📺视频-Fire of Separation
- 💖 永恒的情感:永恒的情感驱动着灵魂对爱与连接的追求。
- 🎭 瑜伽玛雅的安排:瑜伽玛雅策划了克里希纳的神圣游戏,选择参与者。
- 🔥 分离的转化作用:分离作为一种转化的火焰,成熟灵魂并加深灵性理解。
- 🏃♀️ 戈比的急切:戈比们急忙赶往克里希纳那里,展现了她们在障碍面前的强烈奉献。
- 🌊 拉萨利拉的中断:拉萨利拉开始但被中断,加深了渴望的感觉。
- 💔 缺席的深刻:缺席增强了情感体验,使爱变得更加深刻。
- 🌟 从分离中的喜悦:真正的灵性喜悦可以从分离和渴望的深度中产生。
Key Insights
- 💞 渴望揭示灵魂的真实欲望:对永恒爱的渴望揭示了灵魂的真实欲望,突出灵性情感在我们生活中的重要性。
- 🎉 瑜伽玛雅的角色:瑜伽玛雅在策划神圣游戏中的作用突显了灵性经历背后的精细规划,促进个人成长。
- 🔥 分离的火焰:分离的火焰对灵性成熟至关重要,表明挑战如何带来对爱的更深刻领悟。
- 🌌 牧牛女的奉献:牧牛女们急切奔向克里希纳,展示了即便面对世俗责任时神圣爱的强烈性质。
- 🌊 拉萨利拉的中断:拉萨利拉的中断深刻地提醒了爱与奉献的苦乐参半特性,增强了情感的层次感。
- 💖 缺席的教育作用:缺席是一位强大的老师;它可以加深爱的情感和联系,揭示依恋的深度。
- 🌈 克里希纳意识的奥秘:克里希纳意识的奥秘在于合一与分离的悖论中,真正的喜悦即使在心痛中也能找到。
🤗 视频
where do all of these sentiments come from they want to express you know some sort of eternal dance an eternal night eternal love why do we think oh that's just sentiment no it's the real innate sentiment of the soul it's what the soul is hankering for the eternal night the eternal love the eternal dance it's the rasa dance so when Krishna he gets this inspiration to enjoy in a particular way the yoga Maya and Bala Dave they're casting and scripting Krishna Leola casting means selecting who will participate in these pastimesso he's saying when yoga Maya and Bala the getting the indication the Krishna's to enjoy in this way they round up these gopis and they say these are qualified to participate now this one maybe next time this one a little bit longer scene just like and we've done it with either mangoes or other fruits you put them in a place where they can get heat and light and achieve maturity or fully ripen so what is the equivalent of that the parallel is separation the fire the heat of separation so some cannot gowe're told everything is significant so I said Krishna sounds his flute they start going some we're told they're going so fast half dressed one earring things on the wrong side they're running to Krishna you can imagine if after millions of lifetime's and pursuing Krishna consciousness you get this call - this is going to be your first encounter with Krishna you might be a little besides yourself so anyway they're going but then we're told and some pulling babies off their breasts theovens are burning their husbands and fathers are trying to stop but some are stopped that's also hard to accommodate you mean after millions and millions of lifetime's finally the call comes for this type of Saiva and you can't go so what does that do to them that puts them into a deep condition of separation it generates the fire and heat of separation and it's the arrangement of yogamaya because they for some reason they weren't hundred percent qualified at that point so by getting the call andnot being able to go the fire and heat of separation will bring them to the mature condition and they'll go at another time so the heart will be drawn into that plane by affections force shri krishna car Sunita saw this whole big buildup in the bagua Tom to the rasa-lila and no sooner does it begin then its stops why it's just starting and then krishna's gone searching for Radharani everything stopped and then you would think if you know something about gotiya ontology then you could say oh wait later we hear one Krishna forevery to go penis or feeling that one Krishna for every go through Prakash Vilas expansions why didn't he just expand himself for everybody and then go run after Radharani he could do that too but that's not what he does right there plunged into an ocean of separation how heartbreaking you've made it to the rasa-lila and now it's stopped before it started it starts and Krishna's gone is that some kind of a trick or cruel thing to do maybe in some instances after millions and millions of lifetime'smillions of creations they've made it to that point and Krishna vanishes what kind of lord are we searching for this is the mystery of Krishna consciousness the mystery of the pastimes of Krishna it's the mystery of Krishna culture is that the greatest substance of Krishna consciousness will be mind and separation when someone's before you you see them they're not so much in your heart and mind you're looking at their form seeing so but in their absence they're fully present in your heart and mind and what's realagura Mars can the original phrase union and separation and separation there can also be union if what makes Krishna happy breaking my heart then that's my happiness so how will we understand what is spiritual kaviraj goswami says by hey jalaja a beat or a ananda muy krishna prema are awed boot acharya the odd booted chariot or astonishingly wonderful characteristic of krishna prime as that externally it appears like one is suffering like in anything well internally they're relishing some sort of ecstatic joy this one are saysKrishna saying if at that time when they were to the depths of separation the peak of that longing and hankering if I then appear then we'll have a rasa Leela that's what he's thinking