📺视频-A Krishna Temple in Every Heart • The Greatest Depth of Heart • Krishna Consciousness Personified
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if we understand what this is all connected to then we'll offer ourselves fully to its least aspect radharani taking the least aspect of Krishna is greater millions of times greater than the highest aspect of herself that's the proper conception sarasti takur begins his commentary in the chanat written by ravas takur who's a par of n but by first speaking about the glories of rahan Krishna and he also mentionsthere and he's he's saying uh that vindur is telling us that if you try to search for um pastimes like of Krishna Gopi pastimes and and try and uh uh extract that from the Past Times of Maha pru and his devotees in na Puri you're misdirected and wasting your time and you'll end up in a fence operad so then but but at the same time it's meant to take you in the direction of that plane but see how cautiously and carefully it's being presented there and then what is the basis for this he'ssaying so the the talks the topics of Krishna hearing about Krishna they're like gems chintaman gems Jewels said and if you possess some Jewels where do you keep them everyone should know if you have some valuable you keep them in a very safe place he says what is the safe place for all the jewels of the palim of Krishna maharu is in the mouths of anant who's an expansion of balaram nand and his thousands heads we told the universes are resting on his heads without him knowing it it's not like I got to get theseuniverses off my head he doesn't even know they're there they're nothing it's not that he's like straining or getting a migraine from all these universes they're just there without any effort effortlessly but in his mouth His Thousand M for that's where the jewels of the pastimes of Maha pru and of Krishna they're all there and is saying the glories of the Past Times of Krishna since before the beginning of time and continuously and unable to exhaust the glories of the Lord so he's making thecase that this is not something we're not interested in something that is um the the imagination of a human being so it means that actually shastra proper shab the Brahma spiritual sound divine revelation it it necessarily must descend from the upper world into this plane through a qualified agent bindas takur on the basis of his unalo Devotion to nand Pru is qualified and what he's presenting is not how we say ni not historical in the conventional sense of the word neither is the imagination it is divinerevelation passing through him so he is at the beginning of his work um praising nand pru and G nand say only in this way only by the mercy of nand puu can these things be expressed all the glories of Krishna are coming from him the first other than Krishna is balaram who's the source of You Know M Karan Maha Mah Vishnu garak Vishnu kirak Vishnu whom all the avatars enter this world and kavaj go Swami the same saying you know PR on the Crea Avatar there are many different avatars but it's he called him the creepa AvatarThe Mercy Avatar he's saying by the grace of nand pru did I get interest in the reaven where by the grace of Madan gopal Madan moan I'm able to express the the internal reason for The Descent of Shri chaitanya Mahar prabu when SP gers was at the inauguration of the esan Chandra Mand at prad's invitation uh the talk he gave to this day I just it's I would expect groomers in that context to give context to give a more um uh General talk and he started to it's like whenmahu's uh the sonan shika and he's giving a partic going in a particular way in terms of the instructions and then he goes on this Divine tangent on the beauty and sweetness of Krishna and it's just Divine Madness and then he's saying that's not what I meant to say what was I talking about before so it remind so G he's saying about different domain like the city's the place of Rajon and and certain parts tagon and the forest was TR additionally saton and that kind of uh environment is conducive for anasham he's talking in now because praa took these rice fields in mayapur and you know turned it into a spiritual city as envisioned by B venod takur so he's talking about the the um what different environments are conducive for in terms of culture and he means to say so in this place well of course we just heard naram Nar doesn't care where you're from or which ASR you're in if you like you're mad about ganga he's mad about you that's it basically same thing B know Tac gri Taco B Takos d same thing but still G is using this as a uh a point that he was making and he always speak speaks thematically and that's when he mentioned the TR sarasti takur his idea his campaign was to establish a Krishna Temple in the heart of everyone of every living being you can say but at least you know everyone and every the heart of everyone because you can say oh remember they're opening a temple remember groomers he's always speaking thematically it's time what is that environment that is best for Spiritualculture you'll pick that place and saying but he said actually my campaign is to make a temple in everyone's heart and then said something because gur is so speaking thematically but what will come to him is not always known it is but new things may come also I'll never know well maybe someday but because I didn't get to ask him but he says he starts talking about Gopi Bajan and he's saying and he used the word Cloister and this is the beautiful part where he's saying connecting it to he'ssaying but Gopi Bajan is that the heart should be The Cloister not that there's a Cloister somewhere and you go there and do your spiritual things and and then you go back into the world he's saying in Gopi Bajan those are his exact words he said The Cloister is the heart and I realiz oh he said Saraswati taker's program was to make every heart a temple for Krishna and then just while we're on the subject he said something again I think some Divine Flow came then he said if you take the Holy Name Of The Lordhe said one day you will find yourself in his Harum and I thought I saying gers you're giving a general talk here that's what he said you have to listen very carefully but that's what he said at that meeting if you take the name of the Lord one day you will find her and very excited you will find yourself in his Haram now oh my God so we don't normally say that that surprised me but then so he's saying this is what he's come to do s gar is saying these things using gopan go and what do we hear six goSwami you know Gopi B mag says they're like drowning in waves of Gopi B that's why they don't need they have the minimal amount of necessity for any sustenance it's not that by denying themselves they've achieved this it's on account of what their internal nourishment that they need the minimum from the external plane it says in the conclusion of the upadesam that to bathe in the waters of rakunda to enter those Divine Waters which grow of the shatani in liquid form it's not ordinary water or as weconceive and praise style for the the par Pras sakis her most intimate serving group it is a rare achievement then what to speak of others that is the one of the points being made there Shar says says in my mind and taking it that the mind and heart are one is synonymous with vrindavan itself so in this way we can understand renaven as a construct of the heart of Shati radharani of her serving tendency these different spiritual Plains are identified and qualified accordingto uh depth of dedication we're accustomed to think of uh planets stars in space and and distance in terms of Miles uh kilometers light years there's some system of measurement but the system of measurement uh for the spiritual planets the spiritual domains is degree of dedication that is what distinguishes uh the lower hemisphere of the spiritual World viun from the upper hemisphere the uh the AA uh plane of goloka renaven and Rupa go Swami addressed is this in the in the SL itsays he's saying there why Mata is superior to vun sometimes gumar has described it he said where satat go Swami go step by step by step in gradual development in briad said rup Swami leaps from baun to Matra bypassing ayodya along the way he says why is matura superior to b janito b MRI uh because uh of the birth pastimes the Vu world is qualified and characterized as two and a half rasas Shanta Dasia and in the case of some oldtime servitors the beginning of uh sakasa some friendship whereas normally we'll takeit the beginning of um parental Vasa is in ioda and the introduction of kugala to Sia but beyond that uh it's extended to the 18, 16,18 Queens in darara and paraka rasa is introduced in reavan but I once asked grar just thinking about these things I said then there must be a difference between a blade of grass in vuna and a blade of grass in reaven we'll think well both shant rasa but if I'm following what you're saying then some their mood of devotion would be different and gurom Mars's responsewas of course and uh he explained the principle that in vavan although we'll take it there's shantar rasa the trees the grass jamuna cows Birds bumblebees peacocks and then uh the friends the gopa balacs the gopies uh nand yesoda the elderly gopies The gopies Who uh breastfed Krishna as their child for a year some Vasa uh and then the parasa of the bra gois uh sh gurv was once explaining something along theselines and he's mentioned it's in the book called religion of the heart speaking of the heart religion of the heart and there he mentions that the impetuousness of Krishna sometimes we know mother Yoda is tending to milk or she's cooking something or whatever and Krishna wants her attention and he wants it now and he wants her to stop everything that she's doing and attend to his entire his wants and desires immediately so discussing this shur da said this is uh uh parak rasa right par so it was published in the bookoriginally something along the lines someone pointed out it seemed to be indicating Paramore relationship between yes and Krishna how is that possible this must be incorrect it should be uh you know some improper uh SED has been given and but if we look carefully that was not what was being said what shur was pointing out this impetuous mood of Krishna was indicative of parak and we say paraka it means the sense of another so shur has explained in gol of reav that paraka is the predominating sentiment uh the cow herdboys they hear rumors that that goal is not one of us or they're thinking that themselves he does extraordinary things I think some people say gopal is not one of us that makes them nervous and the outcome is it makes them um uh Express a greater depth of love in the uh being confronted with his otherness mother Yoda will say she will hear rumors that Krishna is not her son that some people say he's the son of uh vasudev and daki and that he was transferred from Matra to here she doesn't like to hearthat again that is parak the sense that Krishna is belongs to another and what is the end result a greater flow of love and affection from the heart of Yoda so when some devotees hearing partially hearing analysis about shantak Madura swak parak somehow invoking gurum Mar's name they were demeaning vatal yasa when the news of this came to gurum Mar's ear he said my heart is mortified to hear this he said what do they think it is said and don't they know said the first duty every morning of radar and brapis when they rise in the morning isthey go to the doorstep of Yoda and give their dund of and thank the Lord for yesoda whom without which there would be no krishnaa why Goan is superior to reav radak to Goan then rakunda sarag explained once the bank of rakunda and the Waters of rakunda gradation gradation gradation higher finer more refined so to bathe in those Waters means in a particular level of self-giving and self sacrifice so sometimes sh guraj would say 24 hours engagement in Krishna consciousness to the extreme is only possible in Madura rasa at theend of the some advice is given about bathing in the waters of radak SAR quot sarasti takur saying that is not water in the conventional sense to bathe in the waters of rakunda means to bathe in the waters of a particular level of of uh dedication and self sacrifice saying one should bathe in those Waters of self-giving to the extreme that is why it is qualified as radhakund radharani is the one that that Krishna can be in with he's holding back in every other way and RAM Le is constrained by uh Niti Raj Niti and and and other Avatar they havea purpose or some or it's some kind of LC play eat ramachandra one wife and ramela dwara 16,18 queen that sa was expanded the 16 but what about paraka do you have to go to mavan for that and what is that the Forbidden element makes it even sweeter me I grew up in southern Maryland there were these tobacco farms and horses but also apple orchards and these Farmers they would like write their own signs like no trespassing violators may be shot you can't actually do that but they would like you know $250 fine and what we would do is like nowand we climb over the fence and go over the pick the apples come back go back over the fence then run away and hide her on the tree like with our hearts pounding and everything and we're eating these apples and we thought these are the best but actually we have apples at home on a bowl on the table apples bananas oranges peaches all kinds of fruits but why did we think these were better because they were forbidden and stolen and the amount of risk that was involved we risk getting shot by somebody to get them Heartspounding you know so they were just so much better than the ones like sitting on the table at and the bowl looks like a painting so see Krishna and radharani S Radha they're not married they're boyfriend and girlfriend and radani has a husband and you say why is that because see again this stealing forbiddenness that makes it sweeter it's the same thing but because of the Forbidden nature you're doing something wrong it tastes better and that's what Krishna likes so they're always trying to catch Krishna andradharani and especially this one elderly Gopi I thinka she's always she's always saying she's like the mother-in-law and she goes that girl and that boy they're together again I know it and she's telling ran his husband you fool you you know your wife is with that boy right now with that cow her that lowly coward she's with him while we're speaking go look with if you don't believe me go look with your own eyes and see for yourself and so they are together and so abiu her husband he goesokay so and there's Radha and Krishna and so when they're together so Krishna becomes dur the goddess and he showing you know T arms and and and what he sees when he goes to see and he sees radani she's very respectfully like this and she has Pua paraphernalia and she's doing AR and ringing the bell and chanting so many prayers and abiu starts crying my wife what was I thinking [Laughter] that's krishnaa so you can understand why it's so addictive Krishna always wants everyone to understand the glory Beauty andsupremacy of the devotees so once you know sometimes he gets sick that's part of his pastimes with all once Krishna is like senseless and uh he then appears as a physician and you show do worri thing Krishna is like dying and and Krishna comes as this Mystic physician examines him I can cure him how really how require simple actually some water from the jamuna you s then get it immediately well one moment must be brought by a Chase girl no problem but some jamuna water brought by a Chase girl but the pot must be a porous potfull of holes then I can cure him Yesa goes to the mother-in-law and sister-in-law radan they're because we're told they're a little uh I say like they gossip about what's going on in brindavan and question that others are chased they have some like that is so yesoda she's she goes to the appealing because so they must have the best reputation that's the inference so she approaches them and when she explains the requirement that the pot will be full of holes and it only be done by a chasedgirl they're thinking oh no this is impossible but G said yesoda in her Madness the intensity of her Madness convinces uh who is ittila and that they must do this and the Rad's mother-in-law goes first she tries all the water comes out people [Music] like then the other one same thing and they're like and you showa saying is there not a chased girl in vrindavan in the hole of reaven we don't have a chased girl this is Krishna and Krishna lying s and the physician there who's also Krishna then he you go toradharani and I think what they've heard rumors about radharani Krishna this and they go to radharani and she's thinking also this is impossible and only if Krishna will help me can I possibly do this and her sakis all of her she they GA with her and they all go down the jamuna and radan he's got the poorest part and everyone's hoping and she pulls the water and it's perfect not a drop and they bring it back and Krishna lyes and they're administering and krishna's coming back to life and getting hissenses coming back to Krishna [Laughter] Consciousness that he want everyone to know this is she's the real chased person not this show Chase to what to whom that to him and his Divine will whatever he wants she's prepared to sacrifice her reputation herself her life her everything on the altar of self-giving to Krishna arita AR shrimati radharani and what does she say I have this reputation in the world that I have so much Devotion to Krishna but my bad fortune is actually I could not give myself to himfully that's how she thinks bakur lamenting when he left the world I couldn't serve you my Lord who gave us everything that's I couldn't serve you my Lord that's the mood of the devotees how should anyone else think or how should those who are aspiring servitors of her servant servants servants think if the supreme leader personification of Krishna Consciousness is I couldn't give myself radharani's heart is like a lighthouse of Krishna PR right Illuminating all the spiritual existenceand of which this existence is merely a perverted reflection say that the heart of radharani is Illuminating the spiritual World revealing all service to Krishna Soo shuram the whole spiritual world uh VAV in particular is an expression uh divinely conscious soil of her serving tendency to Krishna and the expression and extension of that it is sa May Loca it is difficult for us to conceive the you know erotic principle expressed as sa but nonetheless it is in that plane and gur Mar men sinat go Swami saying as anexample again we hear of baladev having rasa Lea pastin with braies and sinat go Swami says in his heart it's an offering to Krishna just as devotees do different service this it's an B's offering the's heart and service to Krishna sonat Swami reveals that so the complexity of the language of sarasti takur is to um save us from imposing lower uh misconceived um polluted concepts of Aeros upon the Supreme entity and his loving Associates the which is the ultimate disaster why the five chapters of theraso appear in the 10th C of Shad batam what 29 to 34 10 cantos before that beginning with the Jan all the way up first Kanto second all of these things expressed there SUV's introduction in the second Kanto git sukadev why is he the delivering these things because they're so apt to be misunderstood so the the agent has to be someone who is beyond the saguna world even the highest aspect of the saguna world sagon what's Suk go Swami why is helegendary that he was liberated in the womb of his mother before he came out the others when per R ATM asking advice they giving advice based upon what was helpful to them to overcome mundane Tendencies and peric Mara says but you're recommending this he's recommending that I need your consensus seven days I have a short time everybody got together and form a consensus of what I how I should proceed that's when sukadev arrives and they think oh here's that legendary sukadev go Swami who how detached washe is descri you know how he was D what he was wearing D that means he was dressed in the 10 directions he was wearing the 10 directions it's a very beautiful sweet poetic way of saying that he was naked D that's um means dress and de means all the direction dumra he's wearing north south nothing so he didn't even care for a loin cloth but he looks so beautiful 16 years old there's a description of how the beauty of his neck like a conel his form the his skin color everything and all these sages who were expert in the artof physiology they thought here's the qualified person to answer your question so although they're big sages with long beards they elevate a 16-year-old boy to the presidential seat and he'll answer the king's inquiries so that's sukadev why is he selected because when he leaves Vasa Asam what appears to be a anecdotal incident is very significant it's it needs to be there this one little story that the uh Diva Davies they're bathing naked he's like Heavenly lady they're bathing naked in a pond and when SUVgoes by they don't bother to cover themselves but when V the comes vas who's given the mahab compiled the vas puranas Etc when he comes they cover themselves out of shyness he said I don't why they said well that boy we can see in his eyes there's no impurity there he's not the male female uh think that's not in his eyes there's no not even a hint or a tinge of enjoying tendency or exploiting tendency and his gaze so that's one way they're certifying he has no interest in mundaneeroticism of any kind even remotely that's why he becomes the agent for broadcasting the erotic pastimes of Radha and Krishna a man who has no interest in these things never did wasn't once conditioned no he was never conditioned that's why he says by way of introduction I was situated in Nuna PL beyond all mundane we would think well that should be enough should it he says but in that liberated position I heard the utoka the Past Times the slok is expressing the Past Times of radan and Krishna and bragi andI was captured heart soul Consciousness and carried away to another domain that was vastly Superior that I didn't know existed previously that's why he's selected and it certifies that these this erotic principle in unoy devotion the Past Times of radan and Krishna and bra gopis are sent perent pure they're not tensed by even Trace Amounts of exploitive Tendencies so the gop's pr appears to be Cal lust but it's not like the lust of this world that we call PR love but it appears to be similar so I say a prita prita meansmundane apra means like the mundane but not so and not only with regard to uh erotic Concepts but all of it whatever we have here is a perverted reflection it's a perverted reflection of neutrality a perverted reflection of servitorship perverted reflection of friendship a perverted reflection of Parental love a perverted reflection of conjugal love a perverted reflection of Arora but it's similar similar but different as North Pole and South Pole are similar but at at uh diametrically opposed Worlds Apart at the extremes notjust a little different opposites Kama PR near malasar that's what I mean by North Pole South Pole Worlds Apart so it's saying Cal under means dense darkness and gromer said near Mal bascar means dense light as Darkness can be dense and thick so can light and this light it's not like the light here the light this artificial light or sunlight or any such thing have to reconceive light when we think JY and this way it's connected JY I think illumination we know to become enlightened right illumined that's another type ofLuminosity light illumination is revelation so what is light in the conscious plane not talking about objective light we see the sunrise how it's how beautiful it is and it is it's been compared to the Lotus eyes of Vishnu but gomar in his gri explanation Bargo saying this superficially appears to be talking about the Sun how the Sun is Illuminating the world right the sun reveals the world when we're in the uh especially the the Krishna POA means the Dark Moon uh no no visible Moon wait for the sunrise to revealeverything but he's saying the whole world of experience the lower middle higher planetary systems means the world of experience the objective World it appears on one level to be real revealed by the Sun but actually it's Atma the soul that reveals everything without the conscious Observer it's meaningless so really it's a position occupied by the soul Atma and by extension paramatma so there is the paramatma domain world that is Venum worshipable and here gar is sayingandar the Halo of shrimati radharani is Faith and that which reveals Krishna and Krishna conception we're talking about her Bob and kti her Halo heart and Halo the Halo is the outcome of her heart so it's the heart of shrimati radharani that is actually Illuminating Krishna conception and the service of Krishna and without that it's all imagination ficticious wallpaper air Bajan just a play so Heart to Heart transaction from whose heart to whom what is in the heart what is the quality of that heart what is beingtransferred not that after uh you know hitchhiking the universe we're curious about a little curious about Divinity or Krishna gurup and when Krishna takes the guru Rupa the form of Guru radari becomes ganga it's Krishna enveloped under the influence of the heart and Halo of sharani then mud then he's teaching what is Krishna Consciousness it's very interesting because we take it that Guru is the functioning principle of divinity revealing himself but when he wants to teach devotion takes the position ofmaharu has to be under the influence of shaarani to give a full propeper conception of Krishna a devotional conception of Krishna everyone is oning knows so much about Krishna or thinks they do but he has come to broadcast the greatness of Sri radar mahima her glories prma R rasima and what is the highest type of Krishna pray that he wants to be known Krishna descends as Maha prabu to reveal that in the world and to bring others and connection with that Divine substance and you think if mahu descended Rita enveloped in the heart and Halo ofradharani why didn't he come in a female form and those who are why didn't they descend in female forms because it's so likely to be misunder understood uh because that's that's the principal illusion of existence this is it you don't have to look far or think about overthink it it's about this Aeros the erotic principle that is the basis of material existence this you know Bak the Freud got it right right it is the thing it's the driving principle of material existence whatever his flawsmay be on this you know he got it right this is it it's permeating everything he would go so far as to say that even like the arts for example music literature and other type of art all um the result of uh repressed sexual desire that's what's fueling all of this artistic expression and everything else and we see here at this time when it normally rains more when all the animation comes out all these different living beings and they start making what do you think they're talking about it's primarily males trying toattract females that's what all the Caan is that's what all the Caan of the human civilization is primarily this principle AOS the erotic principle it's driving it's the driving principle of existence and if we take it as given in bab it saying the this world is a perverted reflection of the original then we can understand it must occupy a uh it must be in the primary position in the spiritual existence so Bish chakti takur and his interpretation of the first line of the batam which reiterates what was given invant J it's normally means J means like creation it's Etc but his V not always extracting uh this Divine substance and some he's saying here it means ADI that word ADI will not be interpreted here is meaning like Etc but rather the original and what it's telling us is that murasa is the original substance from which everything comes it's the original it's not merely that we we would know only think oh Shanta Dasha Saka but and it culminates in Madura that's not untrue but what is more to the point inthis context is that there is madur orasa at the center that means Radha and Krishna and their Divine paraphernal Associates and from there everything is coming vatalia sakya uh Shanta it is the original substance from which everything is coming how sweet is that so and that substance mad sh it's all dependent upon one person right and it s all of krishna's happiness right means shaarani the better half of the sweet absolute so G says so although the batam although ostensively her name is not mentioned therewhy different explanations are given one being so confidential the nature of what is being discussed that you know like names are being withheld but shami puu in his own explanation is Bri says that and this reveals something about suami saying if he vibrates the holy name of shrimati radharani or the bra gopies it will ignite such a fire of Separation in his heart that he will become dysfunctional he'll be unable to continue how holy is her name so how why we cannot uh countenance the Casual as become fashion a fashion to casually take hername for anything and everything it's unfortunate so he can vibrate that name he will become it will ignite a fire of Separation in his heart so deep he'll be practically destroyed and dysfunctional that's how holy the name of shriti radharani is so G is saying although her name ostensively is not mentioned in the [Music] batam every step every s along the way is meant to take you to one place the service of her holy Lotus feet that is the purpose of the bhagwatam because why because there the highestquality the highest quantity of Krishna conception is revealed distributed uh therefore her name is Krishna as G said it is the greatest literature to have ever seen the light of day in all time all space and all creation that is the book through which everything else can be understood G bhagwatam anything else must be through the lens ofri Chan why because you know Maha Maha pru II his other self R dadar he wrote the notes raganas expanded them and they um Extended it tokrishnadas it's incomparable so perfect kabami gives you a couple verses from mentions VI and chidas and hardly align to be found from them so what does that tell you you like oh then I got to get a copy of that no you don't unless you just want to worship it put on yourself and like do a Puja or something but that he's selected a few means that's what you give your attention to and if you can appreciate the few that he's given exposure to then something further could be considered so and then example also and like in thewest The Poets you know and the English poetry took the Italian forms to express and all that and the great poets there and I don't mean to demean them any way I uh rever them but they speak of asence alliteration you know the within and different types of Rhymes and all these things and it's true and it's wonderful I also employ it from time to time but uh in the Poetry of GAD when maharu would hear this he would go into an ecstatic trance for nine hours at what it flood the the emotions flooding his heart but the beauty of itgur would sometime what did man Krishna he said good for uh chanting but not telling or in other words like I Can chant this but I'm not going to explain it and I'll say I'm going to chant this and I couldn't explain it so you don't have to worry but just the sound of it is so beautiful and if you listen first I'll just say it and then point out something and say it again [Music] so if you listen to like la la la then so la laand then what like the coals we have here so la la la la cool it's so beautiful that's just like what's going on on that level you can't even if it's so beautiful there whatever is being expressed there I I'm I'm not bothered by not knowing you and it's enough for me to know that when mapu would hear this it would cry in Sant tears and it would put him in a trance so until my Guru Vara explains that to me I'm quite content and not eager to hear it from oh so and so one girlsone she Mars can youtell me about the Russ OFA and I go no no we going talk about he goes no and it was in calat he goes no but a man on the bus was explaining it to me oh that guy on the bus right who we supposed to like Target so when um jaave and see the humility of the he's like when they count the poets like with they go like one two and I think I don't even know if they get the three it's like two and a half or something but jaave certainly in there so this ginda and he so great but he doesn't assume anything like G he's so great butlike something would come up he he would sometimes like make Anonymous phone calls to lower level devotees in another like just to see what they were saying and then factor that in with his calculation he didn't think oh I'm goind Mars trained by Guru Mars you know laed by Swami Mars M Mars B you know no he's saying like H I have to carefully consider this and meditate thing and pray is it right or not so jaad Dave he's not saying you know I am arguably one of the greatest Poets of all time anything I write isgold golden inspired he doesn't think like that so we're told the this that and love affairs we observe it in this world but it's mentioned by Rupa go Swami that sometimes there's a cause for anger like Krishna going through the courtyard to the house of another Gopi but sometimes there is no cause there's no legitimate reason it's just a mood [Laughter] so anyway he has to consider all these things and he's writing and got some flow the inspiration coming you know and then he writes some he thinks of writingsomething and like go like I'm getting carried away this is too much I need to take a break put down the quill or the Scribe whatever you know and like go take a little pradum maybe rest a little you know think about that this is too much yeah like like maybe it's it might even be offensive right I'm going to have operad in my poetry no and what he's referring to is in these um loving uh quarrel radan and Krishna that at one point Krishna realizes that he's behaved inappropriately and he feelsapologetic and he bows down he gets on his hands and knees and touches the holy Lotus feet of shrimati radharani and begs forgiveness and that's when he like this is my IM ination or I'm going insane I'm losing my mind or I'm this is an egoist exercise like stop so he doesn't write that he like put the pen down you know step away from the palm leaf so he goes to bathe then takes him padum you and while he's doing that Krishna takes the form of JV go Swami like perfectly to a hair DNA you know andBeyond so he go then Krishna comes and he writes in these words and then puts the pen down and then jv's wife sees her husband and and serves him and the custom in that time the wife serves the husband and then after he's done then she takes so she's and like oh such appetite he has today increase you know like tell have more have more you know like he's relishing all of this because Krishna Baba janardana he's it's that he can't resist devotion it's not an act he's really enjoying this it's what hedoes so then he goes to the room you know vanish and then PMA now she's taking that's gav's wife you know then the I don't I was going to say the real gav but I not even sure but giad comes back from and he sees his wife eating and that's like not the custom and he goes why are you eating now I haven't taken anything and she's going what no what do you mean you ate so much you like no I'm not eaten a thing he said my dear husband you finished your manuscript very and seemed to be pleased with what you'd writtenthere then you obeyed came here took present what what no I could not finish no you finished and he's he goes and sees and in the man he sees written by Krishna probably in his handwriting though he's a great forger that Krishna right he wrote that what J was hesitate thought did not trust what was coming from his heart right we say you know but the higher devotees they don't trust that in a sense they only trust the hearts of other devotees they think what has come to me it's suspect but no puuwe think it's something real and wonderful then they oh how fortunate I am the vavas recog say that this has substance then maybe it does it must I have faith in them when that uh pragmatist said we should concern ourselves with the opinions of those who matter and means to make a case for humanism and I thought like no you're right and you know VX popul is not VX de and I don't mean to be be uh insensitive and in a normal sense of the world but the opinion of these people and if you have any experience at all in the worldyou know it doesn't matter you know so whose opinions matter bnti the vavas what is their opinion right so I don't mean we should be cruel or callous like I shouldn't have to like give a footnote every five minutes that I'm speaking in a particular context right people need to like move on and understand the value of negativity and stop with all the positive [Laughter] stuff that will be another superconductors of negativity negativity is humility but so then that J seeing like what I hesitated to express I was not overlyconfident in my own assessment of things Krishna wrote and like oh my God he wants people to know this that he gets on his hands and knees and bows down and touches the Lotus feet of radani and begs her forgiveness he wants the world to know that he wants it to be broadcast from the hill mountains right that's the kind of Lord he is and that's how great she is but we would be remiss if we didn't say the another s Kim pante that gur with quote from rup P were saying that radharani always wins that we should know she alwayswins when Krishna wants to do that and those things that he's said I'm a and she said what are you doing have you lost your mind I am the offender everyone says I have so much Devotion to you and I am the greatest R all he said it's not true I'm a fraud I couldn't give myself to you I don't have a scent of the fragrance of Krishna PR what to speak of a drop of that Divine substance that resonates in the heart of maharu he those are the things from radharani he's expressing not erotic uh that's likelyto be interpreted as mundane never these things sarasti takur would meticulously suppress any emot lest neopit be misled there are very rare occasions like they saw he was just looking at the chaan bwat being proof and they saw like all these different ecstatic symptoms and waves go over his Divine form while he is doing his best to suppress them means irresistible causeless and irresistible so the first line of defense for the devotees is to resist and if you can resist it it's not that thing if it cannot be resisted it maybe then again you may be cheating yourself in the thinking it is and he saysi so and but well what you don't have a drop it we see gungal likee tears pouring out of your eyes and gur would say m saying oh you don't know that is to deceive the innocent public into thinking I'm a Krishna and that I have some affection for Krishna but it's not true it's to deceive people that I'm show crying and showing these things that's from maharu who radab Baba Duty veloped in the heart of radani andthe radiance of that heart is turned Shas Sund and gorang Sundar so at sarasti takur who meticulously suppressing any display of emotion L neap fites be misled G said in behind closed doors with uh select group of disciples when he would quote the vapa ofas Swami his prayers and separation from R and and shaarani herself he said he would start wailing uncontrollably and what are those SL what are as my aspiration is the service of yourholy lordis Fe G said a direct prayer to radharani is that appropriate she's the devote she ultimate she is the you knowa rasa AAR she's the guru she is Guru in the ultimate sense all gurs who are real and substantial are but her uh surrogates and delegated Representatives so he's praying the guru but the Supreme Guru and saying my aspiration is to serve your holy Lotus feet without that what is the value of my life more important than my life reavan more important reavan Krishna Krishna is a Dreadful thingwithout you that beautiful inconceivably beautiful Shas sunnd Krishna without you bakarapi the demon killer not the sweet Krishna so that verse would bring this waves of ecstatic emotions from him again saying how important is her position says that Krishna why not use Krishna as an example you know how does he feel about her we hear what she feels about how does he feel what does he sayuh when radar is moving in the plane of service if some Breeze from her skirt comes upon kishna the breeze he considers that he's achieved the most valuable treasure and then what he say y that right who what yog means the king of the Y yog dur very rarely do they have a glimpse of what you know his Parma feature what they speak of Krishna from a distance so what is's conclusion if Krishna is saying the breeze from her skirt I think I've got the most valuable treasure that Krishna M who is very rarely glimpsed by the kings of theyogis she's so great then what is my position t the B then I worship the direction in which she appeared that would be close enough for me appropriate the direction the very direction in which she appeared is worshipable to me and brishan he doesn't mention a name directly that's why they don't do that while all these fools are running around uh mindlessly saying her name you don't see that ever from these devotees how delicately uh they're dealing with this subject but all the while maintaining this heart'saspiration for okay because we always think it's about Krishna and certainly it is but that Krishna whom it's all about he wants the world to know who is his beloved and that he considers her Superior to him so Superior that he wants to be he wants to experience what is like to be her that is inconceivable so he descends a Shri mahu when it's time for the Yuga Avatar the Yuga Dharma Naman Kiran but who likes to sing the name of Krishna more than radharani so now he it's not could wesaying like Krishna he wants to keep hearing his own name [Laughter] as radharani is hearing the name Krishna and that's making him mad and making and so full of ecstasy he can't contain it and it is released an ecstatic dance it's overflowing ecstatic overflowing and ecstatic downs and then and what is he doing taking more Nam Krishna Nam Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna as we hear kishna so thatKrishna maharu he wants the world to know radar mahima the greatness of radharani right no one is more Krishna conscious than her if we are interested in the pursuit of Krishna Consciousness then it must be in connection with her otherwise what kind of Krishna Consciousness is that and who is her greatest advocate ganga Maha pru Krishna enveloped in the heart and Halo of Shati radharani radar Mima Prim rasa Sima and he's plunging the depths of rad radab to experience the limits or unlimits of her Divine loveso gurudev again said very succinctly he said in a one sentence he uh draw our Focus he said what is Maha pru's tasting matter that's the sentence that he said right we can say as we will and it's true as we're approaching gor Pima that mahu he descended for the Yuga the beginning of theat these two brothers and it's very beautiful how they've come uh and is delivering the Yuga Darwhich isna the bat concludes with this the will get it others will not says you know refined theistic intellect they'll understand the Primacy of the Past Times of shanya mahu they are not peripheral it's not we thought so like there's Krishna Consciousness oh and then Prophet added gor wow it just gets better you they're not peripheral the Pas times of maharu they'reCentral they're primary it is through them that one makes their approach Krishna himself has descended rad Krishna Krishna rrishna this is their method of Distributing reav and the RAS madasa Etc it's not peripheral or optional think of those words he's not saying why did mahab he said what is his tasting matter the taste in bangala Sans as like there it is one of the three reasons given for his descent to experience the love it say Vana that she alone possesses that's veryinteresting you mean to say like you know nand yesoda they don't possess this type of Love don't they love Krishna yes they do the coward boys the GOP gopies they all love Krishna uh what what does that mean when it said that she alone possesses that is described as mahab mahab bini Radha takani this she is the mahab SW that means the highest tit of Krishna PR its ultimate expression highest quality and highest quantity because VAV and as G said it's that plane where substance and form are one we generally argue in favor ofsubstance over form as G said if they're both if it's seamless that's great if not we lean towards substance but he reminded us on he said but in vavan substance and form are one right that's why the and proper Liberation proper the SW the form is the expression of the devote of the devotion right as I mentioned elsewhere in the material world that uh the body the biological expression of the Soul's delusion so theuh counterpart if that's the word what it means the opposite anyway the opposite of that would be that well what would be the expression of the Soul's uh enlightened position SW the as the mundane form is built built upon uh exploiting Tendencies the spiritual form the SW is comprised of dedicating tendencies all chinin the spiritual form they're all comprised of dedicating Tendencies a you know conglomeration of so expressed so all this devotion is expressed in a spiritual form and even so far as the paraphenaliaof that servator their cloth clothing their if they have an instrument or something it's part of their [Laughter] SP so what is it was saying that she alone possesses that was already indicated well it's you know when is almost irrelevant and these things but in Ram because it's M8 but when did it it doesn't matter its own authorial voice is the proof so the Shand like because it has to be shown to what degree is she Superior like if it's what does it say the uh rad of the two radani is better thanchandali well like a little better you know marginally better so in ramananda sad ramananda who's vishaka saki we should remember quotes the ginda as gurar says quality gives us relief from mathematics it's a very beautiful saying quality gives us relief from mathematics we find what ramananda says in ramananda sad then we understand it's not that she's marginally better than chandravali or other gopies so what did he say that descriptions vary from anywhere that the RAs has millions of gopies billions of gopies or trillionsof gopies and remember on the basis of what I just said Each one their beautiful forms are the outcome of their dedicated devotional Tendencies and remember these gopies as Krishna expands and radani these gopies are Inc conceivably beautiful and unique there no two that are identical krishna's playing the flute summoning the gopis for rasa so we think what can be higher than that but this is the rupanuga line ratas Swami is the priogen T is a rupanuga so and this is from shuru maharage otherwise how can we possibly speak ofthese things he said makes these sort of observations so he says theas he that's a general thing like many different groups all the groups are there remember sometimes we hear three billion all the different groups of gopies are participating saying but prosi so we have Madan moan goind gopath but with go go Indi in the center where Rupa go Swami is located here and the goind de pra Al means with a selected group of gopies by inference it means shrimati radharani's groupalone so these are more uh the word exclusive group and pastimes vishaka who's also expert at singing and dancing singing and dance and everyone is wowed you know as we can imagine and you imagine someone is because we know in this world when they say like someone's like the best singer the best dancer but what if you actually are like the best singer or dancer in like all the three Worlds how can vishaka saki sing and dance we can't imagine but she does and then then that causes Lita to come out and singand dance and let's just say that she surpasses vishaka which they would there would be no argument but then radharani seeing this thinking like oh I see I'm like one of the gopies assembled here right so as guru's deity is name Gandara and Saras takur empasis Gandara and radharani who's singing and dancing to enchant Krishna and not just maintenance enchantment but you know mind bewildering Madan moan moini type bewilderment so rad harani starts singing and dancing and this is the most inconceivably beautiful wonderful thinganyone's ever seen or heard but taking it at Krishna like so you think I'm one of the gopies of the trillion so she so Superior singing and dancing and Krishna is probably momentarily bewildered and then she leaves in a huff at the equal treatment it go off and there's so there's so so say a trillion minus one right so you can like like hardly noticeable a trillion minus one but Krishna he's saying like what happened they saying why he's saying the whole quality of this experience is likegoing down what happened it's no longer so relishable de you know not to say that it's nothing but he observed the whole quality of the experience the quality has gone down as guran said quality gives us relief from mathematics one can be greater than a trillion and this type of math so what is Rand quote Jami one line from ginda R his heart belongs to radharani tag he gave up a trillion minus one for one and went in search of that one that's how that's spiritual math to showthis one what areality like and then you say you could even think like so you mean she's equal to a trillion gopies no it's just the number to work with she's so Krishna cannot estimate her qualities but this helps us understand that she canels a trillion gopies brag gopies of the highest quality in order a trillion of them and Krishna leaves behind to go search for this one because of her uh Superior qualities infinitely Superior qualities so Krishna goes searching for her and that's AUM in the one of the of Swami thatobserving her kuki means curiosity it awakened this curiosity in Krishna what it is like to be her to experience what she experiences so as gurv said what is Maha pru's tasting matter means yes he descended and delivered the Yuga Dharma but with the select group of his most confidential internal servitors namely ramananda and sadar rasa Ashan he's tasting but what again but what is he tasting this Krishna we already said he knows everything there is to know aboutenjoyment right again G very simply saying what is the difference between Narayan and Krishna and Narayan vun Narayan uh one Lakshmi for one Narayan we've seen the pictures you know you see one likes me to one likes me and likes me andan lik meion and that's a wonderful thing and what is Brahma hundreds of thousands millions and trillions of LM for one Krishna only one Krishna but trillions of them for this one Krishna so it gives us a hint of his enjoying capacity so has rasar Raj Krishna who is the king of rasaright Rasika sh and all these different places indicated has he come to try and understand uh the joy of Union he's the king of that that so that's what he want he's come to this world he wants to understand that no we're told that when after he searched for her and found her that and then they're together and they go and then rajarani saying oh from all the singing and dancing I'm exhausted you know if you want to go any further you have to carry me so then Krishna is carrying raran andthen at one point he goes to sit her down and when he places her down her eyes are CL she thinking I'm so fortunate Krishna left a trillion gopies just to be with me she understands math too and she's sing like that how fortunate I am and it's at that moment when she's feeling perceiving what is Con her greatest fortune that Krishna vanishes so when she opens her eyes there's no Krishna now we have to say when one of the Disciples of Shakti takur presented this to him he couldn't hear iteven this shows you the degree of his love for radharani his exclusive devotion he refused to even consider this the devote we could say innocently or whatever brought up this subject s why do you mention that there's no Devotion to be found there like dismissed he couldn't even think about it that's how finely tuned his heart is with you know um sish means rajarani baraban Davi do who's very dear toher but Guru Maharaj he his thinking is radharani is always in the superior position see gur has a particular ontological method so in his heart he he knows this and believe this that radharani is always in the superior position so if apparently that's not being a a a uh if if that is not apparent in these pastimes there must be some other way of interpreting them where she is still seen in the primary position that's where he starts and then he is scanning bako taku and other things and what he finds isthat like the Rupa go Swami SLO all these things are uh thematically uh and the chinoy threads connecting them so Ros swam says it awoken the Curiosity in Krishna seeing her and the leaving all the BR of sundies to go search for her Etc so he said he found them B you know talk that Krishna hid himself in a kja and from there he could see her and he wanted to see because he's already astonished by what she's exhibiting in Union but he thought what is it like for her when she is separated from me that I would like tosee and what he saw that we can say from assembling various points of view and references was when he and that tree imal where he decided to descend as maharu and what what is that going to be the tasting matter what she experiences in separation that he wants to experience what he sees happens to her in separation from him the AA saika vicar these different eight types of e ex ecstasy simultaneously present to like an infinite degree that he wants to experience so when he comes when G said what is his tasting matter his tasting matter isseparation as Guru says as well hunger makes eating all the more enjoyable right there's even the common expression hunger is the best spice that is his tasting matter goind V goind separation from Krishna why because the force of affection upon the heart that's placed upon the heart and separation squeezes out a superior the most Superior type of Krishna PR Superior substance radita those sentiments her particular type of self-giving self- sacrifice and the expression of divine love from her heartand here supports gurum Mar's language of saying he plunders the wealth of our heart steals because I heard gumar say this and I accept that but still if someone pressed me and I had to give her say oh here in Theos Swami is also saying steel plunder and for various reasons we say the the wealth of her heart she does not want to part with easily and the arti song you hear and saying when she sees that Krishna is now enveloped in her heart that you know uh Manda Su she's smiling mildly Krishna Consciousness is isradharani's consciousness that that's what Krishna Consciousness is that's why he descended in the world what her to give extensions of her Consciousness to others and it's called Krishna Consciousness she is Krishna Consciousness personified and to an extreme degree we cannot conceive rup go Swami says in the beginning of the Bindu or the intro there that uh or it's referenced at one point that two types of snall affection Love and Affection deep love and affection one he calls gr and the other one Maru SN and GN itcompares to G and he says what is that symptom by like I am yours to think I belong to Krishna I think well that's that's the right mood you know Krishna Das radad dasi we belong to Radha and Krishna that's very good and that's chandravali and her group rani's opposition group but M the the type of deep love and affection compared to Honey is when they say you are mine they feel possessive over Krishna like those girls we saw in brindavan who assemble at the kadumba tree to sing songs for thousands of years the songsabout Krishna climbing the kaduma tree stealing the garments of the gopies playing his flute punishing Kalia all these things they feel that Krishna belongs to them he is their Krishna so rubo said that feeling that you possess Krishna that is superior and that's the type of possession uh feeling of possession that exist in that Realm of the higher servitors but so G so one level I am yours next level you are mine and he said and then what do we get from the ma Maya bodies I am you and the quote former the former world's leadingAuthority on Hinduism Al Basham when I heard him lecture in UCLA and talk he's a closet in my opin closet Krish knite and he said on this whole I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together notion he said I don't know if I want to be you I rather like being me and one line he just showed the uh uh Ridiculousness of this whole thing said I don't want to be you I want to be me I just got to be me kind of thing it's different than self Oblivion where someone is so lost than the other it'sas if they've lost their identity but they've not right Brahma K once when as having a back and forth discussion with someone about SAS names and and and the vava tradition and whether they were certain names were legitimate or not and uh he suggested that he said well this name padti that that's not a vava concept adti Supreme Oneness how is that name for a vava sasi had given name bakti Al so when he was explaining this gromer said began by saying yes Oneness that is the you know uh the ultimate conclusionthe ultimate conception we're going like what prad warned us about this is this not that poison raining into our ears of course it was not and we weren't actually thinking like that but I'm just trying to set this up so said Oneness that's the highest conception and he said but what is it you know Krishna rad Krishna when Radha and Krishna combine as one INRI Maha pru and Bak look at me in the light of the conception of Ganga Maha pru is the Divine combination of radhan Krishna that is our aspiration as we told andBrahma Krishna is described as right the seductive Beauty charm and sweetness of 10 million Cupids personified as one an inconceivable beautiful Divine form and G says reality the beautiful so how do you improve on that right so to speak then we hear shrimati radharani her Divine quality how beautiful and Charming is she Madan moan moini as Krishna so Charming can break the strangle hold that Cupid has on the heart radharani Mohan he can bewilder Madan Madan moan ratar Madan moan moan moini she so beautiful charming andirresistible to Krishna that he becomes bewildered in her presence so how beautiful is he we cannot uh say Express in this world it's only alluded to and various place when the queens of darara and they go to uh uh sidah ashra kurra and they've heard about the beauty of krishna's childhood sweetheart and brindavan radharani and they're thinking rmin you know lakman satama like they know they're also inconceivably beautiful they're thinking how beautiful could she be but they hear all thesestories and that she has this pull on Krishna that he's always feeling separation from her from reavan but from her she is V brindavan is a construct of her heart right her heart soil it's made out of that so they're wondering and when they go and they're waiting eagerly for a glimpse of radharani and she's brought in on a palen by the ropies and we're told because we can't because uh her exess her beauty and detail but just through inference the queens of dwara when they see the beauty of radharanithey faint they've never seen someone so beautiful that they faint then we can have a hint of that so if you combine Madan moan moini and Kar Gus R Krishna we can't that's too much to even conceive the combinate that you could combine them into [Music] one so G [Music] as Krishna you know 10,000 cubits seductive charm Beauty sweetness Etc 10 million Cupids will faint to see the beauty of Street[Music] 10 million Cupids in fullblown cupidity rasar M that's how sweet and beautiful is the form of Maha pru so think the beauty of Krishna reality the beautiful and and the beauty of radani combined in one it's too much to conceive that's the beauty of Maha pru when ramananda detects that ganga is Krishna well at F he's he's he's sort of discovering hisidentity and it says gor Ang nahi Etc maharu says actually I'm not golden you're right no you're go wrong he said no I actually I'm not by my own nature he said but by radas by the touch of shrimati radharani I've become golden this is how he's revealing who he is so you have a person who saying I'm not ganga I'm not gor Anga but by radas I became gor Anga and then to spell it out clearly says whom does she touch whom does she Embrace there's only one person she Embraces brajendra Nandan Krishna ShasKrishna only that person so he's telling him and that's who I am but by her touch by her loving Embrace I've become ganga Ganga suar but I'm normally shamasundar so these things actually can only be discussed with the bowed head and folded Palms if we've heard something from our Guru Vara but they describe these things all in a very delicate way but the very fact that Krishna has descended asri Maha pru radhaa duty subita means she wins okay she always wins she's always in the superior position what a tribute there is no uhparallel p on her side you understand there is no such thing he wants to embrace her position she doesn't think like I wonder what do you like to be dis Supreme enjoyer that's anti-d devotional mentality and if someone says oh sometimes in separation the gopies imitate Krishna that's true and their Madness but they're not trying to uh usurp his position as the ADI perusa just in The Madness of their separation they you know some I come to punish Kalia you they they've just lost their gopy B Minds you know waiting forKrishna to return so they're in enacting his pastimes as a means of remembering him invoking his presence but that Krishna has been uh converted into a devote is just about the most amazing thing that's ever [Laughter] happened so the higher devotees they're devotees of Maha pru the highest devotees of Radha and Krishna are devotees of Sri chananya maharu and once someone enters getss a connection with their Lotus feet V they undergo a transformation from the uh from a exploiting agent to a dedicating agent but when they turn intoa dedicating agent then their heart is filled with aspiration and a sense of possession he Krishna for