视频-Union in Separation
📺视频-Union in Separation
视频|2024-9-9|Last edited: 2024-9-17




  • 🌌 永恒的情感:追求永恒的爱和喜悦是灵魂的固有愿望。
  • 🧘‍♂️ 更高的快乐:瑜伽修行者体验的快乐远超世俗的愉悦,超越了凡尘之爱。
  • 🌊 分离作为成长:与克里希纳的分离加深了爱和奉献,突显了灵性的成熟。
  • 🔥 分离的火焰:渴望的强度丰富了内心对爱的承载能力。
  • 💞 分离中的联合:真正的与克里希纳的连接常常发生在缺席时,揭示更深层次的灵性真理。
  • 🎭 情感光谱:灵性包含了全范围的情感,包括喜悦和悲伤。
  • 🌱 克里希纳的奥秘:克里希纳意识的本质在于揭示分离和渴望中的深刻真理。

Key Insights

  • 🌠 固有的渴望:对永恒之爱的渴望反映了灵魂的真实本质,表明我们最深的渴求是灵性的。
  • 🌌 超越的体验:灵性实践提供的体验远超身体的愉悦,强调了与神圣连接的丰富性。
  • 🔥 灵性的炼金术:分离不仅仅是失去,而是一个转化过程,点燃了修行者内心更深的爱和奉献。
  • 💔 渴望的美丽:心碎和分离可以带来深刻的喜悦,暗示真正的满足往往源于对神圣的渴望。
  • 🌈 拥抱情感:在灵性实践中承认全范围的情感丰富了旅程,突显了人类体验的复杂性。
  • 🎭 克里希纳的游戏:神圣的游戏揭示了痛苦和喜悦是相互交织的,强调了克里希纳之爱的神秘性。
  • 🌱 理解的深度:克里希纳意识的真实本质在于理解分离中的美丽,从而引导灵性的觉醒。

🤗 视频

jīva 是一种超越的能量,比所有其他事物都要高级。没有自控的感觉,就谈不上自发的爱。我们会把世俗爱情的体验投射到自发的爱上,把这种观念强加于 rāga-bhaktas 的自发爱之上,这样想就对神圣的事物产生了冒犯,认为这些游乐是世俗的,就像男女之间的世俗事务。因此,世俗的心智、世俗的智慧,这些世俗的元素,都是遮蔽了 jīva。
但是,jīva和她那纯净的荣耀有思想、智慧、感官,一切。世俗的欲望对心灵的束缚只能通过克里希纳的美丽、魅力和甜蜜来打破,这对我们来说是个好消息,因为万物的根源就是具现化的狂喜,充满爱与温情,永远在扩展、不断增加的快乐。而我们与之相连。我们被告知,hṛṣīkeṇa hṛṣīkeśa-sevanaṁ bhaktir ucyate(《那罗达五十颂》)。
他说:“可是谁能理解分离的独特快乐呢?肯定不是动物。”马哈拉吉大师喜欢引用诗人雪莱的话:“我们最甜美的歌曲是那些 / 讲述最悲伤故事的。”伤感的情歌,伤感的爱情故事。比如,有些女士正在看一部伤感的爱情故事——就像一小群人,她们在看这个伤心的故事,哭得稀里哗啦。看,大家都在哭,还有一些纸巾。然后一个男人走进房间,看到她们都在哭,就想:“哦,让我换部电影,看看别的…”
他们说:“不,不要碰它。” 为什么呢?他们在哭泣和受苦,看到这一切心都碎了,但他们却无法停止观看。因为这是一种不同的快乐,比那种面带微笑的快乐更深刻。没有克里希纳的日子该怎么过?有趣的是,这正是《教诲八句歌》结束时所表达的极高深的分离主题,也是《希尔·查伊坦尼亚传》中的结论——非常非常高深的东西。但奇妙的是,这些内容对那些有追求的人来说也同样 relevant。
所以,接到电话却不能去,分离的痛苦和热度会让他们变得成熟,等到另一个时候再去。因此,心会被感情的力量吸引到那个层面——śrī kṛṣṇa karṣiṇī chasa。整个《巴嘎瓦塔》中都在铺陈到 rasa-līlā。当它刚开始的时候却又停了下来。为什么?才刚开始,克里希纳就去找拉达哈尼了,一切都停下来了。然后你会想,如果你对高尔迪亚的本体论有一些了解,你可以说,
Where do all of these sentiments come from? They want to express, you know, some sort of eternal dance, an eternal night, eternal love. Why? Do we think, oh, that’s just sentiment? No, it’s the real innate sentiment of the soul. It’s what the soul is hankering for — the eternal night, the eternal love, the eternal dance. It’s the rasa-dance. Everybody — theist, agnostic, atheist. Guru Mahārāj used to say, “No one can seriously deny that they don’t want to be happy, that they’re not searching for happiness”.
ramante yogino ’nante satyānande cid-ātmani (Padma Purāṇa) The yogis, they’re experiencing a pleasure that is higher than the sort of pleasure that one experiences in this world from erotic sensual activity. The brahmanandees. They experience the pleasure of Brahmananda ten million times greater than sensuous pleasure. If you multiply the pleasure of Brahmananda a trillion fold it’s not equivalent to a drop of the pleasure of Kṛṣṇa-bhakti. That’s a statement from Rūpa Goswāmī. The senses, the mind, the intelligence, according to Guru Mahārāj,
all shadow representations of the spiritual aspect of the same. And that will be achieved through freedom for the senses or freedom from the senses? So in Bhagavad-gītā here Kṛṣṇa says, bhūmir āpo ’nalo vāyuḥ khaṁ mano buddhir eva ca ahaṅkāra itīyaṁ me bhinnā prakṛtir aṣṭadhā (Bhagavad-gītā 7.4) Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and ego, He said, “these are My inferior energy”. Then He said, and that’s so — mind, intelligence — inferior, and jīva-bhutah: apareyam itas tv anyāṁ prakṛtiṁ viddhi me parām (Bhagavad-gītā 7.5)
jīva is a para-prakriti — superior energy to all of those things. Without controlled senses there’s no question of spontaneous love. We’ll project that our experience of mundane love we’ll project that |as being|, we’ll impose that idea on spontaneous love of rāga-bhaktas and that’s an offense against divinity to think these pastimes are mundane, like the mundane affairs between men and women. So that means the mundane mind, the mundane intelligence, these mundane elements, they’re covering jīva
but jīva and her pristine glory has mind, intelligent, senses, everything. The stranglehold that the mundane erotic principle has upon the heart can only be broken by the Beauty, Charm and Sweetness of Kṛṣṇa conception and that is very good news for us that the original cause of everything is Ecstasy personified, is loving and affectionate and full of ecstatic happiness, ever-expanding ever-increasing happiness. And that we connect with that. What we’ve been told, hṛṣīkeṇa hṛṣīkeśa-sevanaṁ bhaktir ucyate (Nārada-pañcarātra)
by engaging the senses in the service of Kṛṣṇa. That will awaken their natural serving tendency so that the mundane aspect gradually vanishes — diminishes and vanishes altogether — and the spiritual golden self comes out. Then from that position dhīra — undisturbed, no-sense-disturbance. Then when they hear the divine pastimes of Rādhārāṇī, Kṛṣṇa and Brajagopis that will awaken spontaneous love, loving sentiments within them. There’s a local view, local eye, local provincial way of seeing things
and a way of tracing everything to the central conception of the Infinite. The ultimate adjustment, the big picture, the vision of the mahā-bhāgavata when līlā is factored in. Even the deluding of the jīvas is a pastime of Kṛṣṇa. Someone says, well, why not make another kind of pastime for them, for these jīvas, where they don’t have to suffer like this. And one of the answers given is, well, look at the other pastimes — they’re also suffering. All suffering is due to separation from Kṛṣṇa, all suffering,
whether it’s the suffering of the conditioned souls or the anguish of separation experienced in the hearts of the Brajagopis. The cause of all suffering is |being| separation from Kṛṣṇa. Yashoda is suffering in separation from Kṛṣṇa, brajagopis are suffering in separation, Pandavas are suffering. There’s so much suffering in these different pastimes. That means then we can’t carry a stereotype of what is happiness into the spiritual domain. The common stereotype about spiritual culture is that the spiritual person is always smiling
and like happy Buddha. Consciousness can feel the full spectral range of emotions — happiness, pleasure, joy, ecstasy, love, affection but then we have to also acknowledge it also allows me to feel sad or unhappy, pain, suffering. The agony of separation from Kṛṣṇa is a liberating type suffering. Remember, Kṛṣṇa consciousness is about the search for Śrī Kṛṣṇa. We wonder why Kṛṣṇa is not revealing Himself to me. I’ve been here for a long time. Seems like forever. Doesn’t He get it I’m his devotee?
I was pretty concentrated there for a little while. Ten million lifetimes of doing the right thing won’t give you this. That’s amazing! Even the brajagopis are searching for Kṛṣṇa. That brings out the best in them. If this is about achieving the greatest depth of heart and magnitude of heart and intensity that in separation a greater depth and magnitude and intensity of heart is achieved than in Union. And Gurudev said, “Even the animals know about Union”. He said, “Goats they understand something about Union”.
He said, “But who understands the peculiar joy of separation? Not the animals certainly”. Guru Mahārāj liked to quote the poet Shelley who said: “Our sweetest songs are those / That tell the saddest tales”. Heartbreaking love songs, heartbreaking love stories. Some ladies, for example, were watching heartbreaking love story — say a little group they’re watching a heartbreaking love story. Crying. See all are crying, some tissues. And some man enters the room, seeing them all crying, thinks, “Oh, let me put on another movie. Watch something…”
They go, “No, don’t touch it”. Why? They’re crying and suffering, their hearts are breaking by watching this but they can’t stop watching. Because it’s another type of joy, and deeper than the smiley kind. How to go on in the absence of Kṛṣṇa? And interestingly this is the very, very high subject matter of the depths of separation expressed there in the conclusion of Śikṣāṣṭakam, the conclusion of Śrī Chaitanya-charitāmṛta — very, very high and deep things. But miraculously, mysteriously it’s also relevant to those in the aspiring position.
Adarśana — how to pursue Kṛṣṇa consciousness in the apparent absence of Kṛṣṇa, in the apparent absence of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. It’s the critical points. Crude example. Sometimes people do this in playing with children. Lovers might even do it but let’s stick with children. They’ve put them temporarily into some anxiety. Like a naughty uncle or something. They hide and the kid, “Ahhh!” And then they go, “See, I’m here!” They want to see them in that intense state of desperation. That’s the real test for devotees.
Why is Kṛṣṇa [not] revealing Himself to me? And Viśvānath says, “Actually He could but He knows you’re capable of more. And He knows the heart that you have — your real heart, your full heart — it’s capable of so much that He’s holding back to get you to go to that deeper region of heart. Because He’s bhāva-grahi-janārdana, bhāva consumer. He knows your real heart but it’s on a deeper level and He’s tempted to accept what you’re giving now but going to hold off and wait for the real stuff — the deep heart connection, the deep heart’s core —
what will be expressed from there. Guru Mahārāj said, “If you can be honest and acknowledge your lack of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, that you have no devotion, hankering means you’re separated from the that object for which you hanker but you have no other shelter, he said, then you just might be a devotee. That hunger it’s the purchase price of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.” So when Kṛṣṇa He gets this inspiration to enjoy in a particular way, the Yogamaya and Baladeva they’re casting and scripting Kṛṣṇa-līlā.
Casting means selecting who will participate in these pastimes. So he’s saying when Yogamaya and Baladeva are getting the indication that Krishna’s to enjoy in this way they round up these gopis and they say, “These are qualified to participate now, this one maybe next time, this one a little bit longer.” Saying just like… And we’ve done it with either mangoes or other fruits. You put them in a place where they can get heat and light and achieve maturity or fully ripen. So what is the equivalent of that, the parallel?
Is separation — the fire, the heat of separation so some cannot go. We’re told everything is significant so it’s said, “Kṛṣṇa sounds His flute, they start going, some, we’re told, they’re going so fast — half dressed, one earring, things on the wrong side — they’re running to Kṛṣṇa.” You can imagine if after millions of lifetimes and pursuing Kṛṣṇa consciousness you get this call: this is going to be your first encounter with Kṛṣṇa, you might be a little beside yourself. So anyway, they’re going… But then we’re told,
“and some they’re pulling babies off their breasts, the ovens are burning, their husbands and fathers are trying to stop [them]”. But some are stopped. That’s also hard to accommodate. You mean, after millions and millions of lifetimes, finally, the call comes for this type of sevā, and you can’t go? So what does that do to them? That puts them into a deep condition of separation. It generates the fire and heat of separation, and it’s the arrangement of Yogamaya because they, for some reason, they weren’t hundred percent qualified at that point.
So, by getting the call and not being able to go, the fire and heat of separation will bring them to the mature condition and they’ll go at another time. So the heart will be drawn into that plane by affections force — śrī kṛṣṇa karṣiṇī chasa. This whole big buildup in the Bhāgavatam to the rasa-līlā. And no sooner does it begin than it stops. Why? It’s just starting and then Kṛṣṇa is gone searching for Rādhārāṇī. Everything stopped. And then you would think if you know something about Gaudia ontology then you could say,
“Oh, wait, later we hear: one Kṛṣṇa for every two gopis feeling that one Kṛṣṇa for every gopi through prakash, villas, expansions. Why didn’t He just expand Himself for everybody and then go run after Rādhārāṇī? He could do that too. But that’s not what He does. Right? They’re plunged into an ocean of separation. How heartbreaking! You’ve made it to the rasa-līlā and now it’s stopped before it started? It starts and Kṛṣṇa’s gone? Is that some kind of a trick or cruel thing to do? Maybe in some instances after millions and millions of lifetimes, millions of creations
they’ve made it to that point and Kṛṣṇa vanishes? What kind of Lord are we searching for? This is the mystery of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, it’s the mystery of the pastimes of Kṛṣṇa, it’s the mystery of Kṛṣṇa culture. It's that the greatest substance of Kṛṣṇa consciousness will be mined in separation. When someone’s before you, you see them, they’re not so much in your heart and mind. You’re looking at their form, seeing them. But in their absence they’re fully present in your heart and mind. And what’s Śrīla Guru Mahārāj coined the original phrase
“Union in Separation”. And separation there can also be union. If what makes Kṛṣṇa happy is breaking my heart then that’s my happiness. So how will we understand what is spiritual? Kavirāj Goswāmī says: bāhye viṣa-jvālā haya, bhitare ānanda-maya, kṛṣṇa-premāra adbhuta carita (Śrī Chaitanya-charitāmṛta, Madhya 2.50) The adbhuta carita or astonishingly wonderful characteristic of Kṛṣṇa-prema is that: externally it appears like one is suffering like anything while internally they’re relishing some sort of ecstatic joy.
Viśvanāth says, “Kṛṣṇa’s saying, ‘if at that time when there at the depths of separation, the peak of that longing and hankering, if I then appear then we’ll have a rasa-līlā’. That’s what He’s thinking”. People say, “Well these are very high things”. Oh, yeah, right, the very high thing is called Kṛṣṇa consciousness. It’s a very high thing. It’s the most high thing. It’s the greatest type of happiness.

🔗 引用

视频-Separation | The Full Spectral Range of Emotions视频-The Beginning • for madmen only •