视频-The Beginning • for madmen only •
📺视频-The Beginning • for madmen only •




  • 🎸 朋克文化与拒绝的概念
  • 🔊 日常生活中的感官输入与噪音
  • 🎭 魔术剧院象征疯癫与理解
  • 🧠 爱因斯坦的逻辑与普通人的视角
  • 👂 聆听作为信仰的起点
  • 🌊 听克里希纳的故事的力量
  • 🌱 种子的品质与灵性成长

Key Insights

  • 🎤 拒绝与接受的辩证关系:拒绝一切而接受思考的过程,反映了人类对存在的深刻思考。
  • 🌌 噪音与真实的探索:在生活中,如何分辨真实的声音与噪音,是理解自我的关键。
  • 🎩 疯癫与智慧的界限:疯狂的定义因人而异,真正的智慧常常被视为异类。
  • 🔍 信仰的启蒙:通过聆听他人的智慧,个人的信仰与理解开始萌芽。
  • 🌈 故事的力量:故事不仅传递信息,更能触动心灵,激发思考与感悟。
  • 🌳 种子与成长的隐喻:灵性成长如同种子发芽,质量与环境决定其成长方向。
  • 💖 克里希纳的甘露:倾听克里希纳的教导如同得到甘露,滋养心灵,带来解脱。

🤗 视频

在路上有一些你应该看到的标志,我现在正看到那些标志。关于“veda vias”,我有点沮丧,你懂我意思吗?我告诉你为什么。他说,保持向前进步是很重要的,这样才能保持站立。斯里拉转向一群信徒,问:“我可以问你们一个问题吗?”大家说:“当然可以。”他接着说:“什么是基督教的无意识?那就是现实。”然后他又说,了解那个现实对你们是有好处的。
okay when i was walking in san jose once and during the when punk rock was very prominent and these two punks they saw me with the shaved head and and they're like and they but then the saffron dress and they came up to me and they said what's this all about what's this supposed to mean and i said to them total rejection of everything and they said cool but what are you accepting yes we agree yeah this is all rejected all right and accept what we hear so many things lord do we hear so many things on a dail there's so muchwhat is it like or you could call it noise but um sensory input that hearing sound and it's giving some impression to the heart about what is reality what is the self what is reality what is the world what is our place in it but is it a reliable sound where does that sound come from where where is it being broadcast what is being carried with it herman has uh had a book called steppenwolf and in that book there's a man advertising something called the magic theater and he goes through the town advertising the magic theater and he'shaving magic theater magic theater anything it's for mad men only and the price of admission is your mind [Laughter] says janisha that what is night for one is the time of awakening for another and vice versa so it means there's a world where someone's awake in that world and everything is understandable perceivable to them and it's like madness to ordinary people but is it madness or is it something substantial what's makes sense in the brain of einstein that might appear to be madness to an ordinary personbut that does that mean that einstein is crazy or an ordinary person is crazy if he writes one of his formula on the board you say what is that these symbols it looks crazy to an ordinary person if he starts explaining one of his theories what is he talking about but is it that he's mad and what he's talking about make makes no sense there's nothing of value there nothing substantial or this is why we designate him einstein and we recognize that we may not be able to appreciate what is there but those who have some abilityuh or capacity uh they can verify that there's something substantial there these talks they're like madness to the people in general this sort of discussion this sort of pursuit but the really here the price where they're telling the price you know for madman only price of admission is your mind here the price of admission is submission submissive oral reception the willingness to hear admittedly it's not faith and fully developed in a proper sense but the willingness to give a hearing to submit to hearing krishna conceptionfrom an authoritative source that's the beginning of faith prophet once said put it this way very simply someone says oh let me hear meaning referencing the votes oh let me hear what these people have to say that's enough he called it submissive oral reception then there can be a transmission the so-called heart-to-heart transmission really your first connection substantially with reality is hearing from an agent a divine agent it's the path of seeing through the ear seeing by hearing that's how you see spiritually byhearing give up trying to understand him with your intellect and your brain the infinite or with the writer david foster wall is called we we're we consider ourselves the lords of our own skull-sized kingdoms put that nicely saraswati tagore told puppy brain trying to conceive the infinite in that way but the guru mars brings the good news to us the infinite can make itself known to the finite if he chooses not by so much discussion not by mere intellect but he reveals himself to whom he chooses through whom hechooses and his favorite agency for distribution says devotee another the simple we hear different things someone's saying everything's like this and they're giving you a story or a narrative that goes without someone else taking it in another direction and something resonates with you or it doesn't a uh scientist uh or scientific or important no we've done experiments you know all right the fact of the matter is you believe what you've heard you didn't do those experiments personallyyou read something you heard something it clicked with you you believe it so it's actually hearing you hear a compelling narrative of competing narratives and one resonates with you right so and it's story that drives us inside and outside story because within story uh is uh possibility right or prospect right so the story presents the possibility of a particular prospect this is very beautiful because people say well what about this what about that what if someone lives like this what if someone believes that what if someonefinds themselves in this situation what if circumstantially modern world ancient world this world that it doesn't you know left right or center up or down stan estita whatever your situation is begin hearing about krishna from his agent saru shastra guru vaishnava but particularly the devotee right the authorized agents of the absolute hearing from them then there's the awakening of faith and its development without becoming acquainted with what it is and the means of understanding and verifying what this substance is then one is notin a position to represent it or to make determinations with others in either direction good or bad right therefore we're told you have to put yourself under the guidance of a vaisnava a substantial vaisnava who can determine assess properly what is valuable what is not valuable what is substantial what is not substantial what is imitation and what is real that we must always remember the gradations of seeing the infinite of seeing krishna radharani is giving your own evidence yada nuchari talila karna piusha biproot hearing about krishnashe said what happens is in this hearing you're talking about being a conscious being hearing being aware saying if you put put your consciousness to this if in your consciousness krishna conception enters then what it does it a drop of this nectar lands on the heart one drop touches the heart one drop of hearing krishna nectar touches the heart like krsna khan amritam that's what it means krishna nectar for the ear potency of hearing about krsna is such that a drop of krsna-kata on the heart will finishyour life your material life your material existence finished all attachment will be finished by one drop of hearing about krsna but it's all double on toned and ironic yeah you're finished with this world it's something to celebrate one drop of this substance is so powerful will finish with all illusion and all attachment worldly attachments etc and then you become like these birds we see they have no place they haven't they're just wandering here and there and they eat a little something it's sopathetic that birds those homeless birds you become what is that parma hangzhou extracting only the most essential thing their krsna-nam is like chintamini you can have that transformative power that's why we have to uh approach such personalities for krishnan to get something substantial she's saying the drop of this hearing about krishna what will be the end result you'll turn into a paramahamsa vaisnava so powerful and the purpose of life is to engage in this sort of culture much [Music] be like the same pleasure we derive fromeating wonderful things how wonderful we feel and satisfied and aramanti even that expressed by rupa goswami also the natural attraction a boy has for a girl a girl for a boy this type of sweet um irresistible seductive charm that they also experience so the heart will be drawn into that plane by affections force shri krishna by and the inverse a drop of that type of love and affection expressed toward krishna is sufficient to capture the infinite that's the method employed by the braja gopis stravana mangalam all of these things they must bethematically consistent and there must be connecting threads they're not just random anecdotal evidence for generic divinity they're all going in a particular direction and this should be noted all suffering is due to separation from krishna all suffering whether it's the suffering of the conditioned souls or the anguish of separation experienced in the hearts of the vraja-gopis the cause of all suffering is being separation from krishna and the cure for separation from krishna is to hear about him from his devotees and then tokirtanam reproduce what we've heard from his devotees and those who are distributing this cure they're giving some the most beneficial thing in the world krishna tells arjuna who reveals the contents of this conversation we're having they're almost dear to me and they're doing the greatest service to people in this world from bhakti yoga paribhavita singh the hrit means the heart saroja so it's saying the lotus of the heart the heart is like a lotus prabhupada says in one place the voiceof the pure devotees is saturated with saffron mercy particles from the holy lotus feet of krishna and when that enters the ear it's like sprinkling of these saffron mercy particles on the heart lotus of the heart and it's blossoming we should say that hearing from krishna loving people from genuine devotees that is really the beginning of seeing krishna remember seeing krsna as an infinite young sundaram a chintyaguna swarup he has an inconceivable divine form it's inconceivable the beauty of krishnabut by hearing from them some impression comes to the heart back to bhakti yoga paribabi some impression is made there right that's the the seed of krishna conception but then there is quality and gradation everywhere quality of seed so guru maharaj is quoting saying if superior quality of seed is available no inferior seed should be planted that's for consideration when he was told someone who had been apparently in connection with krishna consciousness for many years resumed their position in the mundaneworld even in the position of an atheist he said if the quality of seed is very high and it was planted very deeply that's not possible or we'll take it at least it will reassert there's a question dormancy suspended animation when someone asked guru maharaj this devotee whose faith had been damaged he wanted to know if guru maharaj had seen krishna and the way he presented it was very clever because in other words we say people who say they've seen krishna we dismiss them out of hand as being bogus orimitationist charlatans but here's what he said but i know that you're not such a person right yes we know in general but we know that you are a substantial devotee so you substantial of devotee of krishna i'm asking you and guru maharaj said if i have to answer that question i do not have the audacity to say that i've seen krishna and but what i will say is according to saurus sastra guru and vaisnava there are signs you should see along the way and i'm seeing those signs veda vias is one for wooi'm depressed you know what i'm saying i'll tell you why he said there's the necessity to always make forward progress to stay upright srila turned to the group of devotees and can i ask you a question sure and he said what is christian unconsciousness it is reality and he said and it's in your interest to become acquainted with that reality

🔗 引用

视频-Union in Separation视频-Introduction • Reality the Beautiful •