视频-Introduction • Reality the Beautiful •
📺视频-Introduction • Reality the Beautiful •




  • 🌍 拒绝一切,接受故事的可能性。
  • 🧘‍♂️ 克里希那意识超越传统宗教的界限。
  • 🎤 斯里拉古鲁玛哈拉杰提问引发深入思考。
  • 📜 听闻和歌颂克里希纳的功德带来吉祥。
  • 💖 追求真实的渴望是精神健康的标志。
  • 🚴‍♂️ 在修行中要不断前进,保持动态。
  • 🌱 真实的欲望指向内心深处,促进灵性成长。

Key Insights

  • 🌟 现实的理解需要超越表面,深入内心,与克里希那建立真实联系是关键。通过对故事的接受,我们可以看到更广阔的世界。
  • 🕊️ 克里希那意识不仅是宗教信仰,而是关于内心渴望的深刻联系。意识到这一点,使我们在灵性上更为成熟。
  • 🎓 传统宗教常常限制人们的理解,真正的解脱在于直接追求克里希那的理念,从而获得更高的真实体验。
  • 🔑 听闻和歌颂是通往灵性成长的重要途径,能够帮助我们消除偏见和习惯,达到内心的清净。
  • ⏩ 追求克里希那意识的过程是动态的,停滞不前会导致失去平衡,持续的努力是必要的。
  • 💡 内心的渴望与真实的连接至关重要,激发出更高的灵性体验,从而提升我们的灵性追求。
  • 🌼 放下自我,追求更高的境界,才能真正体验到生命的充实与意义。

🤗 视频

这是现实,他说你了解这个现实对你有好处。维达·维亚斯是我的,我很沮丧。不,我是说我会告诉你为什么。 dharma pong song vishvak 不是派对援助。如果你做的事情不是为了增加对克里希纳·瓦苏德瓦的兴趣,比如听他的故事、唱他的歌、记住他,那你就是在浪费时间。
他感到沮丧,Narada 指出他的这种沮丧,并教导他。这十句颂歌被视为《史密德·巴哈伽瓦坦》中克里希纳观念的种子。很有意思的是,在前几句颂歌中,他就开始处理这个问题。比如,“放弃自己的责任,去崇拜哈里”,就像在印度,当你想要成熟的水果时,你会问:“给我成熟的,质量好吗?”
你问他们为什么这么做,他们会说是因为“Vade of the ass”叫他们这么做。然后你会被指责,他们会问你:“Veda,你在Veda里是不是更高的权威?”你会说:“是的。”你得纠正这个。我现在告诉你的是,与其慢慢来,一步一步、渐渐来,你知道这样会花很久才能脱离物质世界,而大多数人不会的,他们会一次又一次地重生。其实他们最好就是直接去追求克里希纳的理念,越快越好。
随着时间的推移而演变和发展的东西,将为你下辈子奠定基础。如果种子的质量非常高,与现实有深刻的联系,即使在某种情况下它处于被压制的位置,或者在通常可观察的范围内看不见,它仍然可能在未来重新显现出来。斯里拉·普拉布帕德非常喜欢这一系列的经文:“聆听和歌颂克里希纳的功德,能带来吉祥。” 《巴哈伽瓦塔》的永恒服务就是这样。
听到这个就像我们现在这样,听“听闻”(shravanam),你知道,如果我们为了克里希纳的快乐去做这件事,心灵奉献(atma samarpanam),那就是对《巴哈伽瓦塔》的服务。书中提到,通过不断忠实地听《巴哈伽瓦塔》,那些不必要的东西,像是偏见和习惯,慢慢会消失。而这里所描述的一个临界点,就是说明还没有完全,或者说还不是百分之百。所以我们知道,有些事情……
一旦过了某个临界点,其余的事情就很容易发生。这个临界点就是所谓的“临界点”,当它达到一定的程度后,后面的事情就会迅速展开。这正是在谈论圣经时所描述的,在某个特别的信仰时刻,你可以说它达到了一个临界点,信徒就能轻松而完全地接受对克里希纳的理解和克里希纳的奉献。尼提亚说,"sadhyo kabu noi sravanadi koroye udoi",这些活动,尤其是听从现实的使者讲述,是非常重要的。
直立的,你要从哪里获得所需的东西呢?这个草(lolium)和这种渴望(ashakti),不然就像鲁帕·戈斯瓦米所说的,信仰会引导你走向信徒(devotees),与他们在一起(sadhu sangha),你会在他们的陪伴下成长(saru sango satovare),你的渴望会提高,会有所转变(param drishvanivarta)。你可以开始渴望真正有意义的东西。我们可能会对一些与克里希纳意识的接触(krishna consciousness)感到相对满足,或者只是对克里希纳意识有些肤浅的了解,我们可能会认为这样是对的,哦。
口味变得低沉,又消失得无影无踪,变得平常的感觉和知识。素食先知有时被称为实现的知识,或者更具体的知识,朝向神圣的方向。但 prakrishtagyan 和 pragyan 是最高质量的意思。像往常一样,任何Guru Maharaj会说他想给出最顶尖的。所以,什么是最高级的gan呢?比如 gyanetti pena bashvata,那里克里希纳以非常具体的方式向一个特定的群体揭示自己,这一直是Guru Maharaj的观察方法,这又是一个很好的例子。
reject it all right and accept what the story presents the possibility of a particular prospect so it means there's a world where someone's awake in that world uh and everything is understandable perceivable to them and it's like madness to ordinary people but is it madness or is it something substantial really your first connection substantially with reality is hearing from an agent a divine agent once after being asked so many questions srila guru maharaj turned to the group of devotees and can i ask you a questionare you sure and he said what is krishna consciousness and one person said ah it's what prabhupad taught us that was a good answer [Laughter] and then someone else said uh bhakti and guru maharaj said did he say anything about krishna little teasing and then guru maharaj just stopped the whole thing he said it is reality it's not that uh you can describe is esoteric eastern religion eastern philosophy hinduism all these names but guru maharaj said it is reality that's what krishna consciousness says it's realityand he said and it's in your interest to become acquainted with that reality veda vias is mine i'm depressed no i'm saying i'll tell you why dharma pong song vishvak not party aid yadi ritim srama eva kevalam it says whatever you're doing that's dharmasya swanste whatever you're doing if notepaddy return if the end result is not some increased attraction for hearing about krishna vasudeva you know some taste for hearing chanting remembering about krishna says then you're wasting your timeright so this is the measure there should be some hunger for these things there are general descriptions of coming in connection with krishna consciousness and then there are the specifics of that connection quality gives us relief from mathematics in the beginning of the srimad-bhagavatam the fifth chapter of the first canto narada comes to the ashram of veda vias we're told is in a despondent mood the great veda vias krishna dwight hayan veda the vedas compiled puranas did so many things mahabharata including bhagavad-gita buthe's feeling despondent and narada addresses that despondency and where he instructs him these 10 slokas are taken to be the seeds of krishna conception as expressed in srimad-bhagavatam it's the srimad-bhagavatam intense locals interestingly i found it interesting that after one two three slokas he's dealing with this very issue chaktwa swa dharmam charanam bhujam harir bhajan those have been india when you want to get ripe fruit you say you know give me ripe ones is it pakka is it like of the good quality is itripe it says what happens someone in this world they give up their swadharma their appearance for dharmas for dharma nidhanam sreya puru dharm and they try to move in the direction of krishna conception reality move out of the world of misconception into the world of proper conception they their heart leaps up and they want to run in that direction and he says but what happens if bhajan apakva doesn't reach the mature stage the fruit bearing mature stage what happens to that person so it's first of all it's noteworthy that narada isaddressing this from the very beginning it's not arbitrary it must be there because it's forming the um the the basis by which he's going to tell the ass why you're feeling the way you are because you're telling people again inadvertently it's not your intention but through the general practice of religion regulating your life according to what's generally understood as religion people will make very little progress and they'll remain bound within the mundane world and when you ask them why they're doing thisthey're going to say because vade of the ass told me to you you will be the blame they'll allah say veda are you a greater authorities in veda vias so veda yes you have to correct this and what i'm telling you now is rather than follow your slow step by step gradual you know it'll take forever to get out of the material world and most people won't they're going to be resurface creation after creation after creation it would be better if they just go for it and run to krishna conception as soon asthe heart leaps up and responds to that even if they don't make it in that period that brief period where they tried they'll gain more in that period than they will millions of years and lifetimes of doing of following religion that's why christians said sarva dharma jamal may come saraswati saying jump take the risk what they call a leap of faith a leap into the unknown krishna will protect me will catch me will save me maintain me take the risk no risk no gain he said so saraswati tacklers call is arevolutionary one give up everything and you say well so many people have done that and then they went back yeah and in that brief time whether it was a year or five years 10 years whatever it was they gained more in that brief time than they will in lifetimes hundreds of lifetimes of other types of culture and pursuit he's saying so now you've got to tell people run to krishna you won't get this what we're aspiring after after 10 million lifetimes of just doing the right thing monotonously that's amazing10 million lifetimes of doing the right thing won't give you this sometimes we're told lolium is a bad thing it means desire like the way desire can be so intense that sort of hunger that lolium that hydrogen that heart disease that mundane attachment to persons places things of this world that will be an obstruction on the path of progressive devotion now suddenly there's some other type of lolium that's the real thing and if you've got that that's your ticket that's the purchase price of krishnaconsciousness it's guru maharaj earnest sincere hankering not curiosity she's not confused being curious about something with genuine hankering for a connection with it substantially and that indicates spiritual health so then it means oh ultimately desire hankering attachment all these things they're not bad it's toward whom and where is that located deep in the heart's core guru maharaj supported the idea your lifelong culture when we say bhav that word is best translated as heart the sort of heart that you'veevolved and developed over time will provide the basis for your next life if the seed the quality of seed is very high deep profound connection with reality then even if circumstantially it enters a suppressed position or to the extent of by what is normally observable it cannot be seen it's no longer visible still it may reassert itself in time srila prabhupad likes so much this series of verses srinivatam swakata krishna punya sravana kirtana ridhyan tastya bhadrani virunoti saritsatam the eternal service of the bhagavatam ishearing it like we do right hearing shravanam you know if we do this for the pleasure of krishna atma samarpanam then it's bhagavat seva and it's told there that by continually hearing the bhagavatam faithfully that gradually the abujas the unwanted things you know acquired prejudice acquired tendency layers covering the heart they gradually start to vanish and what's described here is a tipping point it's saying means that it's not complete not a hundred percent so we know when some things when theycross a certain point then the rest happens very uh easily right when a cross that's what it's called the tipping point reaches a certain point then the rest goes and rapidly that's what's being described about the bible at a particular point of devotional impact you can say it reaches a temp a tipping point and that devotee easily and fully embraces krishna conception krishna bhakti nithya said the sadhyo kabu noi sravanadi koroye udoi so these activities hearing particularly hearing from an agent of realityawakens krsna-bhakti in the heart means it's there in a sense in a dormant position awakened by superior association you can't remain in the neutral position guru maharaj said that also like when he said he gave these a bicycle right or we can say riding a scooter here or whatever you can't just stay like you have to keep going forward if you stop going forward it tips over you can't just stay in that neutral position balancing right so he said there's the necessity to always make forward progress to stayupright where will you get the what's required this lolium this hankering ashakti otherwise described rupa goswami sradha faith will lead you to devotees sadhu sangha you'll associate with them in their association saru sango satovare you'll improve your hankering will improve it will shift param drishvanivarta you can start hankering for real substantial things we may be relatively satisfied with uh some brush with krishna consciousness or cursory acquaintance with krishna consciousness and and we may think rightfully so ohthis is wonderful this exceeds uh all my past experience with other things it's you know infinitely better than that that's true but as guru maharaj said it's something dynamic then even in such a position coming in connection with a higher agent somebody who has superior hunger who's who's able to extract greater quality and greater quantity of this tasteful substance that takes us to a new level of hankering in the presence of a superior experience automatically inferior experience retreatsthat's the way that's the best a higher taste lower taste vanishes again and it's ordinary sense knowledge vegan prophet sometimes rendered as realized knowledge or more specific knowledge going towards the divine but prakrishtagyan pragyan means of the highest quality as usual anything guru maharaj will say he wants to give the superlative so what would be the highest type of gan like gyanetti pena bashvata where krishna is revealing himself in a very specific way to a very specific group that's always guru maharaj'smethod of observation and this is another good example because it's all he likes things that are sequential in the sense of not linear but higher deeper more profound more substantial in that way that's the principle die to live if you want to go to a higher position you'll have to die as you are at present then that painful condition will finish you'll find yourself in another plane but guru maharaj continues to say and the more you die the more you live die to live isn't like a one-off thingyou know a one-time proposition you're like oh yeah i did that once or i did that long ago say no die to live is a dynamic principle and the more you die the more you live gorman says give heart and receive heart that's the most wonderful thing about krishna consciousness not anticipating something else give heart receive heart go deeper go deeper how does guru maharaj render go deeper dive deep into reality you

🔗 引用

视频-The Beginning • for madmen only •视频-Experience I • Who Am I?