📺视频-Appreciate the Devotion of Others • Gradation of Inconceivableness
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anything and all things are possible and the absolute and the absolutes devotees who control the absolute if that's possible and apparently it is Sri Krishna Kini saw the absolute independent Supreme reality the original source of everything for whom not a blade of grass moves without his will the Supreme omnis and omnipotent Lord personality of godhead SW ban can be controlled through love and devotion when before joining and gurar is observing gamat and he not has gonegima and he's goes to see the deity and as he said there's one of the like Rank and file devotees caring for the deity and all the senior servitors are upstairs withas takur so again to test him G said so the deity uh how did he say you know uh like uh you know represents Krishna or you know he said like and what do you say no he's Sak he's directly he Krishna himself you know or himself I said then why you're the lowest devote in the M you're tending to the deity and all the senior devoteesare upstairs with your Guru Maraj prar the gor PR name is is about to take place that's why he said in first oh so the deity some represent no he's directly the Lord oh so all the they're all with the devote and they put one man here with the Lord why is that but G said this man is trained by godam and he said because uh Maha pru will be appearing in the heart of our Guru mahaj and in the most substantial way meaning more than the deity and this is what separates a Kisha from a mam adikari a kinist arar cannotwrap their head around that notion that the devote occupies a superior position to the deity for the progressive of devote until the shift is from the deity to the devote the third class devote cannot understand that he'll benefit more from the association of a devotee than through archan as we find in the case of kabaj goami that rela who he's in the name of tending to the deity he's uh ignoring the devote of nitan pru not receiving him he doesn't understand the deity wants you to serve the devote G will say take the permission ofthe deity and serve the devote but the Hallmark of progressive devotion is to understand the position of the devote as being most important that's how we make progress without the devote there is no deity there is no Holy Name there are n no I can get it on Amazon Amazon Prime they have a deal on Krishna n right now Amazon Nom right or Google nom no I can Google and get it it will be a semblance not even a a semblance is to generous a shell gr said firing blanks blank Mantra like when they have the race sounds just like a regularbullet but there's no bullet doesn't hit the target so here because we'll say well you mean like wait there's the deity and then there's like that devote I know not exactly first of all we use this word devote to mean just about anyone and everyone in connection with uh and varieties of ways with Krishna Consciousness but sometimes we should think when we hear the word devote we should think radharani right when we hear near mam you can't be envious of the devote you cannot be envious ofher and those who belong to her she's conducting all service to Krishna right you can her name is Krishna Moi meaning you cannot get more Krishna in a deity or anywhere then from her with her there's more Krishna it it's the ultimate fullest expression of Krishna is only achieved and with her non- envious the inv version of that is to show some honor some appreciation some respect and not just formal not talking about formal respect using this kind of a honorific title and not that that is formal theformal aspects of respect what will come first what will come second we're interested in the substantial heartfelt appreciation of the devotion of others not formalist formalities that someone didn't observe some formality they they violated a technicality no one will be dismissed from Krishna Consciousness for violating a technicality rather what the ragab bakas they're celebrated they were ignoring those formalities once Guru said when yesoda is whipping Krishna no om Vish it's running after Krishna andKrishna is running from her and his cud all mascara is running down his face say how beautifully bewildering this vision is whom fear personified is a scared to death of that Krishna is running crying his mascara running down his Lotus face making it even more beautiful and mother Yoda is running after him not interested in the formal absolute formality but substance and substance means devotion so there we can't we need to give recognition to the devotion of others ragos Swami says that in Baku the book of devotion that one of the symptoms ofa devote is they're always appreciating the good quality of another devote so when n is approaching all those devotees in the first half of the Bri every time he Praises one they praise someone else as being higher to them he goes to them Praises them they praise someone else as being higher on and on and on till what happens come to that that UDA who Krishna says is more dear to me than my own self he praises the dust of the lotus feet of shrimati rajarani and the BR gopes and then all right so then there establish is the great devotees and whatare they saying oh how exalted is the soil of reav the Trees of reav they're praising all the Shanta rasas Chandra and her they're saying this flute what is this a dry piece of wood with so many flaws or knots is capturing all the nectar from krishna's lips what was meant for as GOI is the flute has stolen that indirectly that that type of Envy ragos Swami is celebrating in the sloka but other than that not everyone they're appreciating the highest devotees are appreciating the position of those whoappear to be in a lower position that's Krishna Consciousness where the inverse the lower group is offending the higher or not appreciating but the actual higher devotees they're appreciating the devotion even the lower gar is saying when the lady uh disciple of Swami Maraj and the not M of chaitan sosat says what I like about Krishna Consciousness is we're being given a chance to have a family life with Krishna gar has quoted that for 30 years as something that touched his heart he's appreciating what she expressedwhen aananda said hadn't eaten for three days because some marah left with the key to the food and he came to the chat M for like a little prad and gur and gurar found out they were mortified and said why didn't you come a said uh krishna's dancing that melted the heart of gurum Maraj and gurudev gar has told that story for 30 years krishna's dancing amen like if he's dancing and so many you're being thrown this way and that way and trampled upon Krishna is dancing it's gopy Bob that if he's happy then everything'sokay I'm fasting for three days that's not a problem Krishna is dancing so that that was expressed from his heart gur intive they're recognizing that there's some devotion there they're celebrating that that's what giving honor is not formalities titles and First Position second position this kind of thing but recognition of substantial devotional qualities Tendencies Expressions sa service those things that's a meaningful way to give some recognition in the third Kanto would have is askedto say something about Krishna I told he becomes so overwhelmed in remembrance of Krishna that he leaves this world his body is just somehow still there in an ecstatic Trans State and he's in the upper world the inner world and when he comes back he says said who is the more merciful Lord than Krishna that he liberates his enemies anything Rashi means like an evil sorceress they can take different forms sent by Kanga to kill the baby Krishnashe takes on the form of this beautiful young girl who can nurse babies and she looks so sweet and beautiful we're told yesod and rohini or have 's mother and uh aunt or other mother you they're having a conversation and they see and they go like she goes can I see the baby oh yeah and there she looks so sweet that she fooled them so they send her to Krishna and what she puts Krishna on her lap and her breast is Anointed with poison the nipple she pushes the nipple into krishna's mouth and he startssucking the nipple he sucks the poison then the milk then her prawn her life air and she's like losing she's trying to push him off and then she her form starts expounding there you know many miles in size and she falls over backwards screaming right and drops dead and krishna's cushioned on the breast from the fall and they all nand they all come running and they're thinking oh we're so fortunate we must be Pious people who did something you know wonderful in our last lives because if she hadd Fallenforward she would have crushed the baby but instead she fell backwards and that softened the blow when he landed how fortunate we are that's gak do so UD says if you know puana rakashi approached him with murderous intentions and but what did he do he just accepted the motherly gesture and we're told she was liberated uh elevated to a mother like position he's saying so if that's how he treats his enemies then what to speak of his friends then it would be inconceivable that's what if you getLiberation for that then what would be the outcome the reciprocation for those friends of his and Bish chakar taku says that he parses it by saying so that's the murderous attentions appro then Shanta would deliver something Superior to that you know and then Dasia sakya bat is showing gradations of inconceivable what you describe is very high but very often we can see the different souls and evolution spiritual Evolution evolve very high positions like sometimes being Indra sometimes being deig God yes for great M and riches yesand they quite often happen to make some mistakes yes you know misuse their power or even dras who's a great you know he could not understand amarish mahash so we can understand there's something special about the devotees that's what we would like to hear what makes different like pure devote from you know this ultimately we can say High Souls who's in a very high managerial Universal position or very high santic position or yogic position and uh that's one question the second part of the question we're definitelynot that group of devotees which are praise in the batan so how to harmonize with this saying like duras can't understand what we can understand right that's kind so then taking the help of you jivo Swami and others and our Guru Varga our first level of interpretation will be that uh to participate in the past times of Krishna as a um as opposition that's not by accident just back to Casting and scripting by B da in yoga Maya in this world if we look at a movie Sometimes some famous actor will play a very evilman and he'll be happy to do that maybe normally he plays somebody very nice and we'll hear him how excited he was to finally Play Somebody evil and maybe he'll even get the Academy Award for that performance right and meaning the more people hate him the more offensive he is the better the role so gromor is one of his example if a king says he wants to spar he wants to box with somebody they don't take a man from the street but it's one of the king's Associates he'll box with his majesty orthe prince or someone not somebody else so similarly when Krishna wants to play in different ways those souls and again it there'll be some history some Pastime some Legend to accompany that and this is misunderstood by neophytes as uh Souls falling from the spiritual world if there's some argument there like in this world they tell somebody well you can go to hell so when they do that in the spiritual world that means like come here right so then someone apparently does something offensive there this is whatgurar puts Under The Heading of the necessity of Leela so uh one of the cow herd boys will become shanka chuda so that when Krishna and the gopies they playing then the shanka chuda demon comes to uh disrupt the pastimes and all the gopies are afraid and running and he has to be killed but that only a great devote can play that role who can be a demon in gokula reaven an actual demon or some highly elevated soul Who's playing that role so what was your question well technically speaking this is understood very deep but Souls likewho have evolutionary position oh well wait then the position of Andra wait Indra Brahma so then it's mentioned in the bhagwatam and the fourth Kanto that if you execute your varic swadharma perfectly for 100 lifetimes you qualify to be Brahma right and then it in indicates if you go beyond that you can qualify for the for shivat which means like Shiva Loca doesn't mean to actually be Shiva but a position likened to Shiva it's also mentioned that sometimes there are not jivas qualified to take the position of Brahma so sometimesKrishna an expansion of Krishna becomes Brahma or an expansion of Krishna becomes Indra so these are you know Ki posts right AB so from you know indraa Indra to indraa yraa MRA AOS Karma these are all karmic positions according to Brahma Sita so if we un understand the delineation satat go Swami puu is the prior uh the S and S A so he's showing incrementally what is higher and lower so and that comes in the first half of the briad so then we see they go from the brahans and preag to the South Indian king to Puri to Indra means an swara theHeavenly planets why is zra being being praised not only for the quality of his uh Puja and worship but then we're told and his younger brother is vom Dave he's got an avatar in the family right but we see that Indra has also been described as the most sexually inclined of all the Demi gods and he gets into trouble at different times because of his mundane tenden but if we had to locate him he would be in the realm of karma misaki but from indra's position he may say yes by our Good Fortune V and Avatarappeared and saying but Brahma his aabu self he's born from the naval of uh is it garad duai Vishnu right so he's praising Brahma as having the superior position position Satya Loca topmost Planet still within the saguna world Brahma Loca Satya Loca Brahma what does gurar say he Compares him in one sense to this madva Guru that he met once who apologized and said to him that like oh Swami G I don't have time for my Mantra and my japa I'm so busy uh managing this not so G says when Nar gets to Brahmaand he's praising Brahma you're atab you're born from the Lord himself you're so exalted and and Brahma is saying I'm so busy managing this universe that uh uh I don't have time for Spiritual culture but mahad Shiva he is um detach completely detached from the world and right and Shiva Loca exists beyond the saguna plain so uh and Shiva is so detached he's described in different ways so when he approaches Shiva now we've left the saguna world and we're in the inner imperi here's the southern hemisphere ofthe viin world the topmost planets of the material world but in that interim position intermediate position Shiva Loca and Nar is praising Shiva V shambu Etc but Shiva is deferring to uh prad because Shiva occupies these three positions B tag bakash so here this is tag praising Baka prad and that's the beginning of what sudha bakti it's no longer Karma misra bakti shiva's position would be tan out to gamti beginning of habaki prad Maharaj seventh kantu of shat bhagwatam what did sarasti takur speak of whenhe's touring braam pericam and some places they expect him to speak of something very high and confidential he spoke about prad mahaj why G said to so that everyone would understand what the basis is to have a strong Foundation you need to what is the beginning of Shu habaki and what is prad's famous stat statement what what is it when the string of Daves offering him you're so devoted to me prad whatever Boon you would like I'm ready to offer that to you and prad's heart is hurt and he's thinking did you think Idid all of this because I wanted to get something from you a boon some remuneration that's why it's the beginning of pure devotion there's no he's not calculating what's beneficial for him he's not calculating what will be best for his Improvement just out of his love and affection for nring remembering the Lord so he says that I'm your aspiring servor I'm not van means businessman said I'm not a businessman this is not a business transaction I do something for you and then you givesomething to me just out of love and affection I do these things but prad says but my lament I don't have any service I can always remember my Lord and and he says to Narada the way gurum Mar tells that part is very sweet because Narada on the advice of Shiva has approached prad and he's praising prad so much sarahag said if a sadu flatters me becomes my enemy so not only that sadu his Guru is is mad with praise for the disciple so gurar says prad says G stop please don't say these things you're myGuru and you're giving so much praise to me that's not good for my ego and nard is like I'm just saying no but don't right and then when he he said says and actually all this remembrance of the lotus feet of the Lord Of His holy name all this strength I've got is by your mercy it's by your grace you're giving all this praise to me but without you I'm nothing right as Guru says without Guru we are lifeless clay so yog really prad say no Guru tarda it's all your grace and you're praising me and that's makingme embarrassed and shy and awkward and but and yes by your grace guruve I could remember the Lord under all those trying circumstances but I have no Savor but Hanuman he's always serving his Lord raah [Music] I admire hanaman and so you see Krishna Consciousness is a mutual appreciation Association someone and and how all the pratista is being transferred to Guru nar's who is Nara he's one of the greatest devotees ever and what's he's doing what's what is naruta doing going from one devote to another telling themhow great they are so anyway then he's praising Hanuman and what is hanaman he's and we how does he approach hanaman also interesting taking ramnam he's thinking what will make this devote happy maybe Nar he has we know he has his own conception of things as well but he's thinking generously Hanan what would be appropriate to say to Hanuman what would make him happy so he enters taking ramnam and then hanaman jumps up and they're dancing and taking ramnam and Hanuman says yes I did have the chanceto serve my Lord but he has his Ram Mor and so long ago were those Past Times he's lost in Divine remembrance but remember lamentation in Krishna Consciousness yields substance he's lamenting for a former time when he was able to serve to his heart's content that opportunity is not always there but in that lamentation is spiritual substance and that's on a high level that's hanaman but even for us this is important we also lament our lack of Krishna Consciousness but gurum Mar would say that is theinverted measurement of some appreciation right when one devote said oh I'm I'm losing my taste for hearing the batam and other things gurar said then then don't read the bhagwatam and he said no I don't want to do that and gurar said oh then you do have some appreciation so the lamentation for lack of opportunity or many things that also uh yields uh uh higher substance and some value anyway so that Hanuman he's saying although my Lord left so long ago he said I heard that recently and this is his vision thathe's appeared as Krishna my Lord Ram has appeared as Krishna and such friendly dealings with the past uh pandas on hanuman's Das rasa so friendship as saying it's beyond what I can conceive they're never making an ostentatious display of achievement look at hanaman he's thinking that the sakasa of the pandas you're talking about how what we know something that they don't know look at with such uh astonishment and wonder he's expressing appreciation for friendship and when nard invites himthen you come with me let's go and meet with the pivas he's saying oh and my monkey for I wouldn't fit in in those Past Times so he can appreciate it at the same time understand his own position Nar goes to praise the pandas you're so dear to Krishna he's always saving you your family Arjun thick and thin UD and what does UD Mar say our position is so unfortunate that he said when I think about it I think that anyone who's interested in Krishna Consciousness and they hear about our pastimes they'll be discouraged becausethey'll think being a devote means just a life of trouble and just one wrong you know one unfortunate event after another so you're offering all this praise but I think if they see our pastime no one will want to be involved in Krishna there are people in India for example they will not keep a mahab barata in their house you know why because they think it it'll lead to family quarreling that tells us a few things about Indian people how on one you can't compete with them in terms of suncar they're not going to keep a mahabbar in their house because it might lead the family quarreling but they have that much faith and belief in mahabarata when I asked sandep once just innocently I said when was the last time India had one king for the whole place he said uder he doesn't say well there's a legend in the ancient myth no he just said you know every udus Maraj it's in their DNA you can't compete with them right so anyway uh so that's what udis says and Nara says no puu that's not the message of your pastimes the message of your pastimes iswhen a devote is in great difficulty or trouble or some in seemingly impossible situation that Krishna will come and save them that's what we learned from your pastimes and then what is you saying but he's not with do you see him with us now he's with those yavas and that sudarma Assembly Hall Nar goes there and what does he see you can imagine if you knew that the next person who was going to walk through this door was Krishna how would we look at the door if we really knew the next person who walks through the door was going tobe Krishna in a few minutes so Nara enters there and sees they're they're all like staring at this doorway you talk about somat try think krishna's going to walk through that he does every day but today he's not and he's praising the Yas they're saying all right so much praise you're giving to us but of us we're all here who's on the other side of that door with Krishna UDA we're out here he's in there then when Nar enters what does he find that's the day Krishna is feeling so much separationfrom brindavan he can't get out of bed and everybody's worried about him the Queens they start sharing Secrets saying you know sometimes in his sleep he's calling out the names of cows and cowg girls and one Queen what do you mean in his sleep sometimes in the day he's just staring out the window doing the same thing daydreaming so not only the Night Dream daydreaming and rohini starts explaining they always turn to her because she has a position in Ravin and Dorka to give some adjustment and Krishna what's happening he's where wecan say this according to what we've heard from garaj the infinite like in this world when something is moving uh going very fast fast the great velocity in a particular direction if you stop it suddenly in other words means it's being pulled in another Direction it creates uh vicity uh Distortion a type of transformation we've seen they show the man moving at six you know a th000 kilometers per hour and you see the the face changing because of the pull from the other direction so Krishna the infiniteat the speed of infinite he's in dwara Leela but the pull of renaven Leela is so great even upon dwara Krishna can pull dwara Krishna out of dwara toward reaven and what's the resistance create he in this ecstatic condition he's feeling separation from Ravin what happens it's contraction and expansion the contraction his arms enter within his body it's so intense and his legs his eyes are becoming very large so in other words he's taken the form of jagath and when balaram and subadraenter the room and see him Krishna dor krishna's in this ecstatic transformation into the for of jagath feeling separation from reaven they by contact with him they become like that so it's Jag subadra and balabhadra but in that I'm not going to tell the there's so much more that goes beyond that so now it's established UDA is the highest devote of all the whole first half of the Bri has worked its way to this point right and what does UDA saythat there's no comparison with radharani and bra gois when a pundit from South India shadar he memorized the whole bhat purana 18,000 slos at least 16 2,000 might be not apparent still a lot and he meets gumar and then uh gum said and you're so you're familiar with the whole batan in your estimation who are the greatest devotees there and he says chatan the four kumaras what do you say gurar said they're in the lowest position they're great devotees but they're in a lower position and with two slokashe proved his point know say there's barahi and Sari ones carrying the B uh shastric knowledge and it reminds me of the kolies at howan they had put all this stuff like you think they have enough on the head then they get another two coolies to put another trunk on top where they can't reach and I thought once I thought this man's heart is I'm going to see a man's heart burst before my very eyes like how can he possibly do this so bar sari is the opposite so that man he's carrying these 18,000 slokashis heart is going to burst G with two slogans because why he's sari sari who grasps the essence who can extract the inner meaning of the scripture in two slokas and see H how his strategy quote Krishna like if you don't believe me when I tell you this all right here's what Krishna saysi he's saying you my dear UDA and sonat go Swami says in his b that he means devote but rud is in front of him so he's indicating him because topmost because in a particular context he is and he's saying you're more dearto me than atabo means Brahma s uh Shankar means Shiva Saran means uh like balaram but he use Saran because balaram that would be a little touchy um and uh Shri meaning locks me saying you are more dear to me than them that seems impossible but true and he said and to what degree in fact you are I am not as dear to me as you are to me and we know self-preservation is the highest of all and self love and you know Learning To Love Yourself is The Greatest Love of All But krisan says you are more dear to me than than I am to myself so in thefirst Loa G established the position the authority of Ura clearly so no less than Krishna says he's the best and he and they didn't even make the short list the four Kars with all due respect in this context Brahma Shiva Saran Shri then so now then what say [Music] you be the what is my Asha my aspiration he wants to be get the dust of the lotus feet of the bra gopies then one might say as the a chares of thenask you want the dust from then ask them no I cannot why they won't give they think I'm so they heard Krishna say how great I they won't they'll never do that they will never give me the dust from their Lotus feet then well then I have another strategy and really that they are so great when Krishna made me deliver that letter to Rani and brag gopies I could understand there was the letter for them but also he wanted me to see not only how great they are but the greatest type of devotion and I was inwitness to the love and affection the brug gopies have for Krishna and particularly radharani and she became spun off in her own Divine Madness the brahmer Gita I witnessed these things and that and then Rose this aspiration in my heart to get the dust of their feet an atomic presence in that plane and to be a a leaf a creeper blade of grass the whatever the least the aspect is an atomic presence in that plane and what when the bopies are their Lotus feet when rad andi's Lotus feet are moving in that chinoy soil embellishedwith her holy Lotus feet some of the Dust may come up on me and Sh don't tell them that way I'll get it whereas brah in his prayer said says he's praising the fust of the bridge bases these slokas are very similar actually but chakar takur points out but Ura is saying of the bridge vas more specifically RAR and their and when they sing about Krishna the whole universe becomes purified these bopies band and I want to get the dust of theirfeet they're making a loud K and praise of Krishna that's purifying everywhere not just this world every World sometimes three worlds means sometimes it means like this world Goa like that that's the power of their harata their Krishna Kata ail Krishna we have to remember when we think oh he's the uh he's rasa personified me say well there are many different types of rasas yes so he uh has his many avatars incarnations expansions to accommodate everyone even then uh rupo Swami and their brotheranupam and murari Gupta who's taken to be Hanuman when they're in Gorila in one instance maharu preaching to morari Gupta and the other rup maybe Jiva anupam and they're unable to convert them it's a very beautiful thing actually and they're saying you know Mor go my heart is sold to the Lotus feet of ramachandra I can't withdraw them and what does he think I have to report to maharu tomorrow morning before the sunrises if I die that would be good for me that's the only solution maybe I'll die before thesunrises but the sun rises and he does not die and he presents himself to mahab and exps I understand everything you're saying theoretically and Beyond theoretically I I love it I appreciate it but I cannot withdraw the Lotus Fe of ramachandra from my heart and what is Maha pru is he upset no he laughs smiles and he writes on his forehead ramdas like you're hopeless but in the best possible way and so who is he he's the asri of vigra of Das rasa so even the brug gopies those in the uh by analysis who we can say are in higherpositions they're worshiping the type of devotion that hanaman has this is the way the higher servitors are they're not discriminating against the others as being lower they admire them they they're looking at their devotion the devotion of Hanuman the the uh prad his determination and how under all circumstances he never forgets his lord they're appreciating the qualities of all these different devotees they're not this analysis that we sometimes engage in carelessly they never do when some devotees werecarelessly representing things they heard from S gumar I mean I'll I'll include myself at times trying to remind myself to be cautious about it but they were presenting something like that how Madura rasa is superior to vatalia rasa but the way it was coming out was as a slight toward yod was the darka of brish on the 10th Kanto when he out of necessity again service necessity he's the Char of giving explanations on the inter meaning of the scriptures he'll say why Yoda's position is more fortunate than daki he'll giveone example of that and then say it's not possible to discuss this further and I'm not going to because he doesn't want to risk the uh offense so when Guru Maharaj heard that in his name this careless application of rasa analysis was being employed his he said my heart is mortified to hear these things and and he said beautifully he said every morning when shrimati radharani awakens he said the first thing she does with some of her group members they go to the doorstep of Nandan and they give their dandavats toyashoda because they think without yesoda there's no Krishna he said that's who they are that's the how they operate they're they're bowing at the footstep of yanim where pericet Myers hearing all these things from SU it's not Awakening uh offensive discrimination in him but rather it's Awakening uh a a uh a careful appreciation in him of others that's there's a big difference so when he hears about nand Maharaj the 10th Kanto is making its ascent so we're hearing the the devotionof of daki and and vasev to nand and so when he thinks like Krishna is putting the pukas of nand Maraj his slippers on his head and bringing them to his father peric Mars is melting he's saying how sweet that what type of God conception is this God he's carrying the shoes of his devot I on his head yesoda is calling sadus to bless Krishna she's taking the F from sadus and sprinkling it on krishna's head for his protection so gur will say yes we don't think of her as a charer a charger material a big Guru inthis line what he saying y mAh what who is she what did she do to achieve this position and gur says if from time to time some expression comes from the heart of yeshoda like a volcanic eruption then every the devotion of everyone in the spiritual world will be upgraded simultaneously and what is she say she is upset hearing these rumors of krishna's divinity full circle we we're here ostensively making propaganda in favor of Krishna conception to enter a world where to express krishna's Divinity may be getyou a slap on the face saying where this nonsense idea come to you from the gaka who why do they love Krishna personally his personality not his position not his Majestic aspect that may cause some pain in their heart to to see those kind of things when perut Maraj hears this n what did he do this nand Maharaj to achieve this type of position we already know in a general sense what yogis tushies gani what they do and and that's not nothing giving up the world and exclusivelybrahmanam that's the noble noblest struggle the noblest fight the greatest achievement but it doesn't end there so he saying they they're resp they consider themselves most fortunate if in their heart they have a glimpse of the paramatma but here beyond the paramatma and the subjective World Super subjective super super subjective the apraa of ravan Krishna is doing these kind what is that non the Maharaj do and then it's indicated a little bit finer but as exalted as his position is as fortunateas he is Yesa position is even greater right y Mahaba Mahaba greater Fortune does she possess Krishna is on her lap sucking her breast he's saying this is inconceivable to me how did they achieve these positions and what it allows for is that the stage be set who is Krishna who is devotees what is brindavan what is this place at last we've reached where uh Krishna will not only appear but having manifest his childhood pastimes with Nanda yesoda then I mean baby then the childhood pastimes with the coward boysand then the Kure pastimes with bopies but those bopies what do they think we're told by chakar taka and others that they're thinking like oh I wish I was a cow herd boy then we could go play with Krishna in the forest in the daytime but now we have to wait for him to come back and then they Rondevu in the evening and the but they're saying it would be so cool to be a coward boy they're saying that would be a better position so ruag go Swami says the one of the symptoms of devotion is to alwaysappreciate the devotion of other devotees but that's a loaded statement too so where do we find the greatest type if we're going to appreciate devotion then where are we going to find the greatest type of devotion in the Baku on the section on rasas if someone makes a devotional a seemingly devotional expression towards the Brahma aspect it's considered incompatible rasas inappropriate same thing towards Parma so we're talking minimally bavan but when we reach that realm ban lakmi Nayan Etc in very simple way weshown who possesses the superior devotion and it goes in both directions the object devotion as well as the possessor of the devotion and quite simply when Krishna shows forearm form to the bopies r their hearts are disappointed full of disappointment because then what does that tell us there's some sort of devotion in their heart that cannot be fulfilled when expressed towards Vishnu Nan what is it of all the things that are what what is so unique to them that they alone possess that and no one can be the object of that devotion otherthan Krishna sometimes gurar will remind us there's only Krishna Prim Prim is actually only there's no Vishnu PR or Shiva PR or any other type of PR there's only Krishna PR and we can say by extension Gore PR this is the only place where it's appropriate to use this word pray it's not used towards any other God or any other exp then other things Vishnu bakti the different types of devotion but pray really is PR radharani and her group The brais when they meet darar Krishna they're disappointed not just nay of vun to takeit even to another level dwara Krishna cannot satisfy what's in their their hearts gurar said when he first heard about Gana shaki and that plane as I told the other day he said Krishna likes to surround himself with ignorant people we're thinking what I thought only the highest section of liberated Souls can be there he means ganas their their heart has eclipsed the Majestic aspect of knowledge and understanding of Krishna it's receded it's in the background right it's subservient to heart eclipsed so that they can actuallydeal with him individually personally one-onone G who was about charge Brahman studying vas as a boy and this extraordinary capacity for extraction from V puran when he heard about ganun bakti he said it was like a Hammer hitting me on the head like which is also a perfect example because Gan that had like a hammer on my head he's saying the gopies they're not Scholars but no one has Superior heart to them maharu is worshiping the bra go they um are superior in self-giving and self Oblivion self forgetfulness andoffering themsel to Krishna irresistably so then but I I once said the G I was in line I was thinking SAR said SAR knows everything and gumar is always explaining so many things and I said you're like in a little teasing way I said you know you're you're always talking about G knowledge-free devotion I said but you know everything and gar was like like he was caught and then he he's said when knowledge comes to serve devotion then it's in its rightful position aha that's when it's reveals its valueand when it comes to serve devotion gak means through SAA through heart SAA with heart you cross over Gan the plane of Gan no necessity for it right that maybe they're in a mudium stage of they just go beyond that through heart so G said by serving a mahab bhata a third class devote can bypass the second class stage because they've entered the plane of Heart of Love and Affection UT hearing from peret Maharaj the batam at the end of the first half she says this is so wonderful what you've described but when I hear of thedevotion radani I don't see how they could be accommodated in viun is there some other world beyond that where they reside and that's what the second half is called golok Maham and and follows a similar structure really if we look at the bwami it's a divid in two sections but they they reach the same conclusion n it's a gradation he's the bakti Sant Char showing what all the different levels are sometimes gar rup Swami leap from B to mat in a single boundB MRI because in that sense I'm just saying what G past I went straight from vun to Matra because why birth pastimes no birth pastimes in vikunta um no what did GMA say no youngsters there no youngsters and vun so because we've heard about Krishna pushing the two extra arms to play a joke on the re goes but in relation to the bagy deity some other type stories were trying to conceal two arms but even in the gopakumar story when he reached it from you know the shr worshiping Brahman to South India to Puri to andraca tobrahala shivala and on um to by proper at one stage because when he's entered by Kun when he sees Narayan and all of his Grandeur Majestic aspect of divinity ice War where told he cried out hey go and people go like sh you know like that's not how you address the Lord you know he's you know uh I think of the ti word but I don't even know if I can say that let's just say he's from the country country folk country folk means renaven that's a Proco of Krishna who appear to be the most unsophisticated they're supersophisticated who appear to be the least knowledgeable no more than any anyone else that's the peculiarity of Krishna Lia G again I'm just quoting saying but referring the bro he said half civilized and I'll use the word silly Jungle Girls he's the another word but half civilized silly jungle girls posing that way but when we hear their dialogue and their word play we see how they're masters of Sanskrit language and double meaning and inuendo and like the person I met here who personified and exemplified thatwasak [Music] Swami this delightful repar word play that's at once amusing but profoundly it has a profound aspect to it in terms of spiritual implications but so they're telling him that they're saying oh he doesn't know he doesn't dress properly he doesn't address the Lord properly saying hey goal to viun Narayan but Nar he wants to the Lord pleas bakat please his devotees and tells at one point laki you become Radha and I'll be Krishna and that'll make him happy just as we hear inthe um the hanaman story approaching D Krishna says to first to satama you become Sia and I'll be RAM and that please Hanan sat B not agreeable so told the r but here A reversal and we're told that is a appreciated by gopakumar up to a point you know close but no Sagar so he's it's not what he imagines so he's amused up to a point but there's something lacking in this portrayal it doesn't have the sweetness of renaven so even so then it's telling us it's something Beyond even these uh formsapparently there's some other sweet element there that was lacking even when they're in viun giving a representation of radhan Krishna and even after achieving dwara Narada and UDA he they meet at uda's house and uda's saying and you know quiet tones I you know Bor is a wonderful place don't get me wrong but you are meant for another place that I know and it always culminates each half with what comes from the mouth of Ura so that UDA told him you are meant for another place that plane whereas G told uslike everything is made out of sugar or sweetness like we we know at the on holidays sometimes they make some sweets in the shape of trees or flowers or other things the whole thing is sweet and that's what he's telling us golok of reaven and that plane it's permeated by Madura rasa of which the other rasas are satellites or clients but it's permeated by this Sweetness in fact the beautiful thing we find in shad batam and what comes to mind is the last chapter of the brihad batam the goloka mahat begins with appreciation for thesoil of renaven the soil the the be the insects like the bees the birds the bees then the trees plants there's a gradation of of appreciation that is given there right it's and it's sort of and it proceeds along the lines of a crescendo ultimately putting the spotlight on Madura rasa but from the very beginning are all these slokas about how wonderful just Ravin is the soil of RAV like we hear in uh pretty means the soil of the land even that is chinmo so they're praising that braies praising the position of theTrees of Rend the rivers and reavan so those who are in the highest position they're full of heartfelt appreciation and praise for those who by a comparative analysis are in a lower position so but interestingly when gopakumar arrives you know his first day so to speak in the spiritual world he's searching for the house of nand Maharaj and when he asks people there they like oh you know like don't say that you know they're they're ignoring him they it seems to be uh evoking some sort of angry disposition from them andsome are statue like unmoving unresponsive and his thinking having just been through all the different worlds possible that either one of two things either these are the most miserable people that I've ever met or ever seen I've never seen this level of misery expressed by anyone or they're experiencing something internally that is so so extraordinary but yet is being expressed outwardly in this way and what he comes to realize is this is just a typical day in brindavan and what the Calamity is is that Krishna has gone to theforest with balaram and the cow herd boys hurting the cows they're they're feeling separation from Krishna told when he gets ready to go and leave home mother Yoda they this goes on it happens so many times that she lets go calls him back lets him go grabs him brings him back lets him it keeps you know till finally somehow he's able to make it away from Nandan into the depths of the reavan forest so externally it appears as though they're suffering like they've been snake by poisoned internally they're relishingsome extraordinary peculiar sweetness nectarine substance and but he sees not unlike those yabas looking in that doorway they're all there's a a dust cloud approaching and they're all looking that way and gradually as what that dust cloud is it's uh gaja like the dust from the hoofs of the cows and gur was joking and Goan his devotees were coughing severely there because of the dust and and and he said but you were praying for this dust he said and now it has come and everyone's going he said but youprayed but anyway and we're told that as the cloud of dust is moving toward and there's the the sound of the Hooves of all the calves and then gradually they start hearing the fluts of Krishna and the cow herd boys and other music and their songs and then some shapes start to emerge and then you see there's Krishna and balaram and they're all singing and dancing and Krishna is covered with that dust and his hair is messed up from all the cow H herting and G he's saying he looks so beautiful then he described itas agreeable negligence because after you you know the hard day of hurting cows in the reaven forest but as they're coming then you start seeing the shapes and everyone's coming back to life from the deathlike stage of Separation they've been experiencing and then Krishna sees gopakumar and Krishna starts running gopukumar starts running and they run and they find each other they meet each and they Embrace G Krishna turn how could you live without me for so long but when you took this birth I knew in this life time you would come to me Iwas what's the word restless with anticipation so eager and then Krishna faints he's so overwhelmed and then in and so first it's the it's his first day you can say just for a matter of speaking in the spiritual world now everything was going great it's perfect and now Krishna faints and now the group everyone's angry at him and they're thinking who is this maybe it's some sort of demon in Disguise because they're familiar initely familiar with krishna's pastimes and uh but balaram knowseverything uh is an understatement and uh gradually Krishna comes back to Krishna Consciousness and he's sees Goa Kumar and express his heart love and affection and they go to nand ban for bathing and dinner and we're told that that meal and he's situ his group is the radharani family line although he's cow her boy and he's so happy to be there he see nand Mar Krishna balar radar Andi such a happy scene mother Yoda even chandra's group is there and now they're starting to give feed Krishnaand radharani gives one of her specialty a particular type of ladu and then and Krishna takes that and he tastes he's smiling and he tastes it and he goes so bitter and he and says you know maybe your family they like this kind of thing he tosses it over to gopa Kumar and mother y she's looking at radan giving her a look right and chandra's group they're all happy yes and then Goa Kumar he takes that Lau tossed over by Krishna and he tastes it and it's the most wonderful thing he's ever tasted inall time and space all experience and krishna's smiling he was just joking then radani and mother said they're all happy chandra's group they s so gurar told him we had made search for Sri Krishna reality to beautiful SRI Guru and his grace golden volano of divine love it's time to make another book and and said in the first book you're showing how the devotees are searching for Krishna reality the beautiful and incidentally it culminates with Krishna as Maha prabu searching for Sri Krishna there it's it's structuredit's thematic and with G's sloka they said the all conquering conclusion Atma Lea pora porosa [Music] Lam he said so we showed that in the volume one and the first book he said now we shall show that as the devotees are searching for Krishna krishna's also searching for his devotees he said but it is a loving search a loving search the Lord's loving searched for his lost servant it's a loving search for the Lost servant and that's why it begins with the tale of gopakumar which is p perfectly presentedby sinat goami puu how the gradations of what dive deep into reality means and in its highest expression on account of conscious development development of dedicating tendency that's what qualifies one to enter that plane maharu himself saying in consideration of my karma and what I deserve certainly I will be born lifetime after lifetime after lifetime but let me have connection with devotees how valuable is that know Tak sings Brahma I'd rather be in the house of the devote proper proper than than b you know foreheadedBrahma who's not a devotee is say come on Brahma a insect in the house of a devote is a better position than being Brahma if if you can follow what is being said by Bak takur who descended in this world from golok of renaven to broadcast this message you consider yourself an aspiring servator on the bod poar that's his decision his Sant Sid Sid better a and what doam say because what did they do and he says I'm just taking it there for a moment hesaid they're Lan they're favorable to the Past Times and what are they M they're dear to mukunda because he likes the bees and the bees sing har and the Everything In vavan It's in the batam in the second C how the king of the Bumblebees starts singing har Katan and everyone Christan balaram conclude that he's singing and dancing and they're all listening his Kiran and giving them great joy can we conceive a world like that that King of the Bumblebees is greater than uh Brahma any Brahma theywill bow their foreheads at his Lotus feet and listen to his hary Kiran such a world exists m he talks about becoming the Puli the dust of the lotus Fe of the Lord that means an atomic presence in that plane that is the first legitimate aspiration at this point not to vois Envision oneself as a super servitor in that plane how humble no an atomic presence in that plane Puli right and what does he sayand who's nand Krishna the son of nandmahaj nand nand I Amna kingar I am your servant and what is what happened who I am your Eternal servant and at present I'm drowning in an ocean of ignorance n suffering forgetfulness so how to rectify the situation then my my legitimate aspiration is atomic presence in your plane like gur lik this one maali song where the devotees in the back of the temple and he's saying like oh mother go ma like I this give me in the back of your temple in the corner let me be there and I won't create any I promise Iwon't create any disturbance I won't try to just way in the back in the corn little place in the corner if you let me be there that'll be very good for me so he liked it because they expressing a similar sentiment Atomic presence in that plane once in St Petersburg someone's talking about something very high and S gur said first realize that you know they about and realizing this and that and you know I say the people they think oh and jaad arm then you can find out where your position I said like howabout the copyright page that might be um your level of achievement read that carefully it's copyrighted by buo taku but anyway G said first realize that you're a worm and a bucket of stool and then proceed from there but people don't like that because it's not like nectar puou right it doesn't have a jolly ring to it and he said first realize that then make progress a worm and a bucket of stool as said by krami I am more sinful than ja and mad and lower than the worm in the stool right G said first realizing thatwhat does cami say lower than that that's too high that's too high in achievement so vaishnavism is always measured in the inverse to the degree of the expressed negativity betrays the level of depth of positive achievement so then Gro said if that wish is granted an atomic presence in that plane then coming in connection he said the magic wand of the Holy Lotus feet of Krishna a transformation occurs and then what who only wanted that now is filled with service aspirations now they want to serve in somany ways it cannot be contained we can understand this by inference from the SL the least aspect of service laki has the greatest magnitude of intensity toward the least aspect of service rad harani and her group they're looking for servitors she's canvasing and vindin for her group it doesn't say she's canvasing inthe material world but that's also going on in the odar pastimes of mahu Rand but here it Saida she's canvasing in reaven everyone in renaven is of the highest quality of liberated Souls yet she's canvasing them uh to join her group and they're also submitting their names for consider ation so we hear okay Shaman that when the matter was pressed to the extreme then radharani met with subal and said we're taking this one this cow herd boy is being taken uh to become a member of our group impossible of impossiblethings and if one is Intoxicated by this concept they find this appealing this inverted way of viewing things then they can really go deep into Krishna Consciousness it's not conventional analysis that's the point and so we have to check the intellect from it turning into intellectual analysis sometimes in speaking with SH Guru Maharaj uh hearing from him certain questions automatically came with me I'd ask a question and maybe go further but sometimes if he detected is getting too much intellect coming he stop and say you're going tobreak your head mean like you're going to go so high and then crash you're going to break your head satat go Swami is Guru of ragos Swami but we say rup sanatan because Rupa Swami came first considered to have come first to the Lotus feet of Maha prabu and uh interestingly sonat go Swami he's offering praise rup go Swami and the prus of the briad is TI and gum says somewhere Swami describes himself as a Rupa gor once told me he said um when sug speaking the batam saying in the audience or vas Nar others and wecan say particular with vas and Nar the batam's coming down to them why are they listening to sukadev the boy G said because they're thinking what new color it will take coming from him something new and fresh is going to be expressed it's not uh monotonous recitation can't recitation of some kind of religious formula the mantras not that neither are the scriptures but look at the bahas theas SUV I don't know how many but then SUV the peret mahaj then Su go Swami to the sages of Naran and then all the great aar'scommentaries some new light coming and praise ofup Swami andat go Swami says Goa is like a jewel in their palm and they C the way they rotate the jewel coruscating flashes of Brilliance and Revelation Rupa going this way and something sinan showing another way and Brilliant illumination coming from that way so we have something to learn from everyone do not the famous Maxim is familiarity breeds contempt that we we should avoid with our friends God Brothers God sisters always put ourselves in aposition of revering them then we'll be in a position to receive some Grace and that's hopeful for us we have to respect our God brothers and God sisters because at the same time we shouldn't think like oh there's the you know higher devotees Guru and and and um dismiss Our God brothers and God sisters because we don't see them uh on as having achieved or such a level one thing is we may be wrong they those who are gurus do not think of themselves as gurus no one uh who's the so-called you knowspiritual Master they don't think of themselves that way how how do they think conceive themselves an aspiring servitor of their Guru of their Master they never think they've become a master they think I'm an aspiring servator of my master and gumar told us he said you should respect even a person who's newly come a new recruit even if you're uh technically uh more experience have some seniority he said still you should respect the new person he said why because just like kabaj go Swami when he we see he'llpraise the readers of sometimes uh you know you're it's almost like you're afraid to you know he'll say and to the readers I take the dust from your feet you're like no you know but what what what he means is what gumar is explaining he he knows what this substance is right it is maharu this is real time live streaming Leela Gore Leela that gives you an entrance into Krishna Leela the Krishna world and it's there's nothing higher than this and it's so deep and irresistible and charming and and whathe means by saying readers he means though if I if someone in this for whom this book is meant they appreciate this Divine substance really truly then I know they're an exalted vava and I want to take the dust from their feet on my head it will Purify Me you understand that's what he knows if you appreciate this then you it can only be appreciated by those who are uh so exalted so Guru mahaj he's saying with a new person he said if this is everything we say it is and it is Krishna Consciousness then this person who's nowit's awaken the expression of their appreciation and we know this is something that's ultimately ultimately meant for the parah hangas ETC he said he said God willing he said maybe I'm going moving slowly and they go very fast and they will surpass me one day he said I want to be in a position to receive their Grace he's showing that type of respect reverence and appreciation for a new person a new recruit so if gurum Maraj can think like that then how shall we uh view Our God brothers and God sisters we want to see our friends OurGod brothers and God sisters as uh servitors we want to think of them as friends yes but we don't want to forget that they're first and foremost servitors of Lotus feed of Guru and ganga rinda that is their real identity same thing with husband and wife where it may be even more difficult on account of intimacy but gur has remind when the husband and wife if they're they called in the service of the deity or in the M they're not husband and wife at the M or in the de SAA then they're two ctors and that's a wonderful thing theyshould see each other respect one another as being uh you know there's a servator sincere ctor of the lotus feet of my gur we don't just worship just like we don't worship Krishna alone we don't worship Guru alone this is an important point we worship Guru and the paraphernalia of Guru and the loving servitors of Guru are his paraphernalia and this is the test because gur says near in one sense he saying it's easy to know you you know Krishna once you kind to get who Krishna is realize the foolishness of trying tocompete with him or being envious of him but he said but the batam's telling you in the beginning the real thing are you envious of his devote and we learned from Guru the gurus devotees and this is where you really get pressed is because when you see the guru has affection for someone you have to align yourself with that and readjust yourself and you cannot see some external objectionable thing it will never cancel what's in the heart of that servator in some of shila's last words when he said everyone has some fault little orsmall that is not the question but who has this exclusive devotional mood that has to be recognized worshiped respected that's what we do so uh I told so and I said that be that sometimes it could be difficult to like but impossible to love that's how we will see our God brothers and God sisters sometimes we have differences with them about this or that maybe at times difficult Al like but impossible to love not to love if we see there a loving affectionate servator of Guru Guru loves them how can I not Iwant to be in the good grace of my Guru Dave when some disciple of mava Maharaj said to him why are you always praising goenda Maharaj he was like EnV us and M Mara said I must pray look how much devotion he has if I don't recognize and praise His devotion then some fault will come to me then I'll be in uh disconnected in an unfortunate position so we're these are things we have to consider very carefully to uh remain and the association of devotees has always look to their subjective side their devotional tendency their devotionalaspect the principle of sharanagati or Surrender is that once one is given shelter they will never be rejected it will never be broken so sometimes it was very uh gratifying for us to hear SRI sriind Maharaj expressing this type of connection with his disciples followers and Friends saying once I've accepted someone and once someone has taken shelter of me he would say I will go I will accompany them through hell but I will never give them up some times even some devotees were pressing him about say a particular servor iscreating some disturbance amongst the the the majority of servitors sometimes this happens so a group will get together and they're like that person's got to go and like it's just who's disturbing everybody but Guru say no but they've taken shelter of me and it wasn't just like a Whimsical decision either sometimes we'd find out he would say they served Guru Maharaj in the time of greatest necessity and even if now they're unable to serve as they did previously I can never forget that and Iwill never forget that and I will never break the connection because they served my Guru Maharaj and not only that but at the time of greatest necessity so as a spiritual formula and Maxim and means of weighing assessing measuring the value of spiritual substance shuru Maharaj said service according to the intensity of its necessity draws remuneration so if someone is served at the time of the greatest need they get this especially this irrevocable Bond of the ash the shelter giving personality and the one takingshelter I would bring different senior devotees to meet with shuru Maharaj because my belief was that like s if they just you know s if they just get a moment of his Association they could get everything it because it can awaken that level or the prospect of that highest level of devotion having a glimpse like Krishna is not telling arjin like some abstract thing like if you have you know a generic glimpse of your soul you'll be astonished no if Krishna is saying your soul you mean your SW and like he'stalking about that you'll be astonished so I have this belief and I still maintain this belief they hear from groomers and can undergo like a ecstatic transformation conversion so at the end of this one meeting uh uh so we we finished and uh the way it would be then we go down sha gur goar would take us there's like two or three three of us go downst and then gurave secret weapon beun Baja right the fried eggplant and it's a Bengali specialty godo and mon but it was go venar told me it's like one ofhis secret weapons you know and we go and we take this and like with some murri and some other things you know even though it was breakfast you and and then we're going to go across the river speaking of currents and back to mayapur and and S goar comes and goes s gurar once to see you again and this is highly unusual it it's the only time I can think that even happened once he he wants to see you again so we go oh we go back upstairs and gurum says I am I am thinking that your earnestness to preach Maha pru'sconception it's so great that maharu himself supplied this pradum he said so I told goind Maraj to bring me some you understand what goind was giving to us G said I think your earnestness to preach for maharu is so great that Maha pru supplied this who can say something like that he said Mahar pru supplied it personally so I told go V Mar bring some to me that means then gurum Mar took some of that in that mood spirit with that heart that Vision so then that's when this one devote said like this was just sooverwhelming you know we all like looked at each other you know and uh he said well thank you that's the famous thank you and then gur he goes thank you he said that doesn't sit well with me uh he said because he said thank you implies uh separate interest you have one interest another person and you get something from them now thank you right and then you go off with that and then very beautifully very sweetly like you can sometimes gurar would tilt his head and he hold his and he said but we are all Maha pru'smen like that and in my mind at the time I thought he who is so high so exalted he can say so with such love and affection we include us in his we we are all Maha pru's men and the ladies you understand and I thought but he will not be included in their we you understand but he will include us in his we uh and then just def that Dev said then then what should I say and G express some gratitude but that is my point so see how he's dealing with the and I me the lower section we're in the lower section butwith such care and insight and respect and love and affection so if you have the Good Fortune to come in connection with such a v the only appropriate response is to offer your self in service har Krishna