视频-Krishna Consciousness | Not By Force
📺视频-Krishna Consciousness | Not By Force




  • 🌟 古鲁马哈拉杰 强调《圣典博伽瓦谭》比《博伽梵歌》提供更深刻的理解。
  • 🧘‍♂️ 宽容 很重要,但对情况的深度审视揭示了克里希纳的友谊。
  • 🙏 个人的精神旅程 是个人的,不应被强迫。
  • 🌱 接触克里希纳意识 导致逐步接受。
  • 🔍 真正的精神兴趣 稀有;克里希纳指出千中有一。
  • 🌈 积累的苏克里提 影响精神发展。
  • 关系 可以促进精神成长而无需强迫。


  • 🌌 《圣典博伽瓦谭》的深度: 古鲁马哈拉杰强调《Śrīmad Bhāgavatam》提供了比《博伽梵歌》更深刻的精神真理探讨,建议对业力层面进行内省。
  • 🤝 克里希纳的友谊: 理解克里希纳不是对手而是支持者,鼓励个人在神圣陪伴下应对业力。
  • 🚫 尊重个体: 精神成长不应被强迫;每个人的道路是独特的,强迫信仰可能导致抵触而非接受。
  • 🌿 温和接触: 向亲人介绍克里希纳意识应小心进行,让他们自然地逐步发展信仰。
  • 📊 真正兴趣的稀有性: 克里希纳指出,千中只有少数人寻求精神启蒙,强调培养真诚兴趣的重要性。
  • 🔄 苏克里提的作用: 通过积极互动积累苏克里提可以自然倾向于精神实践,展示了环境在精神成长中的作用。
  • 💞 关系中的相互尊重: 保持尊重和爱心的关系,同时实践不同信仰,可以在不强迫的情况下为精神觉醒创造肥沃的土壤。

🤗 视频

古鲁马哈拉杰会说:“《圣典博伽瓦谭》把事情提升到另一个层次,而《博伽梵歌》告诉你不要跟环境争吵,要宽容。”《圣典博伽瓦谭》在说,[克里希纳意识|不是靠强迫] tat te ’nukampāṁ su-samīkṣamāṇo bhuñjāna evātma-kṛtaṁ vipākam [SB: 10.14.8],这个su-samīkṣa——如果你仔细观察,深入了解因果环境的表面,就会发现,我们所说的——习得的偏见和倾向——saṃskāra:一个人一生又一生的印象……
就是让他们接触到克里希纳意识。就像父母对孩子做的那样,你让他们接触克里希纳意识。他们能接受到什么程度,那是个人的事。正如我们在《博伽梵歌》中提到的,"在千人中,只有一个人努力追求成功;而在努力追求成功的人中,只有一个人能真正了解我" [Bg: 7.3]。克里希纳自己在《博伽梵歌》中也说过,他应该知道——他就在每个人的心中。他可以在任何时刻进行自己的人口普查和统计分析。
他说:“有人认真地表达对精神文化和有神论文化的兴趣是非常罕见的。这样的情况非常少见,成千上万的人中才有一个。”然后他接着说——在那些可能在一般意义上成为“成就者”的人中,完美、灵性觉醒的人,他说,kaścin māṁ vetti tattvataḥ [Bg: 7.3] ——几乎没人真正了解我。在《博伽梵歌》中,我们还听到,muktānām api siddhānāṁ nārāyaṇa-parāyaṇaḥ su-durlabhaḥ praśāntātmā koṭiṣv api mahā-mune [SB: 6.14.5]。
在一千万个解脱的灵魂中,可能只有一个是克里希纳的信徒。曾经,古鲁玛哈拉杰说过:“即使这样也太多了。” [笑] 那我们听到的是什么呢?在一千万个修行者中,只有一个‘智者’是最优秀的。接着,在千万个解脱者中,只有一个是难得的克里希纳信徒。所以这非常稀有,通常是累积的善业的结果,从无意识的善业到有意识的善业,再到信仰。
Guru Mahārāj will say, “Bhāgavatam takes it to another level, whereas, in Bhagavad-gītā you’re being told don’t quarrel with the environment, be tolerant.” The Śrīmad Bhāgavatam is saying, [Krishna Consciousness | Not By Force] tat te ’nukampāṁ su-samīkṣamāṇo bhuñjāna evātma-kṛtaṁ vipākam [SB: 10.14.8] that su-samīkṣa— if you scrutinize this, if you look deeply beneath the surface of karmic circumstance, and as we said— acquired prejudice and tendencies— saṃskāra: one’s impressions lifetime after lifetime, after lifetime …Acquired mental impressions, layering, covering the self. If you look very deep in your circumstances you’ll see, not only is toleration prescribed, good prescription … but, in the background— suhṛdaṁ sarva-bhūtānāṁ [Bg: 5.29] the friendly hand of Kṛṣṇa is there. Who owns and controls everything is not trying to crush you, but, is your friend.And wanting to bring you out of karmic circumstance. So, what I mean to say here really, to address the initial question, is that, that’s between God and that individual. We’re not to impose our conceptions upon others. If somebody sincerely inquires— you try to answer as the best you can, but to try and change somebody against their will, to try and impose, or enforce some way of seeing on someone that is against … without their consent, that they’re resistant to, that won’t be successful and it also begs the positionof the person who’s the enforcer. But, in the case of, you could say, devotees or say some devotee wife— she is concerned about her husband. Then the best thing is like we do for any new person is just give them exposure to Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Same thing parents do with their children, you give them exposure to Kṛṣṇa consciousness.How far they will embrace that is an individual thing. As we mention again in the Gītā, manuṣyāṇāṁ sahasreṣu kaścid yatati siddhaye yatatām api siddhānāṁ kaścin māṁ vetti tattvataḥ [Bg: 7.3] Kṛṣṇa Himself is saying in the Gītā again, and He should know— He is situated in everyone’s heart. He can do His own demographic study, statistical analysis at any given point and time.He is saying, “It’s very rare for someone to seriously express interest in spiritual culture, theistic culture, substantially. That’s rare. Out of thousands—one.” And then what does He say? —And out of those who may become siddha in the general sense of the term— perfect, spiritually realized. He says, kaścin māṁ vetti tattvataḥ [Bg: 7.3] —Hardly one knows Me. Elsewhere, in the Bhāgavatam we hear, muktānām api siddhānāṁ nārāyaṇa-parāyaṇaḥ su-durlabhaḥ praśāntātmā koṭiṣv api mahā-mune [SB: 6.14.5] —Out of ten million liberated souls, one might be a devotee of Kṛṣṇa. And once Guru Mahārāj said, “Even that is too many.” [Laughing] So what do we hear? koṭi-karma-niṣṭha-madhye eka ‘jñānī’ śreṣṭha [Cc: 2.19.147] Out of ten million karmis … one jñānī is better than ten million karmīs And then … koṭi-mukta-madhye ‘durlabha’ eka kṛṣṇa-bhakta [Cc: 2.19.148] And out of millions of liberated souls, one may be a devotee of Kṛṣṇa. So it’s rare and generally the outcome of accumulated sukriti, from ajñāta-sukṛti to jñāta-sukṛti, śraddhā, sādhu-saṅga.So, Guru Mahārāj is telling us underground, ajñāta-sukṛti, which we define as some unknowing contact with nirguṇa agents. So, if someone’s of a couple, if one person is engaged in the culture of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, then by dent of connection with them, the other person is going to get a certain amount of exposure.And if they remain together in a mutually, how we say, respectful relationship of one another, that person will accumulate sukṛti, and in time it will … the accumulative effect of that sukṛti will be expressed as śrāddha— faith, which will lead them to take the association of devotees seriously. But as Gurudev would say in a phrase, you want to make it very simple, “Not to force.” Not to force with children, not to force with life partners.

🔗 引用

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