视频-The World of Suffering Looks So Charming
📺视频-The World of Suffering Looks So Charming




  • 🎨 **爱德华·蒙克的《呐喊》**以超过一亿美元的价格售出,代表了存在的焦虑。
  • 🌍 **世界被描绘为一个痛苦的地方,**美丽往往掩盖了内在的痛苦。
  • 🌸 **美丽的花朵和动物,**尽管迷人,却是生物痛苦的提醒。
  • 🐼 动物园里可爱的熊猫象征着被囚禁动物的隐秘挣扎。
  • 🌈 **尽管存在痛苦,**世界依然保持着吸引人的魅力,让观察者着迷。
  • 🧘‍♂️ 减少痛苦的追求最终是暂时的,因为痛苦是存在的固有特征。
  • 🌊 美与痛苦的对比反映了对生命更深层次的哲学探讨。


  • 📉 存在的痛苦:蒙克的作品捕捉了人类绝望的本质,暗示美与痛苦常常并存。这突显了我们情感体验的复杂性。
  • 🌱 美的幻象:自然的魅力可能会使我们忽视其生物的痛苦,促使我们反思与环境的互动伦理。
  • 🐾 对所有生物的同情:认识到所有生物都经历痛苦,鼓励我们产生同情心,深化对生命相互关联的理解。
  • 暂时的解决方案:减轻痛苦的努力往往是短暂的,强调了需要更深层次的方法来解决痛苦的根源。
  • 🌌 哲学反思:在痛苦中看到的美促使我们对存在的本质进行哲学探讨,推动我们寻求超越表面现象的意义。
  • 🎭 生命的二元性:生活中喜悦与痛苦的固有对立丰富了人类体验,促使我们更深刻地欣赏这两种方面。
  • 审美欣赏:即使在痛苦中,美的魅力也丰富了我们的生活,提醒我们表面之下往往隐藏着更多的事物。

🤗 视频

那个人提到“蚂蚁”这个词,充满了焦虑和不安,意识到这个世界充满了痛苦。我们这些人就像是临时工,生活在这个暂时又痛苦的地方。因此,即使你做了一些调整来减轻痛苦和 misery,结果还是暂时的,你无法找到一个永久的解决方案。而有趣的是,从更深层次来看,这一切都很奇怪。
and realized in the world is one big scream the artist monk he has a famous painting called the scream sold for over a hundred million dollars and then that it's a famous picture you see this figure like but what he pointed out is it's not that that person is screaming he wrote a little poem at the bottom of one of the pictures he said it's not that the person is screaming so the person is shocked here the world's a scream the environment the world there's a perspective where it's like that he'sthat person that's where the word ants comes in full of angst anxiety realizing that the world is full of suffering an idiom us who come locum what is this world John Mauricio Joe Girardi adi du couteau shana darshanam ANATEL masu come lo come temporary miserable place that's why even if you make some adjustment to reduce the suffering level reduce the misery it's still temporary you can't you can't make a permanent solution to this problem here and interestingly but on a deeper level and stream oddbhagavatam I can't remember exactly where but might be on the fourth canto and a purport but shrila probably makes the point that it's and we can observe this from time to time that although all like if say we see a beautiful flower as we do on the lila body or the goloka Champa tree hey I'm mesmerised by these flowers and their fragrance to be just the whole thing we're told remember that's that's a living being based eat our Karma hey tuna there's a living being and átma a soul in the body ofthat tree and it looks very beautiful it's suffering and in its suffering it looks beautiful I don't know if this is approaching the Fleur de mall of Charles Baudelaire but nonetheless right so that's a treat suffering we see some beautiful animal there's a soul inside the but the Panda at the Chiang Mai zoo this Panda is in the chiang mai zoo everyone goes there and say oh the pandas so cute and he's doing a little somersaults and sitting on chewing bamboo and now and everyone's like oh how cutebut it's a living being in there who's suffering material existence in the body of a panda I'm suffering in the body of a panda the scream level really all these living beings are suffering but then there's another level state it's astonishingly beautiful that although the whole world is full of suffering living entities it looks so beautiful beautiful birds beautiful pound of fish we have the goldfish they're beautiful it all looks so charming it's an extraordinary thing [Music]

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