视频-From Abstract God to the Ultimate Sweet Person
📺视频-From Abstract God to the Ultimate Sweet Person
视频|2024-9-9|Last edited: 2024-9-16




  • 💖 全心爱神:全心全意地爱神是理解神性的关键。
  • 🤔 上帝的本质:上帝是个人化的、非个人化的,还是两者兼具?
  • 📖 经典经文:不同经典提供了不同层次的启示真理。
  • 🌌 终极现实:终极现实是美、爱和甜蜜。
  • 🌼 克里希纳和拉达:克里希纳和拉达代表了至高无上的神圣关系。
  • 🌟 超越理解:精神理解超越了人类的理性理解。
  • 🎨 意识的区别:意识将精神现实与单纯的物质性区分开来。


  • 💞 全心爱神:全心全意地爱神是把握神圣本质的关键,这有助于促进更深层次的灵性联系。
  • 🔄 神性的双重本质:上帝既可以被视为抽象的也可以被视为个人化的,这提供了多维度理解神性的方式。
  • 📚 启示真理:不同的经典提供了关于上帝的不同见解,强调了全面精神学习的必要性。
  • 🌈 终极现实:真实的现实特征是美和爱,这表明神性本质上是具有吸引力和迷人的。
  • 👥 神圣关系:克里希纳和拉达代表了神圣爱的典范,展示了精神领域中的理想关系。
  • 🧠 超越理解:神性超越了理性理解,促使个人敞开心扉,接受精神体验。
  • 🌌 意识超越物质性:精神领域由意识定义,而非单纯的地理位置,突显了意图性精神发展的重要性。

🤗 视频

超越感官的东西,这里强调的就是它不是一种客观体验,超越了感官、心智和 intellect。神圣的名字在任何情况下都可以被念诵。济瓦·戈斯瓦米告诉我们,所有这一切的基础是无可思议的力量,主有着无可思议的能力、特性和乐趣。你怎么能理解那些无可思议的东西呢?所以我们有圣名、形状、特性和游戏,从声音和形态中显现出来。
在MOOC上,有个很大的Evaro Shyam Avis,当它下线的时候,如果有必要,正确的代词是patina pari prosna,保存啊,如果保存是真心的,Sessa t-那么灵魂可以降临,动动舌头,让耳朵听到,让舌头品尝,其他一切灵魂都可以操控物质。对于精神文化,反之则不可能,眼睛能看到克里希纳的形象,拥有神圣的视野,意志用我们的舌头颤动克里希纳的名字,用耳朵去倾听。
you should love God with your whole heart your soul etc all right good and that God what does he look like is he alone what does he do where does he live does God married does he have a girlfriend is he in a relationship relationship status complicated [Laughter] is the ultimate reality something impersonal abstract is it personal is it multi-dimensional can it be impersonal localized and super personal all these things will have to be considered everyone wants divinity to be within the realm of human comprehension humanfeasibility what we think is possible rationally okay that's why people are not interested in God or what little or nothing to do with it this is what girl Mars says about taking us down the spiritual common-sense I can sit here we can quote so many scriptures verses but also just use your common sense - we'll have to understand something about the nature of reality is reality personal or impersonal or is it both we'll have to have you know understand these things otherwise you have nothing to measure it against if you don'tunderstand the nature of the absolute then the idea that all things are relative there's no way of measuring what is superior inferior progressive regressive so you you have to come to the point of becoming acquainted with the absolute and saying no I don't believe in God or spirit ok that's your choice for those who do there's a way to systematically study these things that means you accept a principle of revealed truth here there's one level of revealed truth in the Bible or the Quran or theTorah there's another level of revealed truth in the Vedas Upanishads the Puranas another level of revealed truth in the Mahabharata the Bible time how serious are you to know these things there are many levels that they're to be understood on it's like the spiritual version of a unified field theory just like the Upanishads say they're trying to know that one thing upon knowing which everything can be known so it's easier for people to accommodate the infinite as being greater than the greatest that they can think of or evensmaller than the smallest Saraswathi talked or didn't favor the term God because generally you say God that nothing definite abstract almost impersonal god distant remote lacking definition he preferred Godhead proud like Krishna the supreme personality of Godhead implying there were other personalities of Godhead back to ohm poor nama doc Pournami Dom even though he's totally complete and perfect can still expand into more a great amateur demon a demon onto roopam odd young purana pollution Nova venom chaunlimited expansions and who is he piranha Purusha he's the oldest person but he is also eternally youthful he looks more and more young and beautiful and charming and sweet and irresistible attractive so how can those things be considered at the same time the oldest person who's an eternal youth what would be the most superior position as one is all accommodating all permeating what's the central conception of the infinite all attractive via again there's only one thing to be known but that onesubstance can be understood in three aspects Brahman there it has a seemingly impersonal abstract side to it that's all accommodating and Paramatma it has a localized all permeating aspect that's smaller than the smallest within everything but its ultimate expression is bug of on personality and not just a male personality but male the predominating moiety the supreme male predominated moiety the supreme female and they have loving exchange reality the beautiful that the ultimate reality is beauty love charm and sweetness soit's that supreme absolute truth Brahma parmatma Bhagwan but even within Bhagwan there's gradation from lakshmi narayan Sitaram Rukmini Dora Cadiz and Radha Krishna in the Raja gopis in Brindavan and that's in line with the central conception of the absolute the ultimate reality is Radha and Krishna by the most advanced brains of our time at best they can conceive of God is like well everything there is if they're pushed they'll come up with something like that basically something that'sabstract or tending towards impersonalism but the idea that God could be a person is beyond their mental intellectual capacity the central conception of the infinite the appropriate a Leela of Krishna which is Prakriti like mundane but not human like human-like dimensions human-like proportions the human-like pastimes of divinity are superior to the majestic aspect of divinity that we generally call God Krishna consciousness really is all about gradation which means understanding superior and inferior the absolute must exist to fulfill his ownpurpose but he's the his ecstatic by nature rasul visa and tasteful usually the conclusion of all the tasting it culminates in sweetness same-same Krishna conception so if we understand how in conceivably beautiful and attractive Vishnu is then this will take on increased connotation and meaning when we hear Maha Vishnu once a glimpse of Krishna wants to see the beauty of Krishna how beautiful he must be even other forms of Krishna want to see have a glimpse young Shama sundaramma cinta guna swaroopam naam Rupa guna Leela thename form qualities pastimes of Krishna grahyam indriyaih there beyond the grasp of the senses this is reinforcing what it said it is not an objective experience it's beyond the grasp of the senses the mind and the intellect the holy name proper so that Holy Name can be taken under all circumstances Jiva Goswami telling us a cinta Shakti at the basis of all this the Lord has inconceivable potency inconceivable attributes inconceivable pastimes how will you conceive what is inconceivable and so we saint nama Rupaguna Lila from sounds form appears not that form will give enhanced sound I'll chant the holy name of Krishna before the picture no serving the Holy Name properly under the guidance of Guren bison of the proper conception of the form of Krishna will appear shamisen there Krishna what does he look like a chant you gonna swoop this whoop this form has inconceivable qualities it will say why is Krishna this color why is he like that it's an inconceivable color an inconceivable form it's promised adviceleave your mind at the door leave your intellect at the door don't try to measure him a toxic Rashad Ahmad in above Yeager jung-min VA Rupa Goswami saying here krishna naam is beyond what you can vibrate with your tongue understand what's your mind and your intellect then what are we doing nama Rupa guna Leela the form of Krishna cannot be seen with your eyes mind or intellect the qualities of Krishna cannot be understood in that way what to speak of the pastimes of Krishna and we're dedicating our lives to this kind ofculture so then how is it possible save on MOOC a huge Evaro Shyam Avis pour tada when if it is in out of service necessity right pronoun patina pari prosna save ah if it's save genuine heart Sessa t-then the spirit can descend and move the tongue make the icy make the ear here and make the tongue taste and everything else spirit can manipulate matter for spiritual culture the inverse is not possible that the eye will see the image of Krishna a deity and have a divine vision the will vibrate krishna naam with our tongue listen with our earand purify our hearts the inverse is true the the descent of the holy name form qualities of krishna through his agents Saru Shastra guru and Vaishnav can through the ear into the heart out of service necessity come outward from the heart and expression right then it can be a spiritual activity everything in the spiritual world is composed of consciousness we're addicted to because we live in the world of time and space and we're and measurement we're always measuring sayings this is that far fromhere and thailand is this far from India or Russia we think like that so we hero rah IO Diaz here and Vai Quinta's over there and go we can't think of it in terms of time and space you need to think of it in terms of conscious development dedicating conscious tendency that's what separates spiritual regions from one another is it a conscious development of dedicating tendency not some topographical cartographic type representation of it which an artist is likely to do if they make a painting you know put goloka hereand then the bike went the world and then like that but we're told chin Tama knees turn on a Bouchon among and on them the whole thigh couldn't the world is accommodated in an atom of goloka so you have to really change your thinking about that in one little piece of rock candy there's a VAT of sweetness condensed in those this is his example to help us understand so they're all the opulence of the bike went the world can be concentrated in an atom of the soil of goloka vrindavan small this beautiful reality thebeautiful the human-like pastimes they are supreme means that we can't have some stereo typical thinking about these things so the beginning of the bagua tom says moo-hyun T at Surya what to speak of you and me and ordinary people the gods and goddesses are bewildered at trying to properly assess understand estimate Krishna conception when we say Krishna he's not used were unrestricted as guru Mars told once much to everyone's surprise when he said Krishna's autocrat despot and liar when we heard all right we get itautocrat reality exists for itself by itself desperate there should be no check on because he's the absolute good everything he does is absolutely good for everyone but one devotees have but liar and guru I said yes because you're not ready to hear the truth like in the movie whether now knows you can't handle the truth so it's something like that we can't handle the truth as part of that truth that the ultimate reality krishna his appearing human-like and human-like dimensions proportionstendencies form krishna is only fully krishna with Radharani can he become more beautiful we can't say or anything Radha and Krishna separate how inconceivably beautiful they are but what if they combine we can't even conceive that they said the sarva-bhutanam at karna 64 qualities what if you add 25 qualities to the 64 Radha bhava Duty what if you envelop krishna in the heart inhaler of Radharani how inconceivably beautiful mahaprabhu is this divine combination of Radha and Krishna combined as one onlythat could be relatively speaking more beautiful than Krishna that's Mahaprabhu the gods are descending and human forms have a glimpse of the beauty of mahaprabhu sometimes they're together as one mahaprabhu then apart Radha and Krishna together is Mahaprabhu gora Lila and Krishna Lila running in parallel eternally you

🔗 引用

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