📺视频-Beauty | Beyond Religion
- 💖 牧女们对克里希纳的美感到迷醉和压倒性。
- 🔄 弗洛伊德的理论 将性爱原则与存在的驱动力联系起来。
- 🕉️ 奉献者 通过舍弃世俗享乐找到精神满足。
- 👁️ 感官 应用于与神圣的连接,而非仅仅用于世俗体验。
- 🌺 苏卡德瓦·戈斯瓦米 表达了克里希纳无与伦比的美丽,敦促正确使用感官。
- 💫 性爱原则 在对克里希纳的奉献中达到了最纯粹的形式。
- 🎭 克里希纳的神迹 挑战传统的道德和神性观念。
- 🌌 克里希纳的魅力 被视为超越世俗吸引力的超验力量,暗示真正的美在于神圣的爱中。
- 📜 弗洛伊德的性爱原则 突出了对连接的普遍驱动,反映了精神追求者如何将这种渴望重新导向克里希纳。
- 🌊 奉献者对世俗享乐的放弃 并不等同于悲伤;相反,这为在神圣的爱中获得深刻的喜悦和满足打开了道路。
- 🔍 当感官用于颂扬克里希纳时,它们成为精神成长的工具,强化了它们的原本目的。
- 🎶 苏卡德瓦对克里希纳美丽的深情表达 说明了神圣的爱如何转化感知和存在,提升人类经验。
- 💖 无瑕的奉献概念 强调真正的性爱原则的满足在于与克里希纳的精神连接,而非在世俗存在中。
- 🚪 克里希纳的神迹 的激进性质迫使重新评估道德,表明神圣的爱超越了传统的精神与伦理信念。
🤗 视频
笛声响起,她说得就像之前的Tsuki Dave,但现在的强度更大了。她说如果你不用你的感官去看、听、尝、触、感受、闻Krishna,那你为什么还要这些感官呢?Krishna是多么美丽啊,就像是十百万个丘比特的浓缩,而如果一个丘比特就能让每个人迷惑的话,那十百万个集中在一起又会是什么样的迷人魅力呢?
一起,之前大家达成的共识是我该怎么做。这时苏卡·戴夫来了,我心想,哦,这就是那位传奇的苏卡德瓦·戈斯瓦米。他是多么的超脱啊!你知道他是怎么穿的,是什么样的打扮。迪甘巴拉(Digambara)就是他身上没有任何衣物,形容得非常美丽而诗意,实际上就是在说他是赤裸的。迪甘巴拉的意思就是穿着十个方向,而“umba”是衣服的意思,“de góngora”意指他没有穿任何东西,北南都没有。
[笑] Soper Rickett Mara看到他们脸上震惊和担忧的表情,开始说“你们说的那些都是错误的”。所以我们被告知,维亚萨在传宗接代的时候哭泣,而现在你们告诉我们应该接受的似乎是耳朵宗教。那么,维亚萨在19世纪到底说了什么呢?这在某种意义上是无宗教的。我说,真正的宗教是克里希纳那些看似不道德的消遣,这才是真正的宗教,而那些看起来像宗教的东西。
如果他们停止一起工作,suka daven 纯粹的好,mara 也对我超级好,他必须谈论东方,而希瓦和毒海及其他事情来提醒他们,要以神圣的甘露来为自己正名,传统上都是这样做的。当他提到过去的事情时,他只是表达了他的话,称维什努而不是克里希纳,以提醒他们这些参与这些活动的是神。有时候,维什努就意味着神。这些并不是一个好色男孩的活动,而是至高真实的活动,正如吠陀所说,像一棵树一样。
but the gopis say Krishna is killing all these women with his beauty Freud tells us everyone in this world is bewildered by the erotic principle that's what's driving all of existence [Music] he's saying the sexual principle is driving everything it's driving the ants it's driving the human beings you know love makes the world go round it's the force that's behind everything and he has his system of interpretation for that let's see what he is expressing is a perverted reflection of the truth reallythe devotees are there the pleasure seekers the thing no they're the people give up all the pleasures of the world and then must be a sad life no happiness there they've given up everything just counting their beads not like that so that question about whether or not through the senses you can achieve anything spiritual at the heart of the matter actually that's all they're really meant for it's not that it's only possible this is actually their only function this is the only reason we have themreally is for this and in forgetfulness of this we're using them for other purposes bodies the biological expression of the souls delusion the Swarup is the form of expression of unalloyed devotion so to the degree that the beauty of the devotional heart is being expressed and proud points us out in his purport he said because the Maya bodies deny the personality of Godhead God as a person said there indirectly giving impetus to mundane eroticism we're people think that's the only possible plane forexpression because they deny the personality of Godhead if the personality of Godhead is reintroduced then redirecting them to seek this type of fulfillment ultimately in that direction that's what it means what really is the ultimate purpose of seeing hearing tasting touching smelling feeling and the second counter of the bagua thumb when sukadeva goswami begins speaking the Prickett mirage answering these questions there's a series of verses five or six verses that are very heavy where he says if the tongue isn'tused for vibrating the holy name of krishna or glorifying krishna it's like the croaking of frogs then it says those ears that don't hear are like the ear holes of a snake said the eyes that don't behold the divine form of krishna are like the eyes on a peacock plume so each one of the senses is denigrated in that way everything this is that sweet boy sixteen-year-old boy sukadeva goswami suddenly saying these very heavy things is he cruel is it some fanatical brahmacari speaking you know who's justinsulting everybody it's brutal the description because of the intensity of feeling in the inverse that how beautiful is the form of Krishna how sweet is the sound of Krishna's holy name the sound of the flute how soft is the body of Krishna extraordinary is the fragrance the scent of Krishna all of these things so wonderful that someone will say if you're not using it for that you've wasted your life so Freud identify everyone in the world is under the influence of Cupid Madan Madan Mohan means the seductive charm attraction andsweetness of Krishna is capable of bewildering Cupid that's what we want is that person that you meet who coming in connection with them gives meaning and purpose to your whole existence everything before that now suddenly becomes adjusted because you've met them the love of your heart and you think then you're happy that all right now I know I have eyes here everything is focused on the object of love the beloved if we can feel that way and we want to feel that way but we can feel that way about someone in this worldthen magnify that to an infinite degree and you can under begin to understand what we're dealing with in Krishna conception the compelling irresistible all attractive beauty seductive charm sweetness of Krishna so Rukmini sanksrit vagon ANBU vana solution with tomte from sound your form Kim to me and now I can understand you're the most beautiful thing in the world that's moving asunder move on the sondrestrom vedanta and now i know why we have ears the reason we have ears is to hear about you here yourholy name etc now it all makes sense seeing your divine form ocula art lava means now I've got everything bangshi gonna marry tadam Lavanya Marita janma stone it's quoting srimati radharani saying LaVon Yan Rita John was journalist on means birthplace the nectar of all beauty is born from the face of Krishna and bangshi Ghanim Rita Dom that face which is what else comes from that face the flute song and so she's praising the beauty of Krishna thus the scent of Krishna the sweetness of his name thesound of the flute everything and then she says just like tsuki Dave did before but now it was even greater intensity and she's saying if you don't use your senses for seeing hearing tasting touching feeling smelling Krishna why do you have them so how beautiful is krishna condor popota khamenei appreciation show pom like 10 million Cupid's condensed and the one what kind of if one Cupid is enough to bewilder everyone well then 10 million of them concentrated into one what kind of seductive charm attractivesweetness and erotic potential lies there everyone here bewildered by Cupid cupid bewildered by Krishna but by extension what it means is everyone who's bewildered by Cupid can overcome that bewilderment illusion by redirecting this innate intrinsic principle toward Krishna Krishna can fulfill if we take that principle to its highest level of fulfillment and expression he alone can fulfill that is Krishna Krishna conception can break the mundane erotic principle Madan Mohan can break the mundane erotic attractionbut not just to go from that to expressing that towards Krishna that would be an appropriate too fast too soon too much undeserved so it's breaking away from that redirecting by the seductive attractive charm of Krishna's Madan Mohan breaking not then that means now the Deva is aspiring and moving in the right direction and it's going to go towards this prey on this conclusion this result was Jamuna charges hey Yadav Adi mama cheetah Krishna pod Aravind a nubbin of arras a demoniac gotta run to massey since I'vebeen experiencing no but never rustle talking about Krishna said if I recall as the mind is apt to reflect on things if I recall some past sexual he said like it's distasteful but I once thought that was pleasure that's what he's saying we don't say that we're like that but the Jamuna charges like that is enough to know to give us a hint that don't think all these stereotypes people have about people in spiritual life do not make the mistake of imposing them upon the higher devotees they'reenjoying like anything they're relishing they're not it's not a life of privation they're just haven't had any enjoyment it's not like they're enjoying like anything that beyond what we can properly conceived and those two things the type of enjoyment you get eating that type of relish and nourishment and fulfillment and r'mante and goomer's his explanation of them nutshell sloka much Cheatham Agata Pranab oriented paris Purim Katan touched Imam nijam to shanti cha rahmanteacher since this discussion about krishna how fulfilling is it to Shanti he says like eating the same way people feel relish and satisfaction in eating it's not just another four here totally nourishing fulfilling as intense as the enjoyment of eating can be that's how intense their nourishing one another hearing and talking about Krishna that's - Shanti but Rahman T cha is a reference to erotic pleasure that the intensity of erotic pleasure they're having this experience by talking about Krishnathat's what sukadeva sang that whole world opened up to me I was already in the near gonna plane above beyond any type of mundane interest including the mundane sexual principle and then hearing these pastimes took me to another domain it was previously unknown to me this principal arrows cannot be divorced from Krishna conception it cannot be divorced from the full conception of divinity and it's only reaches its fullest expression in Krishna conception and what the spiritual experts are saying in itsunalloyed unconditional pure expression it's what's driving everything in the spiritual world because in the supreme reality it's driving it's the source it's the origin it's driving everything and then the place where it's perverted similarly but in a the word Saraswathi talked or uses sometimes it's vitiated 'add rather than it being a wholesome and pure and nourishing it's degrading we could say in summary that the erotic principle is only fully purely properly expressed in unalloyed devotion sukaDave why is he the delivering these things because they're so apt to be misunderstood the agent has to be someone who is beyond the Saguna world even the highest aspect of the Saguna world sattva-guna what sukadeva goswami why is he legendary that he was liberated in the womb of his mother before he came out the others when Pyrrhic admirers are asking advice they are giving advice based upon what was helpful to them to overcome mundane tendencies and period Morrises but you're recommending this he'srecommending that I need your consensus 7 days I have a short time everybody got together and former consensus of what I should how I should proceed that's when suka Dave arrives and I think oh here's that legendary sukadeva goswami who how detached was he is described you know how he was dressed what he was wearing digambara that means he was dressed in the ten directions he was wearing the ten directions it's a very beautiful sweet poetic way of saying that he was naked digambara that's it umber o meansdress indeed means all the direction de góngora his wearing north-south nothing so he didn't even care for a a loincloth but he looks so beautiful sixteen years old is a description of had the beauty of his neck like a conch shell his form that his skin Co everything and all these sages who were expert in the art of physiography they thought here's the qualified person to answer your question so although they're big sages with long beards they elevate a sixteen-year-old boy to the presidential seat and he'll answer thekings and queries so that's Suki Dave why is he selected because when he leaves Veda Vyasa ashram what appears to be a anecdotal incident is very significant it needs to be there this one little story that the Divya Devi is is like heavenly lady there bathing naked in a pond and when suka dave goes by they don't bother to cover themselves but when they dove the ass comes Vader the ass who's given the Mahabharata a compiled of vedas puranas etc when he comes they cover themselves out of shyness I don't know why I said wellthat boy we can see in his eyes there's no impurity there he is not the male/female thing that's not in his eyes there's no not even a hint or tens of enjoying tendency or exploiting tendency in his gaze so that's one way they're certifying he has no interest in mundane eroticism of any kind even remotely that's why he becomes the agent for broadcasting the erotic pastimes of Radha and Krishna a man who has no interest and these things never did wasn't once conditioned no he was neverconditioned that's why says by way of introduction Purina steed topi Nero Guney narubu nee Ultima slow Khalil aya I was situated in near guna plain beyond all mundane we would think well that should be enough shouldn't it he says but in that liberated position I heard the Ultima sloka the pastimes the slope is expressing the pastimes of Radha and Krishna and bruised ego peas and I was captured heart soul consciousness and carried away to another domain that was vastly superior that I didn't know existed previouslythat's why he's selected and it certifies that these this erotic principle an unalloyed devotion the pastimes of Radha and Krishna and Raja gopis are sent percent pure they're not tinged by even trace amounts of exploitive tendencies it's Krishna Priam and groaners the say of those sages they're hearing from sukadeva goswami speaking of these things the Prickett mirage and he said it's one thing it was radical enough revolutionary enough for you to tell us that the supreme entity it's like a human being that's thedomain of krishna consumption is the human-like pastimes in fact gromer says Krishna's divine civilization provides the template for human civilization those sages say it's shocking enough for you to suggest we conceive of the supreme entity in human terms it's beyond what Einstein could conceive it's beyond what Stephen Hawking can conceive that this the ultimate reality the central conception of the absolute the golden mean of the infinite is human-like in size and expression so they said that is radical enough butthat you're telling us not only is he a man but he's an immoral man that's too much now you've gone too far [Laughter] Soper Rickett Mara's seeing the shocked look and apprehension on their faces has to say in the beginning use what Jew coups Edom saying Narda chastising biast so we're told what was vyasa's crying delivering religion and now you're telling us what we should be accepting is what appears to be ear religion so what vast did 19 this is old in the sense irreligious and I said what's thereal religion is the seemingly immoral pastimes of Krishna that's religion real religion and what looks like religion were to give up there working together suka daven pure good mara and so sooo good at me he has to speak about the East whereas Shiva and the ocean of poison and different things to remind them be credit ambrosia by do it dumb traditional when it's now when he mentions the pastimes he just expressed he is his word Vishnu instead of Krishna to remind them who is engaged in these pastimes is God sometimes Vishnu justmeans God these are not the pastimes of a lusty boy the pastimes of the supreme reality told the Vedas are like a tree Vedanta is the flower that appears on on the tree and then ba becomes the fruit that comes out of the flower so vedanta-sutra says john mahdessian aha the absolute is from which everything is coming but Chakravarthi talker when it appears again in the first look of the bagua tom he says here Adi is a reference to Adi rasa so we can understand he's saying madhura rasa the erotic principle expressed an unalloyeddevotion in the spiritual world that's the source of everything the loving relationship between Radha and Krishna is the source of everything it's the source of married love of paternal of friendship servitorship neutrality they're all clients as groomers words all the other Russell's are clients of madhura rasa or satellites orbiting madhura rasa it's the source of everything rook meaning says so shamelessly and the presence of such beauty I'm just inviting you demanding that you kidnapped me and we can take it you knowsurrounded by karmic circumstance if we're fortunate we'll come to the position of realizing and expressing the aspiration that Krishna kidnap us I would say how are you gonna become Krishna conscious by inviting Krishna to kidnap you