视频-Gaudiya Vision | Simple, Direct and Deep
📺视频-Gaudiya Vision | Simple, Direct and Deep


Maharaj 强调了在深入探讨之前理解基础灵性概念的重要性,指出真正的满足感来自于在 Krishna 中寻求美丽和幸福。


  • 💖 心灵的渴望: 我们的心灵渴望在 Krishna 中找到更深层次的满足。
  • 🌟 Krishna 是美的化身: Krishna 体现了我们在生活中寻求的美。
  • 🌊 学习的深度: 灵性知识可以是深奥的,但必须能够被理解和接近。
  • 📖 基础教义: 基本概念如灵魂的本质对初学者至关重要。
  • 🌈 真理的层次: 启示的真理各有深度,探索更深层次的教义需要认真和专注。
  • 🧠 理解背景: 教学必须根据听众对灵性话题的熟悉程度进行调整。
  • 🌱 奉献的成长: Krishna 意识的旅程涉及逐步的理解和深度的奉献。


  • 🌌 无限与有限: 无限可以向有限显现,突显了启示真理在灵性理解中的作用。
  • 📚 经典的重要性: 参与《薄伽梵歌》等基础经典对实现个人灵性身份至关重要。
  • 🕊️ 个人联系: 个人必须感受到对教义的个人联系,以理解其深度和意义。
  • 🔄 教学的平衡: 深奥的概念虽重要,但需要与基础教义相平衡,以有效沟通。
  • 🌍 听众意识: 了解听众的背景有助于定制讨论,以提高参与度和理解。
  • 💬 深度对话: 高层次的讨论激励寻求者,鼓励他们深入探讨灵性真理。
  • 🌱 奉献的旅程: 对 Krishna 的奉献之旅需要基础知识的积累和勇于探索信仰更深层次的方面。

🤗 视频

“这些东西太高了!”然后我们就回去了。无限的东西能让有限的东西知道吗?你接受这个原则吗?无限的东西可以让有限的东西知道。有人说:“不,我不接受。”有人说:“是的,我接受。”对了。那么我们需要接受启示真理的原则。这是一个启示真理的层面:在《圣经》、 《古兰经》或《托拉》中。另一个层面:在《吠陀经》、《奥义书》、《普拉那》中。还有一个层面:在《大普拉那》和《巴哈伐塔》中。
你对这些事情有多认真?还是总是想回到基础知识?2 + 2 = 4,我们需要加法和减法,你知道的……要不就回到一年级,学“ABCD”,学字母歌。那首歌怎么唱来着?不,我知道怎么唱。虽然有这个地方,但我们不能永远待在那儿。然后说:“哇,三年级,他们在讨论的事情……”对,你在面对终极现实,然后说:“嗯,这真深!”我想应该是这样的,对吧?毕竟这是终极现实,一切都源于此。
那他们就不会走得太远。和他们争论真是浪费时间。他们说:“不,我不相信上帝或灵魂。”好吧,这是你的选择。对于那些相信的人,有系统地研究这些事情的方法。我们主要是高达派的信徒,这意味着我们学习Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu的教义,他讲的是关于对克里希纳的奉献(Krishna-bhakti)。所以这是我们主要的重点。但我们也明白,在另一种情况下,有些人……他们需要,他们想要……对他们来说,听听自我知识(ātmajnāna)是合适的。
所有这些事情都是讨论高迪亚-信士(Gaudiya-vaishnavas)——大圣(Mahaprabhu)的追随者们的核心内容。他们很喜欢进行这样的讨论。你知道《爱之国赞歌》(Prema Dhama Stotram)的第一句是什么吗?是:“deva-siddha-mukta-yukta-bhakta-vrnda-vanditam papa-tapa-dava-daha-dagdha duhkha-khanditam krsna-nama-sidhu-dhama-dhanya-dana-sagaram prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram”。在谈论大圣的时候,“天神、成就者、解脱者、道理者、信士群体,都在赞美他。”
有人问:“什么是天神,什么是圣者,什么是解脱者,什么是信徒?” ─ “哦,这个问题很深奥!” ─ 确实是。就像无尽的海洋一样深。这正是我们感兴趣的地方。可是,我们在跟一个对这些完全不了解的人讲话。为什么要隐藏克里希纳呢?这可能是他们一生中唯一一次听到关于克里希纳的事情。所以,我们可能不想说得那么笼统。我们希望他们能听到克里希纳的名字。就算只有一瞬间,听到克里希纳的名字也是他们一生中最辉煌的时刻。
一生中只有一次。就算你说:“克里希纳在《博伽梵歌》中说:灵魂没有生也没有死。” na jāyate mriyate vā kadācin。也许他们听过的比那些颂歌更多的,是“克里希纳说”。这都没问题。但我们更倾向于讨论施利·恰伊坦尼亚·马哈普拉布的事迹。特别是在信徒的聚会中。如果我们去一些公众活动,面对那些没有知识或接触的人,我们可能会选择另一条路。我们一直在谈这些事情,一百次,一千次。
Matchmaker.com ─ 这是不是太深奥了?人们听说过这个吗?还是根本无法关联?如果我谈到matchmaker.com,寻找灵魂伴侣,然后再顺势聊聊上帝、神性,还有神的个性。那么这就要看观众是谁了。我们现在的观众主要是信徒,还有那些渴望更深入理解这些事情的人。那么我们的师父怎么说来着?他更喜欢在小圈子里谈论更高尚的事情,而不是在大圈子里讲一般的、低层次的东西。”
这是我的兴趣。不过如果有人真心想讨论其他事情,我们也准备好了。我们可以再讨论这个。我并不是想间接贬低《博伽梵歌》中的ātmajnāna和atma-tattva。我反复阅读那些经文,享受其中。但是它到底在说什么呢?āścarya-vat paśyati kaścid enam [Bg: 2.29] “如果你瞥见了自己的灵魂,你会感到惊讶。”所以,这就是克里希那所说的。此外,我一直强调,他在那儿说的所有东西,我们都可以非常自信地重复。
所以这事情很深奥。有听到这些的人……就像我说过的,有一次在圣荷西,一个女记者在采访我,聊了很多我不太想谈的话题。那次对话挺尴尬的。正当我跟她说话时,Mahayogi Maharaj敲了门,他说:“有一些来自中西部学校的教授过来拜访。”我当时在想要给他们放一段Guru Maharaj的视频片段。“你有什么推荐的?”我就说:“哦,放这个,你知道的,编号……这个。”
“生活的目的是什么?”我们都在想,因为我们习惯性地回答: “人类生活的目的是追求自我实现或神的实现,或者是实现对神的爱。” 这种回答我们都已经训练得很熟悉了。所以我们在想,他可能会说其中之一。究竟会说哪个呢?于是他们问:“斯瓦米,生活的目的是什么?”他回答:“享受。”大家都惊讶地说:“哦,真的吗?”然后他说:“问题是,现在没有人真正享受生活。”
那么不是那些迷信的,而是其他人……现在是Vaishnava:Madhava宗系,Sri-Vaishnava的Ramanuja宗系,Gaudiya宗系。如果我们说:“而《博伽梵歌》应该通过Mahaprabhu和他的,你知道的,Rupanuga宗系来理解。”那么你就是Gaudiya-Vaishnava了。尽管如此,Guru Maharaj会说——因为,正如你所指出的,我们时不时会讨论一些非常高深的事情——“所以我念Nityananda的名字——Dayal Nitai,Dayal Nitai,Dayal Nitai——来恢复我之前的状态,因为在讨论这些高深的事情时,我可能说错了什么。”
Maharaj, you're always describing such a deep topics, and it can be deeper and deeper, and you've also just told us, you can start from Guru Maharaj's conception and go from there, and it is also very deep, and just now you've mentioned that mind cannot understand all of this stuff, but also we feel that we need some foundation like firm basics, especially newcomers.So, is it the proper approach that you just dive deep into those deep conceptions? No, what I've just said, your heart is hankering for something. Your heart is hankering. Who can fulfil that? That's foundational. Who can address what you heart is seeking? A person, place or thing in this world. You're searching for beauty. Krishna is Beauty personified.That is simple and direct. You're searching for happiness. Krishna is Happiness personified. Oh, how? Want to understand more? So, people are not searching for something superficial actually. By default they are, but that will not make them happy. Searching for superficial things. You know, the husk is not the rice.The shell is absent the substance. These are foundational things. To understand that you're the spiritually conscious being in a body generated by karmic circumstance and you're searching for fulfilment. That's foundational. So what will fulfil you? Any amount of the mundane or quality of mundane or on account of your subjective nature must it be something located in the subjective world.I'm not here to hammer over somebody's head day after day: "You are not the body. You are the soul. Read the second chapter of Bhagavad Gita." Sometimes. But I'm not going to speak every day this theme. I did that. For 10 years. So 10 years of hammering this on people's heads. You look in the Chaitanya Charitamrita and see how much of that type of hammering is there.So we are devotees of Mahaprabhu. So you can't just... We are discussing Mahaprabhu and talking about him. And you say: "It's all too high! You know, people just need to know what are they gonna do tomorrow morning when they wake up." Oh, alright. But then we have to go all the way back to that."These things are so high!" and then we go back. Can the infinite make itself known to the finite? Do you accept this principle? The infinite can make itself known to the finite. And someone says: "No, I don't accept that." And someone says: "Yes, I accept that." Right. Then we need to accept the principle of Revealed Truth.Here's this one level of Revealed Truth: in the Bible or the Quran or the Torah. Then another level of Revealed Truth: in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas. Another level of Revealed Truth: in the Mahapurana, the Bhagavatam. How serious are you to know these things? Or just always wanna go back to ABC? 2 + 2 = 4 We need addition, subtraction, you know...Gonna go back to grade one and go "ABCD", learn the ABCs. How does the song go? No, I know, how it goes. So it has the place, but [we] can't stay forever. And say: "Wow, grade three, they're discussing things that..." Yes. You're dealing with the Ultimate Reality and say: "Well, it's pretty deep!" I guess it should be, shouldn't it? It's the Ultimate Reality. From which everything has come.So, how much... How earnest, serious is someone to become acquainted with these things? And we're saying: "Yes, so then..." Read the Bhagavad Gita, read the second chapter of Bhagavad Gita about ātmajnāna, understand the difference between the body, the gross body, the subtle body, etc. That's general.Aham Brahmasmi ─ that's not, in this sense, a Vaishnava aphorism. That's for everyone. "I am Spirit." The mayavadis say that, the vaishavas say, everyone says that. That's general. And someone says: "No, I don't accept that." Then they're not gonna go very far. And it's a waste of time to argue with them.They say: "No, i don't believe in God or Spirit." Okay. That's your choice. For those who do, there is a way to systematically study these things. We are primarily Gaudia-vaishnavas. That means we study the teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. His teachings about Krishna-bhakti, devotion to Krishna.So, that's our primary emphasis. But we understand, in another context, someone... they need, they want to... What would be appropriate for them is to hear ātmajnāna ─ the analogy about the soul, the spirit ─ it's in the second chapter of Bhagavad Gita and other places. We believe that, we preach it all the time.But here, I mean, the context of answering questions about Mahaprabhu, that would be to go backwards. Talking about the differences between Mahaprabhu's, you know, Puri pastimes and His Nabadwip pastimes. So, the question by its nature is a deep one. Then there must be some understanding about what is Nabadwip, what is Puri, who is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, what is Vrindavan, Krishna, Jagannath, Dvaraka.All of these things. Which are the heart of the matter of the discussion of Gaudiya-vaishnavas, the followers of Mahaprabhu. They delight in having these discussions. What's the first sloka of Prema Dhama Stotram? Do you know? deva-siddha-mukta-yukta-bhakta-vrnda-vanditam papa-tapa-dava-daha-dagdha duhkha-khanditam krsna-nama-sidhu-dhama-dhanya-dana-sagaram prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram Talking about Mahaprabhu."The Devas, the Siddhas, the Muktas, the Yuktas, the Bhakta vrinda, they are all singing His praise. So then someone asks, you know, what is a Deva, what is a Siddha, what is a Mukta, what are Bhaktas. ─ "Well, it's very deep!" ─ It is. It's, you know, endless ocean deep. That's what we're interested in.Still, we are talking to someone who knows absolutely nothing about these things. Why should we conceal Krishna? It may be the only opportunity they have in their live they hear something about Krishna. So, we may not want to say something so general. We want them to here about Krishna. Even if only for a moment it would be the crowning glory of their lifetime is to hear the sound of the name of Krishna.Once in their life. Even you say: "Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita: For the soul there is neither birth nor death." na jāyate mriyate vā kadācin Maybe more then hearing the slokas, they've heard "Krishna says". So, it's all good. But we are inclined to discuss the pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.Especially in the association of devotees. If we are going to some public program and we are dealing with people have no knowledge or exposure, we may take another route. We're talking about these things all the time, a hundred times, a thousand times. Matchmaker.com ─ it that too deep? Is that something people have never heard of? Or can't relate to? If I'm talking about matchmaker.com, finding your soulmate, and segway from there to a little talk about God, Divinity, the Personality of Godhead. So depends on who the audience is. And our audience is... we're here right now... is primarily devotees. And those aspiring to go deeper, to have a deeper understanding of these things. Which was... Our Guru Maharaj, what did he say? He prefers to speak on higher things in a small circle then general things, lower things in a large circle. That's who my Guru is. That's his preference. That's how he spoke. I'm trying to reiterate, reproduce things that I've heard from him. These are the things he talked about. They are very deep. That's right.They are. Swami Maharaj himself said: "He has deep realizations of Krishna. If you would have heard them, you will faint." That's my interest. I'm interested in those things. So I told ─ when Govinda Maharaj told Guru Maharaj, he said: "Goswami Maharaj wants you to tell him something that will make him faint." That's my interest. But if someone earnestly wants to discuss other things, we are ready for that too. We'll discuss it again. I don't mean to indirectly make less of the ātmajnāna, atma-tattva, that's within the pages of Bhagavad Gita. I repeatedly read those slokas, relish them. But what is it saying there? āścarya-vat paśyati kaścid enam [Bg: 2.29] "If you have a glimpse of your soul, you'll be astonished." So, that's what Krishna says. And again, I've been this point, all the things He's saying there, we can repeat them with great confidence, considering who it is that speaking. So, someone's hearing that, it may touch them in a particular way, when they hear those things.And they want to hear more. To go further, to go deeper. But we should not forget that Krishna Consciousness ─ it's... there is nothing deeper then this. So, if in discussing it we say, from time to time, high things or deep things, that's going to happen. By virtue of what we're talking about.We are talking about the Ultimate Reality. And as revealed in the pastimes of Mahaprabhu. So it's very deep. Someone hearing those things... As I told, once a lady, a journalist, was interviewing me in San Jose, discussing many things that I didn't care to discuss. It was a very awkward conversation.And while I'm talking to her, Mahayogi Maharaj knocked on the door and he said: "There are some professors visiting from the school in the Midwest." I was thinking of showing them an excerpt of a video of Guru Maharaj. "Do you have any recommendations?" and I said: "Oh, show, you know, number... this one." And he goes: "Which one?" I'm saying: "The one where Mahaprabhu is saying — if I have a drop of love for Krishna, I would have died a long ago." He goes: "Oh, yes, yes, that's a great one." And he leaves. And he's gonna go show them this excerpt of talk of Guru Maharaj.And that newspaper reporter who had no interest in Krishna Consciousness other then finding out some, you know, ugly things or awkward things. This is the sole purpose of this meeting. And I'm somehow reluctantly participating in this. And then, now we gonna go back to this talk and she said: "Can I ask you a question?" And I'm saying: "Yeah, lady, go ahead." And she goes: "Why did that person say 'if I had a drop of love for Krishna, I would have died a long time ago'?" That was interesting to her. Not some talk about consciousness. That picked her imagination. And I said: "Well... I'm glad you asked. I thought you'd never ask." Then I told her, as best I could, something. And I'm not saying: "So then we should just randomly shoot fragments of high things out into the environment." I'm not saying that. That's just how that happened at that time. Yes, generally we do start with the elementary position. That's correct.Atma-tattva, ātmajnāna in the second chapter of Bhagavad Gita and other parts of Gita. And there're talks similar to that in the Bhagavatam. That is the way we begin. But there's also... you look at how Mahaprabhu teaches Rupa Goswami, rupa śikṣā, that structure. Wandering to the length and breath of the universe in different lifeforms, if they fortunate they get connection with Guru, and get the bhakti-lata-bija, the seed of devotion.That's how Mahaprabhu begins in His talk to Rupa. Then He talks about karmis, jnanis, yogis and devotees. In terms of gradation. Then he's talking about the seed of devotion growing and developing. That's for someone who is interested in devotion. Knowing about what Krishna Consciousness is. So, still generally we will start that way and then...As I told once, in a conference with reporters they ask Prabhupad, they're sitting there with their... : "What is the purpose of life?" And we were all thinking, because we're trained to say like: "The purpose of the human form of life is to engage in self-realization or God-realization or to realize your love of God." There's this wrote recitation of answers we're trained to say in general.So we were thinking he'll probably say one of these things. Wonder which one he's gonna say. So they go: "Swami, what is the purpose of life?" And he says: "Enjoyment." And they all go: "Oh, really?" And then he said: "Problem is, at present, no one is enjoying." And then he gave a little talk about that. About suffering. That's more in the theme of the second chapter of Bhagavad Gita. So, we worship that. And we'll forever preach that. But when we are with our group who except these things, embrace them, then we're pursuing what is exclusively Gaudiya.Guru Maharaj is saying: "As connotation increases, denotation decreases." They used to make a poster showing how everyone in the world loves Bhagavad Gita. Not just us. So, Emerson, Thoreau... Thoreau, you know: "In the morning I bathe my intellect in the cosmogonal and stupendous glory of the Bhagavad Gita; in comparison with which our modern literature seem trivial and puny." And Nitzsche and this one, everyone loves. Juan Mascaro, Christopher Isherwood, Annie Besant, Hitler. Everybody loves the Bhagavad Gita. As connotation increases, denotation decreases. We say that we have the Gita... And mayavadis... You know, Gaudiya-vaishnavas, Sri-vaishnavas, Madhavas, Mayavadis... We say: "No, but Bhagavad Gita must be understood in terms of the light of Srimad Bhagavatam." Then not the mayavadis, others... Now it's the Vaishnavas: Madhava line, Sri-vaishnavas Ramanuja line, Gaudiya line. And if we say: "And Bhagavatam should be understood through Mahaprabhu and His, you know, Rupanuga line." Then you're with Gaudiya-vaishnavas. Still, Guru Maharaj would say — because, as you pointed, we do from time to time discuss things that are very high — "So I take the name of Nityananda — Dayal Nitai, Dayal Nitai, Dayal Nitai — to restore myself to my former position, 'cause maybe in discussing these high things I said something wrong,I made a mistake or I commited an offence. So I take the name of Nityananda to humbly resume my natural aspirational humble position."

🔗 引用

视频-Krishna Consciousness | Not By Force视频-If You Want to Tell the Truth Write Fiction