视频-The Greatest Type of Happiness
📺视频-The Greatest Type of Happiness
视频|2024-9-9|Last edited: 2024-9-17




  • 🌟 每个人都在寻求幸福: 所有信仰体系都认同对幸福的普遍渴望。
  • 🧘‍♂️ 更高的快乐存在: 瑜伽的体验超越了典型的世俗快乐。
  • 💖 布拉曼安达与克里希纳巴赫提: 精神上的幸福远远超过感官的愉悦。
  • 🧠 感官的局限: 思维和感官可能会遮蔽真实的精神体验。
  • 💫 精神自我显现: 通过对克里希纳的服务,揭示出我们真实的、喜悦的自我。
  • 🎶 神圣的活动唤醒爱: 听到克里希纳的活动故事会引发自发的爱。
  • 🌈 克里希纳意识: 这种精神觉悟代表了最高形式的幸福。


  • 🌍 普遍的渴望: 在所有信仰体系中,追求幸福是一个共同的主题,突显了它在人类存在中的重要性。
  • 🎉 超越的喜悦: 在精神实践中体验的快乐,特别是克里希纳巴赫提中的喜悦,提供了远超身体或性感愉悦的深度快乐,强调了精神满足的丰富性。
  • 🧩 思维的幻象: 思维和感官常被视为感知工具,但它们可能会误导我们,形成体验真正幸福和精神觉悟的障碍。
  • 🔍 揭示真实自我: 通过对克里希纳的服务,个人可以去除世俗欲望,使其精神本质显现,从而揭示出其固有的喜悦。
  • 💖 爱的觉醒: 参与神圣故事和活动可以引发深刻的情感反应,导致更深的精神联系和对神圣的爱。
  • 🌌 克里希纳意识: 这种意识和奉爱状态代表了幸福的巅峰,提供了一条超越世俗体验的持久满足之路。
  • 摆脱世俗: 克里希纳的教义和活动的美丽和魅力可以解放心灵,摆脱世俗依附,引导心灵迈向精神上的极乐。

🤗 视频

everybody theists agnostic atheist gurus say no one can seriously deny that they don't want to be happy that they're not searching for happiness ramante yogino Anant a such it on on the qi dot money the Yogi's they were experiencing a pleasure that is higher than the sort of pleasure that one experiences in this world from erotic sensual activity the brahmin Andes it's their experience the pleasure of brahmananda ten million times greater than sensuous father if you multiply the pleasure of brahmanandaa trillion fold it's not equivalent to a drop of the pleasure of Krishna bhakti that's a statement from rupa goswami the senses the mind the intelligence according to growers all shadow representations of the spiritual aspect of the same and that will be achieved through freedom for the senses or freedom from the sun says so in bhagavad-gita your Krishna say boom Europe oh Allah by Luca mano buddhir eva cha a hunk ra yah maybe na prakruti rusted ha earth water fire air ether mind intelligence and ego said these aremy inferior energy then he said and that's so mine intelligent inferior and jiva-bhutah appareil Amita strontium Prakriti Vadim a Purim Jeeva is a para prakruti superior energy to all of those things without controlled senses there's no question of spontaneous love will project that our experience of mundane love will project that as being will impose that idea on spontaneous love of raga bhaktas and that's an offense against divinity to thank these pastimes are mundane like the mundane affairs between men andwomen so that means the mundane mind the mundane intelligence these mundane elements they're covering Jeeva but Jeeva and her pristine glory has mind intelligent senses everything the strangleholds that the mundane erotic principle has upon the heart can only be broken by the beauty charm and sweetness of Krishna conception and that is very good news for us that the original cause of everything is ecstasy personified is loving an affectionate and full of ecstatic happiness ever-expanding ever-increasing happiness and that weconnect with that or we told her she can a rich acacia saving them bhakti roots at a by engaging the senses in the service of Krishna that will awakened their natural serving tendency so that the mundane aspect gradually vanishes and diminishes and vanishes altogether and the spiritual golden self comes out then from that position deira undisturbed no sense disturbance then when they hear the divine pastimes of Radha Rani Krishna and Radha gopis that will awaken spontaneous love loving sentiments within them will say wellthese are very high things oh yeah right the very high thing is called Krishna consciousness it's a very high thing it's the most I think the greatest type of happiness

🔗 引用

视频-Beauty | Beyond Religion视频-"Why Krishna Is not Revealing Himself to Me?"