



  • 🧘‍♂️ 精神视角:性可以通过精神的视角来看待,关注更深层的联系,而不仅仅是肉体的欲望。
  • 🔄 人类与动物本能:与动物不同,人类能够进行超越基本需求(如饮食、睡眠、交配和恐惧)的精神探索。
  • 🎯 优先考虑法则(Dharma):精神目标应指导生活中的行为,包括性行为,而不是让欲望主宰人生旅程。
  • 📜 印记(Samskaras):精神中的仪式帮助转化印象,专注于生命的神圣目的。
  • 💡 对灵魂的好奇心:理解灵魂的旅程使人优先关注高于肉体欲望的事物,从而实现精神上的满足。
  • 🚀 欲望的升华:精神修行者将性欲引导向更高的精神目标,丰富他们的精神体验。
  • 🌌 更高的快乐:来自精神联系的快乐超越肉体的愉悦,提供深刻的满足感。


  • 🧘‍♂️ 性作为精神工具:性不仅仅是生理行为;它可以被视为实现神圣目的的手段,强调行为背后的意图的重要性。
  • 🦁 人类存在的本质:人类通过提出存在性问题而与众不同,使他们能够追求超越生存本能的更深层意义。
  • ⚖️ 平衡物质与精神:承认并控制性欲能引导更深层的精神道路,避免妨碍精神成长的干扰。
  • 🔍 好奇心是关键:参与对灵魂旅程的探索问题能够激发对个人精神路径更丰富的理解,促进成长。
  • 🔄 仪式塑造意识:精神仪式和印记是转变心态的方法,帮助将注意力转向更高的目的和社区支持。
  • 🕊️ 重定向能量:通过将性能量转向精神实践,个体能够提升意识,并与神圣建立更深的联系。
  • 🌟 终极满足:与神圣的联系带来的快乐大于肉体的愉悦,强调生活中需要更高的精神关注。

🤗 视频

这些习俗的目的是让人们感受到,很多人认为这都是一些仪式而已。但在维克·圣阿坦教(Sanatan Dharma)中,这一切都是相互关联的,形成了一种美丽而无缝的方法,整个社会就像一个接力赛一样,帮助灵魂的意识从这里提升到那里,而社会中的每一个成员都扮演着自己的角色。实际上,在我出生之前,我母亲几个月前在一次采访中提到,曾经有一群女性在一起念颂商羯罗(Shankaracharya)的经文。
他们专注于自己的优先事项,把这当作修行来完成,而对其他事情的优先级就降低了。他们会把这些活动与自己的优先事项对齐。比如,有人在科塔为 IIT 考试学习,可能几个月都不看电影。这并不是说电影不带来快乐,电影确实能带来快乐,但他们选择放弃这种快乐,以追求更高的快乐,那就是当结果公布时,听到自己在 IIT 前100名的那种满足感。
happiness through Curiosity on the ren show I'm partially embarrassed about asking you the next question because that's my societal conditioning but I'm not asking you from a society perspective I'm asking you from a very human life perspective sure okay um I think that because you are a renunciant and you've studied the shastras as much as you have you are the one person or one of the people who's capable of giving a correct shastra based opinion on sexuality which consumes so many people's Journeys in so
many ways for example and I'm not just talking about the act of sex right uh I'm talking about the drive for sexuality which then becomes kind of cosmetic kind of material I need to accumulate wealth to be more attractive I need to get this procedure to be more attractive and look younger it's all driven by sexuality so I would love to get to know a monk's perspective on both the act of sex right and casual sex because it is a truth of our times MH as well as the process of sexuality in general right uh
because that's a big part of renunciation yes so the further you get from it the more you see it from a distance and perhaps the more you understand it right I think it's a very important question and uh let me Begin by saying that chrishna says in BH that I am sex life which is as per the principles of Dharma which means that sex life by itself is also a very dharmic process of how we can fulfill the desires of the Lord of creating progeny in this world so having given those uh framing statements let me come to the quote from
Mahabharat which says eating sleeping mating which is sex life and defense or fearing these four are common to humans and animals so if you see these four out of these four if you see the animals you may see some animals are grazing so there is no time limit for their grazing from morning till night searching for food because they have been made and designed like that uh Nidra also sleeping mating so there is fixed times where you can do all those things but one thing which is common which is constant within all of us is fearing B
so there is a starting time to eating ending time to eating and sleeping and mating but for fearing there is no starting ending time so out of the four the most difficult to overcome is fearing B now when you do not do this other three properly if your eating is not proper then it creates disease which may increase by if you're sleeping is not proper you are thinking I Superman Super Woman no need to sleep at night night is for remaining awake day is for sleeping you do for some time nowadays you see the
trends heart attacks at 30s 40s because of lack of sleep in Japan companies had to incentivize employees that those who will sleep 5 and a half six hours they will get this much cash they will get promotions this that go to sleep so when you don't go to sleep properly then also fear of disease fear of heart attack so much similarly sex life also if we don't do that properly as per the injunctions described in the revealed scriptures then it increases our b or fear so therefore the next line of this schloka
says [Music] that if one is focused only on these four then one is kind of like animal but what separates human beings from other animals is in human life we can engage in spiritual inquisitiveness otherwise all species are doing only two things asking questions and getting answers questions and answers right so therefore so every species is engaged in only asking questions and working to getting answers to those questions what are those questions in every species where is Food where is sleep where is sex
life and where is security and shelter against fear these are the typical questions this is the base level questions now in human form of life we give sophisticated Dimensions to these questions but at the basic level these are the questions wow you are thinking oh where is my property 2 bhk 3bhk rental ownership mortgage this that but ultimately it is Shelter by how to protect myself where I can have Nidra peacefully you know so clothing this that everything is Con centered around these four only the
animals just go and do it human beings discuss plan and then do it and then they don't realize that they are meant to do something Beyond these four that is called Dam so therefore V Sutra begins with the understanding ataha the core business in human form of life is to inquire about my spiritual journey and how to help the soul go beyond taking bodies and that is what is known as Moka or MTI or whatever now the problem is when people don't ask that question Braha what is that question there are
five questions related to brah jasa where is my soul now number two where is my soul going to go destination after death number three what will be the experience of my soul in that destination number four what is the path I want the soul to take to reach that destination number five what are the obstacles in my soul's Journey this five consider are considered part of what is known as Brahma jasa curious curiosity about the Curiosity about the Journey of the Soul just like you're looking forward I want
to go to Switzerland so you are looking at okay I'm in Mumbai my destination is Switzerland okay should I ski in the Alps should I go to Geneva be part of world economic Forum so these are different experiences then okay should I take Swissair should I take Lanza should I take this that it is the journey okay I don't have a Visa or it's an obstacle in the journey so all these are part of the journey for the body similarly for the soul also one is expected to do such a serious planning about the
journey after death as we make plans for our vacations and holiday destinations so therefore when we are constantly planning about the Journey of the Soul then that becomes your main focus and then everything else is to support that like you are day and night absorbed in one thought how to create quality how can run create quality content to contribute to the peace and Harmony and happiness of this world that's your meditation so for you then the food becomes a supporting thing yeah you know you need to keep your throat warm so you
need some hot water you need to have a place to stay but your meditation is on this everything else takes a supporting role so therefore when one prioritizes Dharma sanatan Dharma spirituality and that experience after the of the destination of the Soul then ahara has to support that Moka Nidra has to support the Moa B has to support the Moka mun has to support that Moka because if it does not it will hinder that particular objective ahar is ahar is food eating so food sleep food ahar is food Nidra is sleeping B is fearing
insecurities dangers various kinds of attacks and mun is sex life so all these four become subservient to the original idea of how we can achieve that destination spiritually so therefore in the Scriptures it is enjoyed that as soon as you rep prioritize people say should I be vegetarian non-vegetarian should I sleep 4 hours 8 hours should I you know have girlfriends and have sex or you know should I get married or you know what do you think about abstinence contenance brahmacharya this that everything I said those are all
secondary things it's like saying should I take Lanza should I take Air India should I take K Pacific should I take Swiss a Aba what is your destination first decide the destination once destination is decided then all the other details of the journey they fall backwards so you have to work backwards with the destination first so when you are talking to me then you are assuming that someone who's taking spiritual journey very seriously and spiritual destination very seriously so the responses of such a person
towards eating will be from the perspective of spiritual destination the response of a spiritualist like me who focused on the spiritual destination will be different when you ask about sleeping says in the sleeping must be moderate not too extreme not too much not too little it must be in such a way that timing of the sleep should be such that you waking up at a time which supports that spiritual destination then your fearing should be such that I fear things which will distract my mind I fear things which will inhibit my
journey towards remembrance of Krishna and similarly my tun or sex life should also be in such a way it should not inhibit and dampen the the progress of my journey towards that spiritual destination so the boxers diet and the gymnast diet is different because their destination is different so accordingly everything flows so now for somebody who has that spiritual destination from that perspective the sex life becomes an attendant duty to perform as a service to the Lord and that is what Krishna is
saying in this vers in all traditions in the faith Traditions sex life has always been considered to be a process by which we serve the Supreme Lord we serve the society by becoming agents and instruments to bring in Souls into this world in a Divine Consciousness so that that soul is able to accomplish the destination of spirituality and therefore we have sh us samsar 16 samsaras in vic tradition so one of the samsaras is the gadan samcara where the Divine soul is invoked Divinity is invoked so that even
before impregnation of the husband by the husband to the wife there are various rituals which are done and when the act of sex life actually happens so auspicious souls are invoked to come and be part of the womb so that is known as gadan sanskara then once that sanskara is done then when the soul is in the womb and in a particular month around 7eventh or e8th month they do what is known Asar which means all the positive energies are invoked on that particular uh Soul which is within the womb so that all the
blessings come upon that soul and then when the soul actually comes out and the birth happens then there is a jat Karma sansara and then immediately after that there is vidara churaka various kinds of sanskaras where education begins so the whole idea is to transform The Impressions what is that transformation of impression basic idea through the Samara samsara means a method by which Impressions on the mind are replaced you know you are deleting old files and replacing those old files with new files old memories replaced with new
memories New Impressions new narratives new priorities and how does that happen through the process of chanting of the mantras and exposing to various kinds of rituals so the main impression we want to change is I am the controller I am the proprietor I am the enjoyer that is the typical narrative which the condition Soul carries it is called m abhiman m ahankar false ego to be replaced with the real ego which is the Supreme iswar is the controller he's the proprietor he's the enjoyer I am the servant so therefore that's what
these sanskaras aim to achieve through this so many people feel this is all rituals and this and that no in vic sanatan Dharma all these were connected to each other in one beautiful seamless method by which the entire Society like a Rel race was helping the Soul's Consciousness to elevate from here to there and every member in society played a part in fact even before my birth my mother was sharing in a interview uh some months ago that there was a whole group of ladies who were chanting shankaracharya
saari shlokas just one day before I was born you know so all of those are powerful impact in fact there is an interesting story that a lady was pregnant and she would see uh uh a particular television serial on a regular basis and when she gave birth to this child this child would keep crying and crying and would become quiet only when that serial would be switched on so therefore when you speak about sex from the perspective of those who are practicing or wanting to achieve something spiritual that being their
priority they focus on their priority that becomes their sadhana to get that done and they give less priority to these other things and align these activities with that priority like somebody's in Kota studying for IIT may not watch movies for months together so it's not that you know the movies don't give pleasure but the movies give pleasure but he has decided to abnegate that pleasure to the higher pleasure which he will get when the results are announced and he says oh you are in the top 100 in IIT that pleasure he is
prioritizing over the pleasure of watching a movie so if people say hey what do you mean sex doesn't have pleasure or what so no there is pleasure in the act of sex but when a person prioritizes spiritual life so that pleasure when the soul gets connected to the Super Soul through an eternal relationship it releases a certain degree and Quant quum and quality of pleasure Which is far superior to the pleasure of sex and that's what has inspired people through Millennia to be able to control sex life and prioritize
spiritual pleasure so therefore we should never think that this can be done artificially a person cannot be sitting in Kota not studying for IIT and just say that I will not watch movie I will not watch movie no he's is not watching movie is directly interlined with his prioritizing his absorption in studying his syllabus and writing the test so that he qualifies in the IIT like as a human you'll always have that urge to do something so transfer that urge to the higher goal exactly so Krishna says in
Gita that that we cannot remain without activity even for one moment even for one moment we cannot remain inactive therefore diling is important sublimating is important so I won't say that those who are practicing spirituality abnegate sex life rather you should say they sublimate their sex Desire by going for a higher purpose and a higher goal hey if you enjoyed today's clip make sure you check out all the other clips we've uploaded on this channel you'll find a clip related to almost every single
topic as long as you're willing to search for it [Music]

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