📺视频-S10E44 • Krishna Will Be Appearing in the Hearts of the Devotees • Bhakti Sudhir Goswami
- 🎶 克里希纳在奉献者心中的显现 是一个深刻的主题。
- 🌌 克里希纳意识的本质 超越了历史叙事。
- 📖 《巴嘎瓦塔姆》 强调了克里希纳神圣戏剧的深度。
- 💖 奉献者 体现了爱与奉献的终极表达。
- 🌙 午夜时分 在克里希纳显现日的重要性被强调。
- ✨ 古鲁马哈拉杰的教义 揭示了克里希纳存在的永恒性。
- 🙏 奉献的社区 促进了对克里希纳的更深连接。
- 🌈 克里希纳的存在 并不限于过去;它是在奉献者心中的持续显现。这一视角鼓励今天积极参与精神生活。
- 🕰️ 克里希纳显现的时机,特别是午夜,象征着新的开始和精神觉醒,邀请奉献者反思自己的精神旅程。
- 📚 《巴嘎瓦塔姆》 作为指南,阐明了理解克里希纳戏剧的重要性,这有助于深化奉献实践。
- ❤️ 真正的奉献 以无私为特征,如牧女对克里希纳的爱,展示了精神生活中所需的深度舍身。
- 🔄 神圣戏剧的循环性质 暗示了精神真理是超越时间的,不断以新的形式显现以惠及奉献者。
- 🌍 奉献者社区 在培育精神成长中扮演了关键角色,强调了在奉献旅程中集体实践和支持的重要性。
- 💡 古鲁马哈拉杰的见解 鼓励对克里希纳的真挚联系,提醒奉献者真正的理解来源于诚挚的奉献和爱。
🤗 视频
我刚刚在聊双酚A,提到那个塔可餐厅,圣诞节是在一个星期三的午夜出生,而今天也是星期三,我们正迅速接近午夜。我觉得唱这首歌挺合适的,巴西自由,达摩,摩哈姆,瑞坦,贾亚拉特,嘿,贾亚克里希纳,贾亚仁当。[音乐] 哦 [音乐] [掌声] [音乐] 外国的 [音乐] 在 [音乐] [音乐] [音乐] [音乐] [掌声] [音乐] 外国的 [音乐] [掌声] [音乐] 外国的 [掌声] [音乐] [音乐] [音乐] 外国的 [掌声] 克里希纳 [音乐]
我们去吧 [音乐] 外国 [音乐] [音乐] 是 [音乐] [音乐] 哦 [音乐] 哦 [掌声] [音乐] 我和师父说过,在这一天,他曾经在加入斯里高尔穆特之前说,整天都有修行人在讲课,想象一下,施里达大师就在观众席上,他们不知道在场的有一个历史上最敏锐的听众,师父说这些内容是有主题的,因为他能提炼出所表达内容的主题精髓。
"janmadya yaton" 是在重新陈述和解释 vedanta 中所指出的内容,因为师父在说,您知道 culpatru niigama 和 culpatru vedas 就像是 rickshaw 树的杯子,对吧?我们不能不注意到,vrindavan 中的所有树都叫 rickshaw [笑声],我意思是它们都在结那个果子。所以,正如我提到的,当你看这个时,它真是一个完美的例子,因为这不仅仅是个例子,更像是隐喻和现实的结合。
一切的来源,你知道的,约翰,出生等等,性质是什么,《巴嘎瓦塔姆》是从“jan madiya”开始的,就像大象在跳舞一样,让人惊讶,真是个奇观,但你又不想靠得太近(笑)。这就是《巴嘎瓦塔姆》的第一首颂,它应该是这样的。他说,但当同样的吠陀,驴子却唱着来自瓦贾女牧人的莲花般的嘴唇的歌曲时,那就非常甜美了,你知道的,tavaka tamritam tapta jivanam kabhibir。
宗教我们听说有时候被称为paramahamsa dharma,古鲁德夫对此很欣赏。我是说这是来自caitanya shikshamritam和bhaktivinoda taqwar。那么在这个parma中,他们感兴趣的是什么呢?比如,布拉贾的女牧羊人们展示的那种爱是什么样的,她们对那拉扬和维须努表现出一种缺乏兴趣。你知道她们在问他:“你是全知的,你知道克里希纳在哪里吗?”这其实是克里希纳在捉弄她们,对吧?所以阿拉迪亚,这种崇拜方式是布拉贾的女牧羊人们发明的,没什么特别的。
所以,这种自我忘却不是自我灭绝或自我消亡,而是完全沉浸在他人身上,为他人而活。有时候我们听到这样的爱情,那应该是纯真爱情的标准,对吧?完全没有自我或自我意识,去生活,那是被赞美的,对吧?但不是自我灭绝或自我消亡。自我忘却是说完全沉浸于他人中,但仍然保留自己的存在,对吧?所以这些 vraja gopi 女孩,她们已经战胜了 maya 思想。
为了让他们不再受困于物质世界,你得给他们纯粹的克里希纳观念,让他们知道与克里希纳的爱的生活是有可能的,包括甜蜜的情感和拉达哈尼以及拉贾戈皮的故事。而且,这里提到的,纳拉达曾告诉我们,“jacuzzi dump jugupsido”这个词的意思是被谴责的,这听起来像是个很艰深的梵文术语。接下来,第二节出现了什么。
很久以前,法(dharma)毫不犹豫地回应他们的心,奔向我,把自己献给我和克里希纳。你可以说这是在测试、挑逗,但也是在考验心的品质,通过拒绝他们、告诉他们“这不合适”,这是一种法。当克里希纳吹奏他的长笛时,夜晚的拉贾戈皮们的心就是这样的。前几天,他们在谈论萨尔瓦邦(sarva bomb),他们看到的一切,正朝着玛哈普拉布(mahaprabhu)去。
兄弟,沙拉纳姆就是克里希纳现在在建议的事情。[音乐] 他们的路,你别去干扰,但你可以在下面,这样没关系,不要阻碍,但像乌拉巴,阿萨姆,巴西的藤蔓一样,被他们神圣莲花脚下的尘埃所祝福,朝着克里希纳奔跑,跨越所有的法和一切,对吧?维亚斯从纳拉达那里得到了信息,这本书是不可能的,对吧?法的项目在马图拉附近和马萨尔加附近,你不能嫉妒拉达拉尼和拉贾戈皮。
凯坦亚慈善 [笑] 是的,没错。然后有人在说“尼伽玛·卡瓦帕塔罗尔·伽利托姆”,所以《吠陀》里的“科皮塔鲁”,然后现在在《博伽瓦塔》中得到了表达,这果实就是“戈利坦·帕拉姆”,舒库穆卡·苏卡德瓦·戈斯瓦米正在品尝和享受这个果实“舒库穆坎·里图·巴塔”。然后你知道我们说的是九篇颂,我有时候会想,我记得我看到普拉布帕达的时候,他出版了《克里希纳书》,然后当你读《克里希纳书》时……
“tsukade听到这些就像‘你再说一遍’那样,这会让他感到被吸引,就像把他带回去一样。所以这句诗引用了‘trishna’,这个词的意思是‘渴望’。所以这句诗表面上是在说,听到克里希那的故事会让你对世俗的渴望减少。而这位purikut myers他开心地说,‘是的,听关于克里希那的出生和事迹’。”
我跟你说,真的,有人会说他们认为自己学到的东西,就像那位绅士谈幸福和这个世界的痛苦。我提醒他,他的名字是安南,我就说,哦,你知道大家都在寻找安南,而我们今天真幸运,安南来了。[笑声] 所以没关系,他们都在说,但大师却说要在火星上净化七天。你们都在建议,我敢肯定,如果你把一生都奉献给这个,肯定能有所灵性成长。
他说进展到了一定程度,但我希望你们能齐心协力,给我一个一致的意见,我时间不多了。就在这个时候,漂亮的苏卡德瓦·戈斯瓦米出现了,看到他的美丽和光辉,他们说他们擅长面相术,所以在他开口之前,他们就能认出面前是一位大圣人。他传奇般地在母亲的 womb里待了16年,出来时就是一个解脱的灵魂。
苏卡德瓦说我们可以相信这一点,我们会接受它。那个苏卡德瓦,还有那些在池塘里赤裸 bathing 的达维·迪比亚·戴维斯,他们根本没在意遮掩自己,因为在苏卡德瓦的视野中根本没有男性的目光。所以当他以介绍的方式说“乌塔尔·穆斯利亚,你们都知道我位于近戈纳平原,超越了三种自然模式”,他已经被称为梵天,处于阿拉戈纳平原上。
然后我听到了这些颂歌,这些是关于克里希纳和拉贾戈皮美好往事的直播现实,我被带入了一个我之前不知道的世界。所以,来自那个人的声音,他们可以接受这种克里希纳的观念。你告诉我的关于克里希纳的事情,真是太滋养人心了,就像那句说的:“以生气勃勃的方式相互交流,讲述我的事,永远让我感到满足和快乐。” 好像信徒们通过谈论克里希纳,得到了这种滋养。
[笑] 所以克里希纳·瓦苏德夫真的是一位多么崇高的灵魂啊,神的个性就这样出现在他的心中。接着我们被告知,这个灵魂从瓦苏德夫转移到了德瓦基的心胎中。那到底是什么样子呢?就像月亮在东方地平线上升起一样。德瓦基在这种状态下,真的是美丽而光彩照人,连康萨都能看到,因为一般来说,我们认为他是很难直视的。
把那些其他的半神像湿婆和梵天放在前面,他们害怕会错过什么,就像湿婆和梵天能看到我们看不到的东西(笑),这就像一种孩子般的单纯,尽管他们的地位崇高,但他们的纯洁和单纯的心灵都是那么简单。Varshnose有一个祷告,我觉得值得提一下,Satyam这个词他用了很多次,我应该说,因为Sri Guru Maharaj陪伴了Sri Bhakti。
通常,当萨拉斯瓦蒂塔可说话时,三个人会像桑亚尔、苏德和维德亚·维诺德那样做笔记,然后他们会在最后比较笔记,这就是他们做转录的方法。所以古鲁马哈拉杰说,"我得找些纸把这些写下来,这是我听过的最非凡的事情。" 然后他想,如果我离开了,可能会错过什么,就像那些半神一样觉得会错过什么。所以古鲁马哈拉杰在想,我该怎么办呢。
你是伪君子的活生生的原则,是真理和创造的一切因素,所以你被称为“内在力量”。你和每个人都是平等的,你的教导适用于所有人,永远有效。你是所有真理的开始。因此,我们向你致敬,恳请你保护我们。之后,Saraswati Takora说,政府问你有没有录音,Grommer也问你能不能解释一下情况,就像我被撕扯一样。
在“我应该留下来还是走?”这件事上,Saraswati Thomas说:“那你就是个牛粪甘尼什。”甘尼什本来应该记录下Vias所说的一切,但“牛粪甘尼什”就是指用牛粪做的甘尼什,意思是你没用。所以Guru Maharaj讲了一个故事,讲述他是如何被他的Guru Maharaj训斥的,而我们在一旁跳舞,因为这太有趣了。他说:“那你就是牛粪甘尼什。”然后他又说:“你想记住这件事,他说我想再听一遍,我想知道我当时的感受。”
听到这样的事,苏卡德瓦、维亚萨和那拉达老师在观众席上,他们都想听哦,娜鲁托,我给你的,你可以说出来,让我们听听,他会用一些新的色彩来表达。他的老师和上师都在台下坐着,满怀期待地听着。那些半神们在向光辉灿烂的德瓦基祈祷,而克里希纳正待在他母亲的 womb里。还有一句特别突出的经文,安德里亚和其他人,他们可能通过瑜伽……
这不是复制品,也不是相似的东西,而是延续,是原版。我们必须把这个贾穆纳、这个温达文带上,我不能不带,因为Guru Maharaj也是一样,他们和他们的法器是分不开的。然后,拉达和整个事情就有点戏剧性的停顿,拉达拉尼说,我告诉你,她第二次说,除非你把所有这些原版带到这个世界上,否则我是不去的。所以,Maharaj说的完全正确,他是来揭示这个的。
[音乐] 外国 [音乐] [音乐] [音乐] [音乐] [音乐] m [音乐] [音乐] [音乐] 他死了 [音乐] 外国
and i just spent bisphenol talk about the tacos house that uh christmas was born on a wednesday at midnight and today is wednesday and we're rapidly approaching midnight i think it would be appropriate this song free brazil dhamma maham ritam jayarat hey jaya krishna jaya rendang [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] krishna [Music]
we go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] i and srila guru maharaj said on this day once before he joined sri gauramut he said throughout the day the sannyasis were giving lectures and tongs little imagine srila sridhara is in the audience so they they don't know like the most acute hearer you know of all time you know is in the audience listening and guru maharaj said thematically because he can distill the thematic essence of what is being expressed
he said thematically they were saying that krsna is going to appear in the heart of his devotees that is how they were representing us because we can think oh we're we are assembled here and we shall recount since ancient times how this has been uh discussed and portrayed and in the bhagavatam you know and and elsewhere but it also comes to mind krishna consciousness is of infinite dimension and perspective so the words of saraswati were saying the pastimes of his krishna are not a historical occurrence and neither are
they imaginary i mean no i heard promise here's a historical yeah that's from one point of view but less people be mistakenly lured into thinking this is you know 5 000 years ago 50 centuries before it's from that's one perspective and as guru maharaj would say in different contexts krsna's the supreme hypnotist and as he's showing that you will see so there's one point of view you can see in the relative world this took place at that time but when saraswati tagore said that i was it was jarring like he said it's
not a historical occurrence and then he said and neither is an imaginary they say oh not a historical occurrence you mean like mythology you know the krishna myth he's saying no it's not a historical occurrence and that really it's higher reality coming down and manifesting itself in this plane for some time that's what he means to say because he coupled that and where did and his srila bhakti said unto saraswati and of course bhaktivinoda talk were everything to him the workers showed us baby jamar is included
so it's a line from bhaktivin not historical but neither is it imaginary it's not mythology then what is it you think it's reality and reality the supreme reality when this world vanishes that reality right not the one that's uh appears to be real for some time and then banish us right like this world anitya must come locum but it's the reality what remain when this vanishes that remains as it is eternal in all its aspects but out of his infinite inconceivable causes mercy krishna brings the original into this world
for some time that in and of itself is just something extraordinary and not a replica or a satellite either way would be good but we're told in the gargasangita that when krsna's contemplating this particular avatar we hear how many avatars are there as innumerable as the waves of the ocean if you've ever sat around and counted ocean waves you know that's a lot innumerable as the waves of the ocean constantly because sometimes they think like well why hasn't there been one you know um recently well i think there was
and the vast fan of time 500 years ago was yesterday sometimes devotees of various groups they get together and they want to talk about the good old days and sometimes i would just tease them by saying oh yeah the good old days were 500 years ago those were the good old days and those good old days happen to be eternal in nature prakat apricot we heard prophet say that a long time ago prakat means manifest and then unmanifest but unmanifest doesn't mean nothing just means not no longer visible here in the most
external sense of visibility whereas we hear the great souls their live stream leela they're tuned into that plane their hearts so when guru maharaj hurt those who say he extracted from them oh thematically they're saying that krishna is going to appear on the heart of his devotee and so guru maharaj parked himself outside of the door of srila bhakti said unto saraswati takur he said and with these thoughts in mind is there thinking meditating on this subject and then some devotee came in like who are you he said well i'm not a
member of the mott but i heard everyone they're saying that he'll be appearing in the heart of his devotees so i'm another person no no no you you have to you come back later they're shooing away srila guru maharaj so what is krishna consciousness but devan on the pundit and srinivasa i mean uh srinivasa charge and i mean srivas thakur and birambir and srinivas acharya and it's interesting how these pastimes seem to also be cyclical and uh manifesting in different ways in different times but similarly
themed but so this point that the lord appearing in the heart of his devotion it's such a beautiful thing and actually it's the foundation of the modern day krishna consciousness movement you can say srila prabhupada that krishna conception in his heart he brought via the jaladutan to the western world we'll hear more about that tomorrow on his divine grace ac bhaktivedanta swami prabhupada's appearance day which coincides with non-notes of but if we read the bhagavatam about the appearance of krishna
we'll find a similar description and and we should recall that you know the bhag with him it announced in the beginning this re really but we're dealing with the infinite so you know veda vias could be forgiven for writing nine other cantos to bring you up to the point of having a proper understanding of the appearance of krishna that in itself tells you how like deceptively simple and perhaps easily misunderstood it is nine cantos of prerequisite to come up to this uh moment that in the very first sloka
janmadya yaton restating and explaining or uh bearing the fruit of what was indicated in the vedanta because guru is talking you know the culpa turo niigama culpa turor galita the culpatru vedas are like the cup of rickshaw tree right and it you know we can't fail to notice that we're all the trees in vrindavan are called rickshaw [Laughter] i mean they're all bearing that fruit so the and as as i've mentioned when you look at it it's such a perfect example because it's not just exam it's like the metaphor and the reality
are one right you know there are the roots the trunk the branches and branches like some are they appear to be going in opposite direction so you look at the vedas and you go well this one's saying that taking this and this one's going that way that's superficial just like we have a mango tree right here it has branches going this way that way but they all produce mangoes so then it doesn't matter which way they're going they exist for one purpose which is to produce this fruit that's what it means to be knower of the
vedas baidaish josiah via a hungave he said if you really know the vedas then you know me if you know me then you really know the vedas and if you think they're they have some other message you don't get it you don't understand veda krishna saying i am with and who is that krishna who is does not live in isolation means radha krishna we have nanda yoshoda bhastra dave david like this vrindavan the whole thing right so that veda culpabricks then the flower the floral essence it's vedante it says janmadyataha
from which everything is coming you know john birth etc and what is the nature the bhagavatam begins with jan madiya they're like the dancing of elephants said like you're astonished it's a sight to behold but you don't want to come too close [Laughter] it's like and should be it's the first sloka the bhagavatam it has to be like that and he said but when the same veda the ass has the songs from the lotus lips of the vraja gopis then it's like this very sweet you know tavaka tamritam tapta jivanam kabhibir
like dancing eating some kamashapaham strawberry mangalam shrimadatta tom booby granatite buridal jana he said then it's like the dancing of peacocks but necessarily so in the beginning he's making a pronouncement it's the bhagavat purana the maha purana srimad-bhagavatam pramana mabalam prema pumarto mahan it's going to reveal krsna-prem the greatest gift ever krishna praying love for krishna all right so so many things are being and and dharma project the paramahamsas well they're not interested in any other
religion we hear it's sometimes called paramahamsa dharma gurudev liked that about i mean it was the caitanya shikshamritam a bhaktivinoda taqwar so in this parma like what are they interested in like what what sort of love do the bradja gopis have that they show a lack of interest and you know narayan and vishnu you know they're asking him like you're omniscient do you know where krishna is it's krishna playing a trick on them right so that aradia the type of worship government said invented by the bredja gopis there's nothing
better than that and it's only found in its purest and highest expression and brindavan vrajesa the braja there's that word probably again like like imagined by them if you want to kind of imagination if it's the imagination of the bridge of gopis it's the supreme reality that type of imagination we're interested in what they conceived and what is their method like to totally offer yourself and for the pleasure of krishna that they the way they dress decorate themselves is all for the pleasure of krishna
so it's self-oblivion not self-extinction or self-annihilation to just be so lost in the other to live for the other sometimes we hear of love like that that that should be the qualification for genuine love right the total absence of self or ego to live that that is you know um celebrated right but not self-extinction not self-annihilation self-oblivion is it's different to be so wholly absorbed in the other but to retain one's existence right so these vraja gopi girls they're they've defeated mayavad and all
the other gods and all the other isms and and the the pure love that's come from their hearts they've defeated krishna with the speak of others he said you know i said in the bhagavad-gita prabhupada yante tom's the table but as you surrender me then i reciprocate that and now i find i'm unable to do that what am i going to do i made i said in bhagavad-gita it's like a promise of reciprocity and then i see the type of love that you have in your hearts is so pure so wonderful and i'm so fortunate to be the object of that love
but i can't reciprocate it but and chris is saying why because you know he said one thing is it's so hard to give up like family and society and all these things like i myself haven't given it up but you did [Laughter] but when christmas says that what does it mean like who who who is the achuta gotra who who are the people that krishna can is it some mundane kind of thing no who he cannot give up his family are his devotees like guru maharaj would say when someone's being you know initiated and he'd say you're
being welcomed into the family of krishna so it's uh let me say a double entend or christian is saying like i can't give up the this family of my i mean those people like you who've given everything up for me i can never give them up it's an indirect way of him saying i can never give you up that's impossible and there's similar things expressed in the pastimes of mahaprabhu but guru maharaj saying that but when he comes as mahaprabhu that's he's saying so i can't reciprocate the kind of love that you have in your hearts let virtue
be its own reward the origin perhaps of that they think but as mahaprabhu then he will come and tell everyone how great radharani and the brother gopis and the type of pure love and devotion that they possess that's his and in a sense if you want to call repayment then let me tell the world how great you all are right that's in the caitanyas [Music] then anyway there he's saying and the brother that the brother gopis they're saying when they see krishna enveloped in the heart and halo of srimati radharani that he's embraced in
essence their position they're very happy to see that nothing could make them happier than that they've conquered krishna with their love in the converted krsna into a devotee so that beginning there and and saying so the coit of the dharma any religion narada told vias it's not your fault it's inadvertent but people got the wrong idea with what you've done so far and that included mahabharata which includes the bhagavad-gita and invaded all of these books he's saying they they're using the religion that you
gave as an excuse to remain bound in the material world so you have to give them pure straight krishna conception and let them know the possibility that they have with a life of love with krsna right which will be expressed including madhura rasa and the pastimes of radharani and raja gopis and really it's saying there remember narada told this to be us this word jacuzzi dump jugupsido means condemned it's like very you know like hard sanskrit term and so after that what appears in the second verse
dharmak pro jita koito bhotra the very sa via saying cheating religion will not be found in the pages of this book and it's almost if he's alluding to things that he's written previously not that he delivered any kind of cheating but people are you know looking for loopholes and reading in between the lines and finding way around how to escape offering yourself in service to krishna really they're in the second version so that will not be found in the pages of this book and and what will this culminate in you know
sarvadar mom probably tells you mommy you know stop quoting dharma if you're using it as an excuse not to surrender to krishna what are you doing like who's who's before you you're going to start talking about dharma and religion to me please give up all of that and just surrender to me i make dharma in my sleep and when i breathe out there's dharma so don't come with some dharmic excuse for anything surrender to me and how of sarvadamran pradeep may come and reverse it rajasanam like those gopi girls they crossed over
dharma a long time ago without hesitation and response their hearts running to me offering themselves to me and krishna like you could say testing teasing but also rat sitting up the quality of heart by doing what refusing them sending them you know saying this is inappropriate this is a dharmak right when krishna's sounding his flute and the other night raja gopis hearts like that were done the other day about when the sarva bomb about the they're seeing like all the they're going to mahaprabhu they're not
bathing they're not doing this they're not going to jog they're they're they're all running the mahaprabhu and what are we told what example is given is saying the the heart is the charioteer and the body's the chair where the heart goes the body has to follow so the braja gopis that without hesitation and crossing over you know shruti beer brumrikyam uh all this dharma and vedic understanding and just going to krishna and we're told they understand veda they really understand dharma all of that
brother sharanam is what krishna is advising right now [Music] their path don't get in their way but you could be underneath that is okay not to obstruct but like uraba assam brazilata creeper then consecrated by the dust of their holy lotus feet that are running towards krishna crossing over all this dharma and everything right so vias got the message from narada this book not possible right dharma project near matsurinam satam and near matsarja you cannot be envious of radharani and raja gopis
and understand krishna conception i mean to spell it out right achuta priya she is a truth bhagavata dharma nirupita priya paramahamsa priya achita priya so he's saying that is the secret to krishna conception is not those who say they worship krsna directly but those who worship the devotee of krishna they're krsna's real devotees that's the message of bhagavatam so what did guru maharaj write when he was giving his bhagavat sloka collection yadamia mahima sri bhagavatam katayam pratiputam anubhutam davidaya
tadaki la rasamurti shamalila avalambam madhura how beautiful who could do this in one sloka it's inconceivable that someone could have that type of grasp of the whole and then in one sloka all this bhagavatam although ostensibly her name is not mentioned there right so holy divine is her name so confidential is this he said but at every step of the way is just meant to take us in one direction the service of her holy lord of speech that means the madhura rasa pastimes of krishna right so not only to not be envious but
to sing the globe the glories of and who is a better canvasser or superior singer of the glories of radharani and the gopis than sri krishna caitanya mahaprabhu krishna himself converted into a devotee when he wants to tell you about krishna leela brindavan how to gain entrance there the thing about you know it's krishna himself we should follow his advice and he's saying to follow the path of the brother gopis and interestingly if maras may recall at the caitanya saraswat on this day guru maharaj would have them reading the
caitanya charitable [Laughter] yes right so then the one was saying nigama kawapataror galitom so the the veda kopitaru the floral essence in the vedanta then now it's being expressed in the bhagavatam what golitan palam this fruit shukumuka sukadeva goswami is tasting and relishing this fruit shukumukan ritu bhatta then you know we're telling nine cantos i used to wonder sometimes i remember you know i think when i saw prabhupada he published the krishna book and then when you'd read krishna book it would
say this is the summary study of the tenth counter of srimad-bhagavatam and it was kind of an answer to that wish because you know everything like if these pastimes are expressed in the 10th canto like you know will we live that long you know too read it and prophet mercifully took the 10th canto and in a summary form which included his perfect way of that nine cantos of backstory that you need to enter into this it's included there and then those uh three volume set of these pastimes of krishna
but we hear in the beginning of the 10th canto that sukadeva some discussion about different dynasties and the what he said the surya banksaw from the sun in which ramachandra the was the other one chandra bangsha the moon and that's the one krishna comes in a little reversal there and saying all those certain pastimes were discussed previously they did not culminate in madura right so i'm eager to hear you know those pastimes that culminate in madura or madhura rasa which necessarily means radharani and
raja gopis and krishna but again interestingly then even after nine cantos and we're told the whole bhagavatam eighteen thousand slogas that still there'll be 29 chapters up to that point and where will we begin but with the birth of krishna and when mentioning the krishna avatar in this section uh the this expression is used bhagawan bhuta bhavana right so uh bismuth chakra bharti taco always comes to our rescue to extract a inner you know squeeze some nectarine juice from there and he says here buddha like jiva bhutan the
means the jivas and bhavana ba he chooses to emphasize the word bob he said it means krishna praying you're saying this salvator is descended to give the jebus krishna praying he gets to the point that's why this appearance is there he wants to drown them and an ocean of krishnapram bhagavan bhuta bhavana and so of course pregnant maurice is very eager to hear these things and to the question that like remember seven days fasting no water no solid no food all right that omarez perhaps you are tired
or you know from all the fasting and and this verse is there uh very beautiful and we're told it's the verse that uh after sukkadev left home and vedivias was heartbroken and searching for him and we're told he taught this verse to some like huntsman in the forest and to whatever i mean if they're trained by veda vias but we're told from another point of view maybe they're not fully understanding what it but he taught like this song you you sing this and you know and so they're going to tarshire upagi yamana
tsukade would hear that like what say that again you know that would capture him sort of like bring him back so that verse is quoted and it's so it has the word trishna tarshei from trishna which means thirst right and so this sloka is saying ostensibly that hearing the pastimes of krishna will remove your thirst from for the mundane and and this one not he's saying purikut myers is saying he's happily really he's saying that's wrote to minobial ahmad that yes hearing about krishna janma karma chameleon
krsna's singing in the gita same thing tells arjuna if you can hear you know a jokey son of yet that the unborn has past times of birth that you know who is beyond you know the karmic activity has karma but his car his past hearing about his so-called karma will liberate you from karma hearing about the birth of the unborn will liberate you from birth and death all these things so uh pariket maharaja is saying you know the it's the medicine baba here means uh material existence bubba like the bhava
sindhu means the ocean of suffering basically of the material existence he's saying but this hearing about krishna uh is the medicine oshud means medicine that is the cure for materialism and our material condition and he's saying and interestingly unlike normal medicine and we all have this experience like when people give you some medicine and it's like horrible and they're telling you it's going to cure you it's going to make you feel better you know suffer a little bit now they have some sayings about it i can't
think but you know that it's just oh you have to just like tolerate it's so horrible but then you'll feel better later and it'll cure your condition correct admirer is saying this is marvelous and like srotra minobia like the abiram means beautiful you think hearing this it's so beautiful and tasteful and it's the medicine so the the cure is a sweet beautiful thing and and he's saying not only that he said if you think about it how did i get into this predicament of you know being cursed to die within seven days
was that i was overwhelmed by hunger and thirst i mean he's telling it this way as if he and we're told momentarily it was like he i mean this was how shall we say uncharacteristic of purikit mirage to be overwhelmed like and that's why the person the brahmana who would not and the plea of being absorbed in meditation ignored him and didn't attend to his needs and he draped a snake around his neck the sun cursed him you know so parikh and mars the great devotees are always speaking like that as though he was a mundane person saying
yes and it was because i i couldn't control my hunger and thirst that i'm in this situation now it's actually because he's an eternally liberated associate of the supreme personality of godhead that he finds himself in this situation but for the benefit of you know the suffering humanity and the non-suffering section too he's showing these pastimes and so he's so ex he's saying i'm drinking this nectarine substance hunger and thirst being tired i'm more enlivened i'm unimaginably enlivened and he goes so far to say like who
wouldn't be except for the pashugnuk which means either one of two things people who are like committing spiritual suicide or when he says i mean it's variously translated as like butchers or but it means like you're butchering yourself or those who were doing animal sacrifices for elevations of the heavenly planets you're saying are they any better than butchers right they think they're going to achieve a position of enjoyment by this how unfortunate they are and that so-called animal psychologist
butchery so he's so sweet on the one hand and so cutting on the other hand cutting through those knots that have that are keeping us bound and tied when necessary with this language so that's one slogan [Laughter] and that's the sloka that vias trained those huntsmen to capture the attention of sukhodev who by way of introduction when he enters that assembly parikh maharaj and all the the the leading representatives of all the different traditions are there giving advice like we see sometimes from the other traditions
and i tell you sincerely someone's telling what they they think they've learned like the gentleman about happiness and suffering of this world telling that but i i reminded him his very name is was anand so i said oh you know everyone is searching for anonym and we're so fortunate anandam has come to us today [Laughter] so it's all right they're all telling and but guru are saying purge at mars seven days i've got and what you're all advising you could dedicate your whole life to that and i'm sure make some spiritual
progress up to a point he's saying but what i would like from you is your you know get together give your unanimous verdict i'm running out of time and it's at that moment when the beautiful sukadeva gosvami comes upon the scene and just seeing his his beauty and radiance uh and they said they were expert in the art of physiogamy so even before he opened his mouth they could recognize they're in the presence of a maha purush right and he was also legendary 16 years in the womb of his mother came out as a liberated soul so
what he will be telling them is not what he uh was helpful for him to overcome the mundane they're all giving advice along those lines he was never under the influence of the mundane that's why he's universally accepted as being in the superior position and he's the legendary sukadeva goswami you know the ass putra and this that and the other thing and and necessarily so guru maharaj why he uh someone of his stature is the loudspeaker of the bhagavatam because he's got the street cred amongst the sages like oh all right if
sukadeva says we can believe it right we'll accept it and that sukadeva whom the dave dibia davies bathing naked and the pond did not bother to cover themselves because they didn't see even the um trace amount of male gaze in the vision of sukhideva right so when he says by way of introduction uttar musliah that you all know i'm situated in the near goona plain beyond you know trigunatita beyond the three modes of nature right he was already brahman brahma body by reputation you can say zayn so situated in the aragona plain
then i heard this the slokas which are live stream reality about the past beautiful pastimes of krishna and the raja gopis and i was carried away to a world enveloped in the world that i didn't know existed previously so coming from that person they can embrace this krishna conception so saying what you're telling me uh about krsna krishna is so um nourishing like it says prana borayantas parasparam katayan chasta mom nityam tusyanti ramanti jaa it's as if the devotees by speaking about krishna
and hearing about krishna that they're feasting on this divine subject matter maharaja so wants to know how is it that krsna the unborn appeared in this world sugar dave is telling him you could say about the uh the time that really the earth was overburdened by the influence of demonic kings we're told in by gita yada yada when irreligion is more or less can when religion is become so modified beyond recognition has become irreligion at that time he manifests himself and also what paritrina is sadunam bin
ashaya siddhis to re-establish religion and to protect his devotees and to annihilate the opposition to his devotees so he's telling that on the um when is that the wedding of vasudeva and devaki it's a very happy time right and matra and kangzha who's the brother of devaki he very you know gallantly and generously you know why don't i drive the happy couple home in my nice chariot and but remember just like the people read the nine cantos up to this point everyone's very eager for krishna to appear
as are the demigods and others and they don't want any they want this to happen as soon as not humanly possible but human likely possible divinely possible so in various ways and yoga maya and baladev scripting casting krishna leela they're also increasing the drama the intensity so while kangsa is happily driving vasudevan devaki with a voice comes from the sky saying you know kangso you fool don't you know the eighth son of devaki will kill you and you're giving them a ride on their wedding night
but you didn't say a son just said the eighth child that should be the record should be corrected the eighth child didn't indicate whether that would be a boy or a girl i mean but the eighth offspring uh and kongsa's response being the demon he is without hesitation he grabs devaki by the hair pulls out a sword at home he had the reins and his hand he's going you know he grabs her by the hair drops the ring he pulls out his sword he's ready to kill her on the spot there wasn't like a lot of thinking
involved that's the situation and vasudeva he's the thoughtful one and his own auspicious birth no one of his names is anuka dun dubi dun dubi is a kind of drum and there was this these very auspicious drums at the moment of his birth indicating a very auspicious future for him as well and he's thinking i have to save devaki's life and they're saying the way to do that is that with your body or your intelligence and you're saying well this is an instance where body that's not going to work so i'll have to use my intelligence and you
don't need to say like maybe if i preach the that he'll like come to his senses he starts telling them you know like everyone has to die you know we're all going to die there's nothing we can really do to prevent that and it will only come and you know for one who's born death is certain but for one who dies another birth is also certain and he's giving examples he's saying you know just like you put one foot in front of the other and so another body and then he realized oh maybe a better example is the the worm
on the leaf they're on one leaf and then they when they touch the next leaf when they're firmly is established on the next leaf then they pick up from the last leaf so there's some indication there that actually when your next body is ready that's when you die not that you die and then you get another body the next body when it's more or less ready then you'll leave this body and enter that one and how much time that takes that's another thing but so many things are discussed there so he's telling him
about this and you know in life happiness this family is giving him some basic um preaching about the soul life existence eternality mortality that sooner or later we all have to go we don't know when that will be and and hearing these spiritual instructions at least he listened but uh i thought it didn't really concept was not really accepting this yes uh so then vasudev thought all right i've got to develop another strategy and thinking about devaki and just if i can just somehow get him to like
leave her alone let her be let her live and finally settles upon saying well devaki is not a threat to you the the voice in the sky didn't say that devaki would kill you said her eighth child would so she's not a threat and i promise you those eight children when one is born i'll bring them to you and you decide what to do and that gets through to kangsaw she's saying all right well that's true she's not the one and if i kill her that's on her wedding night that really looks bad you know and then people they won't like
me and they'll realize like i'm not a nice guy and i'll have a bad reputation yeah you can't kill my sister on her wedding night that's a you know so he's saying this proposal vasudeva is acceptable to me and then we're told that a son is born uh congza presents the child excuse me vasudev presents the child to kangsaw and kang is saying like oh cute little kid all right you go no problem there first child was told the ace all right you know but this those who have been following up to this point
they're saying like then what if this delays the appearance of krishna we've got to do something about this narada so narada concert do you realize i don't know if you're aware of this but in your last life and it was kala nami you were killed by vishnu he's coming again and he's going to kill you what and and who knows when i mean they said but you know how these divine things go you never know then kangsa i mean this sounds really uh cruel only the devotees will understand and even they may not on
all the devotees it depends on their level of devotion right then kang's as vasudeva bring back that style and kill him but if you're at all familiar with puranic text and you'll find there's some back story about the six ashwini kumars and they had to overcome them so this is actually a boon for them liberating them from some past unfortunate situation the first six so one after another they're brought and they're being murdered by kangsaw until the seventh appears who is as we told you balarama ananta
dave anantashesh who's really rohini nandan as we sing in the song and since kangsa was out to get vasudevan devaki the other wives of vasudeva perhaps six seven in number or so they're in hiding so rohini's in vrndavan she's the wife of asudev and so ananta appears and as he always does to give the foundation for the appearance of krishna it's just so perfect and don't make everything extra nice and special he's the asan the shringa-san you know and yoga maya under the order of krishna transfers
ananta sheish from the womb of devaki to rohini and vrndavan and it appears as though david key has suffered from miscarriage so everyone is very sad about that but then the ace child pairs but we're told sometimes we always hear like bus like famous loka from shiva that vasudeva is the condition in which krishna appears right because i mean it's besides being an actual person and krishna then known as ba sudai vasudeva vasudeva samaha mastur omaha so it's we we told in the beginning that guru maharaj said he heard from the
devotees krsna will be appearing in the heart of the devotees so he is outside saraswati wow beautiful guru maharaja says and how beautiful is the heart of guru maharaj and the krishna who appears in the heart of guru maharaj and the mahaprabhu and ranharani but so vasudeva krishna appears in the heart of vasudeva this is how he appears right tene brahma rada you could say there was a hint in the beginning of the bhagavatam the heart to heart transaction and then we're told it's very beautiful and says just the way the
like this is the east and sometimes we'll see it the moon appears in the east especially when it's a big bright beautiful full moon you know and even though this is ostomy eighth day of waning moon that result that the when the moon did appear it became a full moon i mean it couldn't be otherwise but i always like to think because rod has to me another ostomy what guru is saying and then if you put two ostomies makes a pornima so he'd say krsna's to me radhastami together as maharu gore purnima
[Laughter] but any so then krishna vasudev like how exalted a soul now the personality of godhead is like appeared in his heart and then we're told transferred from vasudeva to the heart womb of devaki and said and what does it appear like just the way the sun excuse me that moon rises in the eastern horizon and so devaki in this condition you know she is so beautiful and so radiant that even kangso can see because normally we think you can't when we'll say like vasudev was they saying he was hard to look at
for some people you know like so brilliant and illuminating him not for the devotees but devaki she like kungs is noticing remember he's somewhat obsessed and he sees suddenly like she's extra beautiful and radiant and shining and he folded and he's saying like it's happened even he knows it and uh but they're the bengalis i don't know if you know but they have this saying i wish gopal with her it's it's become a saying in bengal when someone's they're they're predicting an unpleasant outcome for
someone they'll say you know your enemy has already been born and go cool you know the person who will finish you is already born in gokula yeah i don't know yeah but it's like a saying and and bengal but anyway so she's getting more and more effulgent like the demigods are coming and while krsna's within the womb of devaki they're offering all these prayers extraordinary prayers they're so beautiful from brahma shiva and and all the others and just incidentally when they finally finished with the prayers and they were
leaving that other demigods they made like shiva and brahma go on the front they were afraid they were going to miss something like brahma and shiva are going to see things that we don't get to see [Laughter] that's like a childlike simplicity as exalted as they are their level of purity and you know simple-hearted varshnose there's this one prayer and i just think it's worth mentioning the one satyam used the word satya many many times and i should say it because srila guru maharaj accompanied uh srila bhakti said unto
saraswati takur on an evening program once like when people go to some you know house program what's commonly called now like nam hata and but for some reason it was only srila saraswati takuru and guru maharaj and srila bhakti said to saraswati spoke on this verse and guru maharaj said the explanation was so extraordinary that he found himself in a dilemma and the dilemma was that he said it's so extraordinary the flow that's coming from srila saraswati and guru maharaj didn't have a a pen or a pencil or anything and
normally when saraswati taco would speak three people would take notes like sanyal uh sunder nanda vidya vinod and a third and then they would compare notes at the end that's how they would do the transcription so guru maharaj is saying like i've got to get some paper and write this down this is the most extraordinary thing i've ever heard and then he thought but if i leave i'm going to miss something like those demigods thinking they're going to miss something so guru maharaj is saying what to do you
know and he couldn't tear himself away from the lotus feet of srila bhakti said on the saraswati then afterwards yeah i'll for i'll just read the sloka for those who are in restless anticipation and listen to how many times you will hear the word satya satyavratham satya param trisatyam satyasya yonim nihitam it's so beautiful we can't you know i mean i'll read it because the demigods pray lord you never deviate from your vows such every time which is always perfect because whatever you decide is perfectly correct and
cannot be stopped by anyone being present in the three phase of the cosmic manifestation maintenance and annihilation you are the supreme truth right that was the like trisatyam then uh indeed unless one is completely truthful one cannot achieve your favor that's another thing i grew up saying i took a vow from this day forward i will always and only speak the truth and the world became like a ball of play in my hand that's guru maharaj speaking one can because one cannot achieve your favor which therefore you cannot be achieved
by hypocrites you are the active principle the real truth and all the ingredients of the creation and therefore you were known as untargumi the inner force you're equal to everyone and your instructions apply for everyone for all time you are the beginning of all truth therefore offering our obeisances we surrender unto you kindly give us protection so anyway after the talk saraswati takora said the government they said did did you record that you know and grommer and said explain the situation like i was torn
between should i stay and or go and and saraswati thomas said then you are a gober ganesh means a ganesh is supposed to record everything that vias is saying but govern ganesh means a ganesh made out of cow dung means you're useless so guru maharaj is telling a story where he's being chastised by his guru maharaj and we're dancing because how sweet it is so he said then you were gober ganesh and then he said he said you wanted to remember that he goes i want to hear it again what was flowing through me i would like
to hear that again that kind of thing in the audience for sukadeva is veda vias and narada guru and said they want to hear oh what naruto what i gave to you you can let's hear it will come out of him with some new color his guru and param guru are sitting in the audience listening and with you know restless anticipation so those demigods they're offering all these prayers to the supremely effulgent devaki while krishna is in the womb of his mother and uh the other verse that just stands out as andrea that others they may through yogi
process gyan performing penances austerities elevate themselves even to the puram padam we should know the outskirts of the spiritual world right and then what happens again they fall down in this world like jazmid angriah angrai because they did not worship your holy lotus feet and the dear servitors of your holy lotus feet who we said in the beginning of the bhagavatam you cannot ignore the devotees and enter the spiritual world and not only you'll be held in some holding tank viruja or such but again they'll fall down to this
world because inevitably we will search for anandam you may temper say no it's the search for happiness and that's cause of suffering in this world you need to yes never to tarshay or not but the only known method really is you know sloka lila the uttama sloka that will end this thirst for the mundane otherwise no again you'll come down prophet must have quoted that verse a hundred times right and then he'd say and they become involved then humanitarian altruism yeah but why anadra they do not uh glorify
worship the lotus feet of krishna it's one of the faults of gyan pointed out by vishwanath chaka bharti takur saying gyanis they meditate to do all these things yogi they do and what what is it that they don't do kirtan they don't glorify the lord and his devotees which brings joy to him to hear the glories of his devotees so all these other things without that without shrub in them kirito number etc what what is that family that uh ah radito yadi hares tapasha tatkim na radhito yadi hares tapasha.com
whatever it is you're doing doesn't culminate in interesting it says we'll say you know praise of radharani and her servatures but in the uh krishna krishna you know in praise of krishna said then what is the use of your austerities if they don't culminate in the praise of krishna krishna kirtana krishna kirtanagan and arthur what are they doing those gopi bhava goswamis krishna kirtana they're always doing that right so i'm saying if then what is the use of your austerities and then it flips it
and says and if you're engaged in the worship of krishna then what are the use of these austerities it's the purpose of them so uh that's so beautifully expressed there i mean it must be of significance this is right prior to the third chapter which will talk about the appearance of krsna so then from the heart of vasudeva to the heart of devaki same thing and srila guru maharaj saying they're saying krishna will be appearing in the hearts of his devotees at midnight on wednesday on wednesday evening but acres and
street christmas to me and muhammad and if there are any doubts that remain i turn to srila bhakti ranjan marusudan maharaj to say i don't think why well madhusudana oh okay tasha said that the other day she did i know but now i but that madhu sudan well maharaja and just a note before you do that we are going to reassemble here for a midnight rit but at around like 11 30 or so do something you know 45 ish singing and then have an rit at midnight well first of all we've had the luxury of an unrestricted discourse from maharaja
this evening without any like oh this is going to be a one-hour talk etc and it's we are here here we are here hearing maharaja i mean very happily and simply i can just well first of all mark said do you have any doubts any questions from anybody they don't have any doubts all right but then unlike the gyanis he will now glorify krishna krishna kirtanam well at least i can say how krishna has come because he's come to show us his land his leela his pastimes and maharaja is giving the descriptions of the why and the how
and so many things and at the end of the day he's coming to show us the beauty of complete self-surrender complete self-center which which is automatic the development of the surrender becomes so sweet and so harmonious that it reaches a stage where it's not calculated it's not put down that or do this this is this but it is coming from the heart and so krishna is showing that land which otherwise we'll kind of get some idea oh it must be wonderful to be fully surrendered and any like hint we have in our life of
when we may have thought oh yeah here we are we're fully self-surrendered we get little feel oh you know really some home comfort feel if you like but krishna is showing what is this in the ultimate ultimate mood feeling reciprocation it's the land of goloka brindavan and just to add because you may be thinking that what mars is saying is so true because this one thought about garga-sangita whereas when krishna lets it be known about this time to descend for christmas because this question comes up goloka
gokula which one's the original which one's the satellite you know and we bow our head all these greater charges can give different angles of vision but in the line of guru maharaj sarasota jiva gosvami that goes in this direction about gokula being the original and leaving an extension goloka that's inconceivable but we're told as evidentiary support in garga sangeeta that when krsna's like consulting his beloved you know about these pastimes that radharani only agrees that she said then we have to bring all
of this not a replica not a likeness an extension but the original we have to bring this jamuna this vindavan this must come with us i can't be because guru maharaj is the same they're inseparable from their paraphernalia yes go down and radha the whole thing and then there's sort of a dramatic pause and then radharani says i'm telling you she says it a second time that i'm not going unless you bring all of this the original with us to this world so what maharaj said is exactly true he's come to reveal
his land his abode his dom and on this particular kali yuga or at the beginning the transition to the kali yuga this time it's from dropper you go to kali yeah but at this particular time it is one once in one day of lord brahma which is a very long time that the original krishna avatari krishna comes to this world so not only we've got the krishna leela in front of us but we've got the source of avatar source of all avatars krishna coming in other times at the beginning of the kali yuga it is the avatar of krishna which is coming
because krishna he can do everything and he also comes as an avatar so it's also very special time in that regard and then as much indicated that krsna's leelar is coming but we can't mention about krishna and krishna consciousness and understanding krishna and the depth of it without mentioning caitanya mahaprabhu caitanya mahaprabhu taking on that greatest mood the heart and halo of shamathi radharani and showing the sorry tasting for himself searching that that she is tasting but he as avatari caitanya mahaprabhu
original goranga this is the time when the original gauranga has come here and he's come to distribute brindavan leela to everybody including the fallen souls which is very good news for us all so now it is auspicious time we're always trying to remind ourselves we really should take the opportunity to be good devotees as best we can when nobody's we hope no one's going to put up the hand and say yes i'm a perfect democracy i've got no folks and everything and i mean very good if you do i mean that's great but
i mean generally they'll be removed from the assembly we've got to be honest and so i mean for the fallen souls it is a wonderful time and mar just mentioned now about gokula and goloka yeah and how you mentioned jivo gosami he said that gokular is original yeah well an interesting thing one difference we know because they are the same but different but one difference we know between gokula and goloka is that there are demons in gokula yeah and there's only the rumor dramatic this rumor of the demons in
goloka that the demons can't actually enter there so things like this but we've got this idea that in gokul there are demons it is showing in this mundane world as it were even that time of course everything gets transferred but there are actual fights and all these things are taking place but also you see caitanya mahaprabhu's leela there are demons in caitanya mahaprabhu's leela but instead of chopping off their head with it with the with his hand etcetera or chakra or hand in instead of that then mahaprabhu is
coming to deliver the the demons and also in krishna when the demons are delivered they're getting merging into the lord's body or something like general liberation which is also of course out you know getting coming out from this world but mahaprabhu is giving the highest kind of liberation which is love of god which only comes by developing that surrender appreciation of the supreme lord and the jivas relationship and so mahaprabhu again avatari mahaprabhu himself like the original of all of everything coming to distribute to
the fallen souls this treasure and his his wish is that in every town and village his name will be chanted the krsna's name will be chanted and so this is taking place and here you are as evidence and we oh i am trying to do it but you are as evidence chanting the name of the lord so we are very few in number if you take the percentage wise but let us take it to heart let us try to really make this opportunity because to be krishna conscious we need to remember krishna krishna is this is his appearance day to day
it's tonight it's going to be we are we are in the night already it's his appearance time so as on everybody's birthday as it is the tradition at the moment then we are remembering that person more and more that day so we are meant to be conscious of krishna so today is a very good day to try to make ourselves reinforced in our krishna consciousness so some reflections like this and as always we are stressing not only we've read the book heard the book heard the book read something but we have the connection of
the devotees the connection of the current which is coming down and our masters here the large pictures here of guru maharaja and gurudev are not only pictures they are here to remind us that they're seeing us all the time everywhere so we must try to make ourselves proper receptacles for their grace by trying to glorify the lord the devotees and the practitioner devotees everywhere srila gurudev dictated discussed and dictated some rules of the temple and and gurudev and that was based on his relationship with guru maharaj but
he can updated it for the western devotees coming he mentioned the time when the western devotees will gather on the samadhi mandir of srila guru maharaj etc but there shilla gurudev is mentioning about all devotees every devotee and newcomers coming to the mat every member of the match will give respect to the devotees and give affection to newcomers and guests coming to the temple so that they will be at home and they will get some uh guidance in the line of our masters so it is not only that we are
going to look to the older devotees or the senior devotees the more capable devotees yes certainly we're giving special understanding respect there but to all devotees we have to appreciate each other and as a team always as a team then we are making the community the ashrams the temples and sanketan congregational glorification of the lord with new with old all in appreciation and we are all connected through this current and getting inspiration from those who can teach us very nicely the whole
understanding who've got the affection who've got again heart to heart to heart coming all the way down to our present age and it is very wonderful that we can hear these top topics very authoritatively we have sat with guru raj with gurudev we are sitting here with srila goswami maj who's presenting very carefully and accurately their teachings and gurudeva and guru maharaja must be appreciating this and he's able to do this by having their blessings by having their grace and maharaja really it is our joy spiritual
joy to be able to hear such topics unrestrictedly i i think i'll sing one song and then break manage yes yes and the devotees you all are so uh patient and still and you're not shuffling around you're giving attention all the way i know you're crazed and like mario said it just made me think so what what he said there was a time i mean as inconceivable as it is that new person as we told this evening was guru maharaj yes so now i can understand when guru maharaj would tell us why he revered even a newcomer
and and really did he said because if we believe and what we say is true and now this person is manifesting appreciation for that he said god willing they may surpass me someday i want to be in a position to receive their blessings so that person who chewed away guru maharaj i'll just say for the sake of i i can guarantee that guru maharaj surpassed him right i can say that with the highest level of confidence and so guru maharaj would be in a position to bless him later so that just to underscore what he's saying so
when when someone connects with us we do consider them special right because if it's everything we say that it is and they're now expressing appreciation for that like kavi raj goswami when he's he it sounds inconceivable but when he's saying like he's taking the dust from the feet of his readers why because he knows what any means readers but you know those who are getting what's being given and because he knows if they appreciate this there's only a certain kind of person who genuinely appreciates this substance
and they're described in the beginning you know russia he knows oh they're they're not those readers who are appreciating this i take the dust from their feet right it's not some kind of an arrogant uh self-serving assertion but really so little founder [Music] ah oh [Music] my [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] keeping [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] my [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music]
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