📺视频-Separation | The Full Spectral Range of Emotions
- 🌐 地方视角:地方性视角塑造了我们对灵性概念的理解。
- 💔 痛苦的根源:所有痛苦源于与克里希纳的分离,影响到每个人。
- 😢 情感的广度:灵性涵盖的不仅仅是幸福,还包括一系列情感。
- 🔍 寻求克里希纳:寻求克里希纳的过程揭示了奉献者更深层次的情感体验。
- 🐐 动物与人类的理解:动物理解联合的喜悦,但只有人类才能体会到分离的欢乐。
- 🎶 艺术与情感:动人的故事尽管悲伤,却能激发深刻的喜悦。
- 📽️ 艺术中的情感深度:艺术中的情感深度反映了我们的灵性旅程。
Key Insights
- 🌏 地方视角:我们对灵性的感知常受到地方文化和背景的影响,这塑造了我们对诸如分离与联合等普遍概念的理解。
- 💔 痛苦的本质:文章强调,所有形式的痛苦,无论是在有条件的灵魂还是神圣游戏中,都源于与克里希纳的分离,这表明了人类痛苦的普遍真理。
- 😊 情感的广度:灵性不仅限于喜悦,它需要接受人类情感的全范围,包括悲伤和渴望,这些都是通向克里希纳之旅的不可或缺的一部分。
- 🔍 寻求克里希纳:即便在经历了无数次的奉献后,持续寻找克里希纳的过程突显了分离在深化情感和灵性体验中的重要性。
- 🐐 联合与分离:虽然动物可能本能地理解联合的喜悦,但人类独特地欣赏在分离的痛苦中发现的深刻喜悦,这为灵性体验增添了深度。
- 🎶 艺术与情感:动人的故事能够深深打动我们,揭示了即使是悲伤也能带来一种形式的喜悦,这说明了情感与灵性之间的复杂关系。
- 📽️ 情感的反映:我们对故事和艺术的参与反映了我们自己的灵性挣扎,表明我们的情感反应可以引导我们更好地理解和连接于神圣。
🤗 视频
a local view locally local provincial way of seeing things in a way of tracing everything to the central conception of the internet the ultimate adjustment the big picture the vision of the Mahabharat on when Lila is factored in even the diluting of the jiva's is a pastime Oh Krishna someone says well why not make another kind of pastime for their own for these divas where they don't have to suffer like this and one of the answers given those well look at the other pastimes they're also suffering all suffering is due to
separation from Krishna all suffering whether it's the suffering of the conditioned souls or the anguish of separation experience in the hearts of the brezza gopis the cause of all suffering is being separation from Krishna Yashoda is suffering and separation from Krishna Raja gopis are suffering and separation pond ava's are suffering there's so much suffering in these different pastimes that means then we can't carry a stereotype of what is happiness into the spiritual domain the common stereotype
about spiritual culture is that the spiritual person is always smiling and like happy Buddha consciousness can feel the full spectral range of emotions happiness pleasure joy ecstasy love affection but then we have to also acknowledge it also allows me to feel sad or unhappy pain suffering the agony of separation from Krishna is the liberating type suffering remember Krishna consciousness is about the search for Shri Krishna we wonder why Krishna is not revealing himself to me I'm Tanny here for long dime seems like
forever doesn't he get it I'm his devotee I was pretty concentrated there for a little while ten million lifetimes of doing the right thing won't give you this that's amazing even the Vertigo fees are searching for Krishna that brings out the best in them if this is about achieving the greatest depths of heart and magnitude of heart intensity that in separation a greater depth and magnitude and intensity of heart is achieved than in Union and Gurudev says even the animals know about Union and said goats they understand something
about Union so but who understands the peculiar joy of separation not the animals certainly guru Mars like to quote the poet Shelley I said our sweetest songs are those that tell the saddest tales heartbreaking love songs heartbreaking love stories some ladies for example we're watching heartbreaking love story say a little group they're watching a heartbreaking love story crying see all are crying some tissues and some man enters room seeing them all crying like think oh let me put on another movie watch something no don't
touch it why they're crying and suffering the hearts are breaking by watching this but they can't stop watching because it's another type of joy and deeper than the smiley kind