视频-Concentrate on Yourself
📺视频-Concentrate on Yourself




  • 🛠️ 润滑自己的机器:在影响他人之前,优先进行个人发展。
  • 🌍 与环境不争斗:适应外部环境,而不是抵抗它。
  • 📖 《博伽梵歌》的智慧:克里希纳的教导帮助我们应对生活的挑战。
  • 🗣️ 内心对话:认识到我们与自己持续的对话。
  • 🌡️ 容忍是关键:接受并调整以应对生活的季节性变化。
  • 🔍 良心的引导:我们的内心声音帮助我们分辨是非。
  • 💡 古鲁马哈拉杰的教导:来自灵性领袖的智慧鼓励我们专注于自我。


  • 🧘 自我反思是必不可少的:在试图引导他人之前,理解自己至关重要。这种自我意识促进了真诚的成长和互动中的真实性。
  • 🌱 适应而非抵抗:接受变化并适应环境条件能带来个人的赋权与内心的平和,而不是摩擦与冲突。
  • 📜 经典智慧的价值:《博伽梵歌》提供了永恒的见解,显示了从受人尊敬的经典中寻求智慧的重要性,以指导现代生活。
  • 🤔 内心对话的重要性:我们的内在对话塑造了我们的感知和行动,强调了培养积极自我对话与内省的必要性。
  • 接受生活的短暂性:认识到所有经历,无论好坏,都是暂时的,这有助于在困难时期保持韧性与耐心。
  • 🧭 良心作为指引:倾听我们的内心声音可以帮助我们导航道德复杂性,强调我们内心有固有的正义指南。
  • 🌟 灵性领袖的影响:来自有影响力人物的教导可以照亮自我提升的道路,促使我们在向外影响之前,首先关注内心。

🤗 视频

我们需要对这种事情非常谨慎;因为在把这些传递给别人之前,首先要搞清楚我们自己是什么。 [专注于自己] 马哈拉杰大师常常引用不同的格言。有些我记得,但我并不是想要严厉或残酷,只是想先引出他的神圣理念,然后再从那里展开。他多次提到的一句话是:“给自己的机器上油。” 这句话并不是他原创的,他是在引用一个谚语。“给自己的机器上油。”
意味着专注于自己。他很多时候喜欢引用一位德国学者的话,这位学者读过《博伽梵歌》,得出的结论是《博伽梵歌》的信息是“不要与环境争吵”。就像我们早期听到的那些……其中一个例子就是著名的经文,mātrā-sparśās tu kaunteya śītoṣṇa-sukha-duḥkha-dāḥ āgamāpāyino ’nityās tāṁs titikṣasva bhārata [Bg: 2.14],在这段经文中,克里希那将业力环境比作环境条件——季节变化,温度。
我想补充一点,即使是对《博伽梵歌》稍微熟悉的信徒,可能会想:“哦,我们听过这个,我们知道这个。这在第二章,我们听过很多次。”但我想提醒信徒们的是……如果克里希纳给了一个特定的例子,我们可以认为那是非常好的例子。[笑] 这不是说他在想:“哦,我应该说……”,或者“我怎么没想到呢?”他,谁在其他地方也提到过,
从很多不同的角度来看。所以,在这个过程中,也有一种建议,我们可以称之为良知,涉及“怎么做”、“什么是对的”、“什么是错的”。但是回到那句经文,它的结尾是这样说的,tāṁs titikṣasva bhārata [Bg: 2.14]——在这个世界上,面对季节变化和环境条件,你该怎么做?——你要忍耐。现在因为这里很热,我们开了空调。你会做一些调整,但基本上,你得忍受这些条件。
We need to be very cautious about these kind of things; because what is it that we are ourselves, understand first of all, before we’re exporting that to others. [Concentrate on Yourself] Guru Mahārāj would quote different maxims. Some of them come to mind, and I don’t mean to be harsh or cruel, but just to sort of invoke his divine concepts first and then work from there.And one thing he said many times was, “Oil your own machine.” Again, that’s he didn’t create that statement. He is quoting an aphorism. “Oil your own machine” means concentrate on yourself. Many times he liked to quote this German scholar, who read Bhagavad-gītā, and came to the conclusion that the message of Bhagavad-gītā is ‘not to quarrel with the environment’.Like we hear things early on … Just one sample of that would be the famous śloka, mātrā-sparśās tu kaunteya śītoṣṇa-sukha-duḥkha-dāḥ āgamāpāyino ’nityās tāṁs titikṣasva bhārata [Bg: 2.14] Where Kṛṣṇa is comparing karmic circumstances to environmental conditions— seasonal changes, temperatures. And what I like to say as a footnote, that even as devotees or those somewhat familiar with what’s presented in Bhagavad-gītā, we can think, ’Oh, we’ve heard that, we know that.That’s in the second chapter, we’ve heard that many times.’ But what I would remind even the devotees of … if Kṛṣṇa gives a particular example, we can assume it’s a very good one. [Laughing] It’s not like He’s saying, “Oh, I should have said …”, or “Why didn’t I think of that?” He, Who’s ... We hear in other places, upadraṣṭānumantā ca bhartā bhoktā maheśvaraḥ paramātmeti cāpy ukto dehe ’smin puruṣaḥ paraḥ [Bg: 13.23] He is as the Paramātmā in everyone. So, I would think, if He’s going to give an example, it must be a really good one. He has an idea of what would be an example that most simple‒hearted people could find tenable or acceptable. And I’m saying this indirectly, that … I guess I’m saying, it’s Kṛṣṇa’s job to do that.And He does His job very well. Although He … we can say, He’s passive in this context, or non-interfering, but still: conscience, inner suggestion— all of these things are there. We all know, by our own practical experience in life, in living, everyone has an inner dialogue that’s going on. It’s a sort of a dialogue with the self.A dialogue with ourselves, you could call it. All day … In fact, it would be more rare, the moments, when that dialogue is not obvious. But there’s … People are always … There is a voice … You’re talking to yourself inside. Making observations about life, circumstances, from many different perspective. So, within that the suggestion is also coming, what we can call conscience from a plane ‘how to proceed’, ‘what’s right’, ‘what’s wrong’.But referring back to that śloka, which ends on this expression, tāṁs titikṣasva bhārata [Bg: 2.14]— what do you do in the world with seasonal changes, environmental conditions? —You tolerate it. Right now we have the AC on, because it’s hot here. You make some adjustment, but basically, you have to tolerate these conditions.So, that’s what’s indicated there. Guru Mahārāj is saying, “That scholar’s summary interpretation— and again, it was an observation. His summary observation was, “Oh, the message is ‘don’t quarrel with the environment’.” But you can adjust yourself. And, so, that’s back to “Oil your own machine.”

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