我们被告知:“你得自信、要有攻击性,勇往直前。”
这不是印度教,也不是印度的宗教,也不是某个特定群体的信仰。这是现实,我们得开始这样看待它。因此他用了这个表达:“美丽的现实”。“寻找斯里克里希纳,美丽的现实。” “终极现实是美的。”
Humility should not be equated with low self-esteem. [Hardwired to Love] So, modern psychology, which is descended from humanism is trying to encourage people to believe in themselves. So much so that in the modern world people are aggressive, beyond assertive. So they’ve gone beyond submissiveness, humility, being virtuous, admirable, desirable qualities, to the Darwinian world, where only the strong survive.“Survival of the fittest.” We’re being told, “You’ve got to be assertive, aggressive, go for it, because you’re number one, you’re worth it.” All of this kind of thing, which is the antithesis of spiritual culture. For the finite, any finite to think that they are the Infinite, or, by another name, ‘God’ is the ultimate folly or foolishness— to think that you’re the Supreme Entity, that the universe revolves around you.But what is preventing this is this ego: “I’m nobody’s servant, I don’t bow down to anyone.” And it’s not even true, it’s just posturing. We bow down all the time to all sorts of people and to all sorts of circumstances. We’re humbled, we’re humilliated. Not just humbled. Humilliated. Prabhupād says in one of his purports in the Bhagavad-gīta, “When one realises that material existence is a constant source of perplexity at every step, it behooves such a person to approach a spiritual master.” So we have this ego that won’t allow us to admit, “I’m lost. What to speak of others, I can’t even take care of myself. I need help.” Guru Mahārāj tells in the beginning of Sri Guru and His Grace, “To err is human, and to err is inevitable for all of us being imperfect.” But, he said, there’s an element within us that seeks perfection.That’s an interesting situation. Admittedly we are acknowledging that we’re imperfect, and we’re prone to commit mistakes, but there’s something in us that’s always searching for perfection, that’s searching for the ideal, the ideal counterpart to our heart; what our heart is searching for despite statistical evidence to the contrary, that you will ever find that in any real and lasting substantial way.We’re hardwired spiritually to seek beauty, love, charm, sweetness personified. That’s what we’re searching for. The imperfect is searching for the Perfect. We’re searching for the ideal, we’re searching for the Absolute. That is what life is, that is what existence is, actually. It’s not religion, a religious thing, a religious idea.It’s Reality. As once Guru Mahārāj said, “Kṛṣṇa consciousness is Reality, and it’s in your interest to become acquainted with this Reality.” It’s not Hinduism or an Indian religion, or something a particular group of people believe. It’s Reality, and we have to start thinking of It that way. Therefore he used that expression: “Reality the Beautiful”.“Search for Sri Kṛṣṇa, Reality the Beautiful”. “The Ultimate Reality is Beautiful.”

🔗 引用


Love | You Get Everything





  • 🌍 爱是一种普遍的体验,连接着我们所有人。
  • 💖 爱并非单纯的发明,而是可观察且强大的存在。
  • 😂 人类独特的笑声展示了情感的深度。
  • 🧠 爱超越社会效用和理性解释。
  • 📜 我们对爱的追寻反映出一种更深层次的、或许是精神上的探求。
  • 🌌 爱能够超越时间和空间的维度,连接我们。
  • ✨ 即使无法完全理解,也要信任爱的存在。


  • 🌟 爱的普遍性:爱不是文化的产物,而是人类共同的体验,强调我们对连接和归属的需求。
  • 🔍 可观察的力量:尽管爱可能无法科学验证,但它在人的行为和关系中的情感影响和作用是显而易见的。
  • 😂 人类的笑声:笑声独特地代表了人类的体验,强调了我们的情感复杂性和分享快乐的能力。
  • 🕊️ 超越功用:爱的存在不仅仅是为了社会纽带,它还包含了失落和怀念的感受,暗示更深层的意义。
  • 🔮 精神探求:对爱的追求可能表明对更伟大事物的探索,暗示爱将我们连接到更高的维度。
  • 超越时间:爱的能力使我们能够与他人建立联系,无论时间和空间的限制,突显其在我们生活中的深远意义。
  • 🌈 对爱的信仰:尽管存在怀疑,我们对爱力量的内在信念反映了人类体验的基本部分,值得我们去拥抱。
试着明白,有一样东西是了解所有事物的关键。[爱 | 你得到了一切] 他们说:“哦,如果你没做过这个,你就没活过!”这让我想跟随自己的心。这意味着这是种特殊的情感强度和欣赏。你是科学家,布兰德。所以听我说。当我说爱不是我们发明的,那是……可以观察到的,有力量的。这一定是有意义的。我们重视的很多东西并不是客观可验证的——比如幽默,比如我们喜欢的那些有趣的东西。那我们为什么要这样呢?
我的意思是,人类是唯一真正会笑的动物。有人会说,“不,还有会笑的鬣狗!”——不,这不算。 [笑] 我只是想说……所以,人类会笑,会哭……你可以说,“哦,动物会哀嚎!”这没错,因为它们在接近人类——当它们的宝宝被带走时会哀嚎,类似这样的事情。你开始感受到情感。所以我们的一切都是关于感受的。爱是有意义的,是的。社交的实用性、社交的联结、抚养孩子……我们爱那些已经去世的人。那这样的社交实用性在哪呢?
Try to know that one thing upon knowing which everything is known. [Love | You Get Everything] They say, “Oh, if you haven’t done this you haven’t lived!” And that makes me want to follow my heart. It means it’s a particular level of intensity of feeling, of appreciation. You’re a scientist, Brand. So listen to me.When I say that love isn’t something we invented. It’s … … observable, powerful. It has to mean something. Many things that we value are not objectively verifiable— like humour, like what we like things that are funny. Why should we? I mean humans are the only animals who really laugh. They can go, “No, there’s a laughing hyena!” —No, that doesn’t count. [Laughing] Well, I’m just saying … So, humans, we laugh, we cry … You can say, “Oh, animals wail!” That’s true, because they’re approaching human— they wail when their babies are taken away and things like that. You start feeling. So what we’re all about is feeling. Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing … We love people who have died. Where’s the social utility in that? None. Maybe it means something more, something we can’t yet understand. Maybe it’s some evidence, some artefact of a higher dimension that we can’t consciously perceive. The things that we’re really hardwired to seek: beauty, love, humour … I can’t prove to you that someone is beautiful.I can’t prove love even exists, and statistically we could make a case that it doesn’t exist. And we could say, like they talk about the God delusion— we could write a book called The Love Delusion. Why is everyone searching for this? It that no one has it. They’re all lying to themselves. It doesn’t really exist.But there’s an element with inside us that can’t accept that, that it doesn’t exist. Look, even in this world when you deal with romantic love, people will meet someone and then they’ll say, “I have always and only loved you.” I’m drawn across the universe to someone I haven’t seen in a decade. who I know is probably dead.If we can feel that way —and we want to feel that way— if we can feel that way about someone in this world, then magnify that to an infinite degree, and you can begin to understand what we’re dealing with in Kṛṣṇa conception; the compelling, irresistible, all-attractive beauty, seductive charm, sweetness of Kṛṣṇa.And even in the face of heavily anti-statistical evidence that you won’t get it, you’re not experiencing it, we’ll still search for it. Love is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can’t understand it yet. Try for that one thing upon getting which you get everything.[Search for Reality the Beautiful]

🔗 引用

视频-Love Is not a Thing of This World视频-Karma | Motive of Movement