视频-Devotee: The Key to Krishna Consciousness
📺视频-Devotee: The Key to Krishna Consciousness




  • 🌊 纯粹的奉献者将一切视为有利,认为每一波浪都是神圣的安排。
  • ⚖️ 第三级奉献者常常将世界视为不利,从而导致狭隘的视角。
  • 🙏 奉献者在克里希纳意识中至关重要,甚至超过了主本身。
  • 📚 合格的维什纳瓦的指导对精神成长至关重要。
  • 🧠 培养法则智慧(dharma-buddhi)是作出正确判断的关键。
  • 🤝 与圣者、经典、师父和维什纳瓦的交往能提升判断力和理解力。
  • ✨ 更高的交往带来更优秀的评估能力,助力灵性追求。


  • 🌈 奉献者视角:纯粹的奉献者保持积极的态度,将所有经历视为克里希纳的安排,这增强了抵御消极情绪的韧性。
  • 🔍 第三级奉献者的狭隘焦点:处于较低奉献水平的人倾向于孤立自己,限制了他们的灵性社区和理解。
  • 🎇 强调奉献者的重要性:克里希纳意识的独特之处在于关注奉献者的角色,强调精神社区内关系的重要性。
  • 🧑‍🏫 寻求指导:与合格的维什纳瓦交流提供了必要的指导,帮助奉献者有效地导航他们的灵性旅程。
  • 📖 法则智慧的培养:通过经典和交往培养法则智慧(dharma-buddhi),能够更清晰地进行灵性判断。
  • 🌱 交往的影响:与已实现的灵性人士的优质交往提升了个人的灵性判断力,促进了对克里希纳意识的更深入理解。
  • 🛤️ 灵性成长之路:在知识渊博的修行者指导下,作为对提升自身灵性实践认真对待的奉献者,至关重要。

🤗 视频

所以对于那些认真追求精神生活的人来说,他们会在合格的Vaishnava的指导下行动,遵循他们的指引。因为他们会承认:“我没有判断的标准。”所以我们被告知要“培养法智”。那要从哪里获得呢?从圣人、经典、师父、Vaishnava那里。“圣人相聚,圣人相聚——所有经典都说,和圣人相聚,所有的成就都能实现”(Cc: Madhya, 2.22.131);通过与圣人相聚,获得更高的提升。
From the first-class position, the mahā-bhāgavata pure devotee of the Lord sees everything as favourable. “Every wave is favourable.” Nothing’s unfavourable to them; everything’s a perfect arrangement of Kṛṣṇa. [Devotee: The Key to Kṛṣṇa Consciousness] So they cannot be brought down by bad association or any circumstance.And the third-class position, they more or less think that everything is unfavourable. Their focus is very narrow, sometimes to the exclusion of devotees. They go, “Let me worship my God,” and they can’t deal with anybody else. It means it’s a potentially faulty position, because it leads one to not properly respect who devotees are, and devotees are the key to Kṛṣṇa consciousness.This is a religion where the emphasis is put on the devotee more than the Lord. That’s what distinguishes Kṛṣṇa consciousness from other … it’s one of the distinguishing factors between this and other theistic systems. The maximum amount of emphasis put on the devotee of the Lord, and the devotee of the Lord as the agent of the Lord; that through the devotee you get a substantial connection.So for those who are seriously pursuing spiritual life, they put themselves under the guidance of a qualified Vaiṣnava and follow their direction. Because admittedly they’ll say, “I have no standard which to make these judgements by.” So we’re told, “Develop dharma-buddhi.” Where do you get it from? Sādhu, Śāstra, Guru, Vaiṣnava.‘Sādhu-sańga’, ‘sādhu-sańga’ —sarva-śāstre kaya lava-mātra sādhu-saṅge sarva-siddhi haya (Cc: Madhya, 2.22.131); through sādhau saṅgaḥ svato vare, through superior association you will acquire superior assessment ability. It’s like anything. Your judgement faculty will improve under the influence of Sādhu, Śāstra, Guru, and Vaiṣnava, if that’s what it is. Not other things.So that’s why we have to become acquainted with those things, or minimally, at least put ourselves under the guidance of someone who is acquainted with such things.

🔗 引用


Eyes to See God


个人反思在Śrī Śrī Rādhā–Kṛṣṇa寺庙遇见灵性的经历,强调培养看见神的视角的重要性。


  • 🕉️ 1969年在Śrī Śrī Rādhā–Kṛṣṇa寺庙遇见灵性。
  • 📖 《Īśopaniṣad》的出版引发了深入讨论。
  • 🤔 努力说服一位马克思主义朋友相信上帝的存在。
  • 👀 普拉布帕德提出问题:“你有看见神的眼睛吗?”
  • 🌱 灵性视野需要文化和培养,正如萨拉斯瓦蒂·塔库尔所教导的。
  • 🔭 奉献的视角如同透镜,为看见神提供清晰度。
  • 📚 从古鲁传承中获得指导,增强灵性视野。


  • 🌟 个人转变:作者在意识到看见神需要不同的视角时的喜悦,凸显了灵性体验的转变性质。这种喜悦能引导更深入地探索信仰。
  • 🤝 互动对话:与马克思主义朋友的讨论展示了分享灵性信仰的挑战,强调在关于信仰的对话中需要耐心和理解。
  • 📖 经典透镜:通过经典的视角看世界的重要性表明,灵性真理往往超越普通感知。这种视角帮助我们驾驭信仰的复杂性。
  • 🌱 视角的培养:强调学习和文化作为看见神的前提,表明灵性洞察是一项获得的技能,而非固有特质。这需要奉献和实践。
  • 🔭 奉献带来清晰:透镜的比喻说明,真正的奉献可以使抽象的神的概念变得清晰,使神性在我们生活中更为可触及。
  • 🎓 古鲁传承:通过灵性老师的“望远镜式”视角,强调了来自成就奉献者的指导的重要性,以深化对神的理解。
  • 🌌 普遍可及性:教义表明,上帝并非遥不可及,通过正确的灵性实践可以清晰地感知,令所有愿意培养自己视野的求道者能够接近神性。

🤗 视频

我记得我第一次进入一个寺庙是在海特-阿什伯里,那个庙叫做Śrī Śrī Rādhā–Kṛṣṇa Temple。那是1969年12月,那时候ISKCON出版社出了《Śrī Īśopaniṣad》。我记得我在书里看到的一句话是,每天晚上我都会和一个马克思主义的朋友在唐人街讨论……我们讨论一些“重要的事情”、“深刻的思想”,但当谈到上帝的问题时,我却很难说服他。
“用纯洁的爱心来观察,圣人们总是在心中看见真主(Bs: 5.38)。那些看见克里希纳,理解克里希纳的人,如果我们受到他们理解的影响;通过他们的虔诚之眼来看,原本抽象、模糊、遥不可及的真主变得触手可及、清晰可见。他还说:“这样的一系列镜头就是被称为师承系统的望远镜。”这意味着我们把自己托付给那些受经典影响的人来引导我们。”
或者超越经典的影响,对于 rāga-mārg 的信徒来说,我的意思是,通过经典的眼光来看事情——圣人、经典、导师和毗湿奴教徒。这样我们才能正确地看待事物。
From the first-class position, the mahā-bhāgavata pure devotee of the Lord sees everything as favourable. “Every wave is favourable.” Nothing’s unfavourable to them; everything’s a perfect arrangement of Kṛṣṇa. [Devotee: The Key to Kṛṣṇa Consciousness] So they cannot be brought down by bad association or any circumstance.And the third-class position, they more or less think that everything is unfavourable. Their focus is very narrow, sometimes to the exclusion of devotees. They go, “Let me worship my God,” and they can’t deal with anybody else. It means it’s a potentially faulty position, because it leads one to not properly respect who devotees are, and devotees are the key to Kṛṣṇa consciousness.This is a religion where the emphasis is put on the devotee more than the Lord. That’s what distinguishes Kṛṣṇa consciousness from other … it’s one of the distinguishing factors between this and other theistic systems. The maximum amount of emphasis put on the devotee of the Lord, and the devotee of the Lord as the agent of the Lord; that through the devotee you get a substantial connection.So for those who are seriously pursuing spiritual life, they put themselves under the guidance of a qualified Vaiṣnava and follow their direction. Because admittedly they’ll say, “I have no standard which to make these judgements by.” So we’re told, “Develop dharma-buddhi.” Where do you get it from? Sādhu, Śāstra, Guru, Vaiṣnava.‘Sādhu-sańga’, ‘sādhu-sańga’ —sarva-śāstre kaya lava-mātra sādhu-saṅge sarva-siddhi haya (Cc: Madhya, 2.22.131); through sādhau saṅgaḥ svato vare, through superior association you will acquire superior assessment ability. It’s like anything. Your judgement faculty will improve under the influence of Sādhu, Śāstra, Guru, and Vaiṣnava, if that’s what it is. Not other things.So that’s why we have to become acquainted with those things, or minimally, at least put ourselves under the guidance of someone who is acquainted with such things.

🔗 引用

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