视频-Three Steps Into the Heart
📺视频-Three Steps Into the Heart
视频|2024-9-9|Last edited: 2024-9-16


演讲者在 Srila Gurudev 离世后反思了创作 pranam-mantras 的过程,探讨了通过巴利玛哈拉贾的故事来理解奉献的概念,以及完全自我奉献的重要性。


  • ✍️ 为 Srila Abhidhut Maharaj 和演讲者创作了 pranam-mantras。
  • 📚 由于缺乏合格的弟子,导致自我创作 pranam。
  • 🕉️ 巴利玛哈拉贾的故事突显了责任与内在召唤之间的紧张关系。
  • 🌍 瓦曼德夫的三步象征着更深层次的精神奉献。
  • 🔥 燃烧的房屋比喻强调了放下世俗执念的重要性。
  • 💖 真正的奉献包括将自己的心和自我献给神圣。
  • 🌟 圣职的意义是完全的奉献,如 Gurudev 为 Trivikrama 命名所示。


  • 🔗 自创 Pranam:自我创作 pranam-mantra 体现了个人奉献以及在缺乏传统结构下寻找灵性联系的必要性。
  • 🌌 巴利玛哈拉贾的困境:巴利玛哈拉贾的故事揭示了服从精神权威与内在直觉的复杂性,强调了内在真理的重要性。
  • ⚖️ 道德的细微差别:关于说谎的讨论指向了精神背景下道德的复杂理解,挑战了对诚实的传统观点。
  • 🏠 对物质的依附:燃烧的房屋的类比是对物质财富短暂性的强烈提醒,以及对精神解放的必要性。
  • 🎁 终极奉献:巴利玛哈拉贾的自我奉献反映了最高形式的奉献,真正的降服超越了物质礼物。
  • 🌌 神圣的渴望:瓦曼德夫对巴利的心而非物质财富的需求教导我们,真正的满足来自于真诚的联系和爱。
  • 🌠 通过圣职的身份:放弃世俗的束缚和采用新名字象征着深刻的转变和对精神理想的承诺。

🤗 视频

这几年自从师父离开这个世界后,我出于必要写了两个敬礼咒,一个是给阿比杜特大 Maharaj 的,一个是给我自己的。
这就是他所做的。最后我想说的是,Śrīla Śrīla Śrīvākura 大师,他走了五里路一步,又走了五里路一步。那接下来该怎么办呢,Govinda 大师?
"Since my master passed away a few years ago, I felt the need to write two salutation mantras—one for the great Maharaj Abhidut, and one for myself."
Someone asked how to make a prayer for yourself. That's a really good question. If you want, I can explain it in detail. But to keep it simple, Guru Maharaj said it's usually qualified disciples who do this since they understand Sanskrit and all that. We don't have those people here, so I'm happy to do this for Abidut Maharaj. I picked out the relevant concepts and vocabulary.
"I'm not gonna name names, but our friends helped me out and even got their expert buddies to confirm that the Sanskrit is spot on. We've been working on this for at least a year, almost nine months. What's funny is I found some other ways to say hello too."
"I'll write these down for the other expenses too. But his came first; the others haven't arrived yet. It's not finished. Don't worry, I'm not letting anyone in to hold up a sign or anything like that right now. But what I want to get across is that in the story of Bali Maharaj, it was his teacher who told him."
In front of the Vamana incarnation, Śukra-carja didn't go along with his request.
He said there are situations where lying is acceptable, not sinful, like when your life is in danger or someone’s about to take all your money. But my favorite one is lying to women to keep them under control. So when a woman asks, “Do I look like I’ve gained weight?”
The right answer is, if there's any change, it looks like other parts of you have gotten smaller.
"I once wrote that you shouldn't tell women the truth because they'll never forgive you. So we’re told that deceiving women to keep them in line isn’t really a big deal. Ugh, that’s pretty sexist! But honestly, that's just how it is. So, thanks for that. Even the sky seems to rumble in agreement."
"Or this guy says, 'Come on, tell me.' Just like that quote Guru Dev mentioned, when he walks into the house, his wife makes it hard for him to figure her out, so he quotes a poem saying even the gods can't understand a woman's heart. But that's a whole other topic for another night. Anyway, he said all that."
"But deep down, the Bali Maharaja felt that his master was saying not to treat the person in front of him like a god. I had a pretty good excuse to brush this off, but my heart was racing, telling me something else."
So he said, "Vaman, Dave, he's a young monk and a bit inexperienced. They say you took three steps, clearly you don't know much about life, existence, and possessions."
"Something better than just three steps. Then Vāmandev subtly and gracefully remarked, I’ve heard that having more than you need isn’t a good thing."
"So, I just need three steps. That works for me. I think going beyond that might not be good for my mental well-being. Three steps is enough, do whatever you want. Then we find out that in the two steps, he took everything away. And then Vamandev turned to him and said, 'You lied to me!' And then Vamandev said."
"You lied to me. You promised me three steps, but I only got two. Where’s my third step? You said three steps, and I’ve already gotten everything in those two. You’re tricking me. Just like Tagore said, don’t lie to me. You came here for a reason."
This is what brought us together—the connection with Mahaprabhu and Krishna. Now that the festival's over, are you heading home? I said, if your house is on fire, just let it burn. It's that home and everything in it that keeps you tied to this world. So don't try to fool me today. Guru Maharaj said, what is this gentleman talking about? When you're parting, you should say nice things, like wishing you safe travels and hoping you have a great day.
He said, "Don’t lie to me, they’re just walking out the door." Then they replied, "What? Don’t lie to me. You’re here for a reason. Stick around to make that happen. Don’t go back home. If your house is on fire, let it burn to the ground, lighten up. It’s that house and everything it stands for that’s tying you down in this world." So Vamande said, "You’re lying to me. I only need three."
"You only gave two. What about the third one? What does the Bali Maharaj do? Self-surrender. Among the nine types of devotion, he represents self-surrender. He dedicates himself completely. So, what do we learn from that?"
"This is what Vamandava wants. Does he need a universe? Countless universes are popping out of his pores while he sleeps, just like that."
"Does he need a universe? Is he gonna be all amazed by it like a fool? Ozymandias? Nah. What he really wants is what’s in Valimala’s heart. He has to take away everything else to get to that. That's it."
"This is what he did. Lastly, I want to say that Master Śrīla Śrīvakura walked five miles at a time, one step at a time. So, what’s next, Master Govinda?"
"That's just how his heart is. So when he gave everything else up, including his family and possessions, in the end, he gave away himself and his heart too. That's why, when he became a monk, his guru named him Trivikram."
"This is another name for Vāman-dev, tri-vikram, which means 'three steps,' and ad-bhūtākram, referring to his miraculous strides. He is the Vāman incarnation. So, in this greeting, these concepts will be mentioned. Hare Krishna."

🔗 引用

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