📺视频-In the Deep Heart’s Core • Heartbreaking Happiness • Unlimited Service Aspiration
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G says passport is not enough you need a visa but don't even have a Visa proper for entry into the spiritual world but need to know all the intricate secrets of Krishna conception said in this world men and women are more discreet about their uh activities and you want to know about this that and the other thing about Divinity that's not going to be looked upon favorably in your visa application that's the intellect falling short the bee trying to taste the honey but the glass doesn't see that it's the glassbarrier the glass barrier of curiosity intellect the need to know G said just as karma it's clear Karma has to be given up he's saying Curiosity has to be given up too Gan the desire to know anyone who wants to know too suspicious that's not good you're granted a visa when it's been determined by the country you're seeking admission that it's in their interest to bring you in we already know you have some interest I already I'm telling harna like good for you but it has to be in their interestto bring you in they're looking for servitors they're not looking for bead counters G said you don't see pictures of bopies chanting on japamala but you see pictures of them like churning Butter Band and when they're doing that they're singing about Krishna and it's purifying everywhere everywhere that has the ears to hear that's not an objective thing we told science of devotion by Rupa goSwami so part of science is to show these these things cannot be that particular thing so then when it comes to identifying the substance what it is it's helpful without controlled senses there's no question of spontaneous love the SL say something da so R Rog means heart disease right expressed in uncontrolled senses so without the senses being relatively controlled that one is going to express Raga bakti that means spontaneous love here ramar now we're back to S fur's cautionshe shed a 100 gallons of blood to show what Madura rasa is not saying if this is not there at the basis then they may be telling that it's spontaneous love but it is mundane because the senses are not control so they're taking Divine things and making them in his words vulture food saying the senses are like vultures so without if the senses are under the control of lust right then there's no question of expressing spontaneous love which means here rabak ramar so there's Vidar they have to graduallyuh come under control then from that position da undisturbed no sense disturbance then when they hear the Divine pastimes of radharani Krishna and brag gopis that will awaken spontaneous love loving sentiments within them otherwise we'll project that our experience of mundane love will project that as being uh will impose that idea on spontaneous love of ragab bakas and that's an offense against Divinity to think these pastimes are mundane like the mundane Affairs between men and women so why is sukad Swami the speakerof the batam because it's first certified ascertained he has no interest in the mundane love affairs between men and women his senses are under control and in that state hearing about the Pas times of radan Krishna spontaneous love ragab bakti is awakened in him and he appreciates that so it's to show that they're two different things one is egocentric the other is theocentric atmana to satisfy one's misconceived self krishn indria to satisfy the senses of Krishna Rish Rish devotion what to speak of rabimeans at its basis beginning middle and end it's for Krishna that's the purpose of of the why why anything is being done it's it's uh you say envision the beginning for the pleasure of Krishna and by extension his devotees not that I'm thinking something about myself and then I realize that and I'm willing to share part of what I achieved with Krishna that's not Krishna right it has no connection with Gan and Karma Anish it's what's orish favorable to Krishna not oh I like doing this I likedoing this within Krishna Consciousness and we see the idea that someone whose senses are completely out of control they will hear the pastimes of ratan and Krishna and that will somehow cure them of their lust uh is a a God Delusion so with faith on hearing from proper authorities some person came to gurudav and brindavan talking about mes and thisthat and the other thing and gurude was told first of all he said he didn't know anything about it but the man in insisted and it was like English as a second language or and he's saying and G G is pleading ignorance of all this and then he's saying no Krishna and little he said Krishna and little girls that's what he said and G went oh pru he said I can understand Krishna having loving Past Times with older girls but with little girls this is too [Laughter] much please and he got up and he and and hehe said something and in relation to the guru VAR and he said that's all they told me if they tell me anything more I'll get back to you read chanya charamam They're Not Just stories it's the perfect expression of the Ultimate Reality and how to make your approach so we hear in the antia prum misra he goes to Maha prabu to hear Krishna Kata Maha pru Shri Krishna radar Krishna Radha and Krishna combined Radha subita Krishna enveloped in the heart and Halo of rarra a qualified devote as mahu can you tell me about Krishna KrishnaKata and what does maharu say Krishna like G I don't know he said but I know who does and that is ramananda I heard from him you can hear from him you have my approval permission and recommend go hear from ramananda this story is it's not just a story you know it's pastimes Le perfectly constructed then what happens he goes to see ramananda and we're told what is ramananda doing at that time he's written a play called the jagath balab natak a drama who is jagathbalava anyway and there are girls known as Dave Dashi means from their childhood they belong to the deity and they're meant for the pleasure of the deities so ramanand Roy is teaching these two girls how to uh enact this play he's written and because they will need to express by gesture and movement and dance ecstatic emotions he who we should remind everyone at this point is vishaka saki of Lita vishaka so Bish say when this verse comes here's how you will express it in this way but they need to be trained and cared for so what are wetold there at that time ramananda is uh uh massaging their bodies with oil and they're naked so these girls he's they're naked he's massaging their bodies with oil including the private parts of their bodies SRI Krishna maharu the sasi told prum misra you should hear from the gasta ramananda who massaging the naked bodies of two dancing girls that's who you should hear uh Krishna Kat from so then we could think well is this not the a VI the very violation of what we just spoke about 15 minutes agothat's what prum the misra is thinking on some level his mind is Disturbed his heart is Disturbed he's somewhat confused but the attendant finally ramanand comes and says how may I serve you and at this point he says I just wanted your Daran now that's been achieved my dands and he goes then Maha pru he meets Maha pru again and Maha prabu said did you hear Krishna from ramananda and he say um no I just gave my dandavats but mahu can understand that there's some doubt some apprehension in his mind and he tellshim that ramananda is a PR a PR Deo he he do it appears as though he's embodied that he's a human being embodied but he's not he doesn't have even a trace amount of exploiting tendency within him and his body is Cent percent spiritual and then to underscore his position further maharu says as a sasi he said if I hear the name of a woman I get a reaction internally said if I see a statue of a woman or the representation of the form of a woman it can disturb my mind but notramananda so you go and hear from him so both things are dealt with here that yes prum went away went away taking him that if this is a man who is having mundane relationships with women we are not to hear Krishna Kata from him that's shouldn't be lost of hanas rightfully he's saying if that is the case then he right to withdraw to not hear from someone whose senses are full of lust and the most intense type of lust which is uh you know sexual but Maha prabu is telling him that's not the case withramananda he in fact he's so far beyond it all he has a Divine form he doesn't have a mundane body he doesn't have a trace amount of exploiting tendency in him so much so that he can massage these naked girls with his own hand including their private parts and there's nothing untour about it and that's the person who is taken to be the ragaar dika Guru of Maha prabu and what is ma and and before someone says well I know someone like that really puu says to prum misra e ramananda there aren'ttwo so you go and hear from him so he returns with this kind of recommendation from maharu and ramanand says what what would you what service can I do for you he said oh I would like to hear Krishna Kata from you and R what type of Krishna Kata said oh what you told Maha prabu on the banks of the godav river I'd like to hear that and we're told ramanand begins in the morning speaks through the afternoon they're not eating until the late afternoon and to the early evening so he en engages in some intenseKrishna Kata for maybe 8 10 [Music] hours so some sahas they will say well you're saying you f first become cured of the disease then you can take the medicine gurudev had a nice response to this he said no the topics of Radha and Krishna and their Divine pastimes with braies are the the ultimate medicine no doubt he said but just like we know gurude was fascinated by homeopathic medicine and he said just like homeopathic medicine you have to identify not only what is the medicine but what is the potency then the dosage of that potencyof that medicine and he added to that and your time for healing must have [Laughter] arrived and my own example based upon what I've heard from Guru Maharaj and and the scriptures and is that but sometimes um separation is compared to snake B having been bitten by Cobra that type of suffering now you say well what is the cure for that is Cobra Venom right the antidote is made from that substance but it it only has that effect when you're suffering from snake biteit so really when someone is Afflicted really and truly feeling separation from Krishna they can't tolerate it anymore not out of curiosity or fantasy but someone's heart cannot tolerate being separated from Krishna to that Afflicted heart this will be the antidote it'll be the cure for their suffering heart [Music] that's the method employed by the breig goes and this should be noted all suffering is due to separation fromKrishna all suffering whether it's the suffering of the conditioned souls or the anguish of separation experienced in the hearts of the bopies the cause of all suffering is being separation from Krishna and the cure for separation from Krishna is to hear about him from his devotees and then to Kum reproduce what we've heard from his devotees Rami describes called Pur which is very interesting what happens beforemeeting so as I've mentioned many times R she says hearing about you she hasn't met Krishna yet by hearing about him though she has some conception has come to her about the form of krishna's quality everything her we take in a big way we say oh it's ruk mini she knew him before it's not like that she had not met him the wives of the the Y brahin the vuty they hadn't met Krishna they had only heard about him from fruit Sellers and others in reavan they heard about him by hearing about him they gotsee you could have a general idea but if you realize at a particular Advanced stage of devotion by hearing they're getting a very precise conception of the form so it's mysterious aint having not met but through hearing they're meeting but it's creating a hunger to meet so that's why we're advised to culture separation I say well if we haven't met how can we culture Separation by hearing the mystery is that by hearing about Krishna some conception comes to you whether vague or more refined or substantIAL and gradually some Hunger develops like we you know I mean a cheap example would be that in this world babies and they're hungry before they've eaten right and then they are fed so this is a mysterious thing you say well how can you have the hunger well you can can awaken and You by hearing about Krishna can awaken a hunger and a sense of loss so beautiful and what's been lost to me now it's compelling So Hunger in this sense hunger precedes uhtasting and is a necessary component for Taste is hunger so separation is a necessary component for relishing Union but we are duped into thinking that by the direct approach we'll get a superior experience than serving his agent or agency so we have to be educated Ras Mah Mah she can extract she's the predominated half of krishna's better half she can extract the highest quality and highest quantity of rasa from Krishna andak and nourish her servitors withthat substance and gumar said once you have a taste of that mahab which be which is beyond the Constitutional capacity of a j soul to experience raran out of gratitude to her ctors gives them a taste said once you've had a taste of that what to speak of all other taste all other rasas become tasteless that's our Guru Vara should we think they're light Guru heavier than the Himalayas Gung be deep dive deep into reality sat meaning ex existenceexistential position chit cognizance or awareness that I exist this is what separates us from innate matter right the chair the table exist but they have no awareness of their existence we can observe them because we're conscious observers and we can by this conscious observing principle understand minimally our own existence but so then a third aspect comes into awareness that I exist for some purpose it's not that we live in a vacuum so anandam sat chit anandam pleasure Happiness joyecstasy I Consciousness allows me to feel those things Consciousness allows me to feel happiness pleasure Joy ecstasy love affection but then we have to also acknowledge it also allows me to feel sad or unhappy pain suffering consciousness confus feel all the full spectral range of emotions and pain pleasure so the the common stereotype about spiritual culture is that the spiritual person is always smiling and like Happy Buddha there's the full range no none of these emotions shall be eliminated from the pallet of possibility of possibleemotional expression so that means then we can't carry a stereotype of what is happening us into the spiritual domain are we going to try and approach this with our rational Minds if we do we won't understand anything that she's talking about but if we will leave our minds at the door there are some places where you enter they make you take off your coat and hat right and give them to someone and then you go inside you have to take off the coverings of the Soul intellect my all these things leave them at the doorcome it's brahma's advice leave your mind at the door leave your intellect at the door don't try to measure him take the path of um seeing by hearing not what uh make your assessment on uh objective visualization but subjective visualization right going towards Atma the Atma plane and people being uneducated about that think that that there's no possibilityfor love and affection in that plane Enlightenment is seen as some kind of uh monotonous uh State uh where one one is mainly relieved from the suffering of uh the negative world so being in a neutral position is like finish with that now and that's a so-called happiness some and and if we want to give it some Credence in the language OFA and panic literature uh brahmananda the happiness generic spiritual happiness just realizing the essential spiritual nature of everything and there's a type of anandam orhappiness from that how much so a sloga quoted by rupo Swami where he's saying uh if you take that first of all say the happiness of brahmananda brahmananda is so great that uh those experiencing that have no desire for mundane erotic pleasure which is generally taken to be the highest form of material and most intense form of material pleasure they're beyond that they've overcome that sobody think well that's very great then must be very great wonderful ecstatic but Rupa go Swami says if you take that pleasure andmultiply it a trillion fold it won't be equal to Atomic fraction of the pleasure derived from Krishna Consciousness an in the vanta saying the infinite the nature of the infinite is anandam he is constituted of anandam it is not something he seeks to achieve right he's in a neon state and then trying to move from near Ananda to Ananda by some means no he is anandam the Ultimate Reality is love and happiness Beauty charm and sweetness and what personified those things don't exist uh as uh impersonal primordialelements now Consciousness can cannot be divorced of Personality actually neither can love or happiness they're not independent elements we're told an he is full of Ananda by nature is Krishna the declar of Declaration of the rasita god the supreme god iswar means god isar isar the supreme god is Krishna those are the first three words of the Brahma Sita get it gets right to the point the supreme god is Krishna what is his nature saand his eternal omnicient uh an anandam full of ecstatic joy and as girl say not like talking about an ocean ofJoy Anand the needy saying not a static ocean as it like oh static ocean of Joy but a dynamic ocean of Joy so it's saying that and so what is it satand VG he's the personification of eternality omniscience and ecstasy that's the nature of the infinite so uh and everything coming from him has that potential so how is it realized in this world we try to acquire control consume things that are lower than us that means the objective world because we're basically innately subjective agents m Jatana being krishna's anas or partswere of a similar nature that means we have a saand potential right finite in magnitude but connect with the infinite so or the option to offer ourselves and dedication to that which is not only High higher than us but infinitely higher than us in the bhavat Gita where Krishna says so he's saying if we talk about being born in this world but Krishna a son of a what is one of his names The Unborn so here he's saying if you can understand how The Unborn isborn how The Unborn takes birth and Mata how The Unborn takes birth in vrindavan and engages in karma what is his karma Leela childhood pastimes if you can understand that his so-called zanma and so-called Karma are dibya are Divine and transcendental these are past times it's Leela if you can engage in this kind of culture where can you engage in this kind of culture in this life under the guidance of saru shastra Guru and vnav Ja Swami telling us aaki understanding at at the basis of all this the Lord has inconceivablepotency inconceivable attributes inconceivable pastimes how will you conceive what is inconceivable aak Krishna where it says rup Swami is saying here Krishna is beyond what you can vibrate with your tongue understand with your mind and your intellect then what are we doing n Rupa the form of Krishna cannot be seen with your eyes mind or intellect the qualities of kishna cannnot be understood in that way what to speak of the Past Times of Krishna and we're dedicating Our Lives to this kind of culture so then how is itpossible when if it is in out of service necessity right if it save a genuine heart necessity then then the spirit can descend and move the tongue make the eye see make the ear hear and make the tongue taste and everything else Spirit can manipulate matter for Spiritual culture matter cannot the inverse is not possible that the eye will see the image uh of Krishna the deity and have a Divine vision the we'll vibrate Krishna n with our tongue listen with our ear and purify our hearts the inverse is true the TheDescent of the Holy Name form qualities of Krishna through his agents s shastra Guru and vnav can through the ear Into the Heart uh out of service necessity come outward from the heart an expression then it can be a spiritual activity so saying rasat lat radatat all of these things are described in the ramanand sambad so Krishna saying if you can uh transcend objective experience and realize that actual substance is in the subjective world right the subjective evolution of Consciousness that gur speaks of if youcan learn to look Beyond this uh dive deep into the reality if you can go beyond the surface and into the depths of that then what did he say when this body which is I told in the last class biological expression of the Soul's delusion if the Soul's coming out of delusion and moving towards reality right Vu actual spiritual substance proper conception moving out of misconception towards proper conception then the body that was a construct of exploiting Tendencies starts to dissolve and the swup which is inverted comparison constructive ofdedicating Tendencies starts to express itself that's why takur could engage in Ruchi perika he could examine the spiritual Taste of his disciples and see how they're evolving where they're going spiritually because it means their SW is start the the spiritual taste that one can develop right RI asaki that's in a good indication and a substantial indication of the actual personality and identity of that servator when they start expressing such things so the super qualified Groove they can start recognizing that so hereKrishna is saying that so when the when you give up this body and he's not just talking about uh dying in the conventional sense but being reconfigured from an exploiting agent to a dedicating agent as we told in the beginning Atomic chit chit J are Atomic chit they're atomic particles of chit Shakti now they're being enriched with the serving tendency they're not going to generate mundane forms anymore but rather under the um um opes of yoga Maya JMA said you won't have to take birth hereagain but maybe you'll take birth somewhere else saying they'll come and be with me we think as aspiring uh ctors that you know periodically there may be some little inspiration coming from the upper world or from the Divine and S praat said actually it's coming at every moment only sometimes we're receptive to it there's always you know an incessant Mercy signal coming to everyone G saying without hunger what can you taste but and if there's deep hunger then everything will be relishedso if we say was the greatest happiness it must be from the position of the greatest Hunger which means is achieved in separation from there everything will be relish a point of relish pleasure and satisfaction and happiness so we've been advised move in that direction that's the safe path for the devotees and realistic from our present position so we're fortunate to be indicated to move in that direction the greatest depth of feeling um Express sometimes even indirectly like pundik VI this moved him in such a way as he couldnot contain his feelings which were ecstatic feelings ecstatic emotions like G had something called emotion or devotion that means in a superficial sense but when we're dealing with someone like pendri viin whom Mahal pru called PR we're talking about ecstatic emotions and just a very simple verse saying if when Putin approached Krishna with murderous intentions we know in the guise of a wet nurse with the approval of yashoda rohini and Krishna not only sucked the she had anointed her breast nipple with uhpoison Krishna suck the poison the milk her prawn life air everything suck the life out of her and she was elevated to d means like nurse mother like a the equivalent of a mother position so beyond Liberation into the mother zone so he's making the point or what's moving him saying if this is how Krishna treats Those whom have approached him with murderous intentions then we can't even begin to conceive how he would respond to those who approach him either neutrally or in servitude or in friendship or vataliaEtc that's the point each one like on a RoR scale of magnitude right so much greater right not just marginally greater it's not that when is madur Ras is marginally greater than Vasa like on a Ras rosic RoR scale it's tremendously um sweeter and uh more enhanced and contains everything before it that preceded it as Earth contains ether water all these other elements are in Earth and it produces Aroma and the aroma implies all those things before it so that made pund viin come out when whenMund saw the detected the apprehension on gadar pundit he didn't say like oh let me say some very confidential sloka about Krishna and the brug gopies so he can understand who this man is why didn't he do that that's not what he did he quotes this verse and which in the who is a more merciful Lord to take shelter of than Krishna that's the verse that he sings because he's a substantial vnav he's real he's not proposer has to rush to some uh uh superficially erotic thing about Krishna and thegopies to make people think oh he's got something like the posers those dealing in counterfeit substance and we know in this world if if you have counterfeit no it's not just people like oh well you no you're you're arrested right ignorance is no EXC if you possess counterfeit notes it's a criminal punishable offense for dealing in counterfeit currency right it's a serious thing what is so if it's serious in this world a punishable offense for dealing in counterfeit substance than what to speak of in thespiritual world how much more deplorable that is to deal in counterfeit substance to cheat others and the the fact that others accept counterfeit notes uh is not a wonderful thing is not a of Celebration or Joy it's uh deplorable so what do speak of when applied on the spiritual side the thematically consistently the uh key if you want to say to unlocking all of this Divine sentiment emotion is separation right as gur they who could speak when you know his double onon irony whatever I mean he said it in very blunt terms once because he was alittle upset he said even a goat understands the joy of Union that's what he said it's like that's what he said even a goat understands the joy I remember seeing in Kolkata when they uh uh like her these goats toward the slaughterous and they you can see they have a the ones who were um selected or indic they had a a little red piece of paint on their neck you know like anyone painted they were put into a group and then there's a guy hurting them toward the slaughter house and I believe prad us this asexample on like and as they're waiting to get slaughtered they're waiting in lying to get slaughtered one goat a male goat will mount a female goat they're going to be slaughtered in like 15 minutes 20 minutes whatever so he says even a goat under can understand the joy of Union he's saying but who can understand that there is joy in separation that that is really a key to unlike Divine subject matter and he quoted sh rupo Swami where he says Etc that he gives a very uh peculiar uhdescription saying it's like suffering the effects of Cobra Venom while bathing and some a nectarine shower these two things simultaneously and they're saying if you want to understand really Krishna Consciousness you have to be able to hold these two things simultaneously in your core Consciousness hemorrhaging as if you've been bitten by Cobra you're suffering the effects of Cobra Venom and and and simultaneously being bathed in some incredibly sweet uh nectar shower so pain and joy at the sametime the most intense pain yielding the most intense Joy this is Way Beyond what Freud had in mind not to just convert neurotic suffering into ordinary suffering but to extraordinary suffering Divine suffering the pangs of Separation that uh force will by affections force draw the hor heart toward Krishna conception gurar is like to quote the poet Shelly he said our sweetest songs are those that tell the saddest Tales heartbreaking love songsheartbreaking love stories some ladies for example were watching heartbreaking love story say a little group they're watching heartbreaking love story crying see all are crying some tissues and some man enters the room seeing them all crying like think oh let me put on another movie watch something they're going no don't touch it why they're crying and suffering their hearts are breaking by watching this but they can't stop watching because it's another type of Joy deeper than the smiley kind we know even even by you know asimple analysis the greatest love stories are um they're they're painful in music they have what they call torch songs and there's you know if someone's their heart is on fire they they've been separated separated from their Beloved the ramayan is there Romeo and Juliet there's so many other stories and what are they based upon that the lovers are separated and this is supposed to be the true test of Love is does it stand in separation and to what degree so the when there is Union the there's one level of heartthat's achieved in separation a deeper level of heart is achieved but that that that is painful this is the mystery of Krishna Consciousness it's the mystery of the Past Times of Krishna it's the mystery of Krishna culture is that the greatest substance of Krishna Consciousness will be mind and separation and what SAR coined the original phrase Union and separation and separation there can also be Union kabiraj goswami tells us [Music] Byna the Adit wonderful wonderfully astonishing characteristic of Krishna PR the highesttype of Krishna Consciousness is that although externally one appears to be suffering internally there relishing some extraordinary type of sweetness so we cannot have a stereotype about what is happiness and Krishna consciousness so the pastimes of Krishna and the material world called pranila they're going from one Universe to another Universe 125 years to another Universe to another Universe like that so in in glossing this sloka sonan go Swami puu says yes that devote they will get what do you call Gopi Garba Gopi JMA they will appear inthe womb of a Gopi in a Universe where Krishna Leela is extent and they'll be born there and that's will be their entrance Point into pastimes so what are some examples we hear the vpra putes the wives of the brahmans they haven't you know technically speaking they haven't seen Krishna yet they've heard they've been born from gopies or they're in this case they're brahans but the gopies are in similar position they're born in vavan and they're hearing from fruit sellers extraordinary pastimes that aregoing on in vavan of this boy goal of Chris the other day goal he uh punished the Kalia serpent the cow herd boys saw gopal with agasu with putina many they're hearing all of these pastimes and rupo Swami in one place describes it as purva rag means there's a type of rag of bakti that bak's experience when either they've been separated for a little while or have not met so that means even in these descriptions they're developing this eagerness this irresistible eagerness to meet and be with Krishna it's real andit's sub right what you won't get for 10 million births of doing the right thing meritorious activities they're getting Now by hearing about Krishna through Nar raguna Leela by hearing his pastimes Krishna conception is substantially entering their Consciousness so that they get the opportunity to actually associate with him then on top of this uh what is Bish chakrabarti Tak say in the beginning of the 10th Kanto and it says some why he's noted for interpretation the slco will say something as simple as the moon Rose inthe Eastern Horizon the scent of Jasmine filled the air the and the Lord surveyed the environment and acknowledg this was a good time for the rasa pastimes right then Bish chakrabarti will say mo the Eastern Horizon is the uh uh uh not the wife of the moon so and then he'll start interpreting meaning that it's an indication of uh Paramore rasa so he's saying these very simple things about the Moon Rising the atmosphere becoming fragrant with particular he's interpreting as and some Divine indications that Krishna turns tohis yoga Maya potency and says expresses his desires to engage in rasa and we're told today's a kadashi gur mentioned that sarasti takur gave like some mundane aspects of a cacy some Divine aspects on the mundane inside of things we discussed this a little earlier today now the influence of the Moon we cannot deny that their lunar influences right especially women cannot deny that they're lunar influences they know this thing is affecting uh their psychoemotional state we can say right it's it's averifiable sort of thing so sarasti takur is saying at this time the Ross in the body there's a greater flow so part of fasting is to create a balance because the enjoying tendency is stronger at this time by eating food either fasting or eating foods that are nonstimulating it'll keep the balance of the aspiring servor and uh let them stay focused un serving but still that's a mundane uh aspect of it it's interesting in like biological type information but then he says something deeper and moreprofound that just as our tendency for enjoyment is greater at this time in the reality in the Supreme reality krishna's tendency for enjoyment is greater at this time so this is why the devotees are sacrificing a part of themselves offering their energy to Krishna for his enjoyment so in a similar way chakar taku is making some observations here so when Krishna he gets this inspiration to enjoy in a particular way the yoga Maya and baladev they're casting and scripting Krishna Lea right so Casting means selecting whowill participate in these pastimes takar takur gives an example he says when a king if a king tells his attendant he would like to uh enjoy some mangoes then they go to a mango tree and they start picking many mangoes and then they bring them back to the kitchen and then they see all right this is good for right now these are good these can be uh they're ready for enjoying right now this one no this needs a day more sunlight Heat this needs a little bit longer this they get divided into groups so he's saying whenyoga May and balad getting the indication that Krishna is to enjoy in this way they round up these gopies and they say these are qualified to participate now the this one maybe next time this one oh a little bit longer see just like and we've done it with either mangoes or other fruits you put them in uh a place where they can get heat and light and uh achieve maturity or fully ripen so what is the equivalent of that the parallel is separation the fire the heat of Separation so some cannot go we're told everything is significant soit says sounds his flute they start going some we're told they're going so fast half dressed one earring things on the wrong side they're running to Krishna you can imagine if after millions of lifetimes and pursuing Krishna Consciousness you get this call to this is going to be your first encounter with Krishna you might be a little uh besides yourself so anyway they're going but then we're told and some they're pulling babies off their breasts the ovens are burning their husbands and fathers aretrying to stop but some are stopped that's also hard to accommodate you mean after millions and millions of lifetimes finally the Call Comes for this type of SAA and you can't go so what does that do to them that puts them into to a deep condition of Separation it generates the fire and heat of separation and it's the arrangement of yogamaya because they for some reason they weren't 100% qualified at that point so by getting the call and not being able to go the fire and heat of separation will bring them to the maturecondition and they'll go at another time but at any rate so what it means gurum Mar sometimes calls swarup Sidi dress rehearsal or uh when you pass through this stage he saying then they can at the end of that life V said he means being posted in Lea eternally they're now fully qualified and they're posted in Leela eternally you know under the guidance of the rup shaki in the spiritual world old we could say the call of the absolute we're hearing about these things that are beyond our ability toexpress and talking about them can be an operad uh but there everyone's hearing some call anyone who's connected with the Krishna Consciousness movement on some level is hearing let's call the call of the absolute it may become very spefic specific in time as we just uh discussed but that it is the call of Krishna that's heard in the hearts of all the devotees and you know it's present in the form Krishna Consciousness movement hearing that call you have to move it's a movement movement isrequired we hear regul the sound of krishna's flute regulating all the ctors this is part of G's gatri explanation G so he said how can see one sound is telling the brop is one thing the cow her boy is another thing the cow's one thing his mother all the different rasas they're getting their cue and their um um guidance from this one sound so gur at the time he saying well how is that can be understood from many different points of view so he said and I don't know if you know this or not maybe you have to be older to knowit but they they some some factories they used to have a like a whistle at like 5:00 in the afternoon like all the word everybody's doing something and then this whistle would go and then everyone's and then they know oh like some people start going this it just tells everybody what to do so gur said it's like that Krishna blows his flute not that it sounds like the sound I just made no it's not like that he saying when he makes this sound that everyone hears the sound then they know oh we have to goyesoda knows she needs to do get everything ready for they have to be bathed Krishna and Bam had to be bathed and then uh offered the Bogue like and radani and bopies know what they have to do the cows and everyone knows what they have to do regulated by the sound of krishna's flute that's one thing but when they're uh going on with their lives their so-called lives uh what's mentioned sometimes is they hear the sound of krishna's flute um you know in in the evening time and they're doing many different thingsit's told they're uh nursing babies they're cooking things in the oven they're cooking things on the stove they're uh putting on makeup they're doing many different things at that time but how wonderful is the sound of krishna's fluid we can't imagine like a chaam a Tina inconceivable qualities how beautiful can it be G said that there was a rumor once that a hundred years ago or so that Krishna people in reind heard Krishna playing his flute on the bank of the jamuna and they all ran theirmadly but rupo Swami tells us something you know his plays are reality even here they say if you want to tell the truth right fiction but this is way infinitely beyond that so many wonderful things are expressed there and they're real and true they're not uh imaginary or exagger duration so in one famous Loa talks about the effects of the sound of krishna's flute have loved this sloka verymuch the Thundering clouds are stunned like in we're told in different places the inanimate become animate the animate become inanimate the waves of the jamuna freeze right the Rocks melt so the animate be the inanimate become animate and the inverse told that tumburu is supposed to be the leader of the gandaras the best singers Universe saying this is astonishing I've never heard music like this other words the Supreme musician this is beyond what music we can make we try to make Heavenly M thisis infinitely beyond that I'm astonished we're told the four kumaras right nothing can disturb their meditation where do they stay Mahar jatas somewhere way up there actually Beyond that's their play as well when they're outside byta and they look like little boys kumars little brah boys they're very beautiful and effulgent the Lord came to greet them and said the U Tulsi that Aromacompletely uh captured their Consciousness so not nothing nothing mundane can disturb them nothing can affect their meditation everywh but here we're told when they hear the sound of krishna's flute they can't concentrate they're the ultimate meditators now they can't concentrate their minds the minds of the four kumaras are spinning Vish and Brahma is astonished Brahma is thinking he has like inventory big you know spreadsheet of everything he's created and this is not on the list saying I would rememberthis if ID made this this is not something I did and so what's and if you look at what rupo Swami is doing so beautifully in his poetry it's the sound of krishna's flute but it's penetrating the coverings of the universe it's going like from the it's going around all the from Brahma Loca the gandar vazar the kumaras and now now it's down at the bottom of the universe Bali Maharaj astonishing him and then what it say down and further below where anave with his head sitting all the planets they're said tobe resting on his Divine Serpentine heads and an the heads start going like that like dizzy it's making him di he's going to faint a nday is going to faint all the univer the planets are going to fall off this is the sound of krishna's flute the effects like so what the sound is that we canot it is aenta inconceivable but so what he's trying to do by telling us the effects we can get some idea B and it's saying it's piercing through the AG the universe like shells eight layers they're cracking it's penetrating themand then having all these effects upon those who can hear it but brah when Krishna but ASU they' said very beautifully he said but about what what is Krishna fluting [Laughter] so there fluting about radharani that is his ultimate fluting matter radam but in response so when Christ's play those gopies doing all those different things some times it said how Krishna we told is a thief in different ways andstealing so the Sound by entering through their ears and into their hearts has stolen EV EV their shyness their all of their qualities it's stolen chakari takur points out Krishna wasn't interested in stealing their paraphernalia they still have their earrings and their different things but he's stolen all the wonderful things that are in their hearts he stolen from them and now they're thinking they're going to chase that thief and get and return those things but in doing they're so besidesthemselves senseless that they forget what is a arm and an ear what is the difference between a ear and a arm or a leg or every they're very confused so they're putting some of the ornaments in the wrong place because they forgot those things that's how uh seductive is the charm of Krishna they've forgotten basic things that people know like right from left up from down the difference between your ear and your knee and many things they're half-dressed so they're and they're leaving andthen and they're breastfeeding babies cooking dressing doing all these different activities and then suddenly leaving these past times are inconceivable but chavar takur points out that in some instances yoga Maya creates duplicates so some duplicate gopy is there with the husband the family and everyone and the gopies in their real forms they go to Krishna that's one group there are different ones it's inconceivable the gopies are offering C they don't have mundane forms actually that's why yoga Maya hadto make some so they can actually go they don't have there's not any mundanity in them so they're offering themselves wholesale to Krishna so we're told they decorate themselves for krishna's pleasure they're trying to answer the call of the absolute by offering themselves in his service vishan says after imagine those reug gopies they hear the flute song of Krishna in the deep dark mavin Forest they leave their children husbands families everyone and run to Krishna in the dead of night which whichmeans AR tagging the AR the evaded culture morality everything and when they read Krishna Krishna and this is what you can expect from Krishna he saying how highly inappropriate this Behavior this is totally wrong you should go home he's rejecting them and really he's doing that apparently and we're told and I mean they're so beautiful and so sweet the bra GOI their their heads so the tears are streaming down them and they're crying and Bish says why because they know that Krishna is controlled byKrishna PR and he's rejecting them I think so after this long Pursuit it could have been millions of lifetimes in the making answering the flute call of Krishna and being rejected by Krishna so they're crying right thinking we have no love for Krishna then why did we do all these other things leave our children husbands parents family Comm everything cross the V then why did we do that we're only it's no PR I say we're only making a show of love for Krishna because if we had a drop of the realthing we wouldn't be in this situation so it's just a show we're making and to get some cheap name and fame but they don't leave they don't go back this whole big buildup in the batam to the rasaa and no sooner does it begin than it stops why it's just starting and then Krishna is gone running after searching for radharani everything stopped and then you would think if you know something about godia onology then you could say oh wait later we hear one Krishna for every two gopies or feeling that one Krishna for every gothrough prash vas expansions why didn't he just expand himself for everybody and then go run after radharani he could do that too but that's not what he does right they're plunged into an ocean of Separation how heartbreaking you've made it to the rasalila and now it stopped before it started that starts and krishna's gone is that is that some kind of a trick or cruel thing to do maybe in some instances after millions and millions of lifetimes millions of Creations they made it to that point and Krishnavanishes what kind of Lord are we searching for when sarasti takur is giving the gatri mantrum to his uh disciples and remember some of them are srans and have some understanding their s Scar and everything and gurar is there and so they leave one or two they go outside and they're discussing what is the meaning of this and they're thinking about the KAG gayatry and push ban these things and saraso can overhear them with great eagerness discussing these things outside his window right after their initiation and gurar isthere and gur said Saras returned to him and he had this look on his face that was so painful with such longing and and and lamentation yet mysteriously beautiful and he said I have been trying to offer a flower to the holy body of Krishna for so long and G said that's so long was to indicate the millions of lifetimes and saying as yet I am unsuccessful the leader who's giving the mantrum expresses this lament is that meant to discourage us gurum Mar will save us from the wrong understanding by telling us that he'ssaying yes Krishna K so high so wonderful that even if you don't get after millions of lifetimes even if after millions of lifetimes you're on the vers of entering that Divine pastime of Krishna you're rejected can't give it up won't walk away right won't stop the search increased tankering increased longing increased earnestness and that Krishna knows so he Vish he's thinking if now I remove myself right at this point and they're plunged into an ocean of Separation which is sometimes compared to thetimingil the whale eating fish being devoured by that he think then uh like the dasar the mat Avatar it's one of the why they're praying this way to be saved by Krishna we're drowning in an ocean of Separation anyway uh Vish says Krishna is saying if at that time when they're at the the depths of separ ation the peak of that longing and hankering if I then appear then we'll have a that's what he's thinking so there's a method to the madness as Shakespeare says so and you say why would chrisan do it because he'saddicted to that particular type of PR which only comes out under the intense pressure of separation upon affection that's when it's squeezed out so to speak so so much addicted to that that through the agency of yoga my is creating situations that will ensure that that substance is generated right and that happens to be separation radharani and braug GOI what is that say who they cannot tolerate the the momentary blinking of the eye that period of separation from Krishna and the gothey're cursing Brahma well the same Divine ladies they say the rasala were told ler a night of Brahma sah brah that means 4 billion 300 million years it's that night just the proverbial night well they say we wish this night would go on forever that it would never end right that's expressed in love poetry and love songs it's a natural expression of the heart they we wish this night would it's that night that never ends the night of you know romance and dancing and so you know beautiful love and what do they sayso we're told yogamaya summoned all these nights together so it lasts for four billion 300 million years because Krishna Leela employs the principle of contraction and expansion of time and space and what what sort of love and affection are they capable of they say it was like the blink of an eye so gur said no amount of Union will ever satisfy the devote they'll always be hankering for more that's the nature of Krishna conception and encrypted in that is a hopeful message to even us neoy practitioners that we're we're notinterested in achieving some you know final stage but rather it's you know the search for Sri Krishna where are they where is Krishna kishna Pand maharu is in the search for Sri Krishna he's plunging the depths of Separation so they're saying that night the Brahma ratri was like the blink of an eye in terms of Union but then what do we find the inverse contraction expansion of time and space the blink of an eye and separation is like a day of Brahma now they've taken it in another Direction intolerable they're cursingBrahma you fool you don't know how to make eyes why they have to Blink make unblinking eyes in another place radani saying have like fish eyes that are just always open and you know lot you know unlimited Krishna No Interruption what is raran say and Jag Balan of ramananda factory bring in these things he's saying what I'm going to do the next time I'm going to worship time and it's described there very beautifully gurum Mar used to sing this many times she's the way they how do you what is the viic system to propitiatesomeone you offer them an Assan then they sit on the Assan then you get out the paraphernalia right you put the water WIP their feet dry the feet offer the flowers offer the incense offer the punch pry do all of these things like arti radharani said I'm going to do arti to time take time put time on a beautiful Throne Assan and do my ariti and then when time is very happy and propitiated he says then I'm going to turn my attention to Krishna because the last time it went like that it was so fast so what I have to do is controltime so Krishna although we know ultimately the batam culminates in his Divine play with rad harani and bra Gopi still his appearance his pastin with nand Yoda then with the cow herd boys you know Kumar uh po Kure but on the way to the Kure pastimes well afterwards actually but all part of this that we know to plunge partially to plunge the gopies hearts in the depths of Separation where they yield the most Superior type of Krishna PR a kurur comes and takes Krishna out of reaven shumar will point out we see krishna'sdevotees suffering in different ways mother Yoda suffering in separation from Krishna sometimes we heard she cried herself blind the brag Gopi suffering uh sometimes called um it's compared to their like lost in an ocean of suffering and being devoured by the timingil of Separation The timingil is the say mythical fish who eats whales whale eating fish that's how big eats whales and they said we're being devoured by the timingil of separation uh and this ocean of separation from Krishna we hear the [Music]coils up up up gur said oh it's two males competing for the affection of a female and we know it's the paria symbol the coil lays their eggs in another bird's nest and the other bird raises them thinking they're their own it's a symbol of paraka anyway and then gurv says he quotes this you know and then he says Rani she's going ch ch ch ch ch why is she chanting the name of jamini because generally we know the the sound of the coil is like liquid sweetness that thankyou liquid sweetness and it's reminiscent of the voice of Krishna sometimes it's take rani's voice is compared to a COO it's just liquid sweetness is the sound of the coil and it what does they do it gets sweeter and sweeter and sweeter it just keeps getting sweeter so you would think like the neopit the nectar hounds who want sweet things that hearing the coil should make you feel happy but radani is going ch ch ch ch ch in a very uh desperate way fervently she's job chanting J why because gur explained it is theirtradition that the girls of renav everybody in renav that it is said that when there's thunder and lightning that to protect yourself from being struck by lightning you should take the name of J so when it's like in the sky you go CH and you you won't get struck by lightning so everybody chance the name of jish but why is radani chanting his name because in the bab separation like dasos Swami Goan is the Pyon coming to swallow him rakun is the tiger's gaping jaws and separation from Krishna The Sweet Sound of the coil that'sreminiscent of the voice of Krishna is like lightning striking her heart that's why she's going ch ch save me from being struck by the lightning of the sweet of the voice of the Cal that's breaking my heart and then thing shagos Swami and his hangad it's so beautiful HUD spoken by Lita to a swan to take a message to Krishna and Matra someone could think is offensive you know but it's it's balb above it's sweet opposition man where they're saying like does he ever remember the two syllablesrad ha but she that um and the girl with her heart and the pray as you know the hook on was the pr and the heart was there and then what did Krishna do as much he took ate the bait and left the hook not captured and as kurma that girl she gave everything to him and what did he do withdraw his beautiful limbs within his form and show a hard shell so she's going through Das avatars in another way gopy Vision they can do that when love and affection are put under the most intense pressure of Separation that's when theheart yields the most Superior substance the most Superior type of love and that's the kind of love that he is most addicted to and that can only be achieved by apparently separating himself from them but knowing that they're in this condition he sends UDA as a messenger to give some message that so that they won't give up hope to relieve the anguish of Separation that's in their heart he goes with a letter told when UDA arrives and it's a significant point that gurum Mar used in another contextthat because he's doing everything properly he first visits uh Nanda really I mean for many but he's got the Special M message for the gois but first must go to the house nand nand and while giving them the news of Krishna the brag gopies see the empty Chariot outside of the house and they start cursing it it makes them angry Vish that's their response to seeing this Chariot and there they're thinking because they remember when Aura came on a chariot and took Krishna away from vavin the bopies are not a fan ofAura right and his name is supposed to be not cruel but they interpret it as no one's been more cruel there's no one more cruel it can also mean that and even the name sounds like it AA so seeing this chariot they're infuriated and they think it what it wasn't enough for kunga to take away you know our the our life but now he sent his agent to collect because deprived of Our Lives what we're just carcasses he sent his agent to collect our rotting carcasses to take them back to muta for some sortof funeral p ceremony they're very disturbed but when UDA comes out they see oh we're told UDA he looks similar to Krishna and Krishna gives his clothes to UDA that famous verse that talks about honoring the remnants you know padum but also mentions clothing UDA gets clothing from Krishna so when they see him he looks so much like Krishna that they're uh they're giddy they become really happy and they're think who is this person just by looking at at him you remember Krishna and then they get to know himand he presents his letter the letter from Krishna where Krishna is saying you should all learn yoga and how to meditate on God so when you're feeling like this you start doing yoga and meditating you understand God's everywhere and everything and and you'll feel something and this makes them angry BR gopies are not big on yoga I say that to tease all the yoga [Laughter] folks they're telling her we're not Yogi we're gopies we're not ganis we're not yogis we're not caries ganis or yogis we'regopies you know who we are and you know our hearts also so why are you teasing us and with all of that we should become uh yogis and start learning how to meditate God's everywhere and everything organi maybe we should study we're simp girls who want the loving affectionate relationship with you but at one point chakar say work the word ad is mentioned another meaning is means the eyes and AD means for the eyes to go down so it means to close your eyes and said if you will now close your eyes ladies Krishna will appear and they close their eyes and Krishna appeared in their hearts and they're so happy and some of them are thinking that the aperture the iris in the eye they're afraid he could get out they want to like close the F stop of their eyes so that Krishna can't escape they're so sweet and ecstatic and extraordinary when UDA sees their reaction think what sort of affection lies within the heart of the bopies their hearts and meanwhile while he's doing that radharani is lost in Divine Madness which is represented as thebramar we know the big black bumblebee with the yellow rings and the uh pollen on his whiskers comes and she takes him to be either a messenger from Krishna or Krishna and she's uh and her man loving anger chastising this bumblebee like anything and that we can't speak about we're not qualified but gurar could speak about it and and he and Babaji mahaj and B mahaj said oh this is your specialty and they considered it a great honor great opportunity to hear him and I once asked grumer as the final dayswere apparent that I said you once you know I told he once he said he would once explain this and then and I thought this might be the last chance and by saying some peripheral things like oh you said although you settled upon na for your final days you had considered before that the Gung beer and before that udav Kari and and gromor is like oh yes he's thinking about UD of Kari that's where the brahmer has spoken and now that his mind was there I'm saying you once told me you would Express this and gurar started speaking and though although I'm accompanied accustomed to ex extensively hearing him speak and parsing what he says and trying to understand at the best I can this was non to use word of his non understandable fragments of divine feelings and emotions just so so extraordinary that I just kind of wanted to like okay I and it automatically he stopped after a while so the Past Times of Separation are mysterious is who's going to invite separation we can only understand it theoretically if we say absence makes the heart growfonder sometimes we see this if you want to little parallel I mean a crude example sometimes people do this in playing with children lovers might even do it but let's stick with children they put them temporarily into some anxiety like a a naughty uncle or something they hide and they and then they go see I'm here they want to see them in that in intense state of desperation so it's a very uh delicate subject matter but and almost inconceivable that the devotees of renaventhat they have to experience separation from Krishna and there's some very heart-rending descriptions of that but bishar takur ever our savior when it comes to these kind of things offers an almost uh like parallel universe type explanation because he says when aurura took Krishna out of reavan we're told like Nanda they do not eat for they're unable to eat feed themselves their house is like full of cobwebs they haven't bathe they haven't changed their clothes some friends come and like forcefully you know like youknow like when you feed someone's soup or something you know they like just to like keep them alive it's so horrific it's beyond uh the imagination the the level of SE the the consequences of the level of their separation he mentions this when UDA comes to visit because when UDA comes to visit seems like everything's wonderful and he's saying because these two things are running in parallel like this is how they really feel what's going on and they can put on a show that everything's okay also justlike we do in this world but he's saying so they run in parallel so that UDA could see that like flowing Rivers dancing peacocks everything looks great but actually there's this other side that's just totally horrible and terrible that would just break your heart to even you know conceive because as Mah says in the it's and G is put it this way saying Krishna PR is not a thing in this world the other Krishna aishna uh Jambu mean junada means there are legendary rivers of gold in the Heavenly planetsso uh you know there's description of the planet where there are trees that have uh elephan sized mangoes that when they drop to the ground then they only have juice the juice comes out and forms these rivers of gold so but what he saying here is like saying Krishna PR it's not a thing in this world like those Rivers Le legendary rivers of gold in heaven maybe there but not here it doesn't exist here yet that is what we are searching for and gur has put it this way if and and this is the the key tounderstanding that if one actually has Krishna PR then it's impossible to tolerate sep separation one will have to die it's that um he said heart swallowing that if you have it any type of separation would cause death so then the devotees will say and the fact that I'm alive that means I must not have it that's their thinking Here I Am Alive that means I don't have Krishna PR because if I had it be separated for a moment you would have to drop dead you'd be unable to sustain your existence soit's a very peculiar thing we're told elsewhere why because the devotees know the 10th stage of separation is death there's like stage one two three four the 10th stage is death that mean unable to so they just can't live another moment without that means they've reached the most the zeni point the most intense Point why do they not die because they do everything for Krishna and they know that would make Krishna sad so they go on in this near deathlike condition and it's from that positionthere's the maximum amount of pressure upon their love and affection then G then he reveals himself to them and then how much joy is flooded into their hearts of their bodies that were in like a deathlike uh position dehydrating without Krishna praying so Krishna likes this level of intensity and so do we nobody go goes to a movie where everything is just like happy happy happy beginning middle and end even Disney movies are not like that they have an arc like things are happy then something goes wrong and theneveryone's crying and then it's happy in the end that every good thing is like that the best love songs what they call torch songs where the person singing it's as if they're G to die if they're not reunited with the lover just as happy happy happy all the time stuff no one really wants that they may say they want that but only a child would say that so the joy of reunion one of the examples giv saying a mother which is with her child and then if she starts thinking like she maybe she sees a news report aboutSomeone's Child was kidnapped and she thinks oh my God what if that happened to my child and pulls the child even closer right at the thought of Separation so that that is I'm not making this up it's in the Chan and for a reason to tell us it's separation that yields the most Superior type of Krishna Consciousness and so sarasti takur ever the expert he's saying our lives are only meaningful when we're serving those devotees who feel separation from Krishna he just got right to the heartof the matter it's interesting in another place he may say you know we're Krishna loving people I like that you know and other things but here he's going right to the point who are we really what is our life in aspiration in the service of those who feel intense separation from Krishna how much so even at the thought of being separated from Krishna is too much for them could make them faint think about that the thought of being separated from Krishna could make them lose Consciousness he's thinking those peoplethey have real love for Krishna not these posers or go around telling about the whatever so it's like uh hidden and plain sight the Open Secret the key to understanding everything is separation and separation like in photography photography and portraiture uh you can focus on a subject and blur everything else right that's very uh popular right now right so you focus on the subject and everything else is boka or uh blurred that's tantamountto Union with Krishna in Union with Krishna he alone is the focal point and everything else is blurred you can say but we know if we follow this photographic example there's something else called infinite depth of field and when you have infinite depth of field everything is in Focus right not just the subject and then everything else is blurred every infinite depth of field brings everything in the focus so in Union is T to mount to that there's Krishna exclusive Focus everything else blurred soft focusbest in separation they achieve infinite depth of field meaning that everything is a source of remembrance of Krishna nothing as we're in opposite like where everything makes us forget Krishna just about right every last thing makes us forg out Krishna they're in a situation where everything is a reminder of Krishna that is their mahab bhata like Vision right like we were talking the other day about the auspicious signs and inauspicious signs when traveling but what I find interesting and that'll be mentionedthere and this is something that is that thematically repeats actually there are like leic descriptions of things Panic descriptions of things and when and the original all right so in this case the original is Shati radharani she's scanning the environment and she's looking for as I said andas uh signs or indications that that she's looking to see is it favorable to meet Krishna am I seeing the signs that indicate there will be meeting with Krishna that's how she what she's looking how she's interpretingthings or is there something that oh and see say she sees something that seems to indicate it's unfavorable for meeting and that causes her heart to become sad or full of lamentation that yields Superior substance in Krishna Consciousness Krishna Consciousness is very peculiar you uh make progress in Krishna Consciousness as you Lament your lack of Krishna Consciousness it's not a NeverEnding celebration of achievement in that sense but the Awakening of to the degree that you are not Krishna conscious yields progress in KrishnaConsciousness if we lament lost opportunities it yields it's a progressive position in Krishna consciousness in the briad batam of sonan go Swami when he's concluding perhaps the first section he's saying the real rosic devotees of the Lord they alone understand the joy and the superiority of Vira of Separation that if Krishna ious is about depth of love what is that the SAR of Lin is PR B the SAR of that the cream of that b mahab ultimately mahab means in this the greatest heart who possesses the greatest Heart full ofKrishna Consciousness to the greatest degree the greatest depth of heart radharani mahini ranii personified we're told that so if this is about achieving the greatest depth of heart and magnitude of heart and intensity gar reveals and we're back in Golden volcano Divine lava that in separation a greater depth and magnitude and intensity of heart is achieved than in Union radharani usually she's crying but stops after a while in separation but this time she cannot stop crying and the guru Varga of reavan areupset who are the guru Varga nand pori others and everyone is afraid radani is going to leave the world right the 10th stage of separation is death so uh they're wondering what to do and chandravali her Chief competitor she comes and admits that radani is superior and says actually if you do this if you commit suicide then Christ none of us have any hope of ever seeing him again we know you you have the power to bring him back here I don't have it they don't have it but you do you alone have that power and if we lose you eventhough I compete with you all if we lose you we've lost everything so I admit it you're Superior and I'm begging you at your Lotus feet don't do this and then we're told mysteriously Shati radharani stops crying and then all of her tears spring out of the eyes of her servitors now they're all crying incessantly and she's happy radharani and braug gopies they want Krishna to come back to vavan they're nothing oh separation produces uh a superior substance that's can be said throughanalysis but they want Krishna to be with them gopies braug Gopi is wanting Krishna to give up his kingly dress the dwara king and come back to them for their happy times on the banks of the jamuna in renaven where his go noar nor on a rout with his GOP of cow her dress the flute in his hands that's what they like just to know that these things are there should give us some encouragement to be attentive to our present that and that's what gr said just hearing the we can't we're not qualified to discuss them other than insummary form not to go into the detail saying but just knowing that should give us enough encouragement inspiration in our present position to dedicate and rededicate ourselves the real test is what does the heart produce in separation from chrishna and that's the test now our unfortunate situation is it doesn't bother us that we're separated from Krishna that's a sad pathetic thing but in time it will so I like to say that in the GOI thatthe here they're saying what is the cure for their suffering what is their s suffering condition do to separation from Krishna but in that verse so they're saying the talks about you our nectar lifegiving nectar we're on the verge of death then we talk about you and we're re rived we're as if resurrected from the dead and this relieves from all suffering and I find it peculiar that it is a parallel to our situation that we are also suffering on account of separation from Krishnathey're suffering on account of separation from Krishna um if you had to distinguish one from the other in the most General way you would say well their separation from Krishna is marked by remembrance nonstop Contin remembrance whereas our separation from Krishna uh is is marked by forgetfulness and that's therefore we don't even understand the cause of our suffering that's it forgetfulness of Krishna it'smentioned and the gopies come with the cure for this suffering separation suffering talking about you hearing about you that brings relief to our it brings relief to their hearts it brings relief to our hearts and they say and and puts in to suffering we're suffering in the material world on account of identification with our karmic circumstance and biological expression of the Soul's delusion the body they're saying No this awakens you to the prospect of your spiritual identity then that [Music] suffering goesaway and the beginning of all asish every one of us knows the day that you heard about Krishna was the beginning of auspiciousness in your life that's just the fact we should celebrate that that we should Mark that on the calendar like here's the day that I first heard about christna and what by hearing about him then the heart becomes filled with gold with treasure Merl e and I were in this place um Petra zot does that sound like a town yeah and there's a big lake there uh and uh we're staying in thisflat and it's like the guy's sister is not it's like the mother and the son or but the sister's not and I think I'm like staying in her her room or something you know maybe she had the surrender her room while I was there but she kind of like do you know goes to the program every you know but then one night she going like if you really want to help someone she go you know you could go out and like um distribute food or clothing or things like this to every night you you sit here talking about Krishna forhours like you're doing something and that's equivalent to doing something so if you really want to do something you know like make a pot of beans or something go you know and soup uh some gitka or something go like give it out to people you know like really helped the people not with all this Krishna [Laughter] stuff and I thought like yeah it's because you don't think there's any value in this that you can say that but actually those who know what is what know this is the valuable thing that you can give to someone thatis to be [Music] got like Krishna conception enters through the ear there like a channel from the ear and GMA said sound goes to the heart so you have to be careful what sound you listen to enters the ear goes to the heart hear from the devote of Krishna through the ear touch the heart what does say d then your material existence is finished right today or tomorrow Saad Saad means treasure saying the treasure that you can get in human life you get from the rarely the rareconnection with a devote of Krishna what you do they tell you about Krishna you heard something about Krishna and forever your heart is touched and nothing will can compete with that ever and no matter what happens after that you'll at some point in your sojourn and material existence you'll remember the sweetness of Krishna when your heart was touched by hearing about Krishna and seek more Krishna connection with Krishna you know Consciousness is it's not like located and the spiritual world it's not like on a map orsomething right it's all Consciousness so it's not like it's so many you know light years away metaphorically but not actually that's why when we hear about Krishna from his devotees Ravin can awaken in our hearts there's a famous verse naram takur wherever the devotees are that's where vavan is they can awaken VAV in our hearts and is the place embellished with the Lotus Footprints of radani means Rasam all these wonderful things by Superior Association we improve that's true in everything so in other words being withsomeone who is a connoisseur your taste will improve that's a that's the wonderful thing about Association but what does it say about the there V Spar money Touchstone Touchstone and the sense of like uh philosopher stone something comes in contact with it and becomes transformed that's the sort of Association that we seek but then gromer says something very important on the Su side so what is that Association physical proximity no just social interaction no he says sa means SA that's what it means when one of the last time when Iwas leaving gurum Mars and maybe not going to see him again and he was encouraging me uh to serve in separation and saying and mention Rupa go Swami maharu how heartbreaking it was for Rupa to know maharu is going to reaven and I mean they will be going to reaven and maharu will be staying in but G said about Association not being based on physical proximity he mentioned lice they're they couldn't be any closer to you right they're under they've burrowed into your skin but the Consciousness and our Consciousness areWorlds Apart then is the parallel was we may physically be Worlds Apart but through the plane of Consciousness and Oneness of heart we're together and really we are we we're talking about Krishna Consciousness the plane of Krishna Consciousness but here he said so what does SA really mean service right and particularly with higher Association know when you come in connection with genuinely Superior vnav the uh appropriate response is to offer yourself in service and say what what service can I do for you so forever ouraspiration is to be the assistance of those servitors of the servitors of the devotees of reavan who feel separation from Krishna how beautifully put that distinguishing Factor e